Duncan and Bo Come True Detective: Night Country – Part Three

Duncan and Bo dive deeper into the Night Country… True Detective: Night Country, that is! We pat ourselves on the back for knowing what we knew, spin some more yarns about what might come next, and do our good and bad viewings like we’re doing a real show. Join us, won’t you? You can subscribe to the audio podcast on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, iHeartRadio, Podchaser, and Google Podcasts. Find every episode here.

Jesus Pete

That's weird, right?

Do you think that guy scratched his own eyes out?

How many hours have you been here staring at this shit drop it?

Duncan and Bo come correct Duncan

but you ever you ever have yourself a

Bit of a snag in the production pipe pipeline a

Snag in the production light, but I'm not often all right

Well, this is gotta follow deaf ears


So what happened is supposed to get easier over time

Yeah, well, but I invent shit that I need to do as so here's the

You know there is a video version of the show that is going to be on

the Legion podcast patreon. Yep, and

Here's what I didn't account for is I needed to do an intro

For that I don't I don't need to that's overstating it. I invented an intro that I needed to do

For for the opening of the show because I wanted to do kind of a parody of the true detective

And I've got like I've been working on it and so forth and I realized that at a certain point that I'd I'd been spending all of my free time doing that

That I hadn't actually I

Hadn't actually done the regular audio show

which is not good and so

It's as

organizationally speaking it's not good and at any rate so that is now out the other one dropped like right after

So as you're listening to this episode, we are now officially back on schedule. So

Sorry a bit like it was one of those things of like, oh fuck. Well, let's put all of it out

Also, like it's probably probably we're saying there is gonna be a gap in this season

Don't know if you knew that I didn't I know that when is the gap

And apparently superbowl something oh next Sunday. Yeah, so

Episode five won't be out next Sunday. It'll be out the week after

Week off bitches. I I I did not know that and that makes perfect sense and also I hate it

Anyway, but so alright, so we'll be off a week

But by that point all of the video stuff will be out because that pipelines running smooth now Duncan

Weirdly it will cat because we were a week out of sync. So this will actually weirdly bring us back and almost as if though

We'd always planned it

Almost as if it was never there at all

That was where Shatner wasn't it? Yeah, it was never there at all

Your shot is pretty good. It's it's recognizable as Shatner I'll say that

Yeah, and if you throw the mister in there, that's really what sells it

You think I'm a bloody click-on mister

Anyway, um, hey buddy. Oh, this is Duncan come correct. I'm that's what this is. Yeah, I'm Duncan. He's bow

And have always been and yes, none of us have ever been robots

We never did an episode once where Dermot was part of our

Dude that was as far as concept episodes go it's probably the best yeah, maybe the best I think it was your idea

Yeah, but I think you're the one that leaned into most of the gags on that episode

So it's like all like we'd somehow managed to tie in everything we'd said the week before but we attributed

Whole sections to them. Mm-hmm who rolled with it as well. They're like like yes, I did as we'd

Right through that and a glorious fashion. So it was a yes

It was a very special episode of Duncan and Bo come correct one of those that airs right after school

Yeah, listen

one of those is maybe maybe of

that later

The ex fails it was probably the high-water mark as far as the episodes. Yeah

Yes, yes. Yes

Speaking of hey, do you mind if I go first and do my bad first? Of course always, okay?

Because I mean as and go first not that I would mind. Oh great

I don't mind stepping on people's feelings Duncan

So I am now through episode 20

Of season two of Twin Peaks. Oh, right. You're close. So yeah, so this is kind of my bad

But this is also that segment of episodes where you start to see things

Like the ship is slowly riding itself. Yeah, David Lynch has been told to come back

Right, and it's like oh shit. That's coming home. We got to clean this place up

We got to get rid of where's James been for half this season. God damn it

I got yeah, I got a letter from James. All right. Well, that's as much James as we're gonna have in this episode

What do we all agree?

That a letter vaguely referenced by Donna is as far down the James path as we're willing to go. That's right

Hey, dude

One of those episodes though that I watched because I watched 18 19 and 20 since the last time we recorded and

One of the episodes is the Donna

past the peace stop

And when that when the scene came up, I I genuinely

Laughed very hard. Yeah, our Twin Peaks lore runs deep

Almost as deep as the show like I almost feel like Mark Frost could write a third

Book on the history of Twin Peaks just on the the alternative lore recreated just in our podcast

I like to think that we are the tulpa that

Twin Peaks as a show creator

Anyway, you're you did you did like you're up to episode 20. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah, so we're getting into you're starting to get you're starting

You're starting to get back into some

Black Lodge territory. Yeah. Oh for sure. Yeah

I mean in fact the last episode was the whole like it was called the what path to the black lodge or journey to the black Lodge

Yeah, so

Yeah, it's like all of that stuff is really fun

agent Cooper is back in uniform and not fucking around in his

you know

Flannel J crew look

Which is fucking look some of season two is great. There are some great stuff in season two

But man, there is some shit

I think the problem is and we covered it then and I think everyone

It's not as if we're breaking you ground here

Everything up until the reveal of Leland Palmer as a killer is

Fucking awesome and up to and including the reveal and his death. Like yes, that may be the last great episode

Season two. Yeah, is the death of Leland Palmer and like ray wise is killing it and it's just nuts and like

Yeah, it's great. It's a terrific episode

I don't think it ever hits that high water market until the very very very end of the season until the until the last episode

Which until David Lynch is about cancel my show. Will you here's a cliffhanger? Yeah

Make a movie that will answer all these questions. Here's a cliffhanger

What come back years later and make a third season 18 hours of prime fucking television to answer all these questions

Here's a cliffhanger. I love David Lynch. Yeah, I really really really do

Yeah, I can't wait to be back in the banquet Del Mibbler and

the bomb

Del Mibbler still one of the great names in entertainment, but yeah, so that's my bad

But I all to say I'm really really enjoying my

Rewatch of it. It's so much fun and I after this. I'm definitely doing

fire walk with me and

You know

Season three. Yeah, like it's I'm in I'm all in on the ride now. So

Where's Annie

Yeah, it's incredible. Yeah Heather Graham, maybe not great on the show

Yeah, she was still quite young. Yeah, I think there's like an early performance and then she went right into Lynch

I mean, that's like but you don't go just right into Lynch unless you're Cal McLaughlin

Well, I'll let you know the only actor who maybe went straight into Lynch and came out smelling of roses. I yeah, but

In many ways McLaughlin is kind of an extension of Lynch and it was willing to be bad. Yeah

Yeah, I recently watched Lynch's June off the back of watching

Villeneuve's June and like you can see

How much Lynch is kind of infatuated with Cal McLaughlin's presence on camera. It's like he's found these

He's found his vessel so to speak and as a result, you know, it does not surprise me that post that

That was just like I need to use him in everything

Which is my good for this week by the way, I

Blue velvet. Yeah, and so I've been on a

That's a great movie. I've been on a weird little kick recently and last week

And it was announced that the Coen Brothers were kind of reuniting as a

And they're coming back with a horror movie and not only the coming back with a horror movie

He basically said in the interview, you know that we were you know, we're going back to our blood simple roots

And I was like, oh blood simple such a fucking good movie. So I watched blood simple. I've had a great week

By the way, I've like I've been solo parent and so every night I've been watching like a proper adult movie

Not like a pornographic movie a proper adult movie

So it balances out all the fucking kids shit that I have to watch with my daughter

And she's in it like dinosaur programs and fucking

Peppa Pig and all that nonsense. So like I come off that and I rocked blood simple one night

And then like I was just I just had a hankering for some blue velvet the following night

I just like this is like what you see when people I understand when people talk about this

The 70s being the kind of high-water mark of like like proper like adult movie

Cinema, you know, I just great stories great storytelling all the rest

I get that and it really really is it's hard to argue you can stack the best of the 70s up against almost any decade

And I think it like you know, there's a there's a head and shoulders quality about that

there are a whole lot of fucking amazing filmmakers that find their voice in the 80s and just hit home runs and

Like you want that you do a double back-to-back bill of

And blood simple and to blue velvet and you're just like this is fucking awesome

the section of your

More the themes I weirdly I always I always kind of think those because they're both kind of they're no water

Noir mysteries and I always kind of pair the two of them together even though

Stylistically, they could be any further apart

And they always kind of get lumped into that weird banner together. So yeah, I revisited blue velvet, which I mean

I still think it like my hauling drive may be right there with it

But I think blood simple is still my favorite. No, it's simple

Blue velvet is my favorite Lynch. I think I think it's the it's the one where

He's he's not when like to

Citeric it's the one where I think he kind of kind of covers that

that idea of

This is the American dream

But and he literally does it in the movie look at the like the the white picket fences and the green grass and all the rest

But just go down a layer down then you'll find a severed ear

You know like there's I think he gets all that I think that one it has maybe my favorite villain performance in a Lynch movie

It's pretty good. It's pretty good. Why Dennis Hopper is fucking terrifying in that movie. Well, it's like really

Fucking terrifying. So yeah, I think I think

And I'll change my mind by tomorrow. What my hauling drive is always there for me is like

Like just this is like a different level of cinema, but in terms of just pure narrative

I think him blue velvet might be my favorite

We've had this conversation recently. I I probably would have agreed with you up until like six months ago

Yeah, and now I'm fire what with me. He's really fucking good man. Like we like

It gets I think

It's one of those ones where time will only ever be kind to that movie

Yeah, I mean it feels like such a perfect expression of Lynch in so many ways

And it's the most horror movie of the movies. He's ever done. Yeah

It's the one where he leans. Well, I thought the whole end of that movie and the and the fucking rail car is is like nightmare fuel

It's shocking shot. I mean even now

It is a shocking scene

Yeah, yeah. Yeah, so what do you think?

Which is the better movie blood sample blue velvet?


who I think

Here's it. Here's it. Here's where like here's where it gets difficult

No, here's where it gets difficult. You can't answer that because blood samples technically the Coen Brothers first movie

And that's David Lynch. He's what fourth fourth

Already fucking he'd already got all the awards for the elephant man. So it's

If you put a gun to my head and said, which is my favorite is blue velvet

If you ask me what is the better movie as in like a to b to see narrative is blood sample

blood sample is like

Blood sample is the perfect noir movie like see if you're talking about like like people talk about neo noir and like all that sort of stuff

Do I just strip out the neo from that and just as a noir movie is

Is is like I would put that just maybe up there in my top five noir movies ever made

And that's a genre that I love


It's that fucking good and it's so unassuming. It's such a simple simple simple movie

It's like

It's so eat like because there's nothing to hide behind in that movie

You should be able to see the cracks and you do not see the cracks and that's what well

You watch that movie and you tell me all these guys are gonna go on and win Oscars and direct like like some

Movies that will define decades and I would believe that just from watching that movie

Yeah, for sure. I can't wait to have them back doing back back doing a gory horror movie

Which kind of feels like like it kind of feels like a nice bookend and a lot of respects because they got there

They got their start way back in the day with Sam Raimi. So

Back at evil dead time. So it's it's kind of cool to see them kind of leaning back into that

It would be nice to see them team up and just have some fun. Yeah, and I mean

Geez, what was the the cowboy anthology the ballad? Oh a but Buster Scruggs. Yeah, yeah Buster Scruggs

Like that movie is just them having a blast. Oh, good. Yeah, terrific

Yeah, yeah, anyway, uh, so where were that was your good? I've done my bad. Where is that it?

Um, I do the other movie that I wanted to mention is another good. I haven't actually seen anything bad. Oh, okay

Revisited matinee Joe Dante. I I keep meaning to go back to that and I don't know

I saw once a year movie for me and it's all it always tends to be after Christmas. Um, I love it

I think it's one of those movies that I've been reveling in cinema. It's just like like that like good old-timey cinema and

It's another one Joe Dante is another one that I think people forget like that run

Of movies and from piranha

through to matinee is just

Yeah, fucking awesome. They're really special like he's yeah

Yeah, all like like like decade like that he's run is is defined some of the decade. Yeah

Oh, yeah, like I grew up those were the movies. I grew up watching and

and like he kind of lost a little bit in the night. He's definitely lost in the 2000s. Um, but

You know, like going back to which matinee's always that one that I go back and I just feel like

This is his this is his showing his love of a particular time in cinema

Well, when it was magic was all like magic and trickery and William Castle and all the rest

Um, I love it performances are awesome as well. So yeah, so I've had a good time in the last week

What was your good? I watched that new mission impossible did reckoning part one

All right, it did not do well commercially. I didn't but it's good

Mission impossible stuff. Like I've really enjoyed that series. Yeah, he's riding the wave now. I think the last

Is it since ghost protocol? I think I think those ones have all been really good the one that he did

I'm not a big fan of the john way one, which I think is the second one. Yeah three. I like a lot

Threes three split pics. I didn't like four and I think five on ones has has been has been great

That previous one to the new one, which I haven't seen yet is as an action movie out. Yeah, like an awesome

Terrific. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. And that that's how this one is. Um

Even though this is a thing split into two parts or maybe because it's a thing split into two parts at times

It feels a little bloated. Um, but

The stunts are fucking amazing. Like they're they're still the only ones in the game

That are doing these kinds of like real world

Big deal stunts. Yeah, and they look great like the one of him going

I mean everybody's seen it, but it's him doing the motorcycle run off the mountain into the parachute

And it's like that's fucking great. Yeah, like I know that this is probably how he'll die and should

Yeah, before the Scientology documents get get out there. Let's let's let's encapsulate them as we remember them as a guy who

Like to take like like insane risks that I'm surprised like at this stage. I'm surprised studio's a little bit

I'm surprised. There's not a sea of lawyers going like that. No

Well, but he's the producer also and I think that's

What buys him the like I'm I'm gonna fucking do this

And they're like, well, we

There are plenty of meetings. I'm sure he has

Where they strongly suggest that he he does. Yeah, he stops and he's just like, I'm you know, hey, I'm gonna do it

he says

But it's also become a cartoon weasel. Yeah a little bit a little but isn't that

Really what his vibe

Oh god. Yeah. Yeah, but it is I I really enjoyed the movie as much as I did a lot of the others

They bring uh, haley atwell into the mix and she's really fun

And yeah, it's just good. Like they're good fucking movies. They're they're funny at times and the action is great and the stunts are kind of mind blowing

And it it's what those movies ought to be

You know that these they're these just great spectacle films and uh, and they deliver

You know and like the plot is stupid

In a way that most of them are

Yeah, and and so it's like, yeah, yeah, fine. Get to this stuff. Like just just explain it

Like I say this all the time in these movies where I just need somebody periodically to be like, all right dummies. Here's what's happening

We have to go get this key

Which we have a counterfeit one. Yeah, you understand it. That means fake

And we're gonna go get swap it for the real one

And so that's the next one minutes of the movie. All right, so as always, is it always the death star thing?

Isn't it? It's always like that. There's this code, but it's locked in the secure building. Yes

like under under like under like 17 000 tons of

Of gravel and cement and there's only one way in and I'm thinking to myself. Well, that's your weakness there


Like like no, it's a secure room

But we'll have air vents and I'm like, well, there's there's your entry point right there

Who invented the shrimp? Yeah, let's get the sneakers on the case and they'll tell you they'll give you a penetration report

You need to close that vent. That's my city. Poitiers should be like it telling it. Well, you know, um

One one other addendum and then we'll actually start talking about the fucking show that we're

building a show around

So I gotta tell you I've for for some crazy reason

Uh, I've I've been watching that


update of the stand

That was like the 10 episode. Oh, yeah, that came out to next to no fanfare. Oh, sure


Is it bad? I'm halfway. It's the thing is it's not terrible

And that's why it's it's more frustrating because there are moments that are really really good

But there are just as many moments. They're like, oh, what the fuck are you doing?

This is stupid. Also, where's trash can man? You're not gonna have a trash can man. What the fuck are you talking about?

Um, did you not see pom diddy pom diddy?

Um, met fruer on the four wheeler

Uh, he has not shown up yet in the show and that's disappointing. Um, it gets something

Things really right about what makes the stand kind of interesting and it it

Also moves the chronology around within the episodes

So like like at the very beginning the very first episode the opening scene is herald lauder

While they're already in boulder as they're on the body crew

But is that the is that a deliberate choice in or

They're doing lots of flashbacks and right and and so the thing that they're doing that I think is actually kind of smart

Is you're getting these scenes from kind of the early days of the pandemic

Yeah, and and then jumping forward. So you're kind of telling

Both halves of the book concurrently. Yeah, you know and um, so I like that impulse

but it also

like they just

No version of the stand has yet nailed the character herald lauder who's integral to the story

Yeah, and both times they'd air they've aired on the side of greasy weirdo

And it's just like I understand that he's kind of a nerd and he's kind of pimply and gross and all that stuff

Even in the book, but it's like man

Making this character this cartoonish

Is ruining the vibe of the show and but alexander sarsgard is the is randall flag

I see he is and really like him. I I really like him as well. I'm like the fucking northman

showing up as the walk-in dude and i'm down for it


There are moments when he's on screen that you're like fuck

He is good at this. He is good at being a villain, but um, yeah, it's it's it's frustrating

It's a frustrating watch and i'm gonna keep doing it because i i want to see how where they get with it

You know, like do you do the hand of god coming down like how do you do the the weirdest ending in

steve king's library?

Where it's literally god intervening

Probably not the way that you think

I at that point they're just like oh and by the way, there's a trash can man

Oh, you got me the stand

Um, all right. Hey, you want to talk about this show?

Yeah, let's let's talk about episode three. Okay, so here we go

um, this is uh written and directed by issa lopez along with

uh, alan page is the other writer on this who um

Has done some like some walking dead stuff and did the movie

Uh babble was a consulting. Oh, yeah

A script consultant something. Uh, but has has written handful of stuff nothing that is going to knock your socks off

Um shining girls

Hello, denny come and play with us. It's forever and ever and ever it's just about the twins


That's the spin-off that we always wanted to never go. It's the the last voyage of the demeanor

for the shining

Uh, it's just a dad chopping them up and putting them in a cupboard. Um

Let's keep it tidy. No, uh, I don't know what that is. Um

It's charles grady obviously

Um, but uh, yeah, so uh, issa lopez, you know, again the driving force behind all of this. Yeah, and um

Uh, yeah, so we're gonna start off

Uh with navarro

Showing up and that we're in in a flashback. We begin. Yeah, this is seven years before

Yeah, and it's the first time that navarro meets annie k is what we're saying

uh, she shows up to arrest her or serve her or something and

Uh, annie k is like, yeah, yeah, fine. Come on in. Uh, you can arrest me in a second

I kind of I got some shit to do and she hears this woman screaming from outside and it's like

What the fuck is going on in here?

And it as it happens duncan

It is actually a uh, a midwifery a baby hatchery of some sort. We found out in the last episode that that's what she did

Is the living yes in between being an activist. She was a midwife. So

And and annie k kind of puts navarro to work

Like hey get us some hot towels and and so forth and navarro kind of sits back and watches as this drama unfolds

Where annie k is uh overseeing the birth of this child the child is born in you know a tub

And yeah, and they pulled the baby out and the baby's not breathing

And so we see uh them like doing a little you know, baby cpr

To stay in alive, of course, you know

That's how you do it. That's the timing. Yeah

And the baby comes back to life

And the mother is like what's wrong with my baby? Oh, you saved the annie k your miracle

As someone who has been through that experience twice the the i'll tell you right now the longest

Pause in the world is from the point that the baby is born to the first cry

And my first child did it relatively quick my second child there. It felt like an eternity before she cried and

The only problem was when she started crying she didn't stop for like three hours

So we're kind of like what we think you broke her baby. Um going going undo what you just did there

But yeah, like so like but she gets caught up in this it's not that there's a there's a kind of

And it's not the first time it happens in this episode. There's a real kind of mid samar

sort of thing going on here where there's chanting and community and

You've got to remember navarro is part of this culture. We're going to get more information on this later on

fact actually this episode heavily leans into the fact that she's kind of straddling two worlds this world of her heritage and this world of

Being someone that has traveled the world and fought wars and all the rest and is coming back as a police officer

separate from her community

But she is like fully engrossed in this also made me realize bow that if you ever want to get an arrest warrant deliver a baby

Yeah, that's why I keep on no one's arresting you after that you're like look what I did

You're gonna put the coughs a minute and they're like get out of here. Yeah

I'm a vassaline covered baby with me at all

Can't talk now officer

And at the at the back end of all this annie k kind of sticks out her wrist is like all right now you can cuff me and

Uh, which is a pretty nice introduction to like annie k being

This kind of wonder woman right like she's an activist and helping birth children and all this stuff. She's kind of you know

A perfect lady. Uh, and I have a theory. I want to update my theory

I think I wasn't far off my theory by the way, but I'm now I'm now doubling down

My new update on my theory is um in this episode

There is another stillborn baby

Do we think that annie was


stillborn babies as he

Sight effect of the mining work

And she maybe got a little bit too close to the truth

and as a result was

Shushed because I don't I'll stress this right now. We're going to talk about the very end of this episode at the end of this episode

Um, and I don't think that's what

snuffs her out

Okay screaming you here at the end of this episode. I don't think it's hard dying because it doesn't make sense when we get to

Yeah, yeah, yeah

The end of a wreck

There is a bit of a kid, uh, you know, this was my movie and sharp Heather. Um

There is a I could a little a little bit of that but um, yeah, I think

There's a lot of talk about health problems specifically health problems in this episode and

stillborn children

And this kid came out and didn't come out breathing

And she kind of was there to save the day that makes me wonder if there's a wee pattern going here which escalates

um the veracity of which she is um perpetrating her

Environmental pursuits, let's put it that way. Gotcha. Okay

Uh, all right. So then we jump back to the present. It is december 22nd now. Yes, fifth day of night

And we get a tip of the hat to jaws at the beginning of this episode

Where hawks and a bunch of good ol boys have gone out on the ice and hawks is doing a real

We're gonna search every hen house out house

And our fugitive is wearing a pink parka

Uh, but it's a real like a combination of that and like I said the jaws thing of a bunch of local yokels going out to

Oh, yeah, this doesn't look like this this ends up exactly by the once again by later on in this episode

This ends up exactly how you think it's gonna end up

With jody fuster real pissed about it. Um, yeah

Yeah, so they're all going out on the ice to hunt for clark who is missing

Uh one by the way, one of the deputies agent cooper

Well done is alopeas. I get it. Oh, she's she's she's just she's having a fucking ball and I love it

And navarro

Like confronts hawks. It is like hey, hey, hey tell these fucking morons that we've got to take clark alive

Yeah, you know because we need him alive and hawks is like do we do do it though? Yeah, we actually need them alive though. Um

Yeah, it's uh

It does like I like I am so like not sure about hank

Like even more so in this episode like I am now like I I had at that, you know, he was like

I still think he's in the pocket of the mine, right? I think that's like that's like like for sure

But I'm maybe starting to lean more towards your theory of him just being a bit of an idiot

Yeah, I think he's a useful idiot. I think that's the the kind of character he is. Um

Speaking of danvers jody foster is trying to get him on the radio and isn't getting any answer

Which of course makes her quite happy

um, oh, oh

Just a quick note, uh, so I'll remember it later

Um before we cut to credits in this scene with danvers

There is a moment where navarro finds like an orange that's been left behind

Yeah, so these guys have arrived with a pile of oranges, which I'm sure there's like some like seeing the credit sequence

There's orange peel in oranges. So I'm sure that that means something but with the connection to scurvy

I don't know what that might be

Yeah, unsure yet, but it comes up again later. But yeah, so then back to danvers who's trying to raise hawks on the radio

No luck there

Uh, and then pete, uh, points out that hey all the files from the trailer that they found in in the nook

Um are in

Yeah, like danvers is like looking for a fight here. Like she's like she's like

She can't get a hand on the phone

Which is like clearly an oida and the hank sun's there. So, you know pete

Pete's gonna get a lot of kind of well

Why where did you put them and he's like in the evidence room?

So, why did you put the evidence in the evidence room? Like yeah, it's disgusting in there dr. Lecter. We gotta move to another room

Also, i'm gonna need you to dig a hole and then

Dig another hole to put the dirt in from the first hole and then you put the dirt from the second hole in the first hole

You understand what i'm saying

She says like can you like here's like annie's phone. Can you like hack the phone and he's like what means you think I can hack a phone?

She's like you're in your 30s. You've got friends go and do it

Yeah, that's part of the conversation too where she's like i'm gonna need you to make a transfer for navarro into our unit

Don't worry about it. It's just a one-time thing

Uh, but yeah the the moment where she asked him to hack the phone. I thought was really funny

Yeah, but also he's he's gonna kick back on this. So he's basically

He's gonna he's gonna he's gonna finally get us a little bit

I fucking love this coming up here

But he's he's gonna kind of try and pry into

What is that? What was the reason that navarro was moved out of the force? Why were they no longer working together?

Yeah, I I really like this thing and all it goes back to way back when we talked about um

The quote at the beginning of the first episode of the unreliable narrator in here

We're getting a very clear example of this of jody foster

Being the unreliable narrator for pete and it's also that this is vintage true detective. Yeah

Right, this is season one. This is the like they shoot the

The the fucking met dealer in the head and then play it off as something else happened with this great story

Where they're all congratulated and all the rest even though

Your interior actually fucking destroyed their case and their friendship or like season two the guns shoot out

That's really that's refactored when they tell it back to the police for how that happened

In season three the majority of season three

like is kind of

You know like as it's kind of told through that that lens as well

And we get this here and basically they were partners, which we kind of thought they were


But they were on this this case the

What was it the william wheeler? Yeah wheeler case and she says listen this guy wheeler

He beat the shit out of his wife repeatedly

But we couldn't do anything because whenever we went there

He would flash this kind of sanctum on his smile on his face a base that said she's fallen down the stairs or fallen on the

Is or you know bought a cupboard or whatever and they knew they knew that without her testimony nothing could happen

And it would you know it was these things only end one way

And it ended exactly the way they thought it was gonna

With them being called out to the scene of a crime to arrive and find that

You know he has killed her the beauty of this scene is that we she is telling you the version

Verbally and we are seeing what actually happened or once again

Maybe her memory of what happened, but basically what she says is when we arrived there she was dead and he had killed himself

So like a kind of murder suicide sort of thing. Um, but what we see

Is wheeler is in his chair kind of laughing. I think he's is he not singing that song from the beginning? Yeah, he's whistling

Yeah, yeah, but is he is he not singing? Is he not whistle and twisting shout? I couldn't quite place it

I don't think it's twist and shout. I'll tell you what all all fact check us, but yeah going

so he's whistling something to come in and basically

We see the two of them standing together interestingly enough. We don't see

Who killed him?

But what we do see is if you if you pay close attention

It looks like Danvers starts to lower gun when she sees the body and it looks like Navarro tense is up

and knowing what their personalities are like

And how their relationship fractured after this the assumption would be and I'm all for true detective doing a 180 and pulling the rug out from under my feet

and show me it was other way around but kind of looks like Navarro may have put this guy down and

you know


Couldn't work with her after that because she'd seen a different side of her and then got transferred out

was really interested about this as well as it looks like

Hank may have buried

Hank knows the answer to this. Hank knows there's there's more going on here

Um, and maybe that's why he's still there

Because he's a dick. He's an incompetent cop

But maybe he's been kicked around because he's that useful idiot. We said but he's also holding on to this secret

Which is why he'd like squares up to Danvers so much

Because you got to think if she shot him in the head with her gun

That's her bullet

So even if he staged the crime took another way

He would have had to have her gun shoot the bullet unless the evidence was tampered with and you need someone else to tamper with that

Delightly going to be Hank


Makes me wonder bow makes me wonder. Yeah

Yeah, it it's really an interesting and kind of fun scene

Yeah, um

And but it's also why they would end up you can imagine like from a Danvers point of view is someone who is

I mean has a temper but she does kind of

She's the alpha in the situation to have your partner fly off the rails and do something so reckless as that

Like egregiously break the law. She's all for blurring the lines

She's gonna try and do it once or twice in this episode

But like to like basically cold-blooded

cold-blooded murdered someone

You can see why Danvers would be like I can't work with you anymore. I don't want to you know, obviously

We've got a relationship. So I don't want you off the force, but you can't work in the same

You can't work in the same precinct as me. So

and transfers are out

Um, yeah, so and as Pete is leaving after this conversation

Do you think Pete bought it because I like I kind of think he was like, um, I I think

Not entirely. Yeah, because I think he understands that sometimes she just lies to him. Yeah

Like like, you know Danvers is many things but one one thing one of those things

Is that if she believes that she's doing a thing for the right reason, yeah, she'll do some kind of horrible shit

Yeah, uh, but we'll

I've had a character revelation about her as well. So we'll we'll get to that in a minute

But anyway, so yeah, he's taken off and Danvers is like, I'm gonna need you to tell your dad to get rid of those

hillbilly friends or I'm calling immigration on his mail order bride. Yeah, which is

Yeah, it's also such a fucking thing. Like she can see

Peter's face. Yeah as well

Like, you know, I mean, he's got he's got like a wealth on the side of his face, right?

And she knows where that's come from and she's putting them

Back in the position of

Being her mouthpiece to

His dad

Well, she's not doing him any favors at all. No, it's a real fucked up thing to do. Yeah. Yeah, it's such a dick move

Yeah, well, yeah, but that's kind of

Like Danvers is not a bad person

But she does really petty shit


It's ownership, isn't it? Yeah, really. Yeah. Yeah, it's it's her

Like I'm gonna have my way and I'm gonna manipulate the people around me

Because I'm doing what's right for them or best for them

Whether they want me to do that or not, you know, I mean it goes back to the like, uh,

You know her daughter-in-law

Are well Pete's wife being like, you know, save your favor your favors for your own family

Yeah, like we're fucking around in everybody else's business, but

Anyway, this is where we go to Navarro who's out on the ice and she's you know, looking for Clark or something

And it just tosses the orange

And wouldn't you know it Duncan?

Someone or something in the dark

Uh bounces it right back at her. So this is the shining. Yeah

Like this is like straight up some shining shit, right? Yeah. Um, but I also wonder if

I've got I've also got a theory on the varro, right as well. Um

like we don't know


We don't know if something rolls it back or if she just loses track

Like she is like of all the people she's the one that's

Everything supernatural that's happened in the shows only happened to her by herself

Okay. All right. Yeah, I'm with you and especially with the history in her family and I think I think her and her sister

Both have the same affliction. I just think they view it differently

Yeah, and if we are talking about a show that's that's toying with the ideas about unreliable narrators

That would certainly fit as well. That's how you that's how you do. What's interesting about this one is

I think

Like her interactions with rose

I think have kind of focused

I think she's I think she's in part she has a bit of

mental health issues, but I also think rose their friendship their kinship

Is because I think rose sees in her that she has the ability to

potentially commune across the void because holding

The kid this is I we think this is danvers kid


Like holding up like basically appears in front of her and he seemingly has rolled this orange

And then runs away. She tries to chase after him. She slips on the ice

Like basically knocks herself out and then wakes up

And the gulf war in afghanistan, maybe wherever she served

She wakes up there and holding is there as well and holding is speaking backwards

Like right out of fucking twin beaks, you know, I mean it's like, you know, they're like, but always he's speaking backwards

The writing on his jammies is backwards his pajamas. They're writing the text is all backwards as well

So i'm like what we're fucking doing here. Um, and i'm i'm most likely

Going to be wrong on this one. What I think he says is let's rock

Um, he doesn't say that he doesn't say that. Yeah, but um, he says something

He says tell my mom and then he says something. I think it cuts right. We

Intentionally cannot hear what comes after tell my mommy

Well, he says he says listen tell my mom, which is interesting because the woman whose head

Was like fucking exploded in that scene. She also went up to him said listen

Right and then there's a later scene in this episode where

when she's talking about

What how she fills her time up she says that she prays and we'll get into that scene later on but danvers

Can it almost ridicules her a little bit and she says oh you talk to god and she says i don't talk to god i listen

so this idea of listening to

the dead maybe

As an as is like something that's kind of maybe circling navarro

Which once again would explain why all the supernatural shit is happening to her but she wakes up on the ice

With a she has a bump in the head

And as she gets up her phone's fucking going and this is this is danvers basically saying i have 19 boxes

of shit

And there ain't no way i'm looking at it myself. So get your ass to mars. Yeah, so she heads back to the the station


They basically are sorting through the evidence and arranging it and rearranging it and

Linking things together. It's all you know sort of a montage sort of thing

Also missing like they're missing a great opportunity for um a little bit of a kind of montage

bike scene from

TV's it

See it's all right. It's all right. See it's all right

It certainly should be like putting out the photos all these murdered people

Like all around just like high-fiving you're like tapping each other on the back like pretending to be a bull

Charge a little

This episode would have fucking leveled up bo

But yeah, like they they're setting this up and they're working their way around and after a bit of time we're working their way around

I think they realized the they actually don't really have anything

And this is where we you know, I really don't they just have a lot of pictures

Which i've always wondered how like that's how my brain would work if I had everything like down there. I would just be like


I see lots of photographs



but but but um

whilst they're doing this

Danvers weirdly with our connection to the kids spots a photograph

we are

Any keys we have an Ariana Ariana Grandi top and she's like ah, so this one must have been taken after 2016

And she's like how do you know that and she's like well she released that album in 2016 and i'm like

Danvers listen to Ariana Grandi like

She's she's like Holmes where she knows like the specific color of ash. Yeah, you know

Well clearly that is uh rich harry blend uh dr. Lecter

I do I do like well well why they're like while they're doing this thing here

She keeps like danvers keeps doing the

Ask the question

Yeah, and and she's like i'm not playing this fucking she can just tell navarro's lived through this before

Like i'm not playing this fucking dr. Lecter bullshit with you is

Or are rather jody fosters socks the most comfortable looking socks you've ever seen

Dear god almighty i wanted a pair um i mean i know that's a weird thing to notice in this scene

But they're as they're kind of barefoot moving around the evidence. I was like man those look warm

Yeah, i like i looked down at my very comfy slippers and realized how inadequate they were. Yeah, um

Yeah, they look really comfy. But the so basically they have this photo of our kind of 2016

Which would put her in the timeline on the run-up to her death and also when

Approximately she would have been seeing clock. Um

So they have that and then they start they're like right. We know she's got blue in her hair at this point

She died her hair blue

so let's start looking for photographs where she's got blue here and

She's in photos with clock and they start piecing this together and then they come across one photo where

It's not a selfie. Someone is taking it from a distance and like someone knew about this relationship

So let's continue doing it and then it's navarro that steps up here

navarro gets one and she notices there's a blue smudge

A specific kind of blue smudge very somewhat of the hair color and she's like son of a fucking bitch


And then they go off like so they go off

We have to uh, also address duncan the moment where

Pete shows up. Yeah, and pokes his head in and

Uh, navarro is like you better run peat

uh, and uh when

Uh, he finally takes off


Danvers is like, hey quit making jokes about me robbing the cradle and shit around peat. Uh, i'm trying to keep that iron in the fire

Uh, do we think do we do it like see this question do we think she is?

Do we think she's interested that way in them? I think maybe

I'm leaning the other way. I'm leaning the this is the son I lost

And he happens to be in the same profession as me. So i'm guiding him

But I also would not argue with anyone that says serial shaggard danvers strike it again

Well, I like the fact that

At one point jody foster is like look, uh, you know, this is some it's later on when she's talking about being on tender

And she says well, I don't fuck where I eat and danvers are uh, navarro is like you mean any more

Yeah, because also like also your boss was here like a night ago and you slept with him right and she's like keep that quiet

Nobody knows about me fucking dr. Who and she's like everybody knows that you're fucking dr. Who

I mean first you're constantly humming the song from the show. Yeah

You said he's like a a TARDIS bigger on the outside


She wants to play with his Dalek

Right, right that you had uh a sonic screwdriver of your own with him. Yeah, and

She's like nobody knows about that. She's like everybody knows about that

And but then they get around to asking the question of like well, okay speaking of secret relationships

Why did any k?

Keep the relationship with clark secret

What what what about that was a problem?

And uh, so then yeah, we go from navarro

Uh are from them at the station to them at navarro's uh friend susan

Yeah, who is the the one who died ani's hair. She's uh, she's uh work from her own home hairdresser. Yes

And navarro is gonna ask her about the question and in a scene that kind of tells you that

Danvers isn't all bad and all prickly

Yeah, and also I think she's like inherently practically this is how you know that these two work together for a while

Because the instantly like she instantly knows listen navarro is the one that has a relationship here

She's the one that's going to get the answers out here

Like I need to make myself useful how I make myself useful is interacting with kids

Which she apparently is really good at which is by links back to that holding things

She lost a kid about this kid's age


And she knows all like she's kept in tune with all this

Kind of like like like all the names all these cartoon characters and all the rest and she noticed that this kid's wearing a

A particular cartoon unicorn and she knows all about that. So she kind of takes the kid away

So navarro can question come with me little girl. We're gonna make some mac and cheese

It's all right. I got you now. It's all right

I got you

And uh, well, and then navarro has her talk with susan and and susan reveals some actually

Genuinely interesting information. She moves the case forward for us

And she was like, yeah, I used to cut hair up at salol

And annie wanted to go with me and weird detail it kept insisting is how she yeah weird detail

Almost as almost as if almost as if she wanted to make a connection there to find it. Maybe if mining

I don't know mining practices could contribute to stillbirths from a scientist bow from a fucking scientist bow

And uh, that's where she meets clark

Yeah, and he was immediately fixated on the spiral tat that she had and we confirmed it was that tattoo in particular

We also found out where the idea came from from the spiral tat. Yeah, she dreamed it Duncan

She dreamed it and the dream stopped when she got the tattoo

Literally how I buy things like I I'm in my bed and I've said this before like the the one that was the most kind of

prominent for I just recording dream for about the best part of two months

circa 2005

Um, and it was of the ending of the movie the last broadcast and I bought the

The vhs of the last broadcast because it wasn't a dv at the time. I bought an extra rental version of it


From like a blockbuster and the di bought it. I stopped dreaming about it. Oh, wow. That's interesting

It has happened with other things like small purchases. Nothing like extravagant like a Ferrari or anything like that

But like I'll have a you or a child


But there will be occasions where I'll have recording dreams about a movie or

Like something I've read like a book that I read years ago like when I was at school

I found this in as a bias not thinking about

Huh, that's interesting. Yeah, I don't know how I would solve that like all my recurring dreams are about varieties of cookie

And which is really the best bake the cookies, but I guess I guess I should uh, you know snickerdoodles on my mind

Um, yeah, like so soon as she says she got this tattooed on her the dreams stopped

But our buddy clark was a little obsessed with it

Well in navarro asked her like hey was he like a freak and she was like yeah

I mean he was weird and he was quiet

But he really was into annie and he was a nice guy

Yeah, so at this point he hadn't went cray-cray right

and she also mentions that there's um

A guy named oliver

Yeah, I know where she's like yeah, I was dating someone from up there. That's all of our whatever they were like

I think is his name. Yeah, they're like there's

Who and she was like, oh, yeah, he left

Actually, he left just before annie died

And we're like, uh-huh and they're like well, so where the fuck is this guy?

Yeah, and they're like and and susan's like, oh, he's just out on the eye somewhere now. He doesn't want to be found


uh, and then one last tidbit

Is uh, she's like, you know, I've mentioned this before I called and left an anonymous tip

about clark


uh, also by the way, it was so weird that annie was

Always trying to keep this secret

Yeah, so annie always trying to keep it secret right not clark. It was annie who was very much

Trying to keep all of this on the down low

And so the danvers and navarro are are then headed back and yeah, but also navarro was

So fucking pissed off because she's like that hank suppressed us

Yeah, right and and they're arguing about like well, why did he bury the rapport? What was in it for him?

and this is where

danvers drops that she's on tender


As you do yeah, she tries she tries to create some small talk and it's

Like she asks if she's still fucking the guy with the dogs

she basically


And then i was like that and she's like you still sleeping with taking dr. Who and she's like, no

I don't fucking

the shit where I eat

She's like anymore. Yeah, we get all this stuff that comes out here

But this is where I was starting to think hank is a useful idiot. Yeah, well, and I was like that the mind just said suppress that


Oh for sure and and uh, this is also the moment you talked about earlier where

Um navarro talks about how she prays and listens. Yeah, and she specifically says that she listens

um, but then she gets super goth

And is like you ever just want to disappear just open the door and start walking and

Danvers is like what no

What are you crazy?

And she's like no no not like I like I say the way which by the way is exactly what our sister does later on in this episode

Yes walks out nice. So I think I think navarro has a version of what our sister has

Yeah, I I think that's probably a good call


Oh, so we go back to god man

There are like three scenes of this show uh, or this episode that I dearly love and one is coming up


Pete is watching over the slowly thawing pile of bodies

still and and

John hog shows up and seems like he's trying to make a little bit of peace here

And it's like handing over some ice skates he found for Pete's kid

yeah, and

Just as this like nice moment between father and son is going down

Income danvers and navarro like rolling in yeah to beat the band and yeah, and navarro comes in fucking hot

immediately gets in his face about like

How did you followed up on the why didn't you follow up on this phone call that you got you got an anonymous report?

and you did nothing with it and


You know so they're arguing back and forth danvers gets in between them

Yeah, danvers basically shuts down navarro. Then danvers goes in on hank. This scene's fucking amazing

In short is just like


Just do your fucking job. All right. Yeah, and uh

Then hogs fires back about like stop trying to mrs. Robinson. Pete

Yeah, and then she just throws her drink on him. She throws a cup of hot coffee in his face. Yeah, and

So hogs leaves at that point

navarro is now pissed off because

Uh danvers didn't do more to him for this breach

Well, she says she says if you don't get your if you don't get your

Hunter friends off the ice. I'm gonna bring you up in negligence. Yeah, right and

Uh, but navarro is pissed about that and she storms off

And then Pete's like hey, who is who is mrs. Robinson? Yeah

I don't have a clue for this one also on top of this as well

In that scene with pete and

Hank pete says to hank. Do you know what happened with that wheeler case?

Yeah, like she like you can tell he knows something

Yeah from the way he acts and this one

So I think we probably will get something

In the next three episodes that shows because that's what we do will show the split up

For the kind of fallout of the the wheeler case and how essentially hank played into that. Um, but yeah, like, um

This is the second time hank's been warned about getting these militia friends off the ice

And um the next time we see these militia friends everything has gone as we would say in the uk peak tong

rhyming slown for wrong

We would say tits up here in the states. Yeah tits up tits me gee. Um, so

Uh when in rumble, so this is where pete pitches, which I think is a great idea. I think like pete. I think is secretly

Maybe the best character

As far as a human being like he's the most put together person. Yeah. Well, I also think pete's a complete. I think pete lets everyone walk over him

Yeah, I guess that's even his wife later on his wife walks over him. I think he's the only one that is

Kind of determined to be a good guy. Yeah. Yeah. So like he's the wholesome one

He's the one that the system he's the only cop that the system hasn't broken yet

Mm-hmm. Yeah, he's certainly not cynical like he is not a cynical bone in his body

Will be by the end when he realizes his wife's heads in a box. Um, john does got the upper handbook. Um, so

Don't open the box dr. Elector

You might find it delicious

but yeah, like so

He like he is the fact he is not picking up any of the conversation and comment

The fact he isn't he's so naive that he doesn't understand everyone's basically saying dan versus a cougar

Right. She wants to fuck you. She wants to fuck your young hot body


But he he's like, hey, I've got some bad news for you

Uh, the forensic examiner isn't going to be able to make it because all these storms happening

Uh, he's like, but I've got an idea and she's like, all right hit me

He's like, well, I've got a buddy of mine

That's a veterinarian. I think is he's cousin. It turns out to be his cousin. He doesn't introduce him like that

Which I think is very funny that he's like, I've got I know someone who's a veterinarian that's like, well, this is my cousin



Dan versus like I really really thoroughly hate this idea

But also I have no choice. So get your weird vet buddy in here

And uh, so then we go back to navara being out on the ice and very quickly

Finds kovic her her uh, man friend. Yeah, her big

Alaskan beef. Yeah

Out there just oil it himself on the ice. Um, dude

We get an honest to goodness quit pro quo Clarice. Well, let's we literally get silence to the lambs in this. Yes

I fucking love it. Yes. She because uh, navara is like, hey, I'm looking for oliver to god

Do you know where he is and he's like, yeah, I guess I'll ask around

But if I do

You've got to do something for me quit pro quo navarro

You have to tell me something about yourself, which is again the silence of the lambs like yeah

Tell me something about you navarro

So tell me is your sister still screaming?


Well, he basically asked about her mum. Yeah, this is

I don't know how I like this like

I feel for big sexy fucking hunk man, right because he clearly does not want to be in the friend zone, right?

And he's essentially emotionally blackmailing her

to learn about her

As like some sort of currency that well if I know more about or maybe we can grow closer

When he is not picking up that navarro isn't really interested in that

Yeah, he's trying to force them into a relationship. She does not want yes

She wants to fuck him and and you know be friendly with him, but yes

That's it and he's like he also thinks this is going to make them closer together by asking about his mum

Her mum, which is like maybe the most painful experience of her life. Let me just it's like tell me about the mother

It's like like full-on fucking trauma central


But you get you get the story about essentially the but the broken home that she grew up in the horrific broken home, which

On one hand you have a mother who there's a severe

mental health problems and a father who was an alcoholic

like a

Fucking quasi child abuser


and this is the world that she grew up in but also

because of that she didn't

Because of that she's kind of this is a straddle into the two

What olds that was talking about and that all the stuff that would have given her her

Heritage or well alaskan her her mother was the victim of a an unsolved murder

Well, yeah, we're gonna get to that

Um, we're gonna get that's why she became a cop. Well, right

I mean in in that this is the point where she's like, you know, she never told me my uh inubiak name

Well, this is it. But she never like she knows she's so this whole connection to this place that she's at

This isn't like that. She's there's a part of her that has become this is why she is the protector

Of all these women

You know, I mean all these ennis women like that she sees being beaten

Murdered with no interest and all the rest because her mother was one

Right. Yeah. Yeah for sure



So like but for a reason big big sexy fishermen's like that. I'm so getting it wet later on

Um, and by that he means sticking his rod in the water to fish. Um, because you get none of that

So, yeah, he got his answer about the mom and and promises to check into oliver to gawk

Um, we cut over to lia

Who we have not really seen in this episode yet

And she's meeting up with her girlfriend at an anti-mine rally

That seems to be hosted by the inubiak locals

Yes, and it's a real like moment of awakening for lia where she's kind of surrounded by native people

Who are talking about defending the land and chanting we were here first and

um, like it's a real like philosophical shift for her

Is she walks in and someone says you not the

The chief's daughter and she's like i'm i'm really sorry. She's like no, no, no, all are welcome

Like although like there's like there's no hate here at all all are welcome. Um, so she gets kind of indoctrinated into their

group. Um

I'm kind of going back on the

I thought danvers was being

Like kind of a little bit racist in the previous episode

and I think in this episode I think

I think we realize that the annie kee case actually has stuck with her quite a bit

I I think she sees her

Adopted daughter starting to manifest specific the lines on her chin

I think it's as the scene is interspersed with like her looking at crime photos, but it's the lines on her chin and

The environmental activism and all the rest is basically fulfilling

Fulfilling the prophecy of becoming the next annie kee

Yeah, and I I think that makes that some of the shit that she does which is really

Like short-sighted and kind of closed-minded but also

Understandable because it goes back to her saying if you want to know what killed


Ennis killed annie like nobody was ever going to solve that. Yeah, and that as you said, this is what she is

This is what danvers is seeing ahead of lia. Yeah

She she's seen the other side of it

Same with it the you know the making the sex video with her schoolmate

Like like it's like, you know, it was just a bit of fun and all the rest

Danvers has clearly come across cases before where that stuff goes on the internet or she knows how that story ends

So she's looking beyond that and as a result it's kind of almost minority of report

Kind of

You're punishing her for something that hasn't happened by essentially extrapolating by this this could go to this could go to this

And then you're fucked or you're dead. Well, I mean that's the whole scene of her freaking out about

lia talking to the grandmother and all that are just like

Stay away from this not because she wants to like rob her of her culture

But because the way she sees it

Yes, her culture is a high-risk group

For a crime and that's how she's processing is how do I keep you safe?

And that is such a well-written character. Yeah, such a well-written and like it's rolling out

So like I said in the previous episode a particular view on her but in this episode

it softened a little bit in between the huge amounts of manipulation and um

I will get in a minute where she just clearly asks a vet to

Like break the law. Oh, I love it so much. It's my favorite thing in the whole episode


Yeah, but all right, but to finish this conversation

We were having about the the previous scene like yeah, lia comes home and is changing into the like rally shirt

Danvers sees her changing

And it that's the point where she grabs her and is like wash that shit off your face

and and yeah, and and it's a moment where

As a viewer you understand like oh she is

She's trying to protect her like it's fucked up what she's doing

But it's I also understand it. Yeah, uh, which as you said is a sign of a great character when you're like

I don't agree with her. Yeah in in the moment, but I agree with her as a

parental figure, you know, yeah, she's a real she's a real person. You're right. People behave like that. So, yeah


So navarro is leaving covix and this is where she sees

Uh, the boy on the ice and has the vision with the kid with the polar bear with the one eye

Under his arm and the listen till you need to tell my mommy something

And then she wakes up because uh, her sister is having a good old-fashioned freak out

After leaving the diner

Um, and she immediately finds her I guess she's like, I know you which I thought was a little bit of a

All right, fine. You know the writing on that was like, uh, that's a little too cool

Also, like the coolest set piece ever. This is the frozen lake. This is the boat that's just

This is this is the fucking terror. There's just a boat frozen in the ice and that's where she goes to sit

yeah, and

You know, they hug and cry and and julie admits like, you know, sometimes I think bad stuff sometimes

And she's like, I know and you know, um, so that's really kind of it

for that scene

Yeah, I think I think that's going to come ahead. I think the

Something bad's going to happen to the sister. I think yeah

There's a foreboding nature of that where she's just not going to be there in time to save for the next time

Or navarro does something to sacrifice herself for her sister. Yes, that could also I could see that


All right, so the pete gets home

Tries to slip into bed, but immediately knocks over a light because he's god damn it

Look, uh, look, he's got too much hawks in him to ever

Fully succeed at being sneaky. Um, but then he checks in on the baby and

His wife is like, hey, I'm gonna go ahead and get up because I've got a test today anyway

and uh, there there's a whole conversation about

Yeah, this is to me the the bit where I realized that

Everyone bosses pete. Yeah

because she says a comment which

I know

it's probably

It comes from a nice place

But she's like you're you're a different person and he's like

No, I'm I was always a police officer and she's like no no the person I met was you know


He was a fun and dumb, you know and he's like that but like but whams if I don't want to be fun and dumb

You know, I want to be like I can't

She's just she's kind of like you've changed on me and

It's kind of making him feel guilty. Although this is completely undermined three seconds later

She's kind of making him feel guilty for wanting to be good at something right and like you said this case through

Yeah, right like he seems determined to be a good cop

Yeah, which again undermined immediately because he's starting to get text from danvers

Four in the morning, right? Well, hey, what do you know about oliver to gawk? You got a

He's just like damn it

and and just kind of ignores it and goes to bed


We get a a nice little scene of like everybody kind of shutting down for the day where

Navarro's tucking jewels in danvers is just lying

In bed staring up at the ceiling thinking about how shitty the world is or whatever and

Then it is now december 23rd the sixth day of night

And danvers immediately shows up at pete's

While there is this kind of wake happening

For the stillborn child. Yeah, and as you pointed out earlier, it's this kind of chanting

really solemn moment and

Danvers is

surprisingly respectful and quiet and

Kind of stays on the perimeter and isn't starting any shit

She also moved by this so like it gets to her

And as a result when she goes to the bathroom to get like some water and she turns the tap on and this gray sludge comes out

You know, this is like this isn't like this is the the real life effect of what these

These indigenous people are going through so she's like like it kind of weirdly humanizes her for

a split second

Yeah, yeah, she seems like she's

In the right headspace for about 30 seconds and then that'll all go away

uh, so pete's




Is looking over the pile of bodies fucking great

He is so clearly like out of his depth and knows it and it's just like I just want to go home

What do you need me to do? He says to him. Do you think he tried to claw his own eyes and he's like, how how long have you been staring at this?

That is so good. How long have you been looking at this a long time? I bet


And when danvers shows up though, he's like, hey, I look

This is not my thing

But I will tell you that uh, my guess is that they were dead before they froze


When when you go when you die on the ice, it's kind of weirdly peaceful

And all of these people look like they're screaming

camera pounds and it's like

He says look if I had a guess and this is just a guess everybody understand this is just a guess

But my guess is that they died of maritax. That's what I'm guessing moleman. There's han's moleman

He was the one who did it on the ice with the candlestick

Uh, but he's like, I I think that they died of heart attacks induced by fright

Yes, because I've seen this with caribou like you see this look on their face

I've seen this with caribou like right in the opening scene bo. What are we doing here right now ladies and gents?


This is where uh, he's like look, you know, I couldn't tell more without actually

Doing an autopsy

And she's like, yeah, that'd be a terrible idea. I mean you wouldn't do it, right? And

And he's like, no, that'd be illegal and she's like, oh, yeah, sure. I mean, I'm

I'm just kidding. Of course. I wouldn't ask you to do it. She totally was gonna do it

Oh, yeah, if she could have got away like we can hide it like if you just do it on one of them

Um, I just like the one that's most messed up dude. It's so good. I love that moment of her like

I mean you wouldn't you wouldn't do it, right? Like like all he's got to do is say yes

He'll do it and this motherfucker's getting cut open, you know

Like it's oh, I love it so much. It is my favorite thing in this whole whole episode. It is the best

And then uh navarro shows up and he's like, oh, hey, by the way, I found to gawk and it's like, well, that was fucking quick

How'd that happen? Yeah, and also Pete's like but he wasn't he doesn't exist

He's not in the database doesn't have a national security number. He doesn't have that social security number

He doesn't have like all these things and she's she's like, yep. He lives it nice out

Whatever commune it is

And then she's like that not everything's on a computer. What did she keep calling them? It's not young

Yeah, that was not everything's on a computer freshman. Um, and so they're going to go off and track down

This guy who I'm just going to see just now is mentally unstable

He's he's he's like he's one of those survivalism guys

and uh, yeah, they call it the muckluck telegraph. She says that's how she finds him and uh

So navarro, uh, has found him in this like remote ass village and they immediately go out there


into the middle of nowhere on the ice

And as soon as they get there a couple of guys show up that are like the fuck you doing here, you know, like it's a real


And navarro is like, hey, we're looking for oliver to gawk. Um, he is not a suspect in anything

I want to make that clear

Uh, we just need to talk to him. We're not we're not trying to cause any trouble here

and they


You know like he's got this cabin kind of thing

They motion to it without saying he's there. You're right. He may be there. He may not be there, they say and they

Uh, they like go to the door and they knock on it a couple of times. Once again, navarro does another you wouldn't do this, would you?

Um, like straight away where she's like, she didn't get she didn't get our answer to break

Like to bend the rules and break the law five minutes ago. So she's just gonna do it anyway

Yeah, no, it's it's totally her just like saying loud. So someone else can over here like oh, what's that? Come on in. I got you and

They open the door. It's so dumb. They open the door

And there's oliver to gawk sitting in a chair with a gun with a big old fucking gun

right of like a big rifle and

Uh, he's like, I I think you guys should leave and they're like, you know what we should but

We need to ask you about annie k and he's like, what about her?

and uh, they're like, well you

You know, you saw her once she was still alive

And also all of your old colleagues are now dead too. But yeah, he doesn't want to answer on that and they're like, well, maybe

He's like, um, he said something. They're like, well, maybe we'll bring you in. He's like bring me in for what?

And he's like to find out what you know about the deaths at the salar station

He's like what deaths at the salar station and she's like all your colleagues are dead and he visibly looks

Shocked yeah

Any he asks specifically like oh even lond. Yeah, and they're like, no, no, no, he's not dead. He's at the hospital

He might as well be but we see him right fuck sake. He's in rough shape dunkin


And then to gawk orders them out of his place at the end of the gun is like don't ever come back here. Yeah

and uh


As they're leaving uh, is it to gawk who asks him about annie's real name?

Excuse me when they first he asked specifically about navarro's

Yeah, um name and he's like that maybe you've forgotten it and she kind of doesn't want to answer and danvers was like, yo

Yo, yo, yo, look at me. Look at me answer the question

And once again, this is the straddle in the two worlds. Yeah, but you can see it weighs on her it weighs heavy on her

Um, well danvers asks her about it and she's like you wouldn't understand so there's no point in getting into this conversation

Uh, but they get back in the truck and they get a call that lond

is awake by the way

And so they throw on the reds and blues and the siren and they are hauling ass

Across the ice to get to this poor son of a bitch

Oh my god, dude. It's such a

Tasty treat of a build up here. Yeah, because they the first person they encountered that get is a nurse

and uh, she's like look he's a little agitated right now and he's

How do I put that hard to look at? Yeah, and they're like, yeah, yeah, it's fine

and uh, they go in there and

he is like

I mean, it's like the fucking guy from seven

You know, yeah, he's missing. He's missing his legs. He's like, I think he's got one arms amputated

His other hand is like his fingers are all frostbitten. They're all black

His eyes are basically he's blind now. His eyes are now he looks like a fucking ice walker from fucking game of thrones

His eyes are like blue. He looks like he's been life-forced

Yeah, he looks like he's been life-forced

Where's Patrick Stewart when you eat them? Uh, his nose is all black as well

That's how the vampire is working this we do a little kissy kissy

His nose is all blackened as well

and um


It's like you look at it at this dude and you're like you need to be dead

Like this this should be over for you. This is too much for you do like don't cut sometimes don't come back

Sometimes they shouldn't come back

I say it's like, um, it was again, it reminded me of silence in the arms where

They get like when a lecture cuts off the guy's face and puts it over and they're like that's peppermint. God damn it

Speak to him and he's like, hey, you're looking real good peppermint. Hey, you're looking real good, dude

Little do they know it's really me

And that scene would be completely diffused if he's like, you're looking real good. They're peppermint. All you had was

What if there was an actual turn to camera like guess what they think

That's that's that's that's the the hard break with it. I bet you're wondering how I ended up here

right, right, right. Yeah, um

so anyway

they go in there and lund is screaming and shit and then, um

He basically tells him that she's awake


We woke her and now she's out in the ice. Yes, not on the ice in the eyes in the ice

Uh, and she said he says, uh, she came for us in the dark

And as he's howling now

Yeah, they're like, oh, hey, there's a bunch of these

Yeah, assholes from the eyes. Did you did you did you know that earlier on like yesterday?

There was all these guys he's kind of hunter guys with guns and alcohol and oranges just out on the ice

Just run them up a muck. I mean, I don't suppose you warned anyone like hank is clearly going to get

Hank is going to be in a lot of trouble in the next episode. I can't wait

Yeah, but like she's like facetaly. So danvers danvers is going to go up against all these fucking armed militias herself

And she's like to navarro. She's like you keep an eye on him if he speaks

I want to know what he says you stay here. So she goes away to take care of business and like once again

Fearless badass like she walks right and there's all these kind of guys and hunter gear that's swinging around

But she's right up there with the cuffs slamming people into walls

Cuffing them. Yeah throwing the cuffs on people throwing elbows like danvers

Does not take shit from anyone ever

That I mean that is if if there are two rules of duncan a bow come correct

It is you should be fucking

And number two is danvers does not take shit from anyone ever

Wait, she she she'd like lays down the law hard. But while she's doing that once again when navarro is left

by herself

She uh witnesses

Uh lund be a palm. Oh not at first at first. We get a good old-fashioned halloween

Corpse sitting up in here. This is a real Michael Myers. That's up. Yeah

Totally sits up in the background and in the camera pan round and is there pan in background

Basically he tells her that he has spoken to her mother on the other side talks to her by name calls her by name


I have spoken to thine mother


And he's basically like your mother

Is looking forward to being v you know it with you on the other side. What's that you don't want to hear when you're having a bad day?


Yeah, she's waiting for you

And then he full on dies. Yeah, like does this point she's waiting for you and then

Like yeah, he goes out. He does he goes out like he's been life-forced. It's


and yeah, anyway, so he was on death's door and

Danvers comes rushing in as he's flatlining. Yeah throws a look at navarro. Like would you you had one fucking job?

It like i'm taking down a militia out there

Single-handed. Yes, right? No weapons. Just just my hands and my cuffs here and you had one job

Like the next episode is going to start with her plunching her hands into his chest

To massage his heart back to you were not going down me. God damn it. Dr. Lector

There's another there's another part of me that thinks

There's a trust element there if navarro shot that guy

Does she think in the back of her head

Did yeah, just kill this dude. Yeah, maybe she killed this guy. I mean, I think

You know, he'd like what is the motive ask the question dunkin

What's the motive maybe this guy killed anarchy? Yeah

So maybe he's protecting the person that did I don't know but yeah like so

Once again, this is another scene where

Navarro has had communication with the other side and it does it brings back what rose said rose said that there's three types of spirits that come back

To get in touch with you one that you know want something from you one that is there to deliver a message and I can't remember what the third thing

One that wants to take you with you. Yeah, that's right

So and it appears that navarro is getting haunted by all three the ghosts of christmas past future and present


So yeah, like like she's getting it from all sides. She's got like holding who's basically trying to give her a message for a mum

she's got fucking

Like our mum who wants her to come to the other side


And obviously is haunted by the ghost of anarchy as well. So


Look, I am

All about this

What about this episode is for a middle of the

Middle of the season the episode

It didn't really progress the story

That much by felt like we settled in and started filling out our characters a lot more

So we now know what happened with danvers and navarro

We might not know all the details, but we know what the catalyst was behind that

I've now got a really good theory on what the sort of person hank is

Got a great theory about like navarro's illness and how it aligns with her sister

Um, and the the visions that she gets we know a little bit more about danvers in general our attitudes towards her adopted daughter



We now know more but there's one scene that this whole episode closes with which is the

That the the the kind of set up for your here's your big cliffhanger

This is your man in a pair of underwear walking along a grassy knoll with a gas mask


Basically right at the end of this one. They come out of the room

lond's dead

pete arrives pete has

Fucking mobile phone which they've managed to hack and the last video is on it and the last video is of anarchy

Anarchy appears to be in the ice cave

That's what it looks like

Yeah, and I think the insinuation here is she was attacked by a polar bear

Maybe well she says I found it. It's here. Yeah, if anything happens to to me she says

And then immediately it's like and she's dragged away

Yeah, she's dragged away and she screams

A lot as they all

Look at this camera. I think this is a polar bear. I think this is the polar bear imagery

I think that we keep getting this polar bear thing. I also think it explains the scratch in the polar bear's eye

I think she claws it off

I think that's I think that's what we're going to find out. I think she claws the polar bear's eye the polar bear lets her go

I think she's then found by the salal group

And something goes wrong there. Huh, okay. I like all of that

I also think the thing she's talking about is whatever

I also think there's something to do with

Them digging in the ice. I think I think well here's my work my working theory at the moment is there's infant deaths

She is fully aware of it as a midwife. She links it to the miners

I think she

Wants evidence scientific evidence. So she convinces her friend to take her up to the salal station. I think she then

Like goes out our way to start a relationship with clock because clock is the one that shows an interest in her

To see what information she can get about the causes of what the mining might be doing, right?

And I think

Whilst she's doing that. I think she's going to uncover that the salal station was doing something

I think she needs evidence for it, which she will find in the ice cave

I think

That's what gets her murdered. I think it might be the people in the salal station

collectively almost as a kind of fucking

As a murder on the orient express. I think they all take turns and that's why she stabbed 32 things

I okay. I'm with you there. Um, I think

That one of the things going on is that

this is based on

The purest of speculation

Moment right like the light bulb every season you're gonna get it right one day, right? They're clearly ice moleman

ice moment

No, I think when they

Would they talk about

something being in the ice?

Yeah, there's that there could be a some sort of pathogen or m zane or something something that maybe

Might drive the caribou crazy that might drive salal station crazy

Might also drive some of the people out looking for clerk on the ice crazy, which is why they

We have a room full of people attacking each other. That's a good point. That's a good point

And that the the she in this is like some name that they have given to it

Right and possibly so all right. So that's where I am. That's just again

Pure speculation based on nothing more than

Oh, it's something in the ice that they've let loose and maybe that's one of the

Like as they're looking for these microbes that they've unleashed some kind of pathogen like you said and

So I like it. I like it. I you know, I do what I can talking

All right, uh any other theories that we need to hit

And I think we've covered them all. I think the big ones here are are all there. I think um

From our position now, we are now moving into the back half of the season

We absolutely are uh, you know as soon as we get done recording this tonight

I'm gonna go watch the new episode that dropped yesterday

And I can't wait. I'm I'm enjoying this and I really

You know, I mean not to toot her own horn, but I really have enjoyed like picking it apart

And really getting into some of the character stuff like I've really enjoyed

Not only watching the show, but I've really enjoyed talking about the show this year. Yeah, I think the

I think once again, there's a lot of people out there that are looking

Unfairly at this season. Um, I think they're judging it

They're judging the entire season by the however many episodes have come out

What kind of like annoyed me a little bit is our buddy Nick Pizzalato has taken potshots at

um, he said Lopez this week on

His social media basically saying that, you know, all these connections to season one are dumb

Um, he doesn't like the fact that like it's like people are obviously questioning him on

On instagram and reddit and stuff and he's answering back and he's being very dismissive of the season overall

um, which just screams to me of sour grapes, you know, I mean like


Let's let's be honest here like

It's not your property anymore and they can do whatever they want with it and also

I don't think like I said to you before I think the fact they mentioned like

Tuttle organization or the total fucking collective and I was like, oh could it be this way that has not been touched on again

It might never get touched on and it might be those are just throwaway lines to indicate that it's in the same universe

Which by the way season three did season three did with clipper of

rust and fucking

Marty's solving of the case and a like a news like article or something

So season three existed in the same universe. This is just linking it to that

The spirals might be no connection to any yellow king or carcosa and it may just be purely something that she dreamt from the ether



I don't know. I don't know like I think I think nick piss a lot of should concentrate on trying to get something off the ground

Instead of getting all his stuff cancelled

Uh, yeah, take that


Yeah, I I have you know, I don't see a whole lot of social media. Uh, fortunately, so I haven't caught a lot of that stuff

Yeah, um

In heavily polarized in season weirdly, there's like a lot people not digging the overt horror of it

Uh, I mean, I I guess I get it but I mean man, it's just it's been so much fun for me

I really at 100 and I still think I still think

like based on our two theories

Like my theory is that she's playing the long con. She's setting up all this supernatural shit

But ultimately it's going to end in a very practical

Yeah, kind of which is what true detective does

I like every season does that it plays with a lot of shit that is just on it's on the fringe

of esoteric and then

But at the end of the day, it's always it's always a guy

Yeah, who you know did the murder. It's some human

foible of some kind whether it's greed or uh, you know

sloth debauchery whatever it happens to be but

What's in the box doctor lector

Stop it. You're sucking the eyeballs out like they're grapes. It's disgusting

Um, anyway, uh, duckin. Yes, where can people find more stuff from you?

Should they want more of this penetrating insight?

Uh, and and hottest of takes

Oh, um, and he's just just the right amount of ribaldry

Yeah, just always just the right amount. Yeah too much in it's fucking ruined. Yeah. Um, and it's yeah, it's not enough

There's no point. Yeah. Um, yeah, please check out the podcast under the stairs -- t puts cast tputscast.com

Is the website or podcast under the stairs wherever you listen to podcasts or search podcast under the stairs

On youtube and you will get my content there. I've just put out the final episode of my top 20 of

2023 and I am moving into


Up to date the recent rung of 88 films Italian collection series movies

Which will include me reviewing a 4k uhd print of cannibal holocaust. Yay


Fucking yay. Yeah. Well, you know, you got to watch it about once every five years just a prune

Yeah, and then just like trying to cover still a movie that is never real

That's a movie that like no one was saying, you know what 4k uhd

Um, I want to see more turtle. How can how can the turtle be clearer?

So yeah, so I've got that but there's a there's a a goofy

Fucking sci-fi fantasy movie in there as well

And I think one at least one other kind of crime thriller as well and the recent rung of them

So I'll be reviewing them throughout the month of february and finally getting around to my NPC series on maniac cop

What about yourself bull quick and people check out your stuff. Uh, you can go to the dark parade

You can also go to leege and podcast calm. Uh, there you can find my show and a bunch of others

Uh, the dark parade is uh on, you know, any good reliable podcast provider

You know, I mean, is some of these fly by night ones? Uh

Not so much the the ones where you can only get podcasts about, you know, cryptids

And uh the way that they love


And and their strange rituals then uh, yeah, maybe not on those but on any other one any like your apples your, uh, your



Uh, uh mp3's what?

Zun zun

Yes, uh, you you can find us over on, uh, the walkman. We're gonna release in a single form

Uh from now on but no many desk

The umd

For those that remember that abortion of a of a media format


Yeah, yeah, yeah, but so, uh

Yeah, so more heart of war more weird stuff coming on dark parade

Check us out over there and and apparently we're taking a week off

Yeah, we are uh on account of there being uh football to be played american football

God, damn it. They uh, the the hardest of all the footballs. Um, I think

I think there's gonna be a lot of complaining. Here's why I don't want to be online again ever

Uh, because after this super bowl, there's gonna be a bunch of people bitching about like

Can you believe how many times the camera cut to taylor swift who was in one of the boxes watching her boyfriend play

It's ruining the game

It's like really the game that is the

Launch pad for all kinds of

Uh cte injuries

Multiple murders and deaths

No one taught listen. I'm I'm outside your country and I can tell you right now

No one talks about the winners or losers of the super bowl. What they talk about is the super bowl halftime

So it's already a spectacle of entertainment and singers and dancers and adverts

so if

The biggest recording artist of all time is there

That kind of makes sense to me. I don't know that like kind of makes sense. I think that's on brand. Yeah

I I totally agree, but there there are some people

Already getting real butt hurt about this situation duncan. They wouldn't buy any chance be we have red caps that say

Great again again again

Duncan, uh, I think that is conjecture

and true

Conjecture and bore out with the piles of evidence we have here

Yeah, if you look here duncan, um, it turns out that that venn diagram is just a circle

Just a circle

Uh, but anyway, we will be back then in two weeks

To talk about uh more true detective

Uh, but until then my only task left it is to say to my good friend duncan. Say good night, duncan

To say to my good friend duncan say good night, duncan

It still gets longer

I almost tagged the other bit in there and then I'm like that's taking one step too far and wait till next time


*outro music*

Duncan and Bo Come True Detective: Night Country – Part Three
Broadcast by