Heart of Horror #17: The Hunger
Speaker 2: Hey everybody, welcome back to a new episode of Heart of Horror.
Speaker 2: I am Bo, I'm one of your hosts, but we all know why you're here and it's not me.
Speaker 2: We have, as always, the, the, the delightful, the devious, the decadent the, the, the, the, the the demeter to my London.
Speaker 3: Yeah.
Speaker 2: I went, I don't know.
Speaker 2: I was looking for a D word and I don't know how I came up with it.
Speaker 5: Do you know what that's so funny?
Speaker 5: Cause, like I think it's I don't know if that's like I am just reading a book series that's based on Greek mythology.
Speaker 5: It's like a modern retelling and it's full of smart.
Speaker 5: But like I think it's like it just reminded me of said demeter, like Demeter, persephone's mother, yeah, like she's like a villain in it and stuff.
Speaker 5: So it just reminded me of that cause I'm reading those books right now.
Speaker 5: We're not right now, I'm recording with you right now, but when I'm reading, so it's what I'm reading.
Speaker 4: I've been to that.
Speaker 2: I've not been reading anything so high minded I read high minded is what Greek?
Speaker 5: Greek mythology, with lots of sex.
Speaker 2: Yeah, Well, I mean it always had a lot of sex.
Speaker 5: It always does.
Speaker 5: Yeah, and fairness is just being true to the original source material.
Speaker 2: Right, I mean, if you want to get graphic with this sex, that you're just making a decision that, like I, all of those stories, like Zeus was always fucking.
Speaker 5: Zeus is always fucking.
Speaker 5: Yeah, this.
Speaker 5: These stories focused around Persephone and Hades.
Speaker 2: Oh sure, yeah, that's a good story.
Speaker 5: Yeah, we're all getting this entire stolen way to the underworld.
Speaker 5: Yeah.
Speaker 2: Yeah.
Speaker 5: I know I'm doing there Right.
Speaker 2: Yeah, so I've been reading.
Speaker 2: I finished up that Stephen King, mr Mercedes trilogy.
Speaker 5: Oh, I enjoyed that.
Speaker 2: Yeah, those were quite good, I thought, and if what I thought they were, I thought the first was the best.
Speaker 5: Yeah, I agree.
Speaker 2: So I you know.
Speaker 5: I found it not.
Speaker 5: This isn't really a spoiler, but like I felt I really enjoyed him doing something grounded in realism and it kind of annoyed me where it ended up.
Speaker 5: Yes, I agree, that's like nah, stick to your guns, bro.
Speaker 5: Like come on.
Speaker 2: Which so ironically so I finished that up.
Speaker 2: And then I read Chalice of Sarajevo, which was great, which is more literary, and I highly recommend that to anybody.
Speaker 2: And then I read Still Life with Woodpecker, which is a Tom Robbins book, also great, very silly, but I really like it.
Speaker 2: And then I started reading Fairy Tale by Stephen King.
Speaker 2: Oh, I have that.
Speaker 5: But I haven't started it yet, oh my.
Speaker 2: God Kate, let me tell you something.
Speaker 5: Okay, Let me, just get real with you for a second.
Speaker 2: Okay, I'm, I'm nestling in.
Speaker 5: All right, so it's great I'm.
Speaker 2: It's about 600 pages.
Speaker 2: I'm about 200 in Right.
Speaker 2: There's this fucking dog in this book.
Speaker 2: God damn it.
Speaker 2: And I'm slight spoilers for Fairy Tale if you haven't read it and again, I haven't finished it, so I can't spoil anything too great but right.
Speaker 2: So there's this dog mentioned early on named Radar Right.
Speaker 2: That is an old dog that's like having hit problems not getting around so good, but this dog, it's a dog like Stephen King and dog it's.
Speaker 2: it's not quite that bad where like he suddenly becomes a character, although he does mention Kujo, and it always.
Speaker 2: He cannot fucking help himself, can he?
Speaker 1: cannot fucking help himself.
Speaker 5: But I also sort of understand it because like Kujo did penetrate the culture in a way.
Speaker 2: Let's say, penetrate, we'll get to it.
Speaker 2: There's a lot of penetration coming up and grinding.
Speaker 2: But yeah, I think it's a good idea.
Speaker 2: But yeah, but I like I'll give him Kujo and the shining is another.
Speaker 2: On where it's like OK, well, everybody kind of knows what the shining is, yeah, and everybody kind of knows what Kujo is.
Speaker 2: But, this dog has become such a like a character that, like, even as I'm reading this book, 200 pages and a third of the way into the book and there are scenes with this dog like having trouble getting up the steps.
Speaker 1: And I'm almost crying Kate.
Speaker 2: Yeah, because I'm just like, because I look at my old dog.
Speaker 2: I'm like one of these days my old dog's going to be in this place, so I think I threw this in the discord.
Speaker 2: I was like I swear to God if Stephen King kills this fucking dog, Like this.
Speaker 5: When you said there's a dog, I was like, oh God, no, what is it?
Speaker 5: What fucking like?
Speaker 2: I can't like I'm having flashbacks to Wolf from the talisman, one of my all time favorite literary characters.
Speaker 2: And and just the death of that character just ripped my heart out.
Speaker 2: You know spoilers from a 40 year old book.
Speaker 2: Yeah, you haven't got around the talisman yet.
Speaker 2: They're not sure about fucking fault.
Speaker 2: Um but Then the book kind of takes this term where it seems to be sort of about turning back the clock on this dog so that it can live.
Speaker 2: And I'm like God damn it, stephen King, you got me.
Speaker 2: I am so invested in this book.
Speaker 5: Motherfucker, he's going to rip your fucking heart out.
Speaker 5: You know he is.
Speaker 5: He's fucking Stephen.
Speaker 5: Like my besties, you know.
Speaker 5: Like fucking Stephen.
Speaker 2: But it's great, I love it.
Speaker 2: The writing of it is I mean, it's it's very late Stephen King, where it's still very tangential and he does his own thing, but he's just such a master of his art at this point.
Speaker 5: Yeah, I feel like he's.
Speaker 5: He's earned it.
Speaker 2: Right, Like I'm 200 pages in and it feels like I blinked when I started it and now I'm you know, like I'm already thinking like I might just that might just be what I do tonight, yeah, is is get another 50 pages under under the belt, yeah, but it's, it's terrific.
Speaker 2: Fairy tale is terrific, and it's not straight up horror, but it reminds.
Speaker 2: It reminds me a whole lot of the of the talisman, as a matter of fact.
Speaker 5: So I really, oh cool, ok, that's definitely bumping up my to be read.
Speaker 2: It's, it's, it's quite good it's, it's that sort of you know character from the real world, sort of dipping his toe into a world that is more fantastic.
Speaker 5: We love to see it.
Speaker 5: We love that trope yeah.
Speaker 2: And and with this dog, with this adorable dog that he's like, if I, if I take the dog to this other world, then it can have a lease on life.
Speaker 5: Not a dog, but definitely the same thing.
Speaker 5: Can we just have a moment for oil from the dark tower?
Speaker 2: Oh sure, yeah, yeah, yeah yeah fuck you, fuck you, Stephen.
Speaker 2: I it's, but it's yeah, I mean, he's got a long and rich history of creating these wonderful pet characters.
Speaker 2: Yeah, that just get destroyed.
Speaker 4: Yeah.
Speaker 2: And and the reader along with these characters, like you said, away from the dark tower.
Speaker 2: It took me a second.
Speaker 2: I was like, oh right, fucking away, of course.
Speaker 5: Oh my god Spoilers for the dark tower that still came out about 20 years ago.
Speaker 2: I love that book so yeah, right, I mean again if you're, if you've been sleeping on these books that are 20 and 30 years old.
Speaker 5: I just can't help you.
Speaker 5: Like the dark tower, his like fucking Lord of the Rings of his, his books, kind of thing like for sure I you know what.
Speaker 2: My favorite of that series, though, was the the weird off shoot Wolves of the Calla.
Speaker 5: I love, that's my favorite.
Speaker 2: It is the far and away it's the best.
Speaker 2: Just because it's such a great like origin, it's so heartbreaking, it's kind of a weird like Western romance almost.
Speaker 5: Yeah, yeah, and it's like all the other, not just only to like his stuff, but other works, like other literary work.
Speaker 3: Yeah.
Speaker 5: It's so cool and it's just.
Speaker 5: It's a nerd's dream.
Speaker 3: Yes.
Speaker 5: You know, just like all the least regs, all of the little, like nods and references and stuff and like oh, give it to me.
Speaker 5: Like it was.
Speaker 5: I was going to say was was my favorite and I also love Shit Shit.
Speaker 5: What was it in glass?
Speaker 2: Wizarding glass is really good Drawing of the three is probably my second favorite.
Speaker 2: The second book in the series, I think is terrific.
Speaker 5: When they all come together.
Speaker 2: And it's got the.
Speaker 2: I think that's the blame.
Speaker 2: The monorail, or is that wizarding glass?
Speaker 5: No, that's no blame.
Speaker 5: The monorail is for color, I'm pretty sure?
Speaker 2: Oh, you're right, because it cuts between that and the origin.
Speaker 4: Yeah, yeah.
Speaker 5: Wolves of the callus.
Speaker 5: So good, they're fucking good right.
Speaker 2: I might just read Wolves of the Calla again.
Speaker 5: Just on its own Maybe.
Speaker 2: Yeah, but yeah, it has a bit of a bit of dark tower bit of the talisman.
Speaker 2: And yeah, it's quite good.
Speaker 2: And the the other one that I want to go back and reread, because I loved it so much and I haven't read it in a while, is Bag of Bones.
Speaker 5: Oh, I haven't read that fucking.
Speaker 5: I think I've only read it.
Speaker 5: The ones as well.
Speaker 5: I'm fucking ages, but that was with the, the guy and his wife, right?
Speaker 2: He's like a widower and moves into the house that is haunted.
Speaker 5: I see his wife or something.
Speaker 2: Well, yeah, it becomes this like ghost story, but also he has this wonderful relationship with this woman who lives on the island.
Speaker 5: And right, that's right yeah.
Speaker 5: And it's because it's driving me nuts.
Speaker 5: It's like with an owl.
Speaker 2: I will have to.
Speaker 2: I will have to double check.
Speaker 1: Sorry, don't worry about it, it's fine.
Speaker 2: I got this, can they make?
Speaker 5: it into a film or something and like not too long ago.
Speaker 2: I.
Speaker 2: There was a mini series, I think.
Speaker 5: Yeah, I didn't see it Did you.
Speaker 2: I started it and it's one of those.
Speaker 2: Make the rest things where I'm like you know what?
Speaker 5: Pace Bros, Melissa George, I should check this out.
Speaker 2: It's OK.
Speaker 5: Mike Noonan.
Speaker 2: Yes, fucking hell, yeah, and yeah, yeah.
Speaker 4: So yes.
Speaker 5: What's that Good cast.
Speaker 5: Anna Beth Gishin is in as well.
Speaker 5: Plays the dead wife.
Speaker 2: So I'm yeah, I've back of bones is another one that fell.
Speaker 2: Even though it's got ghosts and stuff in it, it's much more of a A character study.
Speaker 4: Yeah, it is.
Speaker 2: Of this.
Speaker 1: Mike.
Speaker 2: Noonan character than it is.
Speaker 2: It's been a long time since I've read it, but I want to go back and check that one out.
Speaker 5: Stephen King.
Speaker 5: I don't know if you've heard of them everyone.
Speaker 5: Oh yeah, I mean this kind of real niche sort of cult in the author.
Speaker 2: But, but after that there was a book I'm going to recall the taste of a man.
Speaker 2: Oh no, not that kind.
Speaker 2: It is not the loving, spoonful kind.
Speaker 2: It's about a woman.
Speaker 2: My understanding at least, is it's about a woman who has such an obsessive and obsessive love with a guy that when he tries to leave she basically stops him and then starts to eat him a piece at a time.
Speaker 5: Oh, that sounds like shit.
Speaker 5: Why don't I?
Speaker 5: This is what happens with my brain I start saying a sentence before I know how I'm going to end it and now I can't remember the fucking author's name.
Speaker 5: But it sounds very much like the fuck me.
Speaker 5: What is that fucking author?
Speaker 5: It's like this queer author who does really extreme books about like cannibalism and stuff, is it?
Speaker 5: Oh no, no, jc Penny's a fucking shop.
Speaker 5: It's one of those initial names, which is why I can't fucking remember it.
Speaker 5: Someone fucking help me out here.
Speaker 5: I want to be honest.
Speaker 5: It's like they do like.
Speaker 5: They do like really extreme books about like cannibalism, but like.
Speaker 5: There's this like book that's set in New Orleans and like, like, and there's this whole kind of like Like cannibalism, but like very kind of LGBTQ based sort of underground kind of BDSM extreme, like erotica, but like with cannibalism and stuff and obsession and things.
Speaker 5: It sounded kind of along those lines.
Speaker 2: I don't know.
Speaker 2: I feel like I know the author you're talking about and I don't know the author you're talking about.
Speaker 5: Yeah, I know, if I heard the name of it.
Speaker 5: No, I can't say yeah.
Speaker 5: If anyone knows what I'm on about, help me out here, because that's going to drug me nuts.
Speaker 5: So the case of I start a sentence and I don't fucking know how to finish it, sorry.
Speaker 2: It is written by Slavinka Drakulik, who I think is a Polish author.
Speaker 2: And yeah, the Jose and Teresa have no common language.
Speaker 2: They are exiled from their cultures and for each of them, the body of the other becomes everything Spirituality, sustenance, almost unbearable pleasure in the tradition of fatal attraction.
Speaker 2: Slavinka Drakulik has written a breathtakingly erotic, profoundly intelligent tale of love based on pure appetite.
Speaker 5: Oh, that sounds very enticing.
Speaker 2: I've heard it's quite good.
Speaker 5: Hmm, what's that called again?
Speaker 2: The taste of a man.
Speaker 5: Oh yeah, that's right.
Speaker 5: Taste of a man, yeah, Nice so.
Speaker 2: So that's been the literary hour, but which is good.
Speaker 2: I like it.
Speaker 2: This summer I've been working a bunch, and one of the few things that I've sort of rekindled a love affair with over this time is when I've come home and been kind of tired of just kick back in bed with the dog, who is also getting older, and it breaks my heart when I'm reading this book.
Speaker 1: I would go, I just.
Speaker 2: I look at I'm going down that road with poor Johnson where I see the snow starting out to form around his muzzle and I'm like, oh, when that dog goes, anyway.
Speaker 2: But so I'll come home and I'll kick back in bed and watch like an episode of Justified and then start start reading.
Speaker 2: And I hadn't been regularly reading, especially in school, because I just I just had so much going on.
Speaker 2: I just ironically did not have a whole lot of time to read, even as an English teacher, and so I've been reading a bunch more over the summer and it's like just been the world to me of being able to kind of settle back in and like enjoy that kind of quietude and and enjoy like the well turned phrase.
Speaker 2: And I was going through, I told you I read I still live with Woodpecker which has a line in it that's one of my favorite lines I ever read.
Speaker 2: I forgot that it was in that book which was it's never too late to have a happy childhood, and it was a line that stuck with me for years and years.
Speaker 2: I totally forgot I had it in the wrong book, I thought it was a different book.
Speaker 2: So when I came across I was like bitch.
Speaker 2: That also has a wonderful section about how do you make love stay, and one of one of the ways is to tell love to wait for you in bed and go get it cheesecake from this very particular deli in New York.
Speaker 2: And if you, if you, come back and love is still in bed waiting for the cheesecake, then it will stay.
Speaker 2: It's a very silly book and I highly highly recommend Tom Robin.
Speaker 2: Still live with Woodpecker.
Speaker 2: But again, enough of that nonsense, let's get to other nonsense.
Speaker 2: So we have a tradition here on this show, delayed as it has been, of kicking things off with a look at at love, especially love that has has somehow managed to outlive the lover In a section we call ghosted, and you have been hard to assemble stories of love and death and people who are dead who are in love and people who are in love with dead people, and I could not be more excited to hear yeah, so apparently there's an actual name for it.
Speaker 5: It's called well, obviously it's name for everything, but it's called spectrophilia.
Speaker 5: It makes sense to.
Speaker 2: And honestly being single again.
Speaker 5: Yeah yeah, I'm open.
Speaker 5: Well, I mean where I live there is it's not a dating pool, it's I often call it a dating puddle.
Speaker 5: I think there is.
Speaker 5: There is nothing going on here, so, yeah, I'm open, right.
Speaker 4: Like look, who am I to rule out?
Speaker 2: Yeah, like, look, it's going to be tougher to have things in common with someone who died in the Civil War, that's fair yeah.
Speaker 2: But I'm open to it Like let's get it to show.
Speaker 2: Yeah, yeah, I was almost a history minor, I'll start with that.
Speaker 2: I attended history class Sometimes tell me about the authenticity of the buttons on your dress?
Speaker 3: Well.
Speaker 2: I undo them.
Speaker 3: Right.
Speaker 5: So OK, so I have actually gone ahead and bought a book Called Dating the Dead by someone called Kelsey Graham.
Speaker 5: Not to be confused with Kelsey Graham, All right.
Speaker 5: Which is how I instantly read it just now.
Speaker 2: Of course I like.
Speaker 2: Does it take phone calls on a?
Speaker 4: local Seattle station.
Speaker 5: I'm not that I'm aware, but you know we can ask him.
Speaker 5: So I've got some of these are not just ghosts, but they're actually people who marry corpses and such.
Speaker 5: So once I've exhausted all of my Paranormal dating stories that I may go into just flat out necrophilia.
Speaker 2: Yeah, romantic.
Speaker 5: Three or so.
Speaker 5: Ok, cool.
Speaker 5: So they always have like funny little subheadings.
Speaker 5: This one's called who says all sexy ghosts have to look the same.
Speaker 2: Look sexy oftentimes means that you look a little bit different than the average person.
Speaker 2: So I'm with you.
Speaker 2: So, and why should that be limited to?
Speaker 1: just people, why not yeah?
Speaker 2: it's, it's Kate, it's our flaws that make it perfect imperfections.
Speaker 4: Yeah, yeah, yeah exactly.
Speaker 2: It's, it's the little bit of a little bit of cellulite.
Speaker 2: It's the the whole at the corner of the corner of my ass.
Speaker 5: I don't know.
Speaker 2: It's the right, it's the the toe that inexplicably has no.
Speaker 5: No, I'm sorry, I draw the line, freaks me out anyway.
Speaker 5: Oh, real quick.
Speaker 5: Have you seen talk to me yet?
Speaker 3: Not yet, not yet.
Speaker 5: As someone who does not like feet and just does all I'm saying Not a lot of people.
Speaker 5: There's just one.
Speaker 5: There's just one thing.
Speaker 5: It comes out more than anything else.
Speaker 2: so I want to say All right, I will see that, do you?
Speaker 5: know, because it's great.
Speaker 3: That's what it is.
Speaker 3: So, yeah, I've got it.
Speaker 5: I might maybe tomorrow depends on if I get everything right, and also how much it might be for having a full, full day back at school.
Speaker 2: I, you know my, my day back doesn't start until Thursday.
Speaker 5: Oh, that's right.
Speaker 5: Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.
Speaker 2: Yeah, so, and I'm going to be up early.
Speaker 2: Not that they're going to start Like eight For me, but I might catch like a yeah, I don't.
Speaker 5: Yeah, go watch it.
Speaker 5: It's good.
Speaker 5: But yeah, right, I only watched it last night, so it is fresh in my head.
Speaker 5: Cool.
Speaker 5: In 2010, an anonymous author on your ghost stories told her story about being visited by multiple ghosts in the middle of the night, and while she was unsure about the initial visit, she became used to the overly physical nature of the visits over time.
Speaker 5: This is her speaking After several weeks of waking up feeling aroused.
Speaker 5: One night I woke up in this condition.
Speaker 5: However, this time I was somehow aware that what had happened to me was that of a wait.
Speaker 5: How was that?
Speaker 5: A spirit presence was somehow involved in me sexually.
Speaker 5: I was very sexually aroused and orgasm and orgasmed.
Speaker 5: What kind of ghost exactly was visiting her?
Speaker 5: A pirate ghost?
Speaker 5: A bedsheet?
Speaker 5: The ghost of Patrick Swayze from Toowong Foo?
Speaker 5: Not even close.
Speaker 5: I soon began seeing translucent images of him.
Speaker 5: He is not a man.
Speaker 5: He is some greenish lizard, dinosaur type creature.
Speaker 5: He is not.
Speaker 5: Yeah, a plot twist.
Speaker 4: He is not mean or scary.
Speaker 5: All he wants to do is arouse me and play together sexually.
Speaker 5: It's as if he wants to transfer sexual energy to me.
Speaker 5: Yup.
Speaker 4: Yup, wow, all right.
Speaker 4: So we have taken a hard left turn, not only are we dating ghosts, we're not even dating human ghosts anymore.
Speaker 5: Well, I mean, it depends on what you believe like whether lizard people are real or not.
Speaker 2: I guess.
Speaker 2: Oh sure, they're reptilians.
Speaker 5: It's just in Beaver and this is the ghost of a reptilian.
Speaker 5: Yeah Well, this opens up a whole new world you never knew existed.
Speaker 5: Right, Right.
Speaker 2: Well, because then you got to deal with big ghost.
Speaker 5: The plural.
Speaker 4: You know, I like you could just be pluralist, big footsies.
Speaker 1: Big footsies Sure.
Speaker 2: So you've got big footsies ghosts.
Speaker 2: This is showing up alongside reptilian ghosts.
Speaker 2: You probably got a couple of chupacabras in there yeah.
Speaker 2: Maybe a new Jersey devil or two.
Speaker 5: Yeah, so fucking Shit.
Speaker 5: What they called what those fucking dammit.
Speaker 5: This is what happens when I've only had like one cup of coffee today.
Speaker 5: I cannot fucking think of my words.
Speaker 5: What's the fucking thing?
Speaker 5: Shit it.
Speaker 4: Hang on.
Speaker 5: Yeah, you were fucking on it, but in fairness, it's not have past 11 pm for you, so hang on.
Speaker 4: That I'm going to find out.
Speaker 5: Wait, wait, wait.
Speaker 5: This is going to be worth it, I promise.
Speaker 3: All right.
Speaker 5: Wendy goes, when they go, oh yeah.
Speaker 2: Yeah, sure, but you could argue that's just the ghost of somebody that tasted.
Speaker 5: You know, flesh became a window.
Speaker 5: You know what it's also from back.
Speaker 2: So we'll say but Regardless of what cryptids have crossed into the other side.
Speaker 2: The thing that blows my mind about this is she's like all right, look, I never thought I'd be fucking a ghost, but then I was like you know what?
Speaker 2: I think I can get down with this as we all can Right Like.
Speaker 2: We've all seen those moments in our lives when perhaps we hit a bit of a dry spell and we're interested in getting off in unusual ways.
Speaker 2: Yeah and, and the idea of getting down with the ghostly is not the worst idea you ever heard.
Speaker 5: Do you want to hear the weirdest thing I've ever masturbated with?
Speaker 2: Yeah, of course I do.
Speaker 4: I would.
Speaker 5: I was having phone sex with this guy while I was at a hotel and I didn't have really anything much with me apart from some clothes.
Speaker 5: And he said like he I can't remember that you said, but he asked, he instructed me to masturbate with something, the.
Speaker 5: The TV remote was too wide.
Speaker 2: Mm, hmm, naturally, I would hope so, jesus Christ.
Speaker 5: Not to make the story of gross parts, only 17 at the time, but I ended up.
Speaker 5: I ended up masturbating against the bed post.
Speaker 2: Wow, was it like a rounded kind of situation.
Speaker 1: What.
Speaker 2: That seems a while more comfortable.
Speaker 5: But it was like a really good practice for me and how to fake it for a few years.
Speaker 5: The guy did not mind.
Speaker 5: Like he thought I was having a great time so he was happy.
Speaker 5: But I was just like I don't know why I just didn't tell him I was I had.
Speaker 5: It's not as if he could see me Like I don't, like I felt like I had to.
Speaker 5: I don't know I was doing method acting.
Speaker 5: Yeah, no, but I've been in that situation, you don't really think you know all your brain, all your blood somewhere else that is not in your brain, you know.
Speaker 5: But I actually could have been like oh yeah, like I have this thing here.
Speaker 5: I could have said anything and oh yeah, this is what I'm doing, baby.
Speaker 5: Oh, you like that, you know.
Speaker 5: But no, I decided Yep, sweat, scratch around.
Speaker 2: Quite, quite literally yeah.
Speaker 5: Yeah, um, but yeah, that's probably the weirdest thing I've ever masturbated.
Speaker 2: And lucky you didn't break your pelvis.
Speaker 5: I'm just lucky I didn't rip anything.
Speaker 2: Right, yeah, like I don't know what it is, because I was not enjoying it.
Speaker 5: for the record, it's not pleasant.
Speaker 2: Well, but to that point though I have been in situations where I've been having phone sex with somebody who's out of town?
Speaker 2: And and been victim of the same thing where it's like I should just lie.
Speaker 2: You know like I'm.
Speaker 2: You know I'm not really in the mood for this, but they are, and I don't want to be that person that, like I don't want to come across as being a part of it, yeah, or just like you've only have like that amount of time.
Speaker 5: It's not like you've got all night together, so it's like sees the moment.
Speaker 2: Yeah, yeah, exactly, and it's that too of like.
Speaker 2: Hey, you know like I care about the person.
Speaker 2: I'm with and I want her.
Speaker 2: I want to make sure that she's having a good time as well.
Speaker 2: And if she's like, hey, we're going to have phone sex now, then who am I?
Speaker 2: I mean, don't be rude to us, Right Like I, as you said yourself.
Speaker 5: I was just saying that.
Speaker 5: I was just saying that again, you are a good egg, Mr Ronstell.
Speaker 2: And so I was like I'll get down with this and you know, and she'll be like so are you hard for me?
Speaker 2: And I'm like I guess I'll get there.
Speaker 2: You know, like of course I'm telling her, like of course I am.
Speaker 2: Yeah Me just the very sound of your voice.
Speaker 2: And meanwhile I'm like, all right, let's, let's get the pop crime here, because apparently this is what we're doing tonight.
Speaker 5: Do you know what it's just?
Speaker 5: I just thought of, like I wonder how many sexual encounters when neither people have been into it and they've just been lying to each other.
Speaker 5: I'm like, yeah, babe, you like that.
Speaker 5: Yeah, it's so good.
Speaker 5: And both of you there just flicking through the channels Thinking that the other ones are getting on you know, what.
Speaker 2: But honestly the relationship was better for it.
Speaker 2: You know like, even even if both of us were, not into it.
Speaker 2: It's still like you're just still, because in a lot of ways, what, what you're doing with phone sex is, you're saying like part of it is like getting off and having that fantasy and so forth, but part of it, too, is just like I.
Speaker 2: This is why I find you attractive and I'm going to tell you all the things about.
Speaker 5: Yeah, and it's like I miss you.
Speaker 5: Do you know what I mean?
Speaker 5: Like I you know, like I'm here, but I'm thinking of you.
Speaker 1: Phone sex.
Speaker 1: It's just a sexy.
Speaker 1: I miss you 100%, absolutely.
Speaker 5: Yeah, that's a fucking weird time.
Speaker 2: But yeah, in all my time I like the most I ever you like couch cushions I have used.
Speaker 2: Oh who hasn't, but that's, that's the furniture.
Speaker 5: Oh, I'll tell you what.
Speaker 5: The arm of a sofa.
Speaker 5: Oh baby.
Speaker 2: Oh, yeah, right.
Speaker 2: Sure I can see that, yeah, I have vibrators.
Speaker 5: I don't know why, like it's like, I have a perfectly good phallic thing that is designed to give me a little gas.
Speaker 5: How come I use an animal object?
Speaker 2: But you got to mix it up a little bit.
Speaker 2: You can't come to rely on that.
Speaker 2: Like you know, I, for for a while I had a flush.
Speaker 5: I did too.
Speaker 5: Are they good yeah?
Speaker 2: Yeah.
Speaker 5: The joke years ago and then I got, I was on holiday.
Speaker 5: And I saw one and I bought it back for him as a joke.
Speaker 5: Guess who got stuck at customs?
Speaker 1: Oh, that's funny yeah.
Speaker 5: And the thing is, it wasn't even that that set it off, it was my fucking battery charger for my camera.
Speaker 5: I was just like fuck sake.
Speaker 5: I was like that is, that is not for me.
Speaker 5: And they and I did it in front of the whole fucking queue of people as well.
Speaker 5: I was like excellent.
Speaker 2: What is this, sir?
Speaker 2: What happens if I unscrew this stuff?
Speaker 2: This doesn't this over oversized novelty flashlight that you brought me.
Speaker 5: That is.
Speaker 5: That is not mine.
Speaker 5: I have one already.
Speaker 5: You know, I don't need a fake one, I have the real ones.
Speaker 3: So I'm carrying it all the time yeah.
Speaker 5: You know what you keep it.
Speaker 5: Have fun.
Speaker 4: Yeah.
Speaker 2: It was okay, but but it's the thing of like I've got a hand that works fine, have you done the thing where you sit on it?
Speaker 2: Sit on my not specifically, but I've definitely had a situation where I was masturbating with a hand.
Speaker 5: That was yeah, that's what I mean.
Speaker 5: Yeah.
Speaker 2: And it was fine.
Speaker 2: Just to be clear, I wasn't just finding it Sleepy Anyone around.
Speaker 5: Give us a hug.
Speaker 5: Daryl's asleep, was it?
Speaker 4: Was it or is that?
Speaker 5: just a myth.
Speaker 5: Um, I mean it.
Speaker 2: No, it doesn't feel like it's somebody else.
Speaker 2: It's like I know what I'm doing, but but, but it's, it's an interesting sensation in that you can't it I mean it doesn't feel the same, and so that's unusual and anything that's new is kind of fun, at least for a for a for a for a for a for a for a for a for a minute.
Speaker 2: But yeah it was fine, but I have found as time has gone on that I just don't necessarily need a Like it.
Speaker 2: A lot of toys.
Speaker 2: There aren't that many for guys, you know, I don't think are there really Not?
Speaker 2: Not a ton, and the ones that I've used have been fine, but also I've been using it for a long time.
Speaker 2: I've been using it for a long time.
Speaker 2: I've been using it for a long time.
Speaker 2: I've been using it for a long time.
Speaker 2: I've been using it for a long time.
Speaker 2: People who just have been fine, but also, hey, you know, there's just so much cleanup.
Speaker 5: Yeah, that is the annoying thing.
Speaker 5: Having to clean up your vibrators is just.
Speaker 5: It doesn't take long, it's just such a fucking pain in the ass.
Speaker 2: Right Cause Right.
Speaker 2: When you're done, you're done.
Speaker 5: You want to be done for with consciousness.
Speaker 5: I want to go and eat or fall asleep or something.
Speaker 2: Just like.
Speaker 2: Like yeah, I'm not saying that you're immediately just going to, you know, knock right out, that's bad form.
Speaker 2: But you know you don't want to well, yeah, but you don't want a cleaning project.
Speaker 2: You know it's like nobody wants to fuck and then mop.
Speaker 2: You know I'm gonna pop a load and then go reorganize my cabinets 100%.
Speaker 5: No, exactly, yeah, it's just no.
Speaker 5: Give me five minutes.
Speaker 2: Yeah, so Liz.
Speaker 5: Lizard go.
Speaker 5: Sex is a thing, apparently we're saying thumbs up, thumbs down.
Speaker 2: I'm kind of for, like, I think it's weird and I think it's weird though all this cause.
Speaker 2: The other option is that it's the ghost of a dinosaur, and that seems weird.
Speaker 5: That just sounds painful in every way.
Speaker 2: And if you were going to fill that, obviously you would be called Jurassic Park.
Speaker 2: Let's just be honest.
Speaker 5: Tyrannosaurus sex.
Speaker 2: Oh very good.
Speaker 5: Yeah, like, and also as well, he's not mean and scary, Like, he's just kind of cute, he just wants to make you feel good Like.
Speaker 2: The sex adapter man.
Speaker 2: It's working a little too hard for me.
Speaker 5: I'm into it, though, like hang on, there's gotta be one for triceratops, like.
Speaker 2: I think it's just triceratops yeah, Triceratop yeah that's great.
Speaker 5: I like that.
Speaker 2: Or triceratop, oh that's my, that's my deal.
Speaker 5: I always talk from the bottom.
Speaker 2: But yeah, so did.
Speaker 2: How long?
Speaker 1: How long is this going on?
Speaker 1: How long is she still?
Speaker 1: She had an award.
Speaker 1: It's already followed up.
Speaker 5: But she says, well, in 2010, this is when it came from.
Speaker 5: She had several weeks of like waking up, like aroused, and there was like seem to be some sort of physical thing going on, and then she realized after several weeks that she that it was some sort of spiritual presence.
Speaker 5: But it's cool because she came, so all good, and that's all we got.
Speaker 5: So presumably she's had 13 years of really great lizard sex.
Speaker 2: Lizards not necessarily known for being the most caring.
Speaker 5: No, but oh, can you imagine the head?
Speaker 2: of lovers, oh sure.
Speaker 5: Oh, that's a game changer.
Speaker 5: Yeah, I'm thumbs up for lizard sex.
Speaker 4: Totally down for him going down.
Speaker 2: Yes, mm hmm, yeah, all right, I was trying to find a cunnilingus pun with this Kind of what's the yeah?
Speaker 4: yeah, yeah.
Speaker 3: Yeah, it's.
Speaker 4: Yeah, it is tough.
Speaker 2: I still like to.
Speaker 2: Yeah, I just it focus.
Speaker 4: I'm sick of that I'm With it.
Speaker 3: All right.
Speaker 2: Well, shall we talk about our subject at hand and movie at hand.
Speaker 5: Why not?
Speaker 5: We've talked about every single fucking other thing.
Speaker 2: Of you know it's what people are good, come for.
Speaker 2: They're not.
Speaker 2: They're not here for.
Speaker 2: They're not here for their like what's on the sign.
Speaker 2: It's more the ambiance of the experience, it's not you know.
Speaker 2: So if you've got a restaurant named like corkeys and it's like, I know it sounds stupid but you go in and it's got the best barbecue you ever have in your life.
Speaker 4: Very true.
Speaker 2: And that's I like to think what our show is.
Speaker 2: It's the corkeys of podcasts.
Speaker 5: Yeah, I like that.
Speaker 5: I'm happy with that All right.
Speaker 2: So we were talking about the movie the.
Speaker 5: Hunger.
Speaker 2: Which is a movie that when I saw it for the first time, I was way too young for it and felt like I had seen something that I was absolutely not supposed to watch?
Speaker 4: How old were you?
Speaker 2: And oh, I mean right, and and part of me, like it's part of it is.
Speaker 2: I don't get this.
Speaker 4: Right.
Speaker 2: And the other part of it is this is sexy, like everybody in this movie is sexy as fuck.
Speaker 5: So fucking sexy.
Speaker 2: And directed by.
Speaker 2: Tony Scott, who did true romance, is probably my favorite Tony Scott movie, but he also did.
Speaker 2: Yeah, top Gun, and let's see where he was director of.
Speaker 2: Only Filter this by director you what you think?
Speaker 2: I would have done this earlier and then it did.
Speaker 2: We're nothing if it's Right, right and just.
Speaker 2: I am DB just.
Speaker 5: So it's just out at this point.
Speaker 5: But this point on, I mean.
Speaker 2: Yeah, just worthless.
Speaker 2: So the Hunger Beverly Hills cop to Top Gun days of thunder, the less Boy Scout crimson tide Enemy of the it was I am.
Speaker 4: I'm not like one.
Speaker 2: Yeah, spy game man on fire.
Speaker 2: Taking of Pelham one, two, three the remake of that word.
Speaker 2: John Travolta tells somebody to lick his.
Speaker 5: What?
Speaker 5: I haven't seen it so oh yeah, oh, my God.
Speaker 5: Don't just do anything.
Speaker 5: That's funny.
Speaker 2: I mean that's 2009.
Speaker 2: John Travolta, when, when he was still riding high on that second wave of his career.
Speaker 2: Was he, and then the what was it yeah?
Speaker 2: Yeah, yeah In.
Speaker 2: Oh nine.
Speaker 2: Yeah, I mean, that's in the phenomenon range, right.
Speaker 2: Yeah maybe All right.
Speaker 2: Well, let's hold on.
Speaker 2: Let me get over to John Travolta.
Speaker 4: Let's go for him in, you know all right.
Speaker 2: So there's a Wild Hogs which was crazy.
Speaker 5: I forgot about that.
Speaker 2: Taking a pair of one, one, two, three, but that, yeah, this is kind of on the downside, because this is he did face off in like a decade before and primary colors and civil action.
Speaker 2: And then Battlefield Earth happened.
Speaker 5: I feel that the battlefield Earth.
Speaker 2: Is that science?
Speaker 1: movie.
Speaker 2: It's terrible.
Speaker 2: Oh my goodness, you should watch it if you've never seen it, because it's crazy bad and yeah, and then kind of after that was a lot of like Wild Hogs was probably the most popular.
Speaker 5: I was pretty major.
Speaker 5: I never saw it.
Speaker 2: It looked awful, so yeah, but that was probably the last one Must have in that.
Speaker 2: In taking a film one two, three.
Speaker 2: He has a good thing in that in Wild Hogs Maybe, let me say Wild Hogs.
Speaker 2: He's got.
Speaker 2: No, he's got no mustache in that Now, but he's got a weird leather hat.
Speaker 5: So oh, I don't know.
Speaker 2: Yeah so, but anyway, tony Scott is talking about Tony Scott Like kind of a big time movie director.
Speaker 2: This is real early on.
Speaker 5: And this is his first movie, wasn't it?
Speaker 2: Yeah, and he's the his brother Ridley Scott, and this was what he had directed prior to this Couple of videos.
Speaker 5: Yeah he's doing like commercials and like music videos and shit, like he'd not done anything like full length.
Speaker 2: Yeah, like it did some TV did a couple of shorts did a movie called Loving Memory in 1971.
Speaker 2: That is that he wrote and directed.
Speaker 2: That sounds kind of interesting.
Speaker 2: It looks like a BBC kind of production or something, and at any rate so he and Don't are really.
Speaker 5: Scott, sorry, my cousin has just married, like the cousin, or something, of Ridley Scott.
Speaker 5: Yeah, no shit, I don't really speak to that side of the family, unfortunately, otherwise I would be milking it, but I don't, so I'm not.
Speaker 5: But yeah, it's kind of cool though, right.
Speaker 2: That is very cool.
Speaker 2: I'm I'm curious about it.
Speaker 2: Like if that cousin now gets to hang out with Ridley Scott, I would be curious to.
Speaker 2: I would love to ask Ridley Scott about some of the crazier Film decisions, yeah.
Speaker 5: Yeah, I don't really speak to my cousin so it might be a bit awkward with me just turning up and be like I hate.
Speaker 5: So you friends are really now Can we be friends?
Speaker 2: Right, I need.
Speaker 2: I need you to get me in touch with Ridley Scott because I have serious.
Speaker 5: I demand answers for.
Speaker 2: Right, like I want to know why Ridley Scott directed movies like I don't know Black Rain you know like why, why was?
Speaker 2: Why was Ridley Scott all up in Listen?
Speaker 2: What the hell is going on with the GI Jam yeah.
Speaker 2: And can we have an honest conversation about Hannibal?
Speaker 5: Oh, yeah, like yeah.
Speaker 2: And what was the?
Speaker 2: The?
Speaker 2: That movie with Russell?
Speaker 2: A good one.
Speaker 2: I mean nobody did.
Speaker 2: And you're like, you're Ridley Scott man.
Speaker 2: What are you doing?
Speaker 2: Directing this, like you know?
Speaker 5: all store brand.
Speaker 5: It sounds very whole.
Speaker 5: No.
Speaker 2: It like that Robin Hood that nobody saw that nobody cared about.
Speaker 4: He did that Russell Crowe.
Speaker 2: Exodus, gods and key.
Speaker 2: Look, I could talk to him for a day and a half about Alien Covenant.
Speaker 5: I didn't really like the listed order.
Speaker 5: That's like God.
Speaker 2: I'm like oh shit, that's the thing is Ridley Scott, you never.
Speaker 2: That's.
Speaker 2: The thing that makes him interesting is half the time the movies he makes are total garbage, and then half the time they're the best one.
Speaker 5: No, in between traps or masterpiece.
Speaker 5: Yeah, yeah, you know like matchstick men.
Speaker 2: Totally great movie.
Speaker 2: Nobody ever talks about it because it's criminally undersea.
Speaker 2: Yeah, nicholas Cage.
Speaker 5: I liked it, if I recall, yeah it really good, him and Sam Rockwell who could do no wrong.
Speaker 5: I love Sam Rockwell yeah.
Speaker 2: I mean he doesn't there is.
Speaker 2: We had a conversation recently.
Speaker 2: Like we're in the process of well we're in the process of trying to get the, the, the movie that I wrote, cast oh really.
Speaker 2: And of course, the yeah, but I mean the strike is put all of that stuff on pause.
Speaker 2: But but Sam Rockwell's name came up and I was like no fucking shit.
Speaker 2: I was like, if I was like you?
Speaker 4: just ask Sam.
Speaker 2: Rockwell what he wants to play anything and give him the money he asked for If he is willing to be in the movie, I don't, I don't care, he can, he can play.
Speaker 5: That's that same thing, right.
Speaker 2: I mean, the odds of Sam Rockwell being in this movie are marginal at best.
Speaker 2: But it's one of those things like yeah, you send it out to everybody and you say yeah, yeah.
Speaker 5: But yeah.
Speaker 3: I know it's right.
Speaker 2: But the list of people it's going out to is still pretty fucking crazy.
Speaker 2: Wow, there's a non zero chance.
Speaker 2: Clancy Brown might be in it.
Speaker 2: Wait.
Speaker 2: And I'm like the fucking Highlander, no wait what does non?
Speaker 2: Zero.
Speaker 2: What does that mean?
Speaker 2: I can't work out a double negative.
Speaker 2: It means that he is in our price range.
Speaker 5: Is it?
Speaker 5: Oh yeah, that's so cool.
Speaker 5: Yeah, the fucking curtain could be in a movie Fucking cool.
Speaker 2: Anyway, we're not here.
Speaker 1: No, I say, I saved that for.
Speaker 2: On your profile.
Speaker 2: By the way, that's right.
Speaker 5: I don't advertise that I'm like keep it humble and save it for the day and like that way, if I'm not going to, be in a movie.
Speaker 2: I'm like.
Speaker 5: I'm not going to be in a movie.
Speaker 2: I'm not going to be in a movie.
Speaker 4: I'm not going to be in a movie.
Speaker 2: I'm not going to be in a movie With good channel.
Speaker 2: ÐоÑÐµÐ¼Ñ you?
Speaker 4: are not Good way to speak.
Speaker 1: English yeah, I'm going to get in there?
Speaker 1: What?
Speaker 2: about when you join a movie with Bo' ìì², when you have a movie with a remark and that way, if I like her, it's like, all right, let me pull that.
Speaker 4: Yeah, big guns.
Speaker 2: Anyway.
Speaker 2: So Tony Scott directed this really early in his career.
Speaker 2: Written of communion.
Speaker 4: No.
Speaker 2: All right.
Speaker 2: So Whitley Streiber says that he had this alien encounter, which is detailed in a book called Okay.
Speaker 2: They later made a movie of that book and playing Whitley Streiber in the movie is Christopher.
Speaker 5: No, is it yes, amazing.
Speaker 2: And so it is Christopher Walken playing Whitley Streiber having alien encounters.
Speaker 5: I want to see that film.
Speaker 2: It's.
Speaker 5: I mean, it's not a great movie, I don't care if it's for Walker, for wait for Christopher Walken and aliens.
Speaker 5: That's enough.
Speaker 5: That's all I need.
Speaker 2: Yeah, just having him walking around like come on, it's an alien.
Speaker 2: You know it's so good.
Speaker 2: So, anyway, that's the the the Bonafides of the movie Starring Catherine DeNove.
Speaker 3: I know how to, I don't know.
Speaker 5: We go for one because she's got a certain jealousy Qua.
Speaker 2: It's because she's French.
Speaker 4: That was a joke.
Speaker 5: David.
Speaker 3: Bowie.
Speaker 5: Wait, what Wait?
Speaker 5: How do you say it?
Speaker 3: Bowie, bowie.
Speaker 5: I say how do you say it?
Speaker 4: David Bowie Bowie.
Speaker 5: Oh, it's David Bowie.
Speaker 5: Shit.
Speaker 5: No, I've said it.
Speaker 5: It sounds better David Bowie, david Bowie.
Speaker 5: Yeah, it's David Bowie.
Speaker 2: Duncan has a weird way of saying it, he's got it.
Speaker 5: She can't help it, don't be mean.
Speaker 3: That's just the accent.
Speaker 2: But it.
Speaker 2: But I've heard it pronounced a couple of different ways and I'm never entirely sure, but I just I've always called David Bowie, so we try to do a Scottish accent.
Speaker 5: Well, there is.
Speaker 3: Bowie.
Speaker 4: Bowie.
Speaker 3: Bowie, bowie.
Speaker 5: That's really fucking stupid.
Speaker 5: I'm just sitting in a biscuit Bowie.
Speaker 5: They were Bowie.
Speaker 3: Yeah, no people.
Speaker 3: Everyone started off as a few of me.
Speaker 5: Let's just have fun.
Speaker 5: Oh, Jamie still loves the Scottish accent.
Speaker 2: All right, god bless you, jamie.
Speaker 2: So is it Catherine.
Speaker 2: Catherine Deneuve, david Bowie and Susan Sarandon are your three main leads.
Speaker 2: That's quite one.
Speaker 2: Weirdly, Dan Hadea shows up in this for a hot second as a detective.
Speaker 5: That nobody cares about.
Speaker 4: It's up an even quicker second Fucking women to vote because I've never seen this film and I was like I'm sorry I've been around it, it's like is that fuck?
Speaker 5: And then I had to look up on IMDB because I still didn't.
Speaker 5: But like he was, he was kicking about, though, in 83.
Speaker 2: The name like he's, he's I don't get it and on it, All right.
Speaker 2: So the other guy with him at the phone booth is an actor named John Pat Cal who has been in everything from what was really big on the show mad about you as cousin.
Speaker 4: Ira.
Speaker 2: But was in to live and die in.
Speaker 2: La oh my God, I mean, he's just been in everything.
Speaker 3: Every TV show.
Speaker 2: Oh that guy was in, was in talk radio, was in monkey shines Was in.
Speaker 2: The secret of my success was in first blood part.
Speaker 5: It was your American.
Speaker 5: It was bullshit.
Speaker 5: It's in America.
Speaker 5: I'm not here, yeah.
Speaker 2: Right.
Speaker 2: Actually, I don't think any of the things I mentioned were shown.
Speaker 5: Yeah, I don't know.
Speaker 2: But he was in elementary.
Speaker 5: Okay, that rings the bell.
Speaker 3: The show, not saying yeah.
Speaker 5: I never watched it, but I know of it.
Speaker 2: He was on the show.
Speaker 5: Oh, my watch this forever.
Speaker 2: Let's watch that and was on what else?
Speaker 5: The good wife and the wife was oh no, I watched.
Speaker 5: Yeah, no, I did watch the good wife.
Speaker 5: What's that spin off they had?
Speaker 3: Oh, the good fight.
Speaker 2: I never watched that, but I did watch the good wife, yeah, but yeah, I mean like just has been around forever.
Speaker 2: But anyway, it's interesting that like he played this bit part opposite Willem Dafoe, but like they're just because we'll forget to talk about it later, they're just these two guys hanging out waiting to use a public phone.
Speaker 2: And the foe is like hey lady get off the phone.
Speaker 3: Defoe.
Speaker 2: My Willem Dafoe impression involves me saying the name it's not great, it's my favorite, oh no, my favorite is Shit.
Speaker 5: What's the fucking voice you do with Duncan all the time I love what's the fucking oh hellraiser, fucking Doug Bradley.
Speaker 2: Oh yeah, duncan is more the hellraiser impression.
Speaker 2: No, you do fucking.
Speaker 5: Damien, that's who I love.
Speaker 5: Hello, father.
Speaker 2: I well, and I do a lot of David, and David Lent.
Speaker 5: But you do a hello father.
Speaker 2: Yeah.
Speaker 4: Yeah, hello father, I'm afraid it's time for me to send you to hell tonight.
Speaker 5: I've had so many people stare at me because I've just been cry-laping a bus stop listening to you and, by the fucking you and Duncan the fucking impressions.
Speaker 2: I recently I was.
Speaker 2: I was listening to some Conan O'Brien stuff and he introduced a new one into my vocabulary Same voice, but it's instead of father, it's using Pater.
Speaker 2: This this soup is unsatisfactory Pater.
Speaker 3: With your tongue.
Speaker 3: That's so good, and so yeah, the foe is just using it's like if he's doing the green goblin.
Speaker 2: It's a lot of like I'll get you Spider-Man.
Speaker 2: It's a bit self-promoting for no good reason, but it makes me laugh.
Speaker 2: I'm not gonna lie.
Speaker 2: I'm not gonna lie.
Speaker 2: I'm not gonna lie.
Speaker 2: I'm not gonna lie.
Speaker 2: I'm not gonna lie.
Speaker 2: I'm not gonna lie.
Speaker 2: I'm not gonna lie.
Speaker 2: I'm not gonna lie.
Speaker 2: I'm not gonna lie.
Speaker 4: I'm not gonna lie, I'm not gonna lie have.
Speaker 2: I got it wrong my head, Okay.
Speaker 5: so yeah, he's he's in this for style.
Speaker 5: look Like truly a blink and you'll miss it Because you only see his face for maybe eight seconds.
Speaker 5: Ok, that's why I had to worry about mine, cause I just like it was one of those things where you know your brain catches up.
Speaker 5: It's we're having the fuck did?
Speaker 5: I just see the photo?
Speaker 5: Fucking, I don't want it back.
Speaker 5: I was like fuck, I said.
Speaker 5: And then I went and looked at I'm DPS, like fuck me, it is, yes, fucking bizarre, like it's so weird.
Speaker 5: And then it's because it's mostly just his voice over the top of other things, you know it's another junkie.
Speaker 2: It.
Speaker 2: It did inspire me to go watch about the first half of Mississippi.
Speaker 2: But now with him and it's him, and and she had a terrific movie about a civil murder during the Civil Rights era in Mississippi.
Speaker 5: Oh OK.
Speaker 2: And he's.
Speaker 2: He's a young FBI agent sent to investigate the disappearance of some civil rights workers, freedom writers.
Speaker 2: They were called in a Mississippi town and it's like him and Jean Hagman and Francis McDormand and oh oh, oh, oh, oh geez.
Speaker 2: Hold on, I got a.
Speaker 2: Now I got to look up another actor because I'm having a brain fart as well.
Speaker 2: It's a Chucky bread.
Speaker 5: Oh shit.
Speaker 5: Is it him recently in a criminal winds episode.
Speaker 5: Oh played a sadistic, horrible fucking killer because, of course, and it was so stupid of me because I was like, I was half asleep watching it and I'm watching.
Speaker 5: I'm just like who's that guy?
Speaker 5: God, he was really fucking familiar, just like.
Speaker 5: And I looked up and I was like dickhead.
Speaker 5: It's only for the more recognizable faces, like how the fuck do you think he looks like anyone but fucking Brad Dorough it.
Speaker 3: It's Hattman.
Speaker 2: Defoe, Francis McDormand, Brad Dorough, Steven Tobolowski, who is always a treat when he shows up in a movie Michael.
Speaker 1: Rooker is in it.
Speaker 2: Alan Parker directed it.
Speaker 2: Terrific, what's?
Speaker 1: it called again.
Speaker 5: Mississippi, mississippi, oh cool, oh, that's that.
Speaker 5: And it's Jean Hagman also one of my all time favorite actors.
Speaker 2: And he's one of the other.
Speaker 2: He's one of the other.
Speaker 2: The partner, Willem Defoe's partner.
Speaker 2: Who's a little bit older, a little bit wiser, yeah, kind of, and it's also from Mississippi, and it's like you know they do things a little different down here.
Speaker 2: You need to understand Defoe's, just like I'm here to uphold the law, defoe.
Speaker 3: And.
Speaker 2: Has this great scene where he tells a story about his father killing the mule of a black farmer nearby when he was a kid, screaming.
Speaker 4: And Defoe yeah.
Speaker 2: And Defoe asked him like is that supposed to teach me some kind of lesson?
Speaker 2: Jean Hagman and Hagman's the Hagman has this great line where he says, no, that's just a story about my daddy and it's a great like Jean Hagman moment of him having that kind of all show delivery and terrific movie.
Speaker 5: If you've never seen.
Speaker 2: Mississippi, it's wonderful.
Speaker 3: Anyway, I know for them to fall off because he's only in this two seconds.
Speaker 2: Is this the sexiest Susan Sarandon has been?
Speaker 2: Yes, because I never could believe that she was really that sexy.
Speaker 2: She's just so far from my type, Like I know that that's probably going to be a good thing.
Speaker 5: But I don't know, I don't know, I don't know, I don't know.
Speaker 5: But like I know that that's probably going to shock people, because I know people do have a bit of a have a bit of a fetish for her or a bit of a kink for her, but I just never really saw it.
Speaker 5: But I just kind of saw it in this film, probably because she was half-naked, but it's difficult to not be sexy when you're half-naked riding around in bed with your vampire lesbian lover?
Speaker 2: honestly, yeah, so along with this we were talking about the hunger, but we are also discussing, thanks to your suggestion, sort of what you described it, because when I think of, when I think of a thruple, then my, my take on it is probably a little more like this just sounds like a lot.
Speaker 5: Well, it was more like like, more like ethical, non-nogamous, like relationships and like open relationships and stuff where it's kind of like, because I have been having some experience with that lately to a point where it's now kind of become a joke, because even when I don't seek it out, it just apparently finds me like the last five encounters have all been, apart from last night have all been in em situations and I and I was like right, no more if I see a peak of this, because I'm like this is fine, whatever, it's all above board.
Speaker 5: So for people who don't know in em situations so ethical, non-nogamous, it's when one or more partners, with consent from their other partner, can go off and sleep and date other people and like it's all fine.
Speaker 5: And there's lots of different reasons why people might do that.
Speaker 5: It's all above board, you know, they know who the other person is and like as much as little information as they want.
Speaker 5: That's within the realms of appropriation for everyone involved, right.
Speaker 5: So it's very open, it's very honest, it's not shady or anything.
Speaker 5: You know, it's actually a very respectful thing as long as everyone board is okay and we all respect each other boundaries, right.
Speaker 5: But at the end of the day I start to give them back, you know, and they also often comes with certain boundaries that kind of make it a bit restrictive.
Speaker 5: So, for example, I I've never been allowed around somebody else's house for obvious reasons, so they always have to come to me.
Speaker 5: It also means that you know they have a whole other life, so they're not always free when I'm free and vice versa.
Speaker 5: You know things like that, so it can be a bit restrictive, but it is also kind of fun.
Speaker 5: And also because I don't want a relationship, it's nice safety net for me knowing that like it's not going to go any further than that.
Speaker 5: But at the same time it's kind of like I don't like to share.
Speaker 5: But I actually matched with somebody today and it's on his profile that he's married in an open relationship.
Speaker 5: But his profile was so good, it was like lots of green flags.
Speaker 5: I was like, all right, fine, I guess I'll do one more.
Speaker 5: But I ended up like yeah, it's just, it's just kind of become a joke now, because I'd literally I'm like I don't even seek it out Like I was chatting with this guy for a few days, nothing about it on his profile, and then all of it.
Speaker 5: We're getting on so well.
Speaker 5: He's a horror fan, with chatting about a 24 and shit, you know, and like he's, like you know, really smart.
Speaker 5: He reads, you know, like he like for pleasure and shit, and so we're talking about books.
Speaker 5: We're into the same sort of music, we've got the same sorts of sounds of humor really great guy.
Speaker 5: And I'm like cool, cool, cool.
Speaker 5: He only lives down the like, not down the road, down the road, but like relatively nearby and like three days, and he's just like, oh, I should probably tell you I am married.
Speaker 5: But, plot twist, the wife is fit as fuck and she is also open and by curious.
Speaker 5: But I just literally found out yesterday which is why I went on a little bit of a one night stand last night, because I was just frustrated because he was supposed to be coming around this week and he just landed on me yesterday that like she wants everything to kind of slow down a little bit and I'm just like I'll find whatever.
Speaker 5: I've spread your decision, I guess whatever, but blue ball me much, but it's.
Speaker 5: I mean, obviously, like you know, it's this way.
Speaker 5: But I'm like whatever, it's your.
Speaker 5: You know, those are the boundaries I don't want to be.
Speaker 5: Like you know, I've been such an asshole to strop about it Out loud.
Speaker 5: So instead I just have really meaning this sex was someone who I've like literally met that afternoon, but like yeah, so like that's annoying because I was really interested in him and her, but never mind, but yeah, anyways, I thought it'd be quite fun to chat about, kind of like the ruffles and you know, open relationships, polyamorous relationships, stuff like that you know and use suggested this one and it was great.
Speaker 5: Great because I said I'd never seen it before but I've been wanting to see it for quite a while.
Speaker 5: Like I sort of like knew of its reputation and how it was this like subculture goth vampire movie and that's honestly all you need.
Speaker 2: And then you add in shit like David Bowie and I'm like give it to me and yeah, and like I think, catherine Deneuve, I mean ever since repulsion, you know, I've had a crush on her and so seeing her as this sort of vampire, major so it won't take as long to talk about this movie, because there's like three things that happen.
Speaker 5: It's like a very, very, very long music video.
Speaker 2: It very much is in fact it's got background.
Speaker 5: To be fair, yeah, the first, like the first 10 minutes or something, is well, do you know what?
Speaker 5: And actually I looked it up and it turns out this was actually a big influence.
Speaker 5: I was just the whole way through reminded of hotel season of American Horror Story with the Countess and Donovan and stuff, especially that open scene, and you know the comparisons between the scene where they seduced that couple while watching Nosferatu, and you saw it right, yeah, and I was like Jesus Christ, this must have been in it, like, and it was so, like you know, ryan Murphy's not trying to hide anything with it, because he'd be doing a terrible job if he were, but like, I was just like, so, like part of me, because I love that season, like, and that whole sequence, just fuck my life.
Speaker 5: We're not here to talk about that, but anyone who's seen it will know what I mean.
Speaker 5: And it was just, it was.
Speaker 5: I was like, oh man, if we're going to get like a whole movie of that type of thing, yes, please, you know, and it was exactly how I mean the style of this film and everything was just so sexy and dark and gothic and, like you know, so good.
Speaker 5: And then having Bauhaus at the beginning and stuff as well as fucking genius like I love that that's our synthwave pop shit.
Speaker 5: Like it's so fucking oh, it's my jam, so like that was all really fucking cool.
Speaker 5: So I was, I was so like happy that you chose in this film and I thought it was like a nice little little fucking segue into these sorts of themes.
Speaker 2: Yeah, it's very pretty this movie and it's almost a movie like I really really like it.
Speaker 2: I don't love the hunger because I, at the end of the day, I think it's only so substantial.
Speaker 2: You know it's it's a very whipped cream kind of movie where it's wonderfully sweet and it's really it's like delicious to watch.
Speaker 2: But at the end of the day it's there are some interesting themes but if you took out all of the scenes of like billowing curtains and you know, didn't know of looking meaningfully at the middle distance while smoking a cigarette.
Speaker 5: So much watching this film.
Speaker 5: Like I don't normally smoke in my flat because I don't really like to do that, but like I had to with this.
Speaker 2: I mean constantly.
Speaker 2: Somebody is just looking hot and smoking and so.
Speaker 2: But if you cut all that stuff out or just shortened it all like this movie would be like 37 minutes long and but, but it's.
Speaker 2: It's a fascinating movie and, like you said, it starts off with Bauhaus singing Bellagossi's Dead and it's, you know, as you pointed out, it is Danube and Bowie seducing a couple people and taking them back home, and you realize that, oh they are vampires it is, but in kind of an untraditional sort of way, like they have these little onk necks with little daggers and yeah, and they just use that to you know, slice open a neck and feed.
Speaker 5: Well, again, it's, like you know, the Countess in hotel with her glove.
Speaker 5: You know they don't actually bite the such, they cut them open and then drink that blood.
Speaker 3: Yeah.
Speaker 5: But yeah, it's cool though, because obviously back in 83 we hadn't like that that was really.
Speaker 5: There was vampires bit, Do you?
Speaker 5: Don't mean that was the law.
Speaker 5: You know, you didn't really see it like that, and it's like it's a really kind of like sexy thing, with it being like a piece of jewelry and obviously like the onk as well.
Speaker 5: It's like a symbolism of life.
Speaker 5: So there's that kind of like irony there also and like it's just it's very, very cool way of doing it.
Speaker 2: Yes, that I mean, and that is the thing about this movie, is that it is just dripping with cool and yeah.
Speaker 2: So that is sort of your opening of the movie.
Speaker 2: Is this like seduction scene with Bowie, with the woman in the kitchen and the new seducing the guy in?
Speaker 2: The living room and music is playing and it's all very, you know, hip and cool.
Speaker 2: And then after they feed and we realize that they just like there's an incinerator in the basement that they just used to toss everything in there.
Speaker 2: And and we start to get the story of who these people are.
Speaker 2: And Danube has been around, for I mean, she was like a queen and yeah she's well because it's like she has.
Speaker 5: I don't know how many lovers she has in there, but there's like a good chunk.
Speaker 5: Like she's got to be a few thousand years old if they're lasting about 300 years.
Speaker 2: Right, and that that's the thing.
Speaker 2: Like.
Speaker 2: The thing that I find most interesting is sort of Danube's character and her like.
Speaker 2: What makes her a real villain in this movie isn't that she's a vampire.
Speaker 2: It's how dishonest yeah maybe with herself, even certainly victims?
Speaker 2: Certainly so, and because a lot of times when you're talking about vampire movie like when we talked about kiss and the damned Another incredibly sexy.
Speaker 3: We do have this as a theme.
Speaker 2: I feel like a real current.
Speaker 5: I complain, but when the, the female vampire in that you know takes her lover and turns him.
Speaker 2: it's hard to think of him totally as a victim, because he does yeah.
Speaker 4: And they're just going to lead this life.
Speaker 4: Yeah, oh he was asking for it, yeah.
Speaker 2: Oh he was.
Speaker 4: he was asking for it yeah.
Speaker 2: He's wearing a short skirt, and then my heels prading that jugular vein around.
Speaker 5: What was I supposed to do?
Speaker 2: He was just asking for it Wasn't wearing no scarf or nothing.
Speaker 5: He didn't even try to hide it with his hands.
Speaker 5: Guys, got no shame.
Speaker 5: Fucking ask for it.
Speaker 4: Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Speaker 2: Changed it to the bed and then let it go.
Speaker 2: So it's, it's, you know, like that was a character that was like yes, I want to live a life of eternity with you on account of you being so redheaded and hot.
Speaker 5: Yeah, that's not, that's not like that.
Speaker 2: Yeah, and also the fact that, like prior to that, she had gotten horned up to a shocking degree and he was like I'm here for this.
Speaker 2: We should be horny together for eternity, and whereas in this, well like we get the flashback where Bowie is is like like a French court is something like you know, he's playing the cello, playing chamber music back in the olden days, probably in the one.
Speaker 2: Yeah, like in the 1700s.
Speaker 5: Yeah, I mean it's like 300 years right.
Speaker 2: Yeah, and like they fall in love or in lust with each other.
Speaker 2: And she tells him you know, forever I'll be with you forever, and forever and ever.
Speaker 2: And so she turns him.
Speaker 2: And then the real thrust of the movie is right after they kill this couple, he starts to realize that he is starting to age and age.
Speaker 4: Yeah.
Speaker 2: And so the question is why and what can be?
Speaker 2: Done about it.
Speaker 2: And so enter Susan Sarandon, who is a researcher who is currently working on this tie between aging and sleep and has written this book.
Speaker 2: And there's a great line where I think is it Bowie who's reading the book and he says why is it that people write these books in a way that no one can read them?
Speaker 5: Yeah, it's so true they.
Speaker 2: Yeah.
Speaker 2: But he gets the idea of like, hey, I'm going to go find this, this person and see if there's some way to reverse these effects.
Speaker 2: And so he shows up at her place of business and is like look, I know I'm quite cool, but I'm aging rapidly.
Speaker 2: And she's like, yeah, yeah, yeah, hey, we got a crazy one in the lobby.
Speaker 2: But from the time that he shows up in the lobby to the time that he that she returns to see him, he is aged like 40 is.
Speaker 5: He's like it was about 50 when she's left him and there's like a 90 when she sees him again.
Speaker 1: Right, I used to sing life on Mars.
Speaker 5: But you know who I am?
Speaker 5: I'm Ziggy Stardust.
Speaker 1: My hair keeps falling out.
Speaker 2: And she's like oh my God, I didn't, I had no idea.
Speaker 2: And he's like you can go fuck yourself.
Speaker 1: I can't believe I wasted my last good years in the lobby.
Speaker 1: Yeah, son of a bitch.
Speaker 1: Now I'm going to go to an early afternoon buffet.
Speaker 1: Watch my stories.
Speaker 1: Start voting Republican.
Speaker 5: Watch some part of she wrote I'll still have people to drink my tea.
Speaker 5: Yeah, on the board.
Speaker 1: Yeah, complain about the music these kids listen to.
Speaker 1: Complain about the music I used to make yesterday Tin machine.
Speaker 1: What the hell, these kids and these drugs.
Speaker 5: I need to go back and listen to Tin Machine.
Speaker 2: That move.
Speaker 2: That is probably really good music.
Speaker 2: Now, I remember not liking it at the time and Duncan and I have talked about this before, but anytime, like David Bowie put out an album that I was like I don't like this, I'm like I need to give this about two years until I catch up with it.
Speaker 2: Yeah, because you know, like I'm just now, getting to the point where I'm like yeah, that 80 stuff is great yeah same At the time.
Speaker 5: I hated it.
Speaker 5: I was like let's dance sucks.
Speaker 2: And now I'm like let's dance.
Speaker 2: It was like re-released back in like 2005 or some shit.
Speaker 5: Yeah, this song is fantastic.
Speaker 2: Why am I?
Speaker 2: Why am I not?
Speaker 1: going to be a fan of this?
Speaker 2: Why am I?
Speaker 2: Why am I not smart enough to listen to David?
Speaker 5: Bowie At the time you see him live.
Speaker 5: Oh, do you know what was sad though I was watching it and he's all aging, I was like you never even got to those years in real life.
Speaker 2: I yeah, I thought about that too, Isn't that odd?
Speaker 2: But also kind of like I am not for somebody that is that brilliant, going young, and I felt like David Bowie had more to give the world.
Speaker 2: But also he died at a point where he was still at kind of the top of his game, when he, like he never got old and just disappeared because the beat just set in and you're like whatever happened to David.
Speaker 5: Yeah, he never.
Speaker 5: He was never a husband.
Speaker 2: Yeah, absolutely.
Speaker 2: He was all like when he died.
Speaker 2: He was like holy shit, david, but an icon has left us, and you know I mean he.
Speaker 2: Maybe he would have been Tony Bennett, though like somebody that just kept popping up in the public eye until the day, but yeah, but yeah.
Speaker 2: I had that thought too when he was like, oh, he never got to be like 85 years old and all wrinkled and hunched over and complaining about the music the kids listen to today.
Speaker 2: You know he just he needed to make one more David Bowie.
Speaker 4: David Lynch yeah.
Speaker 2: Cause he was always like when he showed up in Firewalk with me.
Speaker 4: This is the.
Speaker 5: Oh, yeah, yeah, so good.
Speaker 5: Anyway, yes, he's fucked off being a little old, grumpy old man.
Speaker 2: I'm getting to putting and he takes off and Susan Saranda is like holy shit, that guy got super old super fast, that's weird.
Speaker 5: That's weird.
Speaker 5: Right, you guys saw this.
Speaker 5: That's weird.
Speaker 5: Yeah, we're all on the same page.
Speaker 5: It's weird.
Speaker 2: Anyway, I'll see that.
Speaker 2: I mean that's unusual, at least right.
Speaker 5: It's not what we normally see.
Speaker 5: Hey, come back here, old man.
Speaker 5: Why could?
Speaker 5: Why she couldn't catch up with an old guy, I don't know All right?
Speaker 2: Well, she was wearing impossible for her science job.
Speaker 2: Like, why are you not wearing?
Speaker 5: sneakers Something.
Speaker 2: Yeah, something that just makes it's girl.
Speaker 5: Yeah, I'm sorry, no woman is on a feet or days wearing fucking high heels.
Speaker 5: I can tell you that much.
Speaker 3: I I'm one of my favorite things to see in movies A stripper.
Speaker 3: They sit down to chat.
Speaker 5: Usually Don't they go to booths and whatnot.
Speaker 2: I I love it when I'm watching a movie about, about teaching.
Speaker 2: Like I love surprise, surprise.
Speaker 2: I love movies about teachers in schools.
Speaker 5: Yeah.
Speaker 2: And in any time you see a movie where, like the teachers are wearing high heels, like these are people who have never been to a school.
Speaker 2: I've never once seen a teacher in a classroom.
Speaker 5: We're not even like the little low heels, like no, it's, it's just just you do not, you just don't.
Speaker 2: Right, it's pumps to sneakers.
Speaker 2: That is the range and the pumps are like low heel pumps.
Speaker 5: Oh yeah, on the floor is like a that yeah, do you guys call them daps?
Speaker 5: Is that an English thing?
Speaker 3: I don't think so.
Speaker 2: I don't but look, this could just be a flaw in my women's no, this is like you wear daps as kids kind of thing.
Speaker 5: It's like those real kind of like slip on.
Speaker 5: Oh yeah, yeah.
Speaker 5: Those kind of bellies, yeah, like pumps or like yeah, daps kind of thing like depending on how smart they are.
Speaker 3: Yeah, for sure yeah absolutely.
Speaker 2: Yeah, yeah no one's fucking wearing heels.
Speaker 3: Yeah, but so well it's yeah, I mean it's like when you see like fucking in cop shows and they're like running in that they go.
Speaker 5: They go for like field work in fucking heels.
Speaker 5: It's like who the fuck's doing that?
Speaker 5: Are you going to fucking run criminals down the streets in New York and fucking high heels?
Speaker 5: So stupid.
Speaker 2: I had that moment when I was like you know, I'm kind of going back through the show- justified.
Speaker 5: Yeah, this is me going back through like criminal wise and shit.
Speaker 2: Yeah right, I just I love justified.
Speaker 2: I think it's a terrific show.
Speaker 2: Walton Goggins can do no wrong and that is an impression I've been working on and it sucks.
Speaker 2: I know where.
Speaker 5: I'm excited for when you are, though.
Speaker 2: Yeah, I was.
Speaker 2: You know, the closest I can get now is Raylin, that's it.
Speaker 2: That's all I got.
Speaker 4: I go past that one word and it just sounds like trash like a pastry.
Speaker 3: Yeah, oh I can go for a page.
Speaker 5: Oh, actually quick story I did some like Uber Eats grocery today because it was raining and, honestly, I could not be asked to get dressed today.
Speaker 5: I got dressed later because a friend came over, but I know I'll order in and I realized I had nothing for it, for smells like you know what.
Speaker 5: It's Sunday.
Speaker 5: I'm going to order some panachoccal and the fuck is apparently couldn't find it in store.
Speaker 5: Oh, I'm getting you Very disappointing.
Speaker 5: So I just had coffee.
Speaker 5: All right, then, fucking good for you.
Speaker 5: What do you have with them?
Speaker 5: I've been wait, hang on.
Speaker 5: Sorry what you just had no sauce.
Speaker 5: Oh, I mean because I was like yeah, yeah, no, there's like you're about to come off as a psychopath, then you know like you want to go with that.
Speaker 5: I actually quite like.
Speaker 2: I dated someone who, because I would say like hey, I'm going to, I'm going- to have a waffle and she was like it's waffles.
Speaker 2: Like you eat more than one waffle when you're eating waffles, I'm like it's a big waffle.
Speaker 2: You know, I'm not going to eat two of these because they like it goes to play.
Speaker 4: Yeah.
Speaker 2: And but she, she started tease me about like, oh, are you having today?
Speaker 2: I was like it's not a fucking ego, it's like a, it's like a shop of full size.
Speaker 5: Yeah, no man, waffles are filling when they're big enough, Like we have a waffle house down the road.
Speaker 5: You were.
Speaker 5: You were barely one Like you.
Speaker 5: If you get through that like 50 years.
Speaker 2: When I, when I make them, then there's always two and I one and I've got one the next day, because there's always enough yeah.
Speaker 5: Do you welcome the toast or do you welcome them to the grill to reheat?
Speaker 2: You know I'm microwave it's totally fine, because yeah.
Speaker 5: When you fill in the little scars right.
Speaker 5: You fill them in.
Speaker 5: Okay, cool, oh sure, sure.
Speaker 2: Sure, sure, sure, like it's yeah, it's not dried out or anything.
Speaker 5: You know some people they just like haphazardly, just sort of like drizzle it.
Speaker 5: It's like the fuck you doing the whole to there for a reason.
Speaker 2: Like I mean that's, that's the upside of a waffle over pain yeah.
Speaker 2: Is that they?
Speaker 4: Yeah, yeah.
Speaker 2: So that.
Speaker 2: But yeah, it's.
Speaker 2: You know, if you do it right, they're kind of crispy outside and fluffy inside anyway, and so they they hold pretty well, like I just thought it might make it a bit soggy.
Speaker 2: It's surprisingly not.
Speaker 2: Yeah, the crispiness of it, and you know, I think I've got a pretty good one Nice.
Speaker 2: I know it's a short 12 hour plane right and I will happily make you and your job.
Speaker 5: No, fuck off.
Speaker 5: She's staying here.
Speaker 5: I will come and enjoy your waffles.
Speaker 5: She can stay with the dad.
Speaker 2: That's.
Speaker 2: That's what I've got on my mat, right at the doors.
Speaker 3: Enjoy my waffles Um what was the point of any of this?
Speaker 3: Oh yeah, so anyway.
Speaker 2: so Susan Sarandon tracks down Bowie to Catherine Deneuve's place, but before she can get there a couple of things have happened.
Speaker 2: One the little girl that they're teaching music to shows up.
Speaker 2: And Bowie thinking hey, I'm aging super fast, Maybe if I eat her.
Speaker 3: Virgin blood and all that.
Speaker 5: I will.
Speaker 2: You're right and that doesn't work, but she does, he does end up killing this child yeah.
Speaker 5: Oh, the music in this story, and then you know, oh, it's so good.
Speaker 2: Um, and when Deneuve gets home, though, she's like what did you do?
Speaker 2: You kid this little girl.
Speaker 5: You know she liked it, didn't she?
Speaker 5: She kind of had like a bit of a like a mentor thing going on.
Speaker 2: Yeah, this is what we liked.
Speaker 2: We said we were not going to eat her.
Speaker 2: She is a pet.
Speaker 3: She seemed kind of nice.
Speaker 5: I reckon it's just he's pissy because she said that she liked Catherine Deneuve better.
Speaker 2: Yes.
Speaker 5: Well, and because she doesn't realize that it's John.
Speaker 5: Also because he looks like an old man and he sort of says I know I'm the buddy you know, and then she was like yeah, that.
Speaker 5: Johnny's such a fucking prick.
Speaker 5: Now she's not, but like he's a, she's a little cool.
Speaker 2: I'm she's like I like, I like her.
Speaker 5: Yeah, like he's just difficult to gauge, like he's just a little bit standoffish or whatever.
Speaker 4: It's our show standoffish.
Speaker 3: Yeah, how about I just stand?
Speaker 2: on your course Give me that.
Speaker 2: How about you come over here?
Speaker 3: and give me that neck.
Speaker 2: Let's dance.
Speaker 3: Pull out my little knife and drink your blood.
Speaker 5: You're really next.
Speaker 3: Yeah.
Speaker 2: And it yeah, but so yeah.
Speaker 4: Miriam.
Speaker 4: Oh yeah, that's right.
Speaker 2: She's real pissed off.
Speaker 2: Yeah, she's real pissed off and and Bowie, rightfully, is like you you kind of fucked me on this whole deal.
Speaker 2: You didn't tell me about this part of it and how long do I have?
Speaker 2: And she's like I don't know, maybe an hour or maybe two, I don't.
Speaker 2: I've got the casket for you.
Speaker 2: You're gonna like it.
Speaker 5: It's like, but fucking, what Right?
Speaker 5: And also I want to know Sorry, I want to know how she is cutting around all of these coffins with her previous lovers for hundreds of years and he's not noticed this shit.
Speaker 5: Does he not notice the fucking post and packaging costs every time they move?
Speaker 2: Yeah yeah, listeners right in If you have a different read of this, because my read on it too was like he wasn't aware that this was going to happen to him.
Speaker 5: I thought he wasn't aware.
Speaker 2: And yeah and, but yeah, she's like.
Speaker 5: He says like oh yeah forever fucking whatever love you know, right, I don't know.
Speaker 5: Right, he's like but and he's like forever.
Speaker 3: You are so small.
Speaker 2: now I'm going to pick you up and take you upstairs and you can have your own coffee, and that's what she does, she just picks them up like an infant, like a sack of mop handles and pick them upstairs.
Speaker 2: Right.
Speaker 2: And and then she's, like you know, putting her hand on another coffee and it's like, oh, it's the ZZ, is his first night to be gentle.
Speaker 2: And it's like, how fucked up is this Like the rest of your life is just living in the day.
Speaker 5: They're like they're still there.
Speaker 5: They just just withering and decrepit and Right, just, yeah, they're just fine.
Speaker 5: Imagine that I'd rather die.
Speaker 2: Absolutely, and that's the.
Speaker 2: So that's the thing that either Danube is lying to herself about, like well you know, maybe the next one will be a good, or or she's just selfish you know, that, and I think that's probably the case, and also as well he's like
Speaker 5: he's like do you really pick like your next lover?
Speaker 5: And she's just like, no, look at me, no, it's fine.
Speaker 5: No, I haven't done shit.
Speaker 5: No, I haven't done shit, sarah.
Speaker 5: Like like she before he's even in the coffin, she's like scoping out her next, her next lover, sort of thing.
Speaker 5: Like it's like Jesus Christ, let the guy just settle for a minute.
Speaker 5: You know what I mean.
Speaker 5: Like give it a beat.
Speaker 2: I don't know if you've noticed, but you have gotten kind of gross.
Speaker 5: Let's give you one last kiss Disgusting.
Speaker 2: I can't give you a kiss, but if we try to fuck your penis could just pop off because you are so old.
Speaker 2: Did I mention you are quite gross.
Speaker 5: Yeah, yes, I never thought I'd say that about David Bowie, but like, yeah, yeah, it's pretty gross.
Speaker 5: It doesn't even really look like it, does he so much?
Speaker 4: It's like it's.
Speaker 2: Um, although the who did Dick Smith, I think, is who did the makeup for this.
Speaker 2: It was either Dick Smith or Rick Baker.
Speaker 5: Oh, okay, I don't know if it's true, but it's pretty good.
Speaker 5: Very good, especially for AC three, fucking hell.
Speaker 2: Yeah and um.
Speaker 2: Yeah, I was trying to find the who did the special makeup.
Speaker 2: At any rate, um, it was one of the two, and I can't remember if it was old Dick Smith or young Rick Baker.
Speaker 2: One of the two, um, dick Smith, that's who?
Speaker 2: Yeah, so, guy who, did exercise and all that.
Speaker 2: Also some of the best old age makeup.
Speaker 2: On max max on see yeah.
Speaker 5: Yeah, nice, he's good at the old age stuff.
Speaker 2: You need somebody to look old.
Speaker 2: You know Dick Smith.
Speaker 5: Dick in.
Speaker 3: Sorry, yeah.
Speaker 3: Dick in here.
Speaker 3: No, not that guy.
Speaker 5: Yeah, and.
Speaker 2: But yeah, so she plops him in this coffin cover some up, tells all the other half Skellington's that she's got up there, that you know like, hey, please keep an eye on, don't be mean to him.
Speaker 2: Um he's a nice guy.
Speaker 5: She not Italian.
Speaker 2: I don't know I've been.
Speaker 2: It's basically turning into the swinging check brothers from Saturday at live the.
Speaker 2: We are too wild, Then crazy guys.
Speaker 2: We are too wild and crazy.
Speaker 3: Yeah.
Speaker 5: And like I just I don't, I don't know Like cause it seems weird because she does still seem to love them all, like she doesn't want to, she doesn't let them go, she keeps them with her.
Speaker 5: She, like you know, she talks to them and stuff and she seems like genuinely upset, like at least at John's passing and stuff.
Speaker 5: Like you know she's like didn't she cry and shit.
Speaker 2: She, yeah, she does, but it's still a fucked up thing to do to somebody Like you're going to be a little bit jaded by that point.
Speaker 2: Yeah, it's one thing to be jaded, but just don't go from one relationship to another Like give it a cool.
Speaker 1: I mean, that's just cool.
Speaker 2: I mean that's true, but yeah, it's you know.
Speaker 2: But it also means that she's going like that's the real monstrous part of her Less that she is murdering people, it's more that she's condemning these people, where you have like 300 good years and then an eternity, yeah, I would say it would be fine if they died, because I mean, that's an extra 200 plus years that you're giving someone and they get to be young and pretty and healthy the whole time.
Speaker 5: You know.
Speaker 5: But the fact is is that at the end of the end of that, you then spend the rest of your life a fucking part of dust with conscience.
Speaker 5: Like your sentence, you know, like and that's yeah, like it doesn't matter how long you are alive, for like it's, in having it you know, being cool and vampirical and shit, when the rest of eternity is going to be torture you know, yeah, absolutely Right, like 100%, but that's kind of where this other relationship starts up with her, and yeah and you know?
Speaker 2: because Susan Seran comes knocking, looking for David Bowie, and she's like oh, he is not here, but have you considered, you know, taking off your top after I spill some wine on it?
Speaker 5: You're wiped up.
Speaker 2: Oh no, I have spilled some wine, and yeah, and ends up getting her to and like the way that we're describing this as happening quickly.
Speaker 5: It happens that it's like it's just and also as well, like Sarah is dating one of her co workers, like they live together, they're in a full blown relationship and everything, and it's like so quick.
Speaker 5: She's like fuck that guy, I want tits.
Speaker 5: You know, like yeah, and obviously there's some sort of like supernatural persuasion seduction thing going on, you know.
Speaker 5: But what's I love is how, like you know, they're chilling out, drinking sherry and and, yeah, miriam's playing lack me's flower duet and she's telling the story behind it about the Prince.
Speaker 5: That princess, I think, is an L something and like, and you know, she's basically like, it's kind of like that Mrs Robinson thing, it's like you trying to seduce me, no, would you like me to seduce you?
Speaker 5: Kind of thing.
Speaker 5: You know, and because, like yeah, because season two, and Sarah is like oh, it's kind of sounds like you're making a pass at me.
Speaker 5: It's like no, but also yes, you know but like yeah, and then, like in the next scene, it's just like whoopsie, oh no, you must take up your top and you're not wearing a bra.
Speaker 5: How convenient.
Speaker 5: And even though you just forgot it is the early it is and like you've just come from your workplace when you're wearing a white top with no bra and you work with a bunch of men, like, fair enough, that's not me being a dickhead and being like you know, women should be able to wear what they want.
Speaker 5: However, like that's also at work and stuff, and it's just I just wouldn't, I would never.
Speaker 5: I mean to be fair.
Speaker 5: I can't not wear a bra.
Speaker 5: My boobs are just.
Speaker 5: They're a fucking hazard without a bra on.
Speaker 5: Just yeah, like for real.
Speaker 5: So so it's totally off topic.
Speaker 5: We're kind of, but not really, but kind of the time where I was running for the bus and a boot fell out.
Speaker 5: Fell out no you did not tell me because this is my fucking ridiculous paratits, sorry, I mean it's literally that I was running for the bus.
Speaker 5: The bus was about to pull off and I was wearing like a low cut best top.
Speaker 5: But I don't even like low cut, but it's just impossible for it to not be low cut with me and just like a normal bra.
Speaker 5: But it was, but again, normal bras are still.
Speaker 5: I mean, I'm looking at my boobs now and like it's I just I can't, there's not much I can do, all right.
Speaker 5: And so, anyways, I start, really like you know, pounding the pavement with my feet not my tits, for clarity here but yeah, like running, and then a boob just falls out as I approached the fucking bus, with everyone fucking looking at me, and then I had to.
Speaker 5: I had to get that bus because I was gonna.
Speaker 5: I don't know why I had to get that.
Speaker 5: I knew I had to.
Speaker 5: I remember I had to be somewhere, like really important, and I had to do the walk of shame down the fucking bus, like I had put my boot back in, obviously, but still it was.
Speaker 5: It was a long ass fucking bus journey, let's put it that way.
Speaker 5: Yeah, it's just pretty awful.
Speaker 5: The bus driver definitely got an rifle.
Speaker 2: There is just no male equivalent of that, like there has never been a point where I'm like I was running so hard and so fast that one of my balls came out.
Speaker 5: Yeah well, no, because everything's fucking designed to keep you tucked in.
Speaker 4: Right.
Speaker 5: Like, and even if I was wearing like a like a polo neck, my boob would still fall out of its bra.
Speaker 5: It would just be like bouncing around in the top.
Speaker 5: I mean it'd be less embarrassing because I wouldn't have my nipples on the show, but like I'd still it like.
Speaker 5: The bras are just crap for any, unless you want to literally wear a sports bra, which I tend to not.
Speaker 5: Maybe I should, maybe I should just hold on.
Speaker 2: I mean, I feel like we're coming to you.
Speaker 5: Yeah, maybe we're just wearing sports bras as like bra bras, but but yeah, like if you're gonna.
Speaker 2: You can wear bra bra over while you're reading a book.
Speaker 5: But yeah, like, yeah, bra bras, normal bras are just not designed to keep the ladies contained very well, with you having to move more than one more per hour.
Speaker 5: Anyway, that's, that's my embarrassing boob at the bus story Continue.
Speaker 5: So, yes, she's going to talk apparently.
Speaker 2: Yeah, susan Sarandon was running for the bus and whoops her boobs.
Speaker 2: Oh, another thing I was thinking is when this scene comes up.
Speaker 2: Susan Sarandon has led a remarkable life, like she's in Rocky Horror, a cult movie that goes on to this day, she's disowned.
Speaker 2: She, I mean regardless it's still hers and she made out with Catherine.
Speaker 5: Deneuve.
Speaker 4: And then she had an affair with David Bowie as well.
Speaker 5: Join us.
Speaker 5: So didn't she?
Speaker 5: Yeah, she like admitted it in an interview or something like a while ago.
Speaker 5: Yeah, I'm watching.
Speaker 3: I mean, yes, I can't imagine.
Speaker 3: I'm imagining it right now.
Speaker 2: Yeah, so like there.
Speaker 2: Anyway, just one of those things of like you know Catherine Deneuve, this icon of international cinema, and that I wonder if every time Susan Sarandon like sees her when you know she's nominated for, like Indochine, for an Oscar and she's like I've had my mouth.
Speaker 5: Yeah, nothing to talk about.
Speaker 2: I mean, how would you not?
Speaker 5: No, this is Oscar's great.
Speaker 5: Oscars are great and all, but have you ever had your mouth around Catherine Deneuve's tits?
Speaker 5: No, because if not I recommend it.
Speaker 5: Yeah, she has great boobs.
Speaker 2: Oh yeah, I mean some of the greats.
Speaker 5: Great.
Speaker 2: Kate Winslet does have amazing boobs.
Speaker 5: So just take my for Kate Winslet boobs.
Speaker 3: Yeah, I'll tell you surprisingly.
Speaker 2: I don't know if you ever watch that Barbellous Mrs.
Speaker 5: No, I heard you talk about it, so much though I feel like I have a Rachel Brosnan.
Speaker 5: Yeah, amazing, eva Green's got some good boobs.
Speaker 2: Eva Green.
Speaker 5: I do see Megan Fox's Instagram account lately.
Speaker 3: Fuck.
Speaker 5: She is definitely doing that post breakup like get naked online thing.
Speaker 1: Oh, did she in Machine Go Kelly?
Speaker 1: Yeah, I'm pretty sure they're done.
Speaker 5: Yeah, I think we keep it on.
Speaker 5: I know, I just don't understand that mentality.
Speaker 5: Like mate, you were not all that, you are a six at best.
Speaker 3: Yeah.
Speaker 5: Treasure and she just keeps on giving.
Speaker 5: I'll just.
Speaker 5: You don't even need.
Speaker 5: I'll send you the links.
Speaker 5: You don't need an Instagram account.
Speaker 5: It's like tip-top you can just go on it even without an account.
Speaker 5: I.
Speaker 5: Will send it.
Speaker 5: So you don't worry, bro, I'll hook you up.
Speaker 2: I appreciate it any.
Speaker 2: I can always go with like.
Speaker 2: I am not the biggest Megan Fox fan in terms of her acting, but she is unquestionably like one of the like drop dead, like jaw on the floor Most like she's had surgery and shit.
Speaker 5: Obviously, like she's Botox her eyeballs and shit, but like she's still.
Speaker 5: I Look so good, like I'm such a pervert over Megan Fox and I don't even care.
Speaker 5: I don't even care, she's just so fucking fit.
Speaker 3: Like I mean.
Speaker 5: I you know what?
Speaker 5: I would go fucking weird with her.
Speaker 5: Do what I.
Speaker 5: I Like they were doing, like didn't they drink each other's blood?
Speaker 5: They did the whole fucking baby Bob Thornton, that's only routine.
Speaker 3: And so.
Speaker 5: I'm gonna say fucking weird.
Speaker 5: I'm like if, if Megan Fox wants to drink, she is drinking my blood.
Speaker 5: If she wants to Shave off my hair and wear it as a wig, she gets to shave off my hair and wear it as a wig.
Speaker 5: I don't give a fuck.
Speaker 5: Megan Fox can literally do whatever the fuck she wants me.
Speaker 5: I don't care.
Speaker 5: I.
Speaker 2: Mean that works for about what?
Speaker 2: 60 days, and then after that you're gonna be like I.
Speaker 2: You know what you're.
Speaker 5: No, cuz All she's got to do is drop her clothes and I'm like, yeah, I'm sorry, what was I saying?
Speaker 5: I'm an idiot, oh right.
Speaker 3: Yeah.
Speaker 5: So what is it that you wanted?
Speaker 5: On the apologies for ever doubting me.
Speaker 3: Let me get between your legs, yeah.
Speaker 2: I don't.
Speaker 2: I'm trying to think who my person is, that I would just be like, no matter how weird things get, all I have to do is see you naked and I'm like you'll reset button.
Speaker 3: Right.
Speaker 2: I mean it might still be Elizabeth.
Speaker 2: She's like 60 years old now I'm.
Speaker 1: Elizabeth, she always did it for me.
Speaker 2: Yeah, or I'll tell you another one is like Kate Beckinsale.
Speaker 3: Yeah, I mean that's.
Speaker 5: I also just think, as Megan Fox does, has that kind of wild woman-esque to her.
Speaker 5: Yeah, I like it, like I wouldn't be like that, even if I like, I really fancy the shit out of Mila Kunis, but if she started saying weird shit to me I'm like dude, what are you doing?
Speaker 5: That's just kind of weird, but for some reason just works with Megan Fox.
Speaker 5: You know what I mean?
Speaker 5: Yeah, anyway, what we talking about babes, yeah, oh yeah, cuz, what's the thing?
Speaker 5: We, you know what?
Speaker 5: We're taking a long time to get through this sex scene.
Speaker 5: So, yeah, miriam's got good boobs.
Speaker 2: Yeah, so they, they have a lesbian encounter and Afterwards like and Miriam has her drink some of.
Speaker 5: Yeah, it's a quite buffy.
Speaker 5: First you have something, then these at your blood.
Speaker 5: It's like a whole big sucking thing.
Speaker 2: Yeah, and so now you Know Susan Sarandon is infected.
Speaker 2: And goes off to her date with her boyfriend, who was like what were you doing?
Speaker 5: all day, I went by sorry, I took severe umbridge with this.
Speaker 5: Like, you just met a woman.
Speaker 5: How are you talking about three and a half hours?
Speaker 5: Was that woman?
Speaker 5: We, because I can guarantee you I can talk to someone I just met for three and a half.
Speaker 5: I in fact I met this woman, who is now a good friend of mine, randomly at a coffee shop and we her kids started chatting to me.
Speaker 5: I wasn't even with my kid, I was actually watching horror movies on my laptop so I quickly shot my laptop and they were like chatting to me for some fucking known reason and she came over and she was in the hot oh I'm sorry for my asshole kids kind of thing and I was on a great and then we started chatting and we swapped numbers and then we went out for a coffee and we spent four hours chatting and I've been met her like two days ago.
Speaker 5: So I was like when he's all, like how are you gonna talk about me?
Speaker 5: I'm like everything you not know women.
Speaker 5: Like do you even know how women work?
Speaker 5: Like clearly not, because she's quite happy to fuck one without even second thinking about you.
Speaker 5: So clearly there's something missing there.
Speaker 5: So Well, I'm.
Speaker 2: She also says oh well, you know, we drink some sherry.
Speaker 2: And he's like what?
Speaker 4: you hate sherry.
Speaker 2: She's like, yeah, but it was.
Speaker 5: Catherine to know when she says hip half some sherry, you have some sherry.
Speaker 2: Right, I mean, have you seen?
Speaker 5: because I have.
Speaker 3: I.
Speaker 2: In the side of movies.
Speaker 2: But yeah.
Speaker 2: So the the boyfriend is feeling a little bit on the outs and Meanwhile Susan Sarandon is starting to get like twitchy distracted by vision.
Speaker 5: No, we're naked.
Speaker 2: And so she has to like kind of go running back to Catherine, to new.
Speaker 2: By the way, the movie completely Abandons any of the plot about the sleep.
Speaker 5: Although they have quite a nice little moment where, like cuz they she goes and speaks to like her colleagues because they're all like blood specialists and shit and they run like a sample and stuff and it's kind of like a cool science, where it's like all these two blood types they're like fighting out dominance sort of thing, like I mean, I don't know what kind of science that it is, but it seemed cool.
Speaker 5: But but yeah, and like that, I just quite like that scene sort of thing.
Speaker 5: Cuz, like I Don't know it.
Speaker 5: Just I like I like stuff when it's really fantastical but it can also be explained.
Speaker 5: Even if it's in dumb movie science, it has like an explanation.
Speaker 5: It's not just like are just cuz, is.
Speaker 5: It's kind of like, are there's some sort of if I say this Comfortingly enough, it sounds like science, like that's fine, like I don't.
Speaker 5: I don't care how legit is, but I just quite like it when they, when they do that in films.
Speaker 5: So I thought that seemed was kind of cool.
Speaker 5: But yeah, then after that is just like all right, cool.
Speaker 5: Bye, charlie, no one needs you.
Speaker 2: Yeah and Right.
Speaker 2: So she takes off, Goes back to Catherine Deneuve, is like hey, what's going on with me?
Speaker 2: And she's like you are becoming a vampire.
Speaker 5: Did you know that I'm not tell you?
Speaker 2: It is quite sexy.
Speaker 5: You have a good time now.
Speaker 5: What's the problem?
Speaker 2: Right and basically tells her like hey, you're gonna live forever wise.
Speaker 2: Right, you know and uses the same line you're gonna live forever and ever and drink sherry so.
Speaker 2: You will learn to love me as.
Speaker 5: I love you.
Speaker 5: That is called Stockholm syndrome.
Speaker 5: Eventually, you will just come around to it eventually you will just tolerate me Because you have no one else.
Speaker 2: Ha ha ha all of your friends and loved ones will be dead.
Speaker 5: Yeah, you will want to eat their, their brains.
Speaker 5: And never done.
Speaker 5: She doesn't do that.
Speaker 5: Well, they suck their blood, and so you'll have to isolate yourself with me alone in my ivory tower.
Speaker 2: Yeah right.
Speaker 2: Well, in that's, I think, kind of the.
Speaker 2: The gimmick for Deneuve is that she just wants Someone you know to be with, and it doesn't matter who they are.
Speaker 2: I mean, it matters a little bit, but mostly it's just I, you know, I want someone, that I have Someone.
Speaker 5: I can talk to, like I can chat to you and find sexy and stuff I was going up you know, I thought we were one.
Speaker 2: It.
Speaker 2: It is up until.
Speaker 5: I'm from the murder and shit.
Speaker 5: Fine, whatever.
Speaker 2: Well, but not just that.
Speaker 2: It's like she's not really it's not, as if Susan Sarandon will you know again, like the kiss of the damn thing, like it's she's not like.
Speaker 2: Yes, I want to be with you.
Speaker 2: You were, you know, catherine Deneuve after all, and I want to spend eternity with you.
Speaker 2: It's just like hey, I've done this to you.
Speaker 2: In time, you will be, and, and so that's kind of where things stand.
Speaker 2: And and then Deneuve like is like hey, I brought the someone over to for you.
Speaker 4: Such a fucking child, I mean.
Speaker 2: Wait, she's a dumb, hate gums and so it's like you know, once you feed on him, you will know what it's like to test blood and it will be great and and and that's kind of what happens, so like she ends up drinking blood in this scene and then goes to Deneuve and as they're, you know, like her mouth.
Speaker 5: Oh no, she kills.
Speaker 5: She kills, tom, her bloke.
Speaker 5: Well, she is basically Miriam can't hold it, hold herself back and she kills the guy.
Speaker 5: And Then, and then Tom tries to find her because she's been missing all damn day.
Speaker 5: And then he's like, oh Like, have you seen her?
Speaker 5: She came by here.
Speaker 5: It's like, yes, she upstairs.
Speaker 5: What is your problem?
Speaker 5: He's like, she's right, I guess I'll go that.
Speaker 5: And and then she's all like riding around on the floor.
Speaker 5: It's like she's like the infections taking over and shit, and then like Kills him, just like that.
Speaker 2: Yeah, and Once that's done, she goes to Deneuve and they embrace.
Speaker 2: But she then takes Deneuve's like Dagger knife, yeah, yeah, and and cuts her.
Speaker 5: I thought she did Miriam's at first.
Speaker 2: I Did you and I've seen this a number of times, but even then I was like wait, did she never Miriam's eyes widen in?
Speaker 5: shock.
Speaker 5: Obviously she's in shock at what's happened, but like it really, the way it's edited makes it look like she's done it to Miriam.
Speaker 5: Yeah, but it was she did it to herself and is bleeding out over, and this is kind of where the film lost me Like, not in terms of my interest, but just in terms of what I don't get it.
Speaker 2: Right, okay, so here's what I think happens, and here's what we know is that she ends up going upstairs with Susan Sarandon's body.
Speaker 4: Yeah.
Speaker 2: To basically put her in the pile put on the slot gate.
Speaker 2: But what I think is going on is that Bowie was not quite so helpless.
Speaker 4: Okay.
Speaker 2: And is basically staging a bit of a.
Speaker 5: Two guys.
Speaker 5: I know all the other.
Speaker 2: Right, right, like, like you know, we'll all shambles at her and Eventually I don't know she'll fall down or something.
Speaker 5: But yet, like all these old lovers, come out of hiding, although I don't know how they're able to move, like I don't yeah, I don't think I'm standing I I don't like it's one of those just just watch, like just watch it.
Speaker 2: Yeah, I mean, this is very much a like.
Speaker 2: This is for moving, this is happening and but yeah, all of the former lovers are all decayed and gross and they come out of the their coffins and kind of shambles after Miriam who backs away looking horrified and ends up kind of toppling off of this high railing onto the floor below and you know it's all busted up and whatnot, and then all of the shambling creatures come find her and One assumes they all kill her.
Speaker 4: Question mark.
Speaker 1: Question mark yes.
Speaker 5: Yeah, because.
Speaker 2: Well, all right.
Speaker 2: So here's where I think I can fill in that gap, because then the next thing is like the apartment is being shown to a couple that we don't see, I don't think, and and Lieutenant Dan Hadea shows up and is like I hear that you got some kind of Dead problem around here or something.
Speaker 2: We're looking for a little girl and she's like I look the owners took off and left.
Speaker 2: We don't know where they are.
Speaker 2: There's no report like.
Speaker 2: The report is that they both died, but All we know for sure is that lawyers contacted us, says the house was empty.
Speaker 2: Yeah, it's done, and so we're showing this off so that you know we can sell the house he's like.
Speaker 1: Oh you know, and that's it.
Speaker 2: And then we see a Sexy couple.
Speaker 2: This, I think, is somewhere else, like this yeah yeah, I don't think it was the same place.
Speaker 2: And it's a sexy couple.
Speaker 2: One of the, the, the women, is like oh Sarah, are you coming?
Speaker 2: And then we see that Sarah Saran, or Susan Sarandon, who plays Sarah in the movie, has survived.
Speaker 2: Has a little scar on her neck, but she has survived this, you know, I guess because she is a vampire now.
Speaker 2: That she lived through this, and we also see that she Seems to have to new in a coffin now.
Speaker 5: Yeah, but is she like Alive or dead?
Speaker 5: Is she probably a life, but like having to live the existence that she bestowed upon her lovers?
Speaker 2: That is the impression I have is that, like whatever this power is that allows you to be, yeah forever, has transferred to Susan Sarandon and.
Speaker 5: Kind of become the new.
Speaker 2: Right, she'll go on to, you know, have her own series of lovers who Eventually end up in boxes.
Speaker 5: Yeah, they just got to do all that fucking post and packaging.
Speaker 5: I mean, who's the real victim here?
Speaker 5: Yeah, no, that kind of stuff I got.
Speaker 5: I just I wasn't really sure what happened when they like.
Speaker 5: I was like how do they come back?
Speaker 5: Why is this on me, like now when uprising?
Speaker 5: Could they not done that in the last thousand years?
Speaker 5: No, I, cool, cool, yeah I.
Speaker 2: Mean, they just need but we don't inspire you probably.
Speaker 2: He was singing them songs.
Speaker 2: Right, they're like look it's, it's a kind of shitty, live it up here.
Speaker 2: And he's like so you say it's.
Speaker 2: It's a god.
Speaker 1: Wait, that's a beautiful song.
Speaker 2: I'll play more for you if you help me kill Miriam deal.
Speaker 4: But we're coming out of the car.
Speaker 4: This is what we needed.
Speaker 1: We need the power of song.
Speaker 5: Yeah, all right, cool, all right, it's because of me.
Speaker 5: Be fine, that's fine.
Speaker 5: I was just wasn't sure if there's something that I've missed.
Speaker 5: But no, just me, be fine.
Speaker 5: Oh.
Speaker 2: No, I don't.
Speaker 2: I don't think that you're missing anything, but this is another example of where this movie is very much Style over.
Speaker 2: Exactly, you took the words out of my mouth.
Speaker 2: It's, it's fine.
Speaker 5: That's fine because the style is pretty phenomenal in Venice.
Speaker 2: Like, if you know, I'm kind of cool on the movie in terms of plot and all that, but I hope For the listeners who have never seen the hunger, like you, should see the hunger.
Speaker 5: It's a film that needs to be like, very like it's a visual film They'd like you're watching it for the visuals.
Speaker 5: You're not really watching it for this kind of strong together plot like the plot's fine, the plot is needed to carry it.
Speaker 5: But like You're watching it for the visuals and for the music and for David Bowie.
Speaker 5: And if you're on the pot, if you're, if you're smoking the reefer, while you're watching this movie that is probably going to be.
Speaker 2: I can see that you know just like get yourself a pint of ice cream, a spoon, a bong the size of your leg, and let that get you to the bottom of your head and let that guide you into the yeah, I Just wanted afterwards.
Speaker 5: I just wanted to like drape around my flat and dark clothing and just be moody and, you know, drape myself against the wall and like run my hand down my chest kind of thing, and just feel Dramatic.
Speaker 2: Yeah, I put fans outside and and put big flowing gauze.
Speaker 5: In my bedroom I literally Feel I like the curtains, like they don't keep out any light and I'm like I did not buy these curtains for practical use.
Speaker 5: These curtains are purely For aesthetic, that's it.
Speaker 5: Like I'm not no, this the things I can sleep through.
Speaker 5: Anything like I I Can.
Speaker 5: Literally I did.
Speaker 5: Son doesn't wake me.
Speaker 5: I have to have such a loud alarm with the archer theme tune to wake me up and even then it takes a couple of times.
Speaker 5: I am such a deep sleeper when I'm under.
Speaker 5: So the lack of practicalities of my curtain does not bother me, but it does lend itself to be a very cool Flowy.
Speaker 5: It goes from white and then it goes like ombre down to dark gray.
Speaker 5: Very good.
Speaker 5: Okay, I got you, I think yeah, I think maybe I was supposed to be an 80s Gothic vampire.
Speaker 5: I mean Great just for the outfits of nothing else.
Speaker 2: So that is the hunger, but let's get back to our subject.
Speaker 5: Polyamorous relationships.
Speaker 5: Have you ever done anything like that?
Speaker 5: Have you been like an open relationships or been like the third or I have been, I've been the third.
Speaker 5: Okay, tell me, tell me.
Speaker 3: Yeah.
Speaker 2: Oh okay, so yeah, yeah, tully also been involved in a number of open relationships.
Speaker 2: Um no, I was.
Speaker 2: I was involved with someone who, um, she and her husband had a very non-sexual relationship and we had a very pro sexual relationship, and so that was kind of it, but it was also like, um, there was definitely an emotional component for sure.
Speaker 2: Um, you know, like it, it, it, but I'm like, and I was the person who ended up eventually calling it off because that's just, it's just not my speed.
Speaker 2: You know, like I, I'm very and and and perhaps it it took being in this relationship to kind of appreciate it as much as I did Um was that I'm very much into.
Speaker 2: I just want to be with a yeah, you're a monogamous you know, very much so, um, and it also didn't help that, like she, really one of the things that she enjoyed was the non monogamous part of it.
Speaker 2: You know, like um, not so far as it being like a cuckold kind of situation.
Speaker 4: Yeah, the guy knew about it today yeah.
Speaker 2: Absolutely, absolutely, a hundred percent, um, but she definitely enjoyed like kind of tweaking, uh, the sense of jealousy that I would have.
Speaker 2: Oh, that's not okay.
Speaker 2: And I was, yeah, and I was like I don't enjoy this, like that's.
Speaker 2: You know, like I'm I'm awkward about this.
Speaker 2: Like I understand the relationship you have with your husband and the amount of time that we have spent together leads me to believe that your husband is okay with this.
Speaker 5: Otherwise he would have left long ago, like I didn't have any direct interaction with him but um, but yeah, I was like I don't, this is not no, I feel like that's quite manipulative, like in any situation, like even if she was like your actual girlfriend or wife, and then she starts going oh so just keep going at work or what you know, trying to sort of like play into your emotions like that.
Speaker 5: I just feel like that's just quite a manipulative thing to do, like in any, any sort of scenario like I've like.
Speaker 5: So with the, with the um the sort of scenarios that I've had, like you know, I'll use the first one, um, because I think that's probably been the most successful so far, um and like so the, the couple in question, like they had a very hot and heavy relationship, um like several times a day type levels, um, because both of their sex drives are just insanely high, um, but in like recent times, like the last year or so, her sex drive has just kind of disappeared.
Speaker 5: So I think it's because she went on to different medication, um, she's got.
Speaker 5: She suffers, uh, from some mental health stuff, um, and I think that was affecting it and but she'd like tried going into therapy and things and stuff like that, and although they would still kind of get down, it would be nothing compared to what she used to be and she wouldn't be into it, but she'd just be like cool, you do, you do Like.
Speaker 5: You know, apparently, like one time, um, like he was like eating her out while wanking off and she was just on her phone scrolling, yeah, like, and it, and he said part of it.
Speaker 5: It was kind of hot because it was kind of like, yeah, like that whole kind of like debasement type thing, but equally it's kind of like, but he's, he's such a giver like he loves to give pleasure.
Speaker 5: So it was, it was more of like this is actually just very disheartening, because my pleasure comes from your pleasure.
Speaker 5: Um, so they were like trying out different things and you know they decided like maybe he should like you know there's, there's someone loving that he asked such a wonderful couple and the way that he talks about her, oh my gosh, like it's the sweetest thing.
Speaker 5: Um, but like you know, like you know he does have a very high sex drive and it's just not being met.
Speaker 5: So you know that's that situation.
Speaker 5: But, like you know, I said to him like look, your partner trying not to name names or anything your partner, um, she's, she's my priority in this, because I have nothing to lose here.
Speaker 5: Um, you're getting your end away and she has put in so much trust in you and I and you know she is having to do like this really amazing thing for you.
Speaker 5: You know, I need to know that she is 100% okay with everything, because as soon as I find out that she isn't, this is I'm dead in this.
Speaker 5: You know, like it is not like, and he is a very, very honest person.
Speaker 5: He is just one of the nicest guys.
Speaker 5: Like he is such a genuine, lovely, down to earth guy, um, and like he tells me everything about what they've been discussing and they have like a check in every evening and there's certain things like we don't do Sunday because that's their day, because she works all the time as a chef and um, you know, like he won't be able to come over unless she's out of the house, kind of thing.
Speaker 5: So she's not like sat at home thinking about her bloke, you know, with somebody else, kind of thing, um, but because she's a chef, she works a lot of nights, so that's fine, um, and stuff like that.
Speaker 5: But like you know, he'll tell me about, like, how she's feeling and what they've been chatting about and stuff, and like you know, and then, like he'll tell her about the things that we chat about and, like you know, and not anything like any of my personal shit, but just you know, like hey, like you know, this was going on and this was kind of cool and like you know, and she's just like the loveliest person.
Speaker 5: Like I've not met her or anything but from what he tells me and things, like you know, um, she's really sweet and you know and, but it's that communication and like no one's, there's no toxicity in it at all.
Speaker 5: Like no one's like trying to manipulate the other one or get anything from the other excuse me, other one other than what's been discussed and what's been like agreed upon.
Speaker 5: And me and him are like really good mates now.
Speaker 5: Like um, it's so funny because we can like bang like anything right, fucking hot and heavy or the rest of it, and then we'll come into the kitchen and like and I'll be like, oh, so like um, did you like watch that movie with Sophie that I, oh shit, did you watch that movie?
Speaker 5: Like um, you know with with your girlfriend, like that I recommended and stuff, and he was like, oh yeah, no, she loves it.
Speaker 5: And like we'll high five and stuff, and it's just like we're mates.
Speaker 5: You know, it's like a very separate thing, like the sex and the friendship.
Speaker 5: But it's just quite funny how, like, I can literally like be like giving them all kinds of deep throat one minute and then like high fiving because they're now engaged.
Speaker 5: You know like, oh, fucking, hey, buddy, like that's so awesome, give me a hug.
Speaker 5: You know, I'm just like you just been balls deep in me five minutes ago.
Speaker 5: But let's, high five on your engagement.
Speaker 5: You know, but like, if anything, anything came up like that, that situation that you had where, like he was trying to make me jealous or try and get something from me by manipulating my emotions or whatever, like that just to me is such a huge red flag Like I would never.
Speaker 5: I would just be like, yeah, I don't know what the shit you've got going on, mate, but I'm not a part of that, because that is not a healthy way to be in a situation that requires so much trust and honesty and communication from everybody involved.
Speaker 5: You know, like it's just, nah, it's just, it's just not a good way to be in that.
Speaker 5: Like it's such a delicate setup.
Speaker 5: Do you know what I mean?
Speaker 5: It's a very delicate ego, for sure.
Speaker 5: Yeah.
Speaker 2: And especially in a situation where I was very upfront with the idea or, you know, in saying like this is a very different kind of situation for me and not something I'm entirely comfortable with.
Speaker 2: And so, like I'm going to have to kind of baby step, like again, I understand the setup and so forth, but it just wasn't ultimately like, like like I knew it wasn't going to be for me before I think before that aspect of it, kind of yeah but it.
Speaker 2: But that was definitely a like oh, okay, we're, this is definitely not.
Speaker 5: Yeah, yeah, big red flag.
Speaker 5: Yeah For sure.
Speaker 5: But also, though this in a situation thing has led me to drum roll my first proper lesbian experience.
Speaker 4: Oh, thank you.
Speaker 5: So for those who don't know, I just been drawing over and making folks or fucking ever.
Speaker 5: I am pansexual.
Speaker 5: So for those who don't know what that means, that means I am pretty much open to everyone, like it doesn't matter about your gender.
Speaker 5: What is hot is hot to me.
Speaker 5: You know, I don't fancy every person.
Speaker 5: I don't think every person in the world is hot, but that's because I just don't think you're hot.
Speaker 5: That's nothing to do with how you identify or what's between your legs.
Speaker 5: So yeah, anyways, but I have, through circumstances and being in two very long term monogamous heterosexual relationships back to back, I've never really had a lot of opportunity to be gay, like in the, in the, in the practical sense, but anyways, yeah.
Speaker 5: So I met this girl who is engaged to this guy.
Speaker 5: Again, it's all very like, he knows, and it's all fine.
Speaker 5: And, yeah, I got my underway a little bit.
Speaker 5: Unfortunately, I haven't seen her since, not because of anything, but she just not been very well and I've been really busy.
Speaker 5: But we're meeting up again in a few weeks, so that'll be nice.
Speaker 5: But yeah, and like and right, not to be graphic, I don't think people can have this point.
Speaker 4: Yeah.
Speaker 5: So wait, hang on, run by the bases with me, because I want to make sure I get this right.
Speaker 2: What's first base?
Speaker 2: First base is yeah.
Speaker 5: Second base is like fingers and hand jobs.
Speaker 2: I always thought second base was boobs, Third base was was vaginal fingering and then the home run.
Speaker 5: I mean, I'm kind of, manslaughter is American terminology, but I thought it was kissing the tongues.
Speaker 5: Second base was fingering or hand jobs, third base was oral and fourth base was home run sex.
Speaker 2: I look, I just learned that Netflix and chill did not mean watching movies like three days ago.
Speaker 5: Oh.
Speaker 3: I know.
Speaker 5: I fucking knew.
Speaker 5: To be honest, Netflix and chill to me does just mean that because, like sorry, but are we watching this show or having sex?
Speaker 5: I can't do both.
Speaker 5: I need to fucking follow this plotline, Like yeah.
Speaker 4: We can have sex and then watch Netflix.
Speaker 5: That's all the other way around, whichever way, but I'm not fucking like.
Speaker 5: If we're watching something, we're watching it start to end.
Speaker 5: Uh huh, it's just.
Speaker 5: Yeah, it's just my thing.
Speaker 2: Yeah, no, I'm with you.
Speaker 2: When, when somebody was like oh no, Netflix and chill means fucking, I was like what are you talking about?
Speaker 5: Like, yeah, never, since you just mean that it's like, it's like that thing about oh hey, let's put a movie and not watch it.
Speaker 5: No, I want to watch it.
Speaker 5: I want to fucking watch the movie, then we can fuck, that's fine, yeah.
Speaker 2: I mean, that's been my curse my entire life, though is like if we're watching a movie that I really like, I'm like, how about we either stop the movie and fuck, or we watch, or we finish the movie, then fuck?
Speaker 2: I'm the same but let's not fuck while, because I'm going to get distracted.
Speaker 5: Exactly.
Speaker 5: I'm going to be there like mid blow job and they'll be like, and I'll just suddenly show you up and I'll be like oh man, no, no, no, what's this bit as well?
Speaker 5: Cool, yeah, right, right, and I'll be like no, no, no, fucking right, okay, we're going to have to rewind it now, because you didn't get the contacts.
Speaker 5: Oh, did you?
Speaker 5: Yeah, or are we like, you know, like mid sex?
Speaker 5: No, but like wait, did you hear that joke?
Speaker 5: You didn't.
Speaker 5: Okay, we were winding it because that was really fucking funny.
Speaker 5: Just wait, wait, wait, fuck, I've gone far too back.
Speaker 5: Okay, right, let's just, I'm sorry, just not like, it's just no, no, either fuck me or what to be.
Speaker 2: But let's say we're, we're getting way off topic here.
Speaker 5: Let's get back to you and your your same sex counter.
Speaker 5: So, anyways, I got up to a finger.
Speaker 5: So if we couldn't agree on a place, right, okay, anyways, I made a come twice.
Speaker 5: It's the first fucking time and it is very like, women are tricky.
Speaker 5: You know, I knew that before coming in.
Speaker 5: But yeah, I made a come twice.
Speaker 5: Yeah.
Speaker 2: Well done.
Speaker 5: And one of them was internally, which is a lot harder than the clitoris Right.
Speaker 3: I was really tired of myself.
Speaker 2: I, yeah, yeah, absolutely, Like I tell whenever asked and, you know, in an inappropriate environment in which you share this the internet right.
Speaker 3: Not, not in my class.
Speaker 3: But yeah, I but I'm always like.
Speaker 2: Hey, don't, no matter what you're doing.
Speaker 2: Even if you're doing, you know straight up, you know penis of a giant penetration, don't forget the clits Stay focused.
Speaker 5: Yeah, don't forget that hot button.
Speaker 5: But, yeah, yeah, and I'd like so funny Cause I'm like, right, okay, just got to remember what that guy did that time.
Speaker 5: Like you know, cause I've never done it before, I'm like doing it yourself is very different.
Speaker 5: And also, as well, I can never get the angle right internally for myself.
Speaker 5: So I'm like pure clitoral stimulation when I'm just using my fingers, kind of thing.
Speaker 5: So, like you know, I'm just like I'm trying to like channel, like previous times where, like I'd had some good fingering from guys and I'm like, right, okay, that's like come to me Fucking gesture and anyway, whatever the fuck I did, it worked.
Speaker 3: So yeah, I was off a chuffed with myself.
Speaker 2: Well, welcome to the the wonderful and sometimes intricate world of making income?
Speaker 5: Yeah, turns out.
Speaker 5: Turns out, women are pretty good at it, so don't know what men are doing.
Speaker 3: Yeah, look yeah, oh, my God.
Speaker 5: Do you want to hear a story about fucking wasting time?
Speaker 5: Wasting time, so you know how I mentioned.
Speaker 5: I had someone over last night.
Speaker 4: Right so.
Speaker 5: I right, I was message this guy, matched with him on an app and and we're, I was like feeling a little bit frustrated because this other guy had like said that him and his wife are going to slow things down, which is, again, totally respectful.
Speaker 5: But I was very looking forward to our date on Tuesday.
Speaker 5: But whatever, it's fine, that's basically what I'm filled.
Speaker 5: But they, I was very, very frustrated.
Speaker 5: So I was like, right, I want to find someone to bang after this movie that I'm going to tonight.
Speaker 5: So I, I sort of messaged this guy and all good, lots of good vibes and, like you know, lots of teasing talk and, like you know, building anticipation and whatnot.
Speaker 5: And he's all like, yeah, like I've got really high sex drive and like I've been told this and that and whatever, and and okay, all right, look, I, I'm going to submit I'm a size queen.
Speaker 5: Okay, like I need a certain caliber of dick, right, not because of anything to do with me and to I mean, I've been told I'm very compact, but like I just, yeah, I just like her something to work with, all right, and that's not to say that like I've only been with big guys, like there are some perfectly, absolutely decent smaller guys.
Speaker 5: But I've just realized in recent, in recent times, that I like a bigger day, like not massive, but like around seven inches is good, anyway, right.
Speaker 5: So anyways, I'm like trying to test the wars on my art, and I'm saying like because I really like to deep, throw it.
Speaker 5: Just I want to know, like you know, what am I working with here, trying to, like you know, be gentle about it.
Speaker 5: And then he turns around and he says like, oh, don't worry, you've got nothing to work like worry about.
Speaker 5: And I'm like gravy baby.
Speaker 5: And then he's all like, yeah, like I'm like reload and all this because he's all about edging himself and stuff in anticipation.
Speaker 5: I'm like, well, don't do it too much, I don't need to you to blow your load with them, like a minute kind of thing.
Speaker 5: And who's this like don't worry, Like even if that does have my can reload real fast and all this shit, right.
Speaker 5: So I'm like great, great, awesome, this all sounds great.
Speaker 5: So, anyways, he comes over mine late last night Good looking guy, matches his photo, so that's, that's a start.
Speaker 5: And comes in, great kisser, doing all like, making all the right moves and everything, and then whips it out and he is such a fucking liar, oh no.
Speaker 4: Fucking liar.
Speaker 5: But I'm like, okay, it's not like, it's not like a microdic, it's fine.
Speaker 5: It's just not as big as I had been led to believe.
Speaker 5: So I'm like that's fine, though, whatever, and like I start going to town on it and literally 30 seconds sprays everywhere.
Speaker 3: Oh, no, so I'm like.
Speaker 2: So how quick was the reload?
Speaker 2: Was he?
Speaker 2: Was he for real?
Speaker 3: on that?
Speaker 3: Oh no.
Speaker 5: And on top of that.
Speaker 5: So he got it all over my tits right, not to be graphic.
Speaker 5: But so I go and clean up and I come back and he's just like led on his bed, a led on my bed story, and he just starts like he's got his boxes back on.
Speaker 5: He's like on his phone and I'm like all right.
Speaker 5: So I get like on the bed next to him and he just starts chatting to me and I'm just like are you going to finish what you started?
Speaker 5: This is a little bit of a new kind of saying like, because he was like he'd gone down with me, like a little bit, but like I mean the train had left the station but it had definitely not reached its destination.
Speaker 4: You know what I mean.
Speaker 5: Right, I feel like I was being clear.
Speaker 2: Hey, we've talked about this a number of times.
Speaker 2: I'm like you blow a load.
Speaker 2: That's great, yeah.
Speaker 5: It's time to get to work and he was just like oh yeah, absolutely.
Speaker 5: And then, in fairness, he did do a great job of going down.
Speaker 5: Like he did Like, and it's kind of one of those things where I think like he probably knows that he's not the biggest guy in the world and so he's really kind of like made sure he's good at other stuff, but like still no sex.
Speaker 5: And like I'm like I don't know, it's weird because with I think it's because with girls in my very limited experience, I know not to expect that if that makes sense, like, so like in that traditional sense.
Speaker 5: So it's kind of like you kind of know what you're going in for, whereas with guys I'm kind of like I get to a point and I'm like I need some deep digging, you know.
Speaker 5: So I'm like waiting for his reload and it just doesn't happen.
Speaker 5: And I'm trying and like it's just not happening.
Speaker 5: And in the end I was like I'm going to go get some water and then we like and he was on about staying over before and like we were going to have some morning sex and whatever, and like go grab a coffee, because I didn't really have anything to do like heavily today, like I had someone coming over this afternoon but like the morning I was relatively free.
Speaker 5: And then I was just like are you going to stay?
Speaker 5: And he's like, yeah, I think I'm probably just going to go home.
Speaker 5: And I was like, yeah, probably for the best.
Speaker 5: Yeah, it wasn't that bad.
Speaker 5: So it's like, but yeah.
Speaker 5: And then he messaged me and he was just like, oh, thanks for a great time.
Speaker 5: And he was like, oh, next time, like you know, like I realized like I used some actual sex and I was just like, nah, you're cool.
Speaker 5: Like it was just like such bad manners.
Speaker 5: You know yeah.
Speaker 2: Yeah, I was just like that's rough, like I did have an orgasm Like it was fine.
Speaker 5: It was just like.
Speaker 5: Why tell me all of this stuff and amp yourself up if you cannot deliver?
Speaker 2: Yeah, yeah, yeah, it's, it's under promise over deliver man, that's customer service and it's a bare minimum.
Speaker 2: It's like hey, you know, I, I.
Speaker 2: If you want to say like, oh, I haven't had a lot of complaints, Great, that's, that's fine, You're not.
Speaker 5: You're not overselling, anything like but like going stuff like, oh, you'll definitely like be like, oh, you won't be disappointed, turns out, turns out I was, it was fine.
Speaker 5: Like it was fine, it wasn't like the worst experience I'd ever had, but it was just kind of very much this over promise, under delivered, like the way he was going on, he was going to rock my world and like it was going to be like an all nighter and stuff.
Speaker 5: Cause he was, I was like, cause I'm not going to get home to like 11 days, that's too late.
Speaker 5: Like no baby, we got all night kind of thing, you know, and all of this.
Speaker 5: And I was like turns out all night for him was about 30 seconds, so yeah, great, not great.
Speaker 5: He's only 25.
Speaker 5: Bless him.
Speaker 5: Maybe he just needs a bit more experience.
Speaker 3: Yeah.
Speaker 2: You know it's.
Speaker 2: That's unfortunate.
Speaker 5: Last year I was fucking a 24 year old and he had great stamina.
Speaker 5: I mean, he was a psychopath but, like you know, he had great stamina when somebody's some.
Speaker 2: Yeah, it's.
Speaker 2: You know, part of it is like it's individual for sure, but also it's some of the dishes matters.
Speaker 5: You know, if he had come all over my tips right and been like oh my gosh, like okay, you sit right there, you lie back, do not worry about this, that would have been.
Speaker 5: I'd have been like all right, cool, I mean, let me go clean up first, but sure.
Speaker 5: But like the fact that I went clean up when I came in and he's just like making himself at home in my bed, like with his like you socks on and fucking on his phone and shit, and I'm just like uh, huh, okay, what do you think is happening here?
Speaker 5: If you think we're done, well, you can forget that.
Speaker 5: You know like yeah, saddle up, cowboy.
Speaker 2: Yeah, that's yeah, either immaturity or just bad form, and either way, he, you're right, he, he should.
Speaker 5: I'm tempted to mess him by the way.
Speaker 5: What do you next hook up?
Speaker 5: Do not do that.
Speaker 5: But I'm also like we know what I'm.
Speaker 5: I was just saying, but his mother I don't think his mother's telling him that either, but I was like be sure that you're lucky if you happen to blow your low too early.
Speaker 5: If I had a boy, I'd be telling him that shit, Like, I'd be like and it's a nature.
Speaker 5: I don't know if I wrote anything but like if you know when he started, like you know actually, like when I know that he's like seeing someone regularly, whatever.
Speaker 5: By the way, do not do this when you watch.
Speaker 5: Talk to me the mum in that goals and you'll know what I mean.
Speaker 5: Like when you say it.
Speaker 2: Okay, I think you have to use coded language.
Speaker 2: You know you have to.
Speaker 2: You have to say things like remember you, you are there with a partner.
Speaker 2: Make sure that you are keeping that at front of mind and that it is not all about you.
Speaker 4: It's a balance.
Speaker 4: It's a delicate operation Like you don't want to.
Speaker 2: It's dicey.
Speaker 2: Because you don't want to, you don't want to go too far in either direction, like you don't want to be a complete, like you don't want to not.
Speaker 5: Yeah, no, exactly Like last night Right.
Speaker 2: You know, I mean that's a problem too, but you definitely want to make sure that if you do fuck and things get out of hand, then or you know- well in hand, whichever, then you know you just yeah same advice I give all the time just make sure that you are, you are taking care of your partner.
Speaker 1: Yeah, you know, and making sure that, like some, mind fucking distractions.
Speaker 5: You know, yeah, yeah.
Speaker 5: Or like you know that then, like you know, maybe do something else for a bit and then go.
Speaker 5: You know what I mean.
Speaker 3: Like yeah, right.
Speaker 2: It like look, everybody makes mistakes.
Speaker 2: There are always unfortunate circumstances, but you got to be willing to own up to it and, like you can do a hey, next time will be better.
Speaker 2: But you've just got to make sure that the next time will be better.
Speaker 2: Comes after they have already.
Speaker 5: Yeah, and also make sure that next time is definitely better.
Speaker 5: You know, don't again.
Speaker 5: Don't make promises you can't keep.
Speaker 5: You know, like it's just like, that's just manage my expectations.
Speaker 5: That's all I ask.
Speaker 2: Right, yeah, yeah.
Speaker 2: Definitely.
Speaker 2: Don't go in like hey, I've, you know, I've got this big hammer.
Speaker 5: Exactly Like you were in for a time of your life, because it's like honey I'm 35.
Speaker 5: And I've probably had a lot more sex than you is going to take a lot to impress me.
Speaker 5: It like beyond, like if you're going to come in with that energy, then you need to provide that energy because, like I, have 10 more years of experience on you at least and this is not my first radio.
Speaker 2: Yeah, I'll tell you in my my experience and time here on on this, this world I am very into and let it be a surprise, right, Like when you're talking, especially when you're talking about size, like just don't oversell.
Speaker 2: Just like, be like, if you again, if you want to go with the hey, I haven't had a lot of complaints, that's fine.
Speaker 2: Don't start talking a big game and then show up with, you know, the peace.
Speaker 2: Yeah, exactly, you know there is no better reaction in the world, and then I didn't realize we were talking about this.
Speaker 4: Yeah.
Speaker 2: You know, like this, this is an unexpected and pleasant surprise.
Speaker 5: That is what you were, yeah definitely no, 100% Again, just the level of expectations.
Speaker 5: If you're going to set them, set them low and then it's oh gravy, this is great you know the one I always go with.
Speaker 2: I'm like look, I'm over 62.
Speaker 2: Right.
Speaker 4: Yeah.
Speaker 2: You don't have to get any more.
Speaker 3: Yeah.
Speaker 2: That's fine.
Speaker 5: I don't need exact measure.
Speaker 5: Do you know what, actually fuck?
Speaker 5: One time I kind of was like indicating like, hey, so you know what are we packing here?
Speaker 5: And the guy sent me not only a dick pic, but a dick pic with a measuring tape and I was like, well, I've got my answer.
Speaker 5: You've done that, have you?
Speaker 5: Is this a thing?
Speaker 5: I just thought this was guy being.
Speaker 5: I mean, it didn't put me off because it was great.
Speaker 2: No, but it was.
Speaker 2: It was with somebody that that asked the question of like how long are you talking?
Speaker 2: And I said, well, I have, you know, because it wasn't the first, you know, like she had seen the dick before.
Speaker 2: She just hadn't seen the measuring stick beside it, and so she was like well, I mean, it looks fine, but what are we talking about?
Speaker 5: And so I said, okay, that's, no, that's.
Speaker 5: She was basically asking you to do that though.
Speaker 5: She's like okay, well, this is great.
Speaker 5: But what, what are we measuring against?
Speaker 5: But like, but this guy was just, I was just kind of, I wasn't even saying, hey, how big is your dick, I was just, I was kind of like, oh hey.
Speaker 5: So you know, like, you know my kind of usual line of like, so I really like to deep throat, like, do you think I can handle you kind of thing?
Speaker 5: You know like gussing him up a little bit, because I feel like it's a nice way of broaching that kind of thing you know, and there's a lot of comments of like oh hey, she's going to, you know she's going to.
Speaker 2: Right, and I would much rather get any like I'm a big fan of.
Speaker 2: It's better to know than not to know.
Speaker 2: And so like if that is something that's going to be of concern.
Speaker 2: Let's get that.
Speaker 2: Yeah, like I don't want to.
Speaker 5: Yeah, exactly.
Speaker 5: But then he just literally immediately comes in with this dick pic.
Speaker 5: So, first off, like I mean, unless he may well just have had that on his phone, but if he hasn't, he's had to get himself hard and then take a picture of it with the next one measuring tape, which would be fair If that isn't just something he has on his phone.
Speaker 5: Fair place of the effort.
Speaker 5: But like it was just like it made me laugh so much because I'd have just been happily you could have just told me I didn't like first, I didn't need the dick pic, I didn't need it with a measuring tape.
Speaker 5: You could have just given me a number and that would have been fine.
Speaker 5: You know, I'd have believed you.
Speaker 5: But thanks for the evidence.
Speaker 5: I mean, I was like I'm going to be in exhibit A right here.
Speaker 2: You know, I thought when I did it I thought it was kind of fun.
Speaker 5: I mean, that's probably.
Speaker 5: I mean, it made me laugh.
Speaker 2: It's impossible.
Speaker 2: Who's going for?
Speaker 2: Yeah, you know it was like oh okay, well, here's an actual like, like an actual wooden ruler.
Speaker 2: Yeah, yeah, I thought it was funny to have.
Speaker 5: what I was disappointed in with this photo is that you know, on measuring tapes where they have the little hook, so you can like hook it around like that, he didn't put that on the end of his dick because that would have really cracked me up.
Speaker 4: Yeah, he missed an opportunity, honestly.
Speaker 5: But maybe he was just worried about like, because those fuckers are sharp.
Speaker 2: Speaking of hooking up, oh yeah, we still have to.
Speaker 5: Tinder is the flesh, don't we?
Speaker 2: Tinder is the flesh where we rate.
Speaker 2: Review recommend, based on three Tinder profiles that you have called from what can only be dozens of profiles that are available on Tinder.
Speaker 5: Yeah, dozens.
Speaker 2: Yeah, I look, I don't know I'm, I'm, I'm not using the Tinder yet.
Speaker 5: Yeah, I'm just going on here, okay, cool.
Speaker 5: So, oh God, yeah, that's right, okay, all right.
Speaker 5: So first off we have Andy and he says hey, I'm Andy, I can do 60, 60 press apps and have never in history been beaten at anything by a girl.
Speaker 5: Hit me up.
Speaker 2: Well, is it like at toxic masculinity?
Speaker 2: Is that where you can?
Speaker 3: find this guy, do you?
Speaker 5: Yeah.
Speaker 4: Do you?
Speaker 2: want to hear the next one.
Speaker 2: Yes, please.
Speaker 5: So bear, bear, bear Andy in mind.
Speaker 5: And then we have Matthew.
Speaker 5: In my day he's 38, by the way, in my day guys had to make an effort.
Speaker 5: We were not allowed into bars or nightclubs wearing t-shirts and trainers, like today's Generation Z.
Speaker 5: Then go on.
Speaker 5: Then on to daytime wear.
Speaker 5: It seems to have gone full circle.
Speaker 5: My father wore socks and sandals, but today the kids wear socks and quote unquote sliders, like there's any difference.
Speaker 5: Laughing emoji.
Speaker 5: Hopefully it will all pass, like the Steve Tats and man buns, if you remember those, simply looking for a tidy girl that's not had any threesomes.
Speaker 5: Yep, guess I'm old fashioned.
Speaker 5: Laughing emoji.
Speaker 2: Wait you can't ever have had a threesome.
Speaker 5: Let's not had any threesomes.
Speaker 5: A tidy girl 38 going on.
Speaker 5: The fuck does that?
Speaker 5: Even Right, then we have Carl.
Speaker 4: And.
Speaker 5: I have read this a couple of times and I don't know whether he's joking or not.
Speaker 5: There are some profiles that are very deadpan, but it's kind of like you're clearly joking right, Like clearly this is just you know, you having a dry sense of humor, but I just ah, it's the ending.
Speaker 5: That kind of like makes me question whether he this could be genuine.
Speaker 5: I have 26 kids and I expect anyone who wants to date me to love them.
Speaker 5: And if we are dating, you need to pony up and pay the babysitting costs, as I'm not dating no broke people.
Speaker 5: Okay, that is the lovely Carl.
Speaker 5: That's all, that's it and also as well his profile.
Speaker 5: He does not look like he has a sense of humor.
Speaker 2: I'm still going to say this is a joke, because 26 kids is a lot outside of.
Speaker 5: I'm going to send you.
Speaker 5: I'm going to send you it because look, just look at his face, though, because this is a guy who just doesn't seem to have a sense of humor.
Speaker 2: All right, all right, let's see.
Speaker 1: Oh yeah.
Speaker 5: Like that does not say hey, jokes.
Speaker 2: All right, yeah, I don't disagree, but I think I think that it's still a joke.
Speaker 2: I think that's a bad picture to go on that profile, but I still think the I'm not going to date no broke people is a gag.
Speaker 5: Yeah.
Speaker 5: Because the next thing, or the attempt on the right right.
Speaker 5: That's okay, so it's not like a wink in face or like a laughing emoji or anything, it's like a stern looking emoji.
Speaker 3: I mean yeah, but again.
Speaker 2: I think he's just all in on your right.
Speaker 5: So so I'm going to say, based on what we've heard so far, he is top of the list and a bad, not great, as I just kind of I was quite proud of these two.
Speaker 2: Yeah, like nobody here deserves a response.
Speaker 5: Pay the babysitting costs.
Speaker 5: Yeah, you pay the day you sit in costs of my kids.
Speaker 2: Right, right, like I'm not the one who had 26 kids, like wrap it up, that's the truth Like yeah, like honestly, just don't buy groceries for a while and the herd will thin, I assure you, like the real alpha males are going to rise to the top.
Speaker 5: It is fast.
Speaker 2: Right, a couple of them are going to get it Right.
Speaker 2: And, and you know who, the family of the week, Definitely so so.
Speaker 5: All right, all right, so Carl is Well, I mean, I don't know.
Speaker 2: Because he's probably.
Speaker 5: Well it depends on the situation, because he could maybe be getting help like child support, but he also might have to be having to pay Child support Right, and it could also be that none of these yeah, I mean there.
Speaker 2: Yeah, there is that too.
Speaker 5: So.
Speaker 5: So then you just got someone who's just like.
Speaker 5: I'm going to go have these on your baby set, or do you really have 26 kids Right?
Speaker 5: That kind of thing, like like, I think in his mind.
Speaker 2: What he's thinking is I'm going to be kind of outraged by the fact that he's not going to be able to get a free ride so, so then you just got someone who's just trying to get a free ride, literally, but I see it.
Speaker 2: I think this is bait for Like this is engagement bait of like you know there is no way I'm going to be able to get a free ride.
Speaker 2: I'm going to be able to get a free ride.
Speaker 5: You know I'm going to be able to get a free ride, but I think it's a great way to get a free ride.
Speaker 2: I think it's a great way to get a free ride.
Speaker 5: So I mean, I think that's the way it is.
Speaker 2: I've had a lot of experience with what he's thinking is.
Speaker 4: I'm going to be kind of outrageous in the profile to try to get some.
Speaker 5: I just, I just don't know what you would swipe right on that in any respects I, I'm with you.
Speaker 2: I think it's a bad profile, it's a bad name, it's a bad age.
Speaker 4: Everything about this is bad.
Speaker 2: Oh, we're changing your name.
Speaker 2: We're going to take your, your age down a year.
Speaker 2: Yeah, just so you're in early 30s.
Speaker 3: Yeah, it's.
Speaker 2: It doesn't matter, just work.
Speaker 2: We're going to shave a year off to make it even slightly more palatable.
Speaker 4: It's just, it's just a shitty, shitty, shitty oh.
Speaker 1: Carl.
Speaker 2: Yeah, I hope you find some, but still still better than anything else.
Speaker 2: That you.
Speaker 2: Yeah, so my.
Speaker 2: I think this goes to reverse order.
Speaker 2: I think my number two bad is the short.
Speaker 2: Yeah, I think it's.
Speaker 5: Nah, he's my least Cause.
Speaker 5: At least I can 60 presents.
Speaker 5: I mean, what's this guy bring to the table?
Speaker 5: Chauvinism and misogyny and judgment on other men, whereas this guy's like hey, I can do 60 press ups.
Speaker 2: Yeah, but then he's.
Speaker 2: But I've never let a woman beat me at anything.
Speaker 5: I've never in history of him beating anything by a girl.
Speaker 2: Right, that's not speaking of misogyny.
Speaker 5: It's not great.
Speaker 5: It hit me up why, but all right.
Speaker 3: So but all the ramps in the photo is a door, all right.
Speaker 2: Well, if you get to play with the dog.
Speaker 1: I'll steal the dog away.
Speaker 2: Right, yeah, all right.
Speaker 2: Steal the dog, set up a date.
Speaker 5: Steal the dog I will just pretend to be some meek little girly girl and, like you know, pump up his ego, and then I'll get like some sort of plan, like some sort of infiltration, and the other guy does.
Speaker 2: He does remind me of when Dana Carvey on Sarenate Live would do the back in my day old man.
Speaker 5: Oh, the other guy, the one you like.
Speaker 4: Well like in quotes like I don't like him, but yeah, yeah, 38, mate.
Speaker 5: Your day is my day.
Speaker 2: Right, this is.
Speaker 2: It's the same day.
Speaker 2: Your day is Today's generation Zip.
Speaker 5: No, bro, like you weren't, like you weren't, like you were allowed in, you could wear t-shirts and trainers.
Speaker 5: Actually, what?
Speaker 2: could you Right Like when did when?
Speaker 2: Was that not okay?
Speaker 2: I mean, I know that I come from a different country, but literally.
Speaker 5: No if you were a guy you could.
Speaker 5: You couldn't wear trainers if you were a girl.
Speaker 5: It's just so fucking dumb.
Speaker 5: But it was kind of like guys generally only have trainers.
Speaker 5: So I think they got a pass because they only had trainers ever.
Speaker 5: And so like, yeah, like you were like, so I trained and like whatever, but like as long as I think it was like as long as you looked put together, you were fine.
Speaker 5: You weren't allowed in if you were wearing like tracksuit bottoms and like that, like you know like joggers or whatever, like the cap, of popper things, but you could wear, like you can wear jeans, some smart trainers and like a smart t-shirt, that's fine.
Speaker 5: So I don't know what the fuck he's talking about.
Speaker 5: All right.
Speaker 2: Here's what we're dealing with here.
Speaker 2: I've been thinking about this for a second.
Speaker 2: I think I got it.
Speaker 2: This isn't about fashion.
Speaker 2: This is about him looking down the barrel of 40 and realizing that he is no longer the young guy.
Speaker 5: Yes, Although this photo has a look, doesn't it, it's not eating it Waffles with, I think, strawberries and cream.
Speaker 5: He's not eating it though, so fucking idiot.
Speaker 2: So I think that this is less about him criticizing I mean on the surface.
Speaker 2: It's him criticizing the way that people look at a club.
Speaker 2: It's him saying I don't like the fact that I'm getting older and now when I go to a club I look weird because I'm too old to be a club, and this is him complaining about today, right.
Speaker 2: He is bemoaning, this is a dirge, this is a eulogy to his misdeeds.
Speaker 5: Stop projecting as an ace projecting.
Speaker 2: This is total projection.
Speaker 2: It doesn't mean that he's a good pick, but also he needs better help.
Speaker 2: I just for me.
Speaker 5: I'm just like hopefully it all passed like the sleeve tats and man.
Speaker 5: The sleeve tats and man buns are still definitely a thing and it's hot and also well maybe not the man bun so much, but definitely see man buns, Although you can get some man buns that are hot if it comes a tat, If they're tidy, like, neat and done, like as a proper style and not like just a scrunched up fucking mess on your head and then like with a nicely like trimmed beard, like a good, like nice shape to it and stuff and lots of tattoos and topless.
Speaker 5: That's when they look good.
Speaker 5: And then also simply looking for a tidy guy what I still don't know what that is.
Speaker 5: What the fuck is this tidy girl Tidy?
Speaker 2: is weird and also the weird thing about like can never have been in a three-some.
Speaker 5: You don't have to have sexual experience Right Like yeah are you looking for someone that don't know about it?
Speaker 2: Yeah, are you?
Speaker 5: looking for someone?
Speaker 5: Like what?
Speaker 5: Because you don't have any sexual partners either?
Speaker 5: Because I really don't understand why it makes a difference to you if she's had a three-some, because it's still all the same number of people she's had sex with.
Speaker 2: But yeah, but this is all about the insecurity again.
Speaker 5: This guy's just a big but whether it's in a fucking cry baby.
Speaker 2: Yeah, he needs, he needs therapy, he does.
Speaker 5: He also needs to eat as well, so all right, so I agree with you.
Speaker 2: This guy's sunk to the bottom of my list because he needs therapy.
Speaker 2: So the number two, then, is going to be misogyny guy.
Speaker 5: Yeah, Also as well he says hit me up.
Speaker 5: So I'm going to take that literally.
Speaker 2: Oh, you think he likes just a bunch of chops.
Speaker 5: I'm just going to give it to him, whether he likes it or not.
Speaker 2: It would be good, I think hit me up.
Speaker 5: I'll be like why are you set it?
Speaker 2: But this could also be thinly disguised, like I actually like it when women challenge me yeah.
Speaker 2: You know that he's like I'm going to say this thing, but really what I'm saying?
Speaker 4: is.
Speaker 5: I want yeah, like all right, maybe not now, but you know, 10 years ago I could have definitely done more than 60 press up.
Speaker 5: I'm full press ups, not just girl press ups which I hate that phrase Like the ones where you're on your knees.
Speaker 5: Maybe that's what they call girl press ups.
Speaker 2: For that matter, they should be comfortable.
Speaker 5: But yeah, I could do more than 60.
Speaker 5: I was really do you know what?
Speaker 5: At one point I was such a fucking gym bunny.
Speaker 5: I do not have time for that shit now.
Speaker 5: But yeah, I reckon.
Speaker 5: Yes, all right, so we go with.
Speaker 5: Carl and his 26 kids is number one, yeah.
Speaker 2: Yeah, yeah, because I think that it's.
Speaker 2: It's gross, it's a terrible profile.
Speaker 5: But we think the best.
Speaker 5: Yeah, all right, and then we're going for.
Speaker 5: Andy hit me up misogynist at the prospect of possibly being able to give him a good smack around, and I think that's kind of what it is.
Speaker 5: And he is a dog, yeah, and he is a dog, yeah.
Speaker 3: And then yeah.
Speaker 2: And then the guy who's just in dire, dire need of therapy.
Speaker 5: I think he's probably got mummy issues as well he's.
Speaker 2: Yeah, there's a lot going on there, like you know, and, and the thing is, if you did go out with this guy, there would be far less fucking and far more him talking about all of his views.
Speaker 5: Yeah, oh my God, he would be such a mansplainer.
Speaker 2: Yeah, oh, he's got a lot to say, he's got a lot of opinions, and none of them not one, not one.
Speaker 3: Yeah.
Speaker 5: He's definitely the worst, like the actual, he's just the worst, just yeah.
Speaker 2: Oh, this is just like I said.
Speaker 2: This is a bed bunch, this whole crop, this, I mean, it's what happens when we take a summer off and come back.
Speaker 4: We got just garbage to do with.
Speaker 4: Yeah, it's yeah.
Speaker 3: All right.
Speaker 5: Well, I guess fucking out.
Speaker 2: Folks look we, this is a bonus size episode.
Speaker 1: No doubt about it.
Speaker 1: Thank you for sticking with us.
Speaker 2: But, yes, but I think you will have learned along the way.
Speaker 2: You will have learned more about yourself and us and being able to pick your time when it comes to discussing Right size is, you know, a relationship not limited to two people right for you?
Speaker 2: I think we've given you some pros and cons.
Speaker 5: It works for some people.
Speaker 5: I personally, for the record, I could not be on the other end of it.
Speaker 5: I can't do that.
Speaker 5: I am, I'll admit, way too insecure for that shit and I don't like to share like in that way.
Speaker 5: But I'm quite happy with nothing to lose on the other side.
Speaker 2: And I, as usual, have nothing to lose.
Speaker 2: All right, so next month we'll talk about some other stuff with a different movie.
Speaker 2: That much we can guarantee.
Speaker 4: Yeah.
Speaker 5: I bet you guys are all excited for that.
Speaker 2: So look forward to that, if you want to watch the stuff early, then basically watch every film.
Speaker 5: So it's just got like sexual ribbons or something in it.
Speaker 2: Maybe just all of them.
Speaker 4: Just watch all of them, you never know, we could take a swim.
Speaker 3: You can do some time-saving.
Speaker 2: Yeah, next month.
Speaker 2: The guns have never rune Sorry, david Niven, and a British person as a German and our topic will be toast.
Speaker 5: Oh no.
Speaker 2: It's a nightmare.
Speaker 3: Stop it, stop it.
Speaker 5: You're going to laugh when you watch talks to me and that scene comes up.
Speaker 5: You're just going to start laughing after this conversation.
Speaker 2: I'm looking forward to it.
Speaker 4: I don't want to talk, let me read you things All right.
Speaker 2: Well, thanks for listening everybody.
Speaker 2: Where can people find more out of either?
Speaker 2: Oh yeah, so we've actually in my other show.
Speaker 5: we've had a bit of a delay because my co-host internet has been down, because they decided to go on a cruise instead of paying the bill.
Speaker 4: Oh well, we made choices.
Speaker 4: No, it was an accident.
Speaker 5: But like, yeah, anyway.
Speaker 5: So they've been offline for a little bit but they're getting all sorted and it's all fine.
Speaker 5: But so we've had to take a little bit of a breather and then I was abroad and then I've just come back and we're recording tomorrow.
Speaker 5: So that'll be back and that is eternal darkness of not so spotless minds and it's just a horror and dark genre type movies, podcasts, and it's just like Heart Advance and just kind of similar energy to this show.
Speaker 5: Just, I can never take anything too seriously, honestly, and that can be found on like all usual places Spotify, apple, whatever, and we have like Facebook pages and stuff.
Speaker 5: So check us out.
Speaker 5: Yeah, and it's not the most recent episode.
Speaker 2: It's maybe two back, but a good one on Gonji.
Speaker 2: Oh, that's great.
Speaker 2: And do you know what else I?
Speaker 5: actually just managed to, through sources and means that I will not specify Managed to end up getting a copy of Record of Sweet Murder, which was original choice for that, for that episode, but we just could not find it for love nor money either of us, so we had to do a last switch out.
Speaker 5: But yeah, you know, gonji, I'm haunted asylum.
Speaker 5: That was fucking.
Speaker 5: That was a great film.
Speaker 5: Yeah, it's spooky.
Speaker 2: Yeah, it's one proper got me, but yeah, one of those that's done, yeah.
Speaker 2: You know, but I'm not sure One of those that's done you know very, very very seldom, definitely you get a good one of those.
Speaker 2: Yeah, yeah, all right, and if you were listening to this, then obviously this is more of the dark parade.
Speaker 2: There will be more coming soon, although probably not this long and probably not as much discussion of of days, but look, that's conjecture.
Speaker 2: I can't understand, nor should you know the next one could be all dicks.
Speaker 5: Well, it's the start of the beginning.
Speaker 2: You love the D so you know I've had one most of my life.
Speaker 5: You're pretty fond of it, I hear I yeah, yeah, I've.
Speaker 2: I've enjoyed its company over time.
Speaker 5: So he's known.
Speaker 2: So yeah, it's like have I enjoyed it so much?
Speaker 2: There has been chafing, Maybe.
Speaker 2: Maybe that's happened.
Speaker 5: Yeah, I saw it, we all been there.
Speaker 5: Well, no, no, specifically.
Speaker 2: Everyone has dealt with my chaffiness at one time or another.
Speaker 1: No one, no one has been saved.
Speaker 2: While I was very scabed.
Speaker 4: Oh, look at that.
Speaker 2: All right, that's enough.
Speaker 2: All right, we'll see everybody.
Speaker 3: Bye.