Duncan and Bo Come True Detective: Night Country – Part Six
Bo: So those reports of signing stuff are then
Bo: maybe true.
Duncan: Well, this is Ennis.
Bo: Nobody ever really leaves.
Bo: Drop it, duncan.
Bo: And.
Duncan: Buck come correct.
Duncan: My er, my older brother, was talking about
Duncan: going to.
Duncan: He's never been to America and he quite
Duncan: fans.
Duncan: He'd go into New York in December for like
Duncan: Christmas and all the rest and I was like
Duncan: not this year.
Duncan: I was like if that was you, I'd avoid
Duncan: America for at least the next year, next
Duncan: year in a bit.
Duncan: I was like that post-election thing,
Duncan: whichever way it goes, there's gonna be
Duncan: fucking anarchist.
Bo: One way or the other.
Bo: Yes, it isit's going to be a real mess, but,
Bo: like you know I mean.
Duncan: Here's the thing Is if, if the Democrats
Duncan: lose, there's gonna be a lot of like yeah,
Duncan: they will like, they will accept the loss
Duncan: It'll be protests in the streets and
Duncan: marches and that kind of shit.
Bo: But that's gonna be kind of the extent of
Bo: it, yeah.
Duncan: A precedent has been set, though, both
Duncan: Right, that you can just like take up arms
Duncan: and erm, you know, the worst that'll happen
Duncan: is that'll take two, maybe three years and
Duncan: you'll do a little bit of time that someone
Duncan: will get you off with.
Bo: So yeah, that sounds sexy.
Bo: I like the sound of that.
Bo: I know, always, always, always, sexy Erm.
Bo: Sobut I speaking of stuff that Speaking
Bo: ofof the sex, no erm.
Bo: So I'm.
Bo: This is my spring break.
Bo: I'm off this week.
Duncan: Woo Spring break.
Bo: Man, I was so fucking tired, I was like I
Bo: was angry at the kids.
Bo: Uh, when I left, With some reason, With
Bo: somelike, it wasn't just like free-floating
Bo: anger.
Duncan: Yep, I do like the version where you get
Duncan: ready to go and just play the game and you
Duncan: know what your problem is.
Duncan: Man I was speaking of, you know what?
Bo: your problem is Steve.
Duncan: You're a real shitting kid, steve.
Bo: But I mean kind of, there are some real
Bo: shitty kids Ermuhlike.
Bo: The reason I was angry was, uh, it was the
Bo: day before spring break started and I was
Bo: like, hey, we're just gonna play a game and
Bo: I'll give you some bonus points.
Bo: It was like awe were playing Balder Dash.
Bo: Have you ever played that before?
Bo: Where you Well.
Duncan: I know what the term Balder Dash means.
Bo: It'sthere's also a variation that Jackbox
Bo: uses called Fibbage.
Bo: But it's basically.
Bo: You're given a real word Yep, that is kind
Bo: of kooky, right.
Bo: And then you make up a definition for it
Bo: and if you guess the right definition of
Bo: the word you get a point.
Bo: You also get points if people believe your
Bo: crazy definition yeah, yeah, yeah, Okay so
Bo: that'sthat's the game and we're having a
Bo: great time, up until sixth period, when one
Bo: of the kids just decides to be a real
Bo: asshole about everything and I'm like
Bo: you're fucking this up, like this whole
Bo: time we had a good thing going here.
Bo: Yeah, like you know how many times do the
Bo: words we're gonna take it easy today come
Bo: out of my mouth?
Bo: Never, fucking, never, because I'm like I
Bo: have a reputation for being kind of a hard
Bo: teacher.
Duncan: And I like that reputation.
Bo: Andbut anyway.
Bo: So sixth period was a bunch of assholes.
Bo: And then my seventh period was a bunch of
Bo: assholes too, and I discovered in between
Bo: that one of the kids had completely ripped
Bo: off the essay.
Bo: He turned in from another class and it
Bo: wasn't AI.
Bo: God bless him.
Bo: He didn't use AI, he just copied it from
Bo: somebody else.
Bo: The problem Good old-fashioned copy.
Bo: I love it, yeah, but the problem was that
Bo: class had an entirely different prompt for
Bo: their essay.
Bo: So when I read it, I'm like this is not
Bo: what your class was assigned.
Bo: So like it was just like this confluence of
Bo: events that really pissed me off.
Bo: And so when I walked out the door on Friday,
Bo: I was just like I was.
Bo: I was angry at the kids for pissing me off
Bo: because I was in such a good mood up until
Bo: the end of the day and I'm like a couple of
Bo: them really fucked it up for me, which you
Bo: know.
Bo: You're like I'm only human right, like I'm
Bo: not going to penalize the kids or anything,
Bo: but sometimes they piss you off, like you
Bo: have kids.
Bo: You know how it is.
Bo: Yes.
Bo: Every time you get a kid will just be kind
Bo: of shitty and you're like, you're being
Bo: kind of a shit and you're making life worse
Bo: for everyone around you right now.
Duncan: My eldest is like too smart for her own
Duncan: good, like at the moment, and she knows she
Duncan: knows she's smart.
Duncan: So the the rebuttals at the moment are from
Duncan: someone that thinks that sometimes she is
Duncan: right, but she forgets that I control
Duncan: everything.
Duncan: So I told her more than one to pick your
Duncan: fight wisely.
Duncan: Yes, like, because like this, this right
Duncan: now, even if you get the moral high ground
Duncan: at the end of this, one iPad is gone.
Duncan: You're not chatting to your friend Like I
Duncan: have.
Duncan: I wield that power right, I am the
Duncan: authoritarian state in this household, so
Duncan: we will do.
Duncan: Wield your words wisely next.
Bo: So yeah, yeah it.
Bo: But you know, again, short sightedness is
Bo: kind of part of the bag when you're talking
Bo: about kids that like we'll just shoot them.
Duncan: Time is nothing like turning your old, you
Duncan: know, I mean.
Bo: I have to remind myself every now and again,
Bo: like you know, this is a 14th of their life.
Bo: Yeah, I mean that's a lot and so.
Bo: So I have to like, yeah, I have to check
Bo: myself every now and again because you get
Bo: so frustrated, because you're like you dumb
Bo: shits, this is important because if you
Bo: don't know this stuff.
Bo: You're going to end up working a job that's
Bo: not going to pay you anything.
Bo: Yeah, and you're going to have to work
Bo: twice as hard or half as much.
Bo: And there's, this doesn't matter, I'm like
Bo: all right, I'll fucking see you the next
Bo: time.
Bo: I need my gutters cleaned, I guess.
Duncan: I tell you right now, one day, 15 years
Duncan: from now, you're going to be like I wish
Duncan: I'd just listened to that class at Mr
Duncan: Randall.
Duncan: Just follow these like that.
Duncan: You don't want to be a footnote in
Duncan: someone's kind of I wish I had have.
Duncan: Instead of yeah, yeah.
Bo: And you know, you talk to people like
Bo: there's, there's a guy that works as a
Bo: partner, that part of the maintenance staff
Bo: at the school, and one of the things he
Bo: says over and over again, like we talk
Bo: about a lot about just how the kids are,
Bo: like you know, they don't listen to shit
Bo: because they know everything.
Bo: And he's like I wish I could tell him.
Bo: He was like man, I didn't grow up wanting
Bo: to work at, you know, a high school
Bo: maintenance job.
Bo: He was like it's not terrible, but that's
Bo: not what I wanted to do.
Bo: Yeah, and he was like but I fucked around
Bo: and at a certain point and you just and
Bo: that's why they're the kids I'm like, look,
Bo: you have to start making decisions about
Bo: what your life is going to be, because
Bo: either you make those decisions or
Bo: something.
Bo: Yeah, yeah.
Duncan: But you know again, mostly falls on deaf
Duncan: ears.
Bo: You try to you try to impart a little
Bo: wisdom, but they're just like but I did,
Bo: like I had a right up a kid that the
Bo: asshole in six period told me that he
Bo: didn't, he didn't care about me or the game.
Bo: I could go fuck myself and I was like, all
Bo: right, cool, yeah, I mean I don't, like I
Bo: don't argue about him.
Bo: Like okay, yeah, I don't argue about him, I
Bo: don't argue about him.
Bo: I mean, I don't like, I don't argue about
Bo: him Like, okay, yeah, like I know where
Bo: this goes and what this means is.
Bo: You will be talking to an assistant
Bo: principal soon and, if I'm very lucky,
Bo: you're going to be gone for about four days,
Bo: which would be great, that would be great
Bo: for all of us.
Bo: But it's like you you talk about the power.
Bo: It's like, you can act out however you want,
Bo: but at a certain point you just get bounced
Bo: out of here.
Duncan: Yeah, that's literally what happens.
Bo: Yeah, so you know, keep it, keep it, the
Bo: fuck up.
Bo: That makes my life easier.
Bo: But over so over spring break, I got to
Bo: tell you another thing I did, yeah, so my
Bo: dog, because you know I go off to school
Bo: and I'm there for many hours and my dog has
Bo: a little bit of separation anxiety.
Bo: And I was talking to the vet about and the
Bo: vet was like hey, there's, there's kind of
Bo: two solutions for this.
Bo: Well, really three.
Duncan: One is you don't leave and that's not, you
Duncan: know, not feasible.
Bo: And the the second one is we give your dog
Bo: a medication, basically dope him up during
Bo: the day, and then comes and then right, and
Bo: the problem isn't giant, it's just he likes
Bo: to chew on pillows and shit like that.
Bo: He gets anxious and chews on shit, but no
Bo: cords or anything super valuable, Like
Bo: every now and again.
Bo: I got to replace a $20 Comforter but, but
Bo: he was like, so we dope him up, or he was
Bo: like but the downside of that is that he's
Bo: not going to be able to get a good reason.
Bo: He was like, but the downside of that is
Bo: you know, you're doping up your dog for no
Bo: good reason and you're not there, if
Bo: there's anything that goes wrong, and my
Bo: dog's a little bit older and blah, blah,
Bo: blah.
Bo: So he was like the final solution, not the
Bo: one you're thinking, the other solution did
Bo: his hands start to levitate up hey?
Bo: Pulling it down like strange love.
Bo: The final solution for your dog.
Duncan: All of a sudden I quieted and you have an
Duncan: access.
Bo: Yeah, it is quite a struggle with your dog,
Bo: I know.
Bo: I have struggles too.
Duncan: I brought them in this book.
Duncan: You may have read a bit.
Bo: But so anyway, the other solution was he
Bo: was like you can try getting another dog,
Bo: Cause he'll just keep him company.
Bo: And he was like, honestly, you've got a dog
Bo: and they're not them.
Bo: Like having two is really not an
Bo: exponential amount of work.
Duncan: Yeah, it's really not like that, like once
Duncan: you understand the effort of one dog.
Duncan: It's not like kids, once you understand the
Duncan: effort of one dog.
Duncan: Two dogs is not that much more More food.
Bo: Slightly more expensive, but you know.
Bo: So I've been auditioning dogs.
Duncan: Like you just Next.
Duncan: Yeah, Like if you get, if you get an
Duncan: audition dog you need to watch yourself.
Duncan: If it comes in, carry in a burlap sack, you
Duncan: get out of there.
Duncan: I was thinking more.
Duncan: Chorus, live like just sitting in a theater,
Duncan: hello honey Right Next.
Bo: I just I don't, I don't like the emotion on
Bo: the sleep Anyway, so, uh, so we've tried
Bo: dog number one, and I wanted to do this
Bo: while it was here for spring break.
Bo: So I had a few days to kind of spend with
Bo: the dog and I was like, yeah, cause it's
Bo: not just Johnson, but there's the cat and
Bo: you know, let's make sure that's not a
Bo: nightmare and that it's not pissing,
Bo: shitting all over the place and that.
Bo: And uh, so dog number one um kind of came
Bo: out of nowhere and cause I was planning on
Bo: doing this actually over the summer and
Bo: then like kind of a friend of a friend from
Bo: school was like hey, I know some people who
Bo: are giving away this beautiful, beautiful
Bo: dog Lab.
Bo: would you be interested?
Bo: I was like I was going to kind of wait but
Bo: I am all for the next few days and that
Bo: might work out.
Bo: So in comes Remy, the chocolate lab for
Bo: Remy.
Bo: I love it and and she's beautiful and sweet
Bo: and like.
Bo: It's like having a little Tasmanian devil
Bo: loose.
Bo: I love it.
Bo: She is just knocking shit over.
Bo: Things are falling off walls, like it was.
Bo: It was fun to have her, but it was also
Bo: like this is not the energy I'm looking for.
Bo: Yeah, she's, yeah, she's a lot, um.
Bo: So Remy goes back and then she's like I'm
Bo: going to go back and I'm like what, what?
Duncan: is this.
Bo: I'm like I'm going to go back and I'm like
Bo: okay, I'm going to go back and I'm like I'm
Bo: going to go back and I'm like I'm going to
Bo: go back and I'm like, okay, so Remy goes
Bo: back, and then we're on dog number two now.
Duncan: Hmm.
Bo: Dog number two is his is named cash Yep and
Bo: so cash, it's cash.
Duncan: It's cash.
Duncan: Tangled she's too.
Duncan: That's the flopping, the plans Did you go?
Bo: for plans.
Bo: Yes, cause when I'm, when I'm thinking is
Bo: as soon as I I like I go to check check out
Bo: the dog.
Bo: Yesterday and as soon as I see the name
Bo: cause it like I went to a shelter and there
Bo: were like three different dogs that look
Bo: like they could be good fits and I wanted
Bo: to introduce my dog to them and see how
Bo: that goes.
Bo: And um, so cash was dog number one.
Bo: Johnson and cash get along pretty well,
Bo: like they're kind of indifferent to one
Bo: another, but it's like, okay, that's fine.
Bo: Um and uh, so cash is coming home, but the
Bo: entire time I knew I was, I was going to
Bo: hang out with this dog cash, and I'm
Bo: thinking of, you know, tango cash.
Duncan: And I like.
Bo: So I'm thinking.
Bo: Well, clearly, cash is not his real name.
Bo: Yeah, the real name of the dog in my head
Bo: is Mary and waggetty, and everyone calls
Bo: him cash.
Bo: I'm so glad you found it as funny as I did,
Bo: Cause I was fucking delighted.
Bo: Duncan, I'm glad you found it.
Bo: I've caught myself because and he's been
Bo: mostly really good, but the couple of times
Bo: that you know he sniffed something and
Bo: acted like he was going to pee on it or
Bo: something.
Bo: Like waggetty, like I'm the chief, you know,
Bo: and it's, it's pretty fun, yeah, so he is
Bo: currently lying by my feet and really
Bo: stinking up the joint because he hasn't had
Bo: his bath yet, um, and he, he smells like
Bo: the fucking pound, um, but he's a, he's a
Bo: real sweetheart of a dog.
Bo: Um, he's.
Bo: He's still freaked out a little bit, of
Bo: course, so, um, you know, we're working on
Bo: the cat thing, but other than that, he's
Bo: been a real dream.
Bo: So, yeah, yeah, yeah.
Bo: So it seems like and I was a little worried
Bo: because on the way out they were like, well,
Bo: we've had a little trouble with this one,
Bo: yeah, and they were like, well, he likes
Bo: guns, um, they're, they're like, well, he's
Bo: not good with little kids.
Bo: I'm like that's fine, I don't have any of
Bo: those.
Bo: And they were like well, and and he kind of
Bo: got into it with a dog at another house and
Bo: and he's been fine with Johnson, and so
Bo: that hasn't been a problem.
Bo: And just keep an eye on it and whatnot.
Bo: But so far, so far, so good.
Bo: I got like a two week trial period with
Bo: this dog so I can take him back for a full
Bo: refund.
Duncan: I like how you increased the volume of
Duncan: saying that when you knew it was at his
Duncan: feet.
Bo: Yeah, yeah, that's right, buddy, you can go
Bo: back anytime.
Bo: I don't even have to have a good reason, I
Bo: can just take him back, Um.
Duncan: Oh dear.
Bo: I like it.
Bo: Uh, I think I told you this, but a buddy of
Bo: mine, uh, for my birthday got me that cover
Bo: of national lamp.
Bo: Not the cover, but the whole magazine the
Bo: one with the dog on it.
Bo: And literally it's hanging up in my bedroom
Bo: and last night the dog is is in there and
Bo: looks at that picture and I was like I
Bo: don't.
Bo: Obviously it's a dog and probably is not
Bo: making any sort of association, but in my
Bo: head it's another.
Bo: Like oh fuck, what the this guy got
Bo: pictures like guns pointed dogs later and
Bo: he like what kind of kind of fucked up
Bo: situation am I in right now?
Bo: Am I in a hostel?
Duncan: My, uh, my pug used to a ration, In fact
Duncan: still does it rationally bark.
Duncan: When black people were on the TV and I
Duncan: started a true story, I started Googling is
Duncan: my pug?
Duncan: And I put the, put the R and it all
Duncan: connected to racist.
Duncan: Sure, Um, like straight away, Um, and I
Duncan: haven't been able to work out why.
Duncan: But but then it did occur to me pugs come
Duncan: in two different colors, like that kind of
Duncan: fawny color or black.
Duncan: So I wonder if he sees that and associates
Duncan: it as a punk or or just you know he either
Duncan: that or he is also, and we are then like
Duncan: worshipers of the final solution.
Duncan: I don't know what are the two he might be
Duncan: full on.
Bo: But when he's moving around the room is it
Bo: like little goose steps, Little corgi goose
Bo: steps.
Duncan: Yeah, he does.
Duncan: He does kind of like a poor comes up in
Duncan: front and then like that when he's walking.
Bo: Yeah, yes, I just a real Chris March, which
Bo: you don't normally see in a pug.
Bo: So, anyway, this is done.
Bo: You're welcome, correct?
Bo: We're talking about the finale, duncan, the
Bo: final episode of true detective, season
Bo: four.
Bo: What is a?
Bo: Lopez has visited upon us.
Duncan: Yeah, like ours, I like to call it the
Duncan: episode that broke the Internet.
Bo: You know.
Bo: So this is the lowest rated of all the
Bo: episodes.
Bo: If you look at IMTB, which seems fucking
Bo: crazy to me, yeah it's the lowest rated in
Bo: terms of like people rating online.
Duncan: Yeah, it's the highest watched episode of
Duncan: true detective ever.
Duncan: Sure, yeah, like this, this, like, if you,
Duncan: if you want break it down, there's a lot of
Duncan: people confused as to why it's a Lopez has
Duncan: been given another season of true detective
Duncan: out with the fact that I think she nailed
Duncan: this, and you have to take into account
Duncan: that every single episode week on week
Duncan: collected 15% more viewers over its entire
Duncan: six episodes.
Duncan: Oh, wow, that's impressive that it's like
Duncan: if you break down the, if you break down
Duncan: the numbers, it's a 10 to 15% increase in
Duncan: viewership per episode.
Duncan: That's not overall for the season as per
Duncan: episode.
Duncan: That's nuts.
Duncan: So, yeah, like they locked her in ASAP.
Duncan: Well, that's why that news dropped.
Duncan: What we were talking about on the previous
Duncan: recording, like it was like the finale came
Duncan: out and then two days later it was like
Duncan: she's coming back for another season and I
Duncan: was like that seems a bit quick.
Duncan: And then I did a bit reading the numbers
Duncan: and if you are HBO or Max or whatever
Duncan: they're called now, you lock that down now
Duncan: Because no TV show does that week on week.
Duncan: Well, that's almost unheard of, especially
Duncan: in an anthology terms.
Duncan: Even things like American Horror Story,
Duncan: when it was at its peak, zenith didn't do
Duncan: that.
Duncan: As a TV show carries on, you lose viewers
Duncan: or people forget, or they'll catch up with
Duncan: it in a couple of weeks.
Duncan: I'll bank the episodes or whatever.
Duncan: No, no, no, no, no, no.
Duncan: This 10 to 15% week on week, it's the
Duncan: highest watched episode.
Duncan: The true detective was the finale, but that
Duncan: appears to have come with a little bit
Duncan: internet backlash.
Bo: Well, and you know, for my money.
Bo: I mean, obviously we're going to be getting
Bo: deep, deep into this episode, but deep,
Bo: deep.
Bo: But you know it's a Lopez, I thought,
Bo: pulled off a really neat trick, which is
Bo: use all the stuff from the first season
Bo: that people found fascinating and did the
Bo: deep dives on.
Bo: I do that part of it, but also do these
Bo: like clever.
Bo: You know little winky nods to horror movies
Bo: and then tell your own story and like she
Bo: did all of those things in a way that I
Bo: found really fun and satisfying and
Bo: interesting.
Bo: Yeah, I mean, that's tough.
Duncan: Yeah, there's one or two things that I
Duncan: thought were like clearly clumsy shoe horns
Duncan: from from the first season, specifically in
Duncan: this last episode where I was like right,
Duncan: okay, but I to me, if you, if you do, if
Duncan: you do a little bit of reading on it.
Duncan: And basically and I mentioned this in the
Duncan: first episode that we reviewed she went
Duncan: into HBO with a pitch for a TV show called
Duncan: Night Country and they said we'll love it.
Duncan: How about True Detective, night Country?
Duncan: And apparently she said at the time what's
Duncan: a true detective?
Duncan: And they were like aha, and she went away,
Duncan: she watched season one, she fucking loved
Duncan: season one, and then rewrote the script and
Duncan: put, like you know, put bits in that would
Duncan: kind of give a I think it is less.
Duncan: I look at it, more of it's trying to ground
Duncan: it in the same universe, rather than this
Duncan: is a direct continuation or being joined.
Duncan: I think the comparisons are the things that
Duncan: tie the stuff together is done in a way
Duncan: where I don't think it's egregiously saying
Duncan: you need to pay it, like we mentioned this
Duncan: before, like if you watched season one of
Duncan: True Detective I mentioned at the time,
Duncan: like clearly says that the Russian cold did
Duncan: not die of you know leukemia or whatever it
Duncan: was.
Duncan: He didn't have that.
Duncan: He never had that disease.
Duncan: Yet in season four he had that disease.
Duncan: Tuttle was a smaller regional thing in
Duncan: season one.
Duncan: It's a conglomerate in season four.
Duncan: So it's using terminology, but it's like
Duncan: even the spirals.
Duncan: The spirals go a different way in this
Duncan: season.
Duncan: So it's almost like a mirror of that.
Duncan: And you can go one step further and say
Duncan: season one is in the Texas sun, you know,
Duncan: it's warm, it's humid and all the rest, and
Duncan: this one is vastly dark and cold.
Duncan: It's like it's almost a mirror image and as
Duncan: a result, if you take it that way, the
Duncan: hints of things more horror or esoteric in
Duncan: season one are far more predominant in
Duncan: their horror, and so it's almost like the
Duncan: mirror image of it.
Duncan: So, from that point of view, the fact that
Duncan: two women instead of two guys, like, if you
Duncan: let you go, you go down that road.
Duncan: You want to go one step further, one step
Duncan: even further than that.
Duncan: Who saves the day?
Duncan: This, the women that are wronged so like
Duncan: it's almost a mirror image of season one in
Duncan: a lot of respects.
Duncan: And I think, people, I think there's two
Duncan: things that we need to kind of take into
Duncan: account when talking about tree detective
Duncan: and I think it's more evident now that Nick
Duncan: Pizzalato is no longer there and I think,
Duncan: once we, once we grasp this and understand
Duncan: this, I think, like you either are on board
Duncan: or you're not and the thing I think we need
Duncan: to take into account is there are some
Duncan: people that cannot see past season one and
Duncan: will never be able to see past season one,
Duncan: and that's fine.
Duncan: Season one is an incredible season of
Duncan: television, arguably one of the best ever
Duncan: made.
Duncan: Like, front to back, it's just absolutely
Duncan: incredible.
Duncan: But they can't see past that, right?
Duncan: So like, if it's not season one, then it's.
Duncan: You know, it's a mockery of the name, right?
Duncan: They don't understand what an anthology is,
Duncan: right, there's that.
Duncan: And then there's the other part, which is.
Duncan: I think there's a lot of people out there
Duncan: that did not want this to succeed, because
Duncan: they see this as and my eyes will almost
Duncan: roll in the back of my head and not come
Duncan: back as some sort of woke agenda TV show,
Duncan: because it's all about female empowerment
Duncan: and all the rest, and I think, if that's
Duncan: your read from this when you come away at
Duncan: the end, you are a lazy, lazy, lazy person.
Bo: Yeah, and not understanding that the
Bo: characters in this show are deeply flawed,
Bo: like there's not a hero to be found.
Bo: I mean, there is but it's not like they're
Bo: not like we've got girl power, we can solve
Bo: this.
Bo: It's like they're doing it for their like
Bo: the most human of reasons.
Duncan: Yeah, this is, this is haunted them Like.
Duncan: This is like an actual physical haunting,
Duncan: as opposed to the kind of esoteric content
Duncan: that's in the show.
Duncan: Well, it's a little bit said in an
Duncan: interview kind of post this show coming out,
Duncan: that she wanted to highlight the fact that
Duncan: indigenous women and there's plenty of
Duncan: cases of stories now or everywhere
Duncan: Indigenous women can be murdered, they can
Duncan: be raped, they can phone for help from law
Duncan: authorities and they are completely, they
Duncan: are unseen, they are disregarded.
Duncan: And I think she pulled off maybe arguably
Duncan: the greatest master stroke ever in this TV
Duncan: show by making the most obvious prominent
Duncan: candidates in this one and this season the
Duncan: killers that even the audience disregards
Duncan: all the way right through.
Duncan: We spoke about this in the second episode
Duncan: where I'm like the you know the fingerprint
Duncan: thing, missing fingers, and we're like,
Duncan: yeah, but I would, that was parked and we
Duncan: went off in this.
Duncan: We went off on the fucking, the red wave
Duncan: conspiracy of you know, maybe it's this,
Duncan: maybe it's that be like all done, all these
Duncan: roads and ultimately, when it swings back
Duncan: around to give you its answer, she, she,
Duncan: she hit the nail on the head Like she gave
Duncan: you the most plausible explanation of all
Duncan: really, and it worked.
Duncan: There's a couple of things she's left
Duncan: spooky and I kind of love that about it and
Duncan: I very much am looking forward to see what
Duncan: she does when writing truly a true
Duncan: detective TV show moving forward and not a
Duncan: story that she's caught in true detective
Duncan: into, and that's what I'll say upfront.
Duncan: I thought this landed really really well,
Duncan: so much so that I would rank this as my
Duncan: second favorite no, sorry, third favorite
Duncan: season of true detective.
Bo: This is probably my second favorite season
Bo: overall, nice.
Bo: I really.
Bo: I was talking to a friend at work about
Bo: this, the finale in particular, and she
Bo: kind of summed up, I think, how I felt
Bo: about it, which was I enjoyed the finale so
Bo: much it made me like the rest of the season
Bo: even more.
Duncan: It ties it all in yes, and it was not in a
Duncan: way where it ties it all in and not in a
Duncan: way where you're like, oh yeah, that was
Duncan: the guy that was cutting the lawn, like
Duncan: they do.
Duncan: I forget that every single time that you
Duncan: see him like really early on and he's a
Duncan: back, it's a Scooby Doo thing, you know
Duncan: what I mean?
Duncan: Like you see, like the lighthouse keeper
Duncan: right at the beginning, and then you see
Duncan: him at the end when he's unmasked, or the
Duncan: Jello thing.
Duncan: I mentioned Jello because I've not
Duncan: mentioned it in a while.
Duncan: The Jello thing of it's the character you
Duncan: walked past right at the beginning, like
Duncan: it's that way where it's in front of your
Duncan: face but it's inconsequential, so you
Duncan: disregard it, and then you go in for the
Duncan: big conspiracy, which is far sexier, and
Duncan: then the ultimate reveal is the thing that
Duncan: makes the most logical sense.
Bo: We were asking the wrong questions, duncan
Bo: we weren't in.
Duncan: That was even the.
Bo: I was like oh, I know it was so good.
Bo: It's all a sweet spot.
Duncan: Fosster, by the way, is like hands down,
Duncan: fucking incredible in this episode, like
Duncan: she's given awards.
Bo: She's got a delivery and I've got.
Bo: We'll talk about when we get to that point
Bo: my notes.
Bo: But there is one delivery that she has in
Bo: this.
Bo: That is maybe my favorite Jodie Foster
Bo: delivery ever.
Duncan: She is like just a crock like the whole,
Duncan: the whole arc of her character, not even
Duncan: just in the whole season.
Duncan: Just this episode is chef's kiss.
Duncan: Yeah, it is phenomenal.
Duncan: I was reading, I was reading the like.
Duncan: I've been reading uploads on this.
Duncan: People go that, you know, you know.
Duncan: And surprisingly, Jodie Foster I'm like
Duncan: she's got a fucking Oscar.
Duncan: I mean what we're doing here?
Bo: Don't call it a comeback.
Bo: Like Jodie Foster has been legit.
Bo: Have you ever seen a fucking panic room?
Duncan: Like across the boat, like she does not
Duncan: phone it in.
Duncan: Yes, she's been in some shitty movies.
Duncan: I'm looking at you, elysium, like she's
Duncan: been in some shitty movies but she's never
Duncan: say.
Duncan: Like she always commits to the role and
Duncan: when you hear once again from the reading
Duncan: and all the rest, like Jodie Foster, like
Duncan: had specific views on how she wanted to
Duncan: play this character and one of them was she
Duncan: wanted to age the character.
Duncan: This character was supposed to be younger
Duncan: and she wanted her more age, time, weather,
Duncan: grizzled, narrowed and all the rest.
Duncan: Like she, I think she may have also added
Duncan: the alcoholism in there as well as an
Duncan: element to the character that she brought
Duncan: to the table, which, once again, it's a
Duncan: low-pes Well done.
Duncan: Like you're listening to Jodie Foster,
Duncan: academy Award winning Jodie Foster and her
Duncan: comments on a character and incorporating
Duncan: that in it's just ah well, I mean, there's
Duncan: a reason that you hire Jodie Foster and
Duncan: it's not so that you can tell her how to do
Duncan: her job.
Bo: No no no, no, yes, you have been doing this.
Bo: You've been playing this game for 50 years
Bo: now.
Bo: Yeah, you know what the fuck you're doing.
Bo: What do you think this character needs?
Bo: Great, let's do that.
Bo: Let's do that.
Bo: You know and her instincts are right, like
Bo: this is one.
Bo: Her character is one of my favorite
Bo: characters.
Bo: I think it anything ever.
Bo: I just I love.
Bo: I love how flawed she is and how, yeah, I
Bo: just love everything about it.
Bo: I like I love the fact that she she is
Bo: fighting for a thing because that's what
Bo: there is to do, yeah, and and she fucks it
Bo: up a lot, but she keeps at it and there's
Bo: something like noble about the character.
Bo: Like from the first episode it's like, oh,
Bo: she's going to be like almost the Sherlock
Bo: Holmes kind of character.
Bo: It's like, well, yeah, if Sherlock Holmes
Bo: had a weird sex addiction and was alcoholic
Bo: and has this horrible relationship with her
Bo: daughter and is haunted, yeah, I mean, it's
Bo: just like she's the embodiment of the, the
Bo: line in the episode where she says was it,
Bo: you'd be surprised what?
Duncan: you'd be surprised what humans can overcome,
Duncan: or you'd be surprised what a person can
Duncan: live through, yeah, yeah.
Duncan: Like she is the embodiment of that as a
Duncan: character Like, and why she's saying it
Duncan: like preach.
Bo: And and.
Bo: So we start like we'll, we'll, again, we'll,
Bo: we'll get into this a minute, but you know
Bo: we're just champing at the beat, yeah.
Duncan: Like it's too difficult, not to it's too
Duncan: difficult not.
Bo: To.
Duncan: You're going to ask me what my good is.
Duncan: I have not watched anything bad.
Duncan: My good is Jun two, which is like, hands
Duncan: down, a sci-fi masterpiece as fucking
Duncan: unreal Okay.
Bo: I second I think you said June two and I
Bo: was like what was June?
Duncan: No, june two is July, so that's what that's.
Duncan: It's June, squared I guess you're right.
Duncan: Yeah, doon to Denis Villeneuve, return on
Duncan: to close out the second half of the first
Duncan: book of June.
Duncan: And like, somehow, like proving, I think
Duncan: without a shadow of a doubt now, that he's
Duncan: the finest science fiction director of the
Duncan: last 50 years.
Duncan: This is, this is the murderers row.
Duncan: This guy has now been on is arrival Blade
Duncan: Runner 2049, june and June two.
Duncan: And like it's like, and this one is the
Duncan: most like, austin taste.
Duncan: This is the very definition of blockbuster.
Duncan: It is, it looks gorgeous, it's the hands of
Duncan: our score Maybe my favorite hands of our
Duncan: score the visual effects, the storytelling.
Duncan: Christopher walking plays the emperor,
Duncan: emperor, and he's he's like.
Duncan: You know, like he's Christopher walking.
Duncan: He's not trying to play, he's Christopher
Duncan: walking.
Duncan: He's like when fucking Alexander the Great
Duncan: is played by Sean Connery in time bandits,
Duncan: and you're like.
Duncan: He's like hello, I'm Alexander.
Duncan: And you're like no, you're supposed to be
Duncan: Greek, and he's not.
Duncan: No more worlds to conquer.
Duncan: It's like it's that way where he, where he
Duncan: appears, you just like oh, this is Jim.
Duncan: Yeah, it is absolutely jaw droppingly good
Duncan: and it's going to make all the money.
Duncan: I think this is the one that's going to.
Duncan: I think this is the one that is just going
Duncan: to mean that a Denis Villeneuve can do
Duncan: anything he wants for the rest of his
Duncan: career.
Duncan: Like it's holds I think it still holds the
Duncan: highest rating on IMDB ever given as
Duncan: dethroned Shawshank redemption.
Duncan: Oh wow.
Duncan: And that's literally to meet someone who
Duncan: has not come out of it and said that was
Duncan: incredible, Until now Duncan yeah.
Duncan: I'm actually going to see it on Saturday
Duncan: and I'm excited because oh yeah it's just
Duncan: like there is a scene where there's a
Duncan: section in the movie where you go to the
Duncan: hard corner in homeworld and you're
Duncan: introduced to what is the name of that?
Bo: planning again Lito prime.
Bo: No, that's the tradies.
Bo: I can't.
Bo: It's got a cool name and I can't remember
Bo: the name.
Duncan: Well then it go to anyway, and it's
Duncan: monochrome.
Duncan: Oh, it's just black and white.
Duncan: The whole thing shot black and white.
Bo: Oh, that's fucking crazy.
Duncan: What a great idea.
Bo: So it's so like, the idea being that the
Bo: the atmosphere filters out all kind of no
Bo: idea.
Duncan: You want to fucking explain it and I just
Duncan: sat there and, like my jaw was on the
Duncan: ground, got that right.
Duncan: This is like a like we're going to like
Duncan: once we step out into the sun.
Duncan: It's going to know the shot, using it, does
Duncan: x-ray something I can't remember.
Duncan: There was a big piece on how he he shot I
Duncan: using this technique that you don't usually
Duncan: see and, yeah, the whole scene as you're
Duncan: introduced to is nephew, who was played by
Duncan: sting, and the original one who's played by
Duncan: the did that played Elvis in that Elvis
Duncan: movie, austin and he's introduced and at
Duncan: this point, and the whole planet, like
Duncan: there's a huge empathy or thing where fight.
Duncan: That just is fucking like.
Duncan: You're sitting watching this and you're
Duncan: just like what wait, how did we?
Duncan: What did we?
Duncan: How did it go?
Duncan: Fucking, head explodes everywhere, john.
Duncan: Next, next level, next level storytelling.
Duncan: Getty prime is the yeah, that's the plan.
Bo: Yeah, that's great.
Bo: What a great idea that's.
Bo: That's fucking cool.
Duncan: I will tell you no more about it, but I
Duncan: will say this you will fucking love it.
Bo: I look, you know we've talked about doing
Bo: before, but that much like zodiac, that is
Bo: just a movie that I can throw on and I just
Bo: wallow in.
Bo: Yeah, and it's wonderful.
Bo: I love all the nooks and crannies of it.
Bo: It's just like now I just want to watch
Bo: zodiac again.
Duncan: I'll probably watch zodiac tonight.
Duncan: But I have nothing else I want to bring to
Duncan: the conversation to you as really kind of
Duncan: preoccupied.
Duncan: Pretty much all of my times in the watch
Duncan: now it's just been like this is yeah, yeah.
Bo: So my good is actually a book.
Bo: Oh, I, just a while back I finished this,
Bo: but I want to bring it up again because
Bo: it's so fucking good.
Bo: But, it's a book called Boys in the Valley
Bo: by an author named Philip Frikasi, f R A C
Bo: A S S I, who had never heard of before,
Bo: never read anything by the guy before but
Bo: this is one of my favorite horror novels
Bo: I've read in some time and I usually I try
Bo: to read about two a month, yeah, and anyway
Bo: it's.
Bo: It's a little bit evil dead, it's a little
Bo: bit exorcist and it's a little bit See, if
Bo: you see country I'm out.
Bo: So the premise is it's in like turn, turn
Bo: of the 20th century, so like like early
Bo: 1900s, and it's a Franciscan run or a
Bo: priest run orphanage just out on the
Bo: prairie, you know, kind of a little bit
Bo: away from town, and one night as the snow
Bo: comes in Duncan, some guy shows up with,
Bo: you know, in custody of the police, wounded,
Bo: gravely wounded, and the guy should be dead
Bo: by all accounts, I bet by everyone looking
Bo: at him.
Bo: They're like this dude should be fucking
Bo: dead and he's not.
Bo: And then finally he does die, but only
Bo: after like saying some shit about priests
Bo: and then expiring in a way that knocks like
Bo: a crucifix off the wall and stuff like that.
Bo: And so that's kind of the beginning of it.
Bo: And then a bunch of the kids at the
Bo: orphanage start to act pretty weird and so
Bo: you get this kind of siege moment where
Bo: there are a bunch of these you know orphans
Bo: and you know how I love a good killer
Bo: orphan, but there are a bunch of killer
Bo: orphans running around like being evil and
Bo: shit and a few survivors trying to survive
Bo: this.
Bo: But it's just.
Bo: It's so well written, it's so much fun.
Bo: It's kind of mean spirited.
Bo: Even the end is dark in a way that is
Bo: satisfying without being completely
Bo: nihilistic.
Bo: Anyway, it's super good.
Bo: Eventually somebody will make a bad movie
Bo: of it, but the book is.
Bo: I'm telling you right now, go check out the
Bo: book Boys in the Valley.
Bo: It's.
Bo: It's scary, it's fun, it's thrilling, like
Bo: it's one of those like real page turner
Bo: kinds of books and and was a tremendous
Bo: amount of fun.
Bo: So that's my good for the week.
Bo: I know you said you didn't have anything
Bo: bad, but let me look, I'll take care of
Bo: this, duncan, because I saw Aquaman too.
Bo: Why would you even put yourself through
Bo: that?
Bo: You know, so I'll tell you.
Bo: The reason is is because I'm like, hey,
Bo: this is the last hurrah of that DCEU stuff.
Bo: You know, like the flashes out, aquaman too
Bo: is kind of the last like post James Gunn or
Bo: pre James Gunn DC stuff that you're going
Bo: to get.
Bo: And so it's just curious, like, how do they,
Bo: how are they going to send this out?
Bo: And it turns out with a big wet fart
Bo: because nobody cared.
Bo: And James Wan directing again, which is
Bo: interesting I'm glad he's making his big
Bo: nut.
Bo: And there are moments where it's like, oh,
Bo: this feels like a James Wan kind of thing,
Bo: because this little thing is kind of creepy
Bo: or weird or whatever.
Bo: But it's just, it's.
Bo: It is the most tired ass tired superhero
Bo: shit which, at this point, like that's,
Bo: that alone is tired.
Bo: And this is a tired version of that.
Bo: And it's yeah, it was.
Bo: I fell asleep for a good 20 minutes of that
Bo: during the runtime and woke up and I was
Bo: like I clearly miss nothing, because this
Bo: is, we're just doing more of the same dumb
Bo: shit.
Bo: It's, yeah, it's.
Bo: It's just a real bad movie.
Bo: I'm glad, whatever the new DC stuff is
Bo: going to be, I'm sure it's going to be more
Bo: in the vein of like Suicide Squad the James
Bo: Gunn Suicide Squad which is fun and I and I
Bo: imagine, like the Superman will be more
Bo: earnest and a little more like oh gee,
Bo: christopher Reeves, superman, which is fine,
Bo: like all of that is fine, but honestly, who
Bo: could give a fuck?
Bo: Like, who could care at this point?
Bo: And I go into is the thing that reminded me
Bo: like, oh, I just don't care about any of
Bo: this anymore and I need to never watch it
Bo: again.
Duncan: I did love them.
Duncan: There was a, there was an article it was
Duncan: towards the end of last year where they
Duncan: were saying that superhero movies were
Duncan: underperforming and they couldn't quite
Duncan: work out why.
Duncan: And I was like that because it's four
Duncan: movies a year, every year to the last
Duncan: almost 20 years, I mean audiences will
Duncan: eventually why is horror movie?
Duncan: Because it is different, is one and done
Duncan: for the most part Needless sequels is
Duncan: rising from the grave much like a zombie.
Duncan: I mentioned this, I think, on the last
Duncan: recording.
Duncan: Why on earth anyone thinks it's a good idea
Duncan: to invest money in a black phone to is
Duncan: beyond me.
Duncan: Just give money a different director to
Duncan: make something else that Joe hell's written
Duncan: Like.
Duncan: What would what we do here like?
Bo: It's like slap like from the creators of
Bo: the black phone all over it and like, oh, I
Bo: like that movie.
Bo: Let me go to this other movie, 100% like
Bo: that.
Bo: That's how you get me into the cinema, or
Bo: even smile to where I'm like.
Bo: You know what smile was?
Bo: I really like smile.
Bo: I had a great time with it.
Bo: Don't need a sequel.
Duncan: Yeah, one and done.
Duncan: Yeah, why do we need to?
Duncan: Why do we need something that will not be
Duncan: as good as the thing that we just have?
Duncan: Enough in there that make you remember why
Duncan: you enjoyed the first movie Also why you
Duncan: don't enjoy this one?
Bo: Well, fuck all that noise, duncan, let's
Bo: get into.
Bo: Let's get into detect.
Bo: That's why we're here, that's what we're
Bo: here for it and.
Duncan: Longest ever episode of true detective, and
Duncan: I will say this and to when it comes to
Duncan: talking about this episode.
Duncan: Actually, I don't think we're going to be
Duncan: talking for nearly as long as we've talked
Duncan: about some of the other episodes, I agree.
Duncan: I agree Straight down to business, straight
Duncan: line storytelling.
Bo: So Very much.
Bo: It does like there are.
Bo: There are some things along the way that
Bo: we'll definitely need to dig into you, but
Bo: for the most part, this is like hey, we are
Bo: getting answers to the to the questions
Bo: that have been posed.
Bo: Yes, and it starts off even with them, like
Bo: when last we left our heroes, they were
Bo: driving towards the ice caves Night country,
Bo: if you will and then we we open the show
Bo: with them busting through the ice to get to
Bo: the ice caves and we get the little insert
Bo: like this is December 31st, the 14th day of
Bo: night, and Navarro goes in first, danvers
Bo: comes in behind her, and then they start
Bo: looking around in these ice caves and then
Bo: Navarro, spidey says, start stinging where
Bo: she's like oh, there's a ghost.
Bo: And so like leads Danvers through like all
Bo: these kind of tight spaces and so forth,
Bo: and Danvers is getting real pissed off like
Bo: God damn it, navarro, these are some real
Bo: uncomfortable caves, dr Lecter, let's get
Bo: out of here.
Bo: But but all of this leads them to a
Bo: collapsed tunnel.
Bo: Yeah, dead end.
Bo: Yeah.
Bo: So and Navarro is like I can't you hear her,
Bo: like I can hear Annie calling me.
Bo: I know this is where it happened.
Bo: We've got to figure this out.
Bo: And then, no sooner has Danvers insulted
Bo: her for saying spooky shit again.
Duncan: I hope you fall through the floor as what
Duncan: she says and then all of a sudden she falls
Duncan: through the floor and down she goes like
Duncan: through the floor and Danvers is like all
Duncan: right, are you OK?
Duncan: Listen, dr Lecter, I'm going to go get help,
Duncan: and no sooner does she just kind of lean
Duncan: over the edge of that, and then she's
Duncan: leading over there.
Bo: She's like are you alone down there?
Duncan: Come back, you fucking bitch.
Bo: Yeah, that's what Navarro said.
Bo: Why is this so feel so familiar?
Bo: Wait, wait, do you have not vision goggles
Bo: on.
Duncan: Danvers is like two steps away from telling
Duncan: her how reckless she was, and then, all of
Duncan: a sudden, floor gives away with her as well
Duncan: and she goes face down.
Bo: Yeah she hits hard, gives it a real like
Bo: when she hits, which I really like.
Bo: And as soon as they realize like oh, she's
Bo: OK, they see somebody fly by yeah, they
Bo: think is Clark and they give chase and
Bo: Duncan, wouldn't you know it we end up in
Bo: like an underground ice lab.
Bo: Yes, like fucking die another day.
Bo: And there's a moment I think it's Navarro,
Bo: who's like Danvers, look up, and they look
Bo: up and they see the spiral shape made from
Bo: fossils frozen into the ice above them.
Bo: That's a cool visual.
Bo: And then we go to credits, because you know,
Bo: how do you, how do you get out of that
Bo: scene where it's just like look at this
Bo: awesome shit, just go to the credits.
Bo: So what then?
Bo: After the credits are over, we join them
Bo: back in this kind of underground lab, in
Bo: the cave lab, and the first thing they find
Bo: is a murder weapon.
Duncan: They pick up what looks to be like a drill
Duncan: bit and the drill bit is cross shaped, star
Duncan: shaped or whatever it was, and they're like
Duncan: ah, they remind you anything.
Duncan: So they take photograph for evidence and,
Duncan: yeah, this this would appear to be, if
Duncan: you're, if you're piecing things together
Duncan: on the murder weapon, which means that
Duncan: anarchy died here and Navarro is pissed as
Duncan: soon as she realizes like, oh, this is
Duncan: probably the murder scene.
Bo: She is like stalking around, yeah, like
Bo: fucking Darth Maul.
Bo: And then the sees that there's, oh there's
Bo: this kind of scoop marks by the shelf of
Bo: samples and they pull that out and, sure
Bo: enough, there's a letter that goes up that
Bo: leads into Duncan, the Solol station.
Duncan: So yeah.
Duncan: So how long were they in the caves?
Duncan: I mean, I must have been a while, because
Duncan: this whole ordeal lasts an entire day.
Duncan: The episode is pretty much an entire day,
Duncan: but they must have done something like,
Duncan: because one of the things that struck me
Duncan: about this one is when it's pointed out
Duncan: when fucking mad, crazy German, fucking
Duncan: what is he, yeah, when he was marking on
Duncan: the map like there was no point, they were
Duncan: like, look how close it is to Solol or
Duncan: anything like that at all.
Duncan: It looked to be isolated, but then this
Duncan: cave network could extend for miles, so
Duncan: it's conceivable.
Duncan: They went down there, they follow the caves
Duncan: down because we don't like it A bit of a
Duncan: distance anyway to ultimately be in the
Duncan: Solol station.
Duncan: So we basically have gone kind of full
Duncan: circle with Andy right back where we
Duncan: started, which is kind of awesome, is more
Duncan: ways than one, because as they get out into
Duncan: the Solol station and twisting shots
Duncan: playing again on loop.
Bo: Right, which, of course, jody Foster loves.
Bo: I love this song.
Duncan: Yeah, well, she knows exactly how to get
Duncan: into that cupboard this time, so she ain't
Duncan: fucking around the time.
Duncan: God damn, she's doing it and I'll put you.
Duncan: Listen here, ralph, you can fuck my wife.
Duncan: You can sit in a postmodernistic, bourgeois
Duncan: house, and one thing you can't do with her
Duncan: is one thing I want, and I watch my
Duncan: motherfucking television.
Duncan: Well, she literally opens this cupboard,
Duncan: grabs a fucking thing, tears it out and
Duncan: yeah, there is.
Duncan: Bueller has once again been discontinued.
Bo: There is a cutaway to Danvers house where
Bo: Pete is just cleaning up and taking a
Bo: shower to wash the blood off of him.
Bo: The blood of his father.
Bo: Yes, we will.
Bo: Yes, we will come back to that, but just a
Bo: quick point like oh, that's going on in the
Bo: background of all this other stuff.
Bo: Navarro is tracking these wet footprints
Bo: that lead right into a wall and Danvers,
Bo: meanwhile, is tracking down like she sees
Bo: some door swinging.
Bo: As you know, clark, is that you?
Duncan: Yeah, I'm a federal agent, and hey,
Duncan: starling, did you forget to always check
Duncan: the blind spot?
Bo: always check the blind spot, because she
Bo: doesn't check her blind spot and, as a
Bo: result, she gets trained Well she gets
Bo: locked in a room, like she goes into a room
Bo: and part of the room is that they have like
Bo: a freezer for all these ice cores that they,
Bo: yeah, dug up, and she goes into that room
Bo: and Clark shuts the door on her Right.
Duncan: Instantly.
Duncan: What I thought when this happened is right.
Duncan: This is how the scientists died Like.
Duncan: You know what I mean.
Duncan: Like that's my brain went I was like all
Duncan: right, walking freezer, why did we not like,
Duncan: why is this not been a theory before?
Duncan: Like a blast freezer, like that totally
Duncan: makes sense.
Duncan: That's how they died, turns out.
Duncan: No, I was wrong on that one Look at that in
Duncan: one of the.
Bo: Oh fuck, I love the that whole scene but
Bo: anyway.
Bo: So Clark is now on the loose in the station.
Bo: Danvers is locked up in this core sample
Bo: room and Clark just goes full Jack Torrance
Bo: with.
Duncan: Well, that's it, this whole scene is like
Duncan: so fucking like.
Duncan: I love this a little bit.
Duncan: I really really do.
Duncan: I love the fact that she just on a bash a
Duncan: little bit of that they're shining.
Duncan: Let's tell it, let's just lean right into
Duncan: it Right.
Bo: So he brains Navarro with this fire
Bo: extinguisher.
Duncan: At Mancar others right yeah.
Bo: And then she wakes up while she's being
Bo: dragged also from the show and what she
Bo: does, but in a real nice change of pace.
Bo: Yeah, navarro, like, bust out.
Bo: She finds, like this iron rod in there and
Bo: like and bust, bust out of the core sample
Bo: room, gets out of this freezer and goes to
Bo: find Navarro.
Bo: Who is fucking this dude up and she has to
Bo: stop it.
Bo: She has to like call time.
Bo: She's like don't kill him.
Bo: Jesus Christ Navarro, come on, dr Lector.
Duncan: Yeah, like, in this scenario, the person
Duncan: that you wanted to keep locked up in the
Duncan: blast freezer might be Navarro, like, and
Duncan: then maybe brain Jodie Foster you picked
Duncan: the wrong but like a fucking world champion
Duncan: boxing person this actress she is.
Duncan: She is on top of him.
Duncan: She is smacking the shit of her.
Duncan: But what I love about this is like Jodie
Duncan: Foster.
Duncan: Like Jodie Foster is not saving this guy.
Bo: No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no.
Duncan: We need to ask him questions.
Duncan: We're going to ask him questions.
Duncan: Also, before we get to asking him questions,
Duncan: let's leave him with the tortured hills on
Duncan: loop dude Like it's so fucked up, man.
Duncan: The details in this episode are just
Duncan: fucking incredible, yeah.
Bo: So I mean, let's just skip ahead to that
Bo: and then we'll come back to Pete.
Bo: But yeah, so they duct tape him to a chair
Bo: and Navarro is like did you love Annie?
Bo: And he's like yeah, I'd loved Annie.
Bo: And she's like good.
Duncan: And then sticks headphones in his ears and
Duncan: then duct tape, some yeah, and then plays
Duncan: her death video on loop, and then they put
Duncan: the tape over his mouth as well and switch
Duncan: the light off and then go to get a cup of
Duncan: coffee or something, or we're just going to
Duncan: leave him with that and leave him howling
Duncan: without a voice in the dark listening to
Duncan: the death cries of his love.
Duncan: It's just so fucking.
Bo: Yes, it is.
Bo: It's raw.
Bo: I really like it.
Bo: Meanwhile, let's check back in with Pete,
Bo: who's having a grand old time finding a
Bo: tooth embedded in the wall.
Duncan: Most likely his dad's.
Bo: Most likely his dad's from when he shot his
Bo: father.
Duncan: The closest that the molar is, the closest
Duncan: we get to the term more people in this
Duncan: episode, which once again shoots our theory
Duncan: out.
Bo: But yeah, there's no more people more
Bo: people, but it's stuck in the morning.
Duncan: It looks like this I'm kind of need to, and
Duncan: then all of a sudden fucking like in Nevada
Duncan: not in Nevada Danvers kid comes in.
Bo: Leah, yeah, it shows up and it's just like
Bo: yeah, you know, is is Danvers around, like
Bo: we had a fight, and he's like no, no,
Bo: everything's cool here, just just cleaning
Bo: up around the house.
Bo: Yeah, make myself useful, no big deal.
Duncan: He's standing awkwardly like Tom Sivir does
Duncan: and from the still dawn after being bitten
Duncan: yeah.
Bo: And Leah clocks it right away.
Bo: She's like what is wrong with you?
Bo: What's going on here?
Bo: He's like, well, you know just everything
Bo: going on with Kayla right now.
Bo: And she's like, oh yeah, I guess that's
Bo: cool.
Bo: And then he's like you know what?
Bo: In fact, can I just take you back there,
Bo: cause the idea of them being alone on New
Bo: Year's Eve kind of bumps me out.
Bo: It would make me happy if, like you're not,
Bo: like Danvers isn't here, she's off doing a
Bo: work thing, why don't I take you back there?
Bo: And then you, you're there to keep her
Bo: company and et cetera, and she's like uh, I
Bo: guess yeah maybe yeah, and it looks like
Bo: you want me to turn my back for a couple of
Bo: seconds.
Duncan: That seems a new route.
Duncan: Let me just face it over.
Duncan: Like cause, as soon as she turns to walk
Duncan: out, he's like writer and grabbing the
Duncan: tooth.
Duncan: Go fuck him.
Duncan: He just fuck him up, steam.
Bo: Steam clams.
Bo: You say, yes, sir, that's what you call
Bo: hamburgers.
Bo: Yep, Steamed hams, um, anyway.
Bo: So yeah, like you said, there's a quick
Bo: like yawink as he grabs this tooth, uh, off
Bo: the wall, which is, like you said, it's
Bo: just a really gnarly detail to include.
Duncan: It's super gnarly detail, like you've just.
Duncan: You've just washed your father's blood off
Duncan: you.
Duncan: After, like, wrapping them up in plastic,
Duncan: like she's a lot of fucking parm, I'm
Duncan: putting her in the back of a vehicle to
Duncan: bury somewhere.
Duncan: I like you've just got through all that.
Duncan: You're like, and then you got to deal with
Duncan: this shit and just as you're getting ready
Duncan: to go dispose of your dance board, you turn
Duncan: around and he's fucking tooth's embedded in
Duncan: the wall.
Bo: We'll get to a discussion about this later
Bo: that I dearly love Cause Navarro does not
Bo: fuck around.
Bo: She's just like he's fucked for life, isn't
Bo: he?
Duncan: Yeah.
Bo: Yeah, we'll talk about that, anyway.
Bo: So, uh, so he does take Leah back to uh
Bo: Kayla's place.
Bo: She runs in and then out comes Kayla right
Bo: away, cause she knows there's something up
Bo: Right, and he's like, look, I, I know this
Bo: is fucked up, but there's a thing that I've
Bo: got to do.
Duncan: And I can't tell you what's Danvers, what
Duncan: you're doing, and she's like Danvers didn't
Duncan: do anything.
Duncan: It's me, yeah, this is me.
Bo: Yeah, Um, and as he's telling her like, hey,
Bo: once this is done, I'm with you a hundred
Bo: percent, but I got to do this thing.
Bo: And before he can even get it all out, like
Bo: she kisses him and she's, she says uh, look,
Bo: just come home.
Bo: Yeah, when all this is over, just come home.
Bo: And so then we go back to Salal as the
Bo: storm by the way, I don't know if we
Bo: mentioned this, but like there's the storm
Bo: going on outside- massive Arctic storm,
Bo: which you saw at the end of the previous
Bo: episode that they were driving into.
Duncan: but this thing is fucking hellacious, Right.
Bo: Yeah, and they make the point like, hey, we
Bo: can't go home, yeah, until this is over,
Bo: yeah, and so, uh, they're as, they're stuck
Bo: there and they're playing.
Duncan: You know, the horrifying video for this
Duncan: dude in the tape to the chair Danvers is
Duncan: eating funyons, which remember we mentioned
Duncan: funyons right back in the first episode,
Duncan: with the delivery driver bringing it.
Duncan: So she's having funyons.
Bo: Um uh.
Bo: Navarro, on the other hand, opens the
Bo: fridge and out rolls an orange, and we
Bo: learned that her mother loved oranges and
Bo: there's kind of a significance to that.
Bo: Yeah, and Danvers meanwhile sees this bit
Bo: of glass on the floor and we get a split
Bo: second flash to her, like walking along the
Bo: pavement where there's a lot of broken
Bo: glass.
Bo: Yeah, just for a second.
Bo: And then when we cut back to her, she's
Bo: kind of picked it out of her shoe and it's
Bo: thrown it.
Bo: And this is where Navarro says so is prior
Bo: fucked for a life?
Bo: Yeah, that's how she puts it.
Bo: And and that's where Danvers is like maybe
Bo: I don't know, and she says it's crazy, the
Bo: shit that we survive.
Bo: Yeah, um, but now they're ready.
Bo: There's a moment where they're like so you
Bo: think he's good?
Bo: Yeah, let's go talk to him, and so they do.
Bo: They, you know, unceramodiously rip the
Bo: duct tape off his hair, which I was like.
Bo: This may be the most painful thing in this
Bo: whole episode, but, um, and he's ready to
Bo: talk now.
Bo: Yeah, so he tells them that he did not kill
Bo: Annie.
Duncan: What I love about this.
Duncan: Well, this is the theme of this entire
Duncan: season is the stories that we tell.
Duncan: Yes, and we've had this all the way through.
Duncan: I once got to read some people complaining
Duncan: about the fact that you know he's saying
Duncan: one thing, but the, you know the, the, the,
Duncan: the, the, playing kind of both sides here
Duncan: by showing you one version of the truth and
Duncan: his version of how he's like, the way he
Duncan: tells that is his story, as if they've not
Duncan: used this technique before in this season.
Bo: Like they literally have on on the wheeler
Bo: case, yeah, or that it didn't begin with a
Bo: made up quote about an unreliable narrator.
Duncan: Yeah, at least all at a time as a flat
Duncan: circle, but, um, they've been all the way
Duncan: through it.
Duncan: But yeah, like the stories, the, the story
Duncan: that he tells is not what you as the
Duncan: audience see.
Duncan: So here is narration over actually what
Duncan: happened.
Duncan: What you find out, Bo, is kind of what we
Duncan: had pieced together.
Duncan: Once again, I love the fact that we kind of
Duncan: worked out a lot of this.
Duncan: May not put all together at the end, but
Duncan: the show really did dangle a lot of really
Duncan: obvious shit in front of us, um, and we
Duncan: just didn't ask the right question.
Bo: Yeah, I feel like we mostly got it right
Bo: from way early on.
Duncan: Like so much of the stuff we got earlier,
Duncan: and I think it's just because we are
Duncan: preconditioned to watch things and try to
Duncan: extract every nuance.
Duncan: Yeah, um, but yeah, ultimately what
Duncan: happened is the clip that we'd seen on the
Duncan: phone, right of her screaming, is a small
Duncan: segment of her death, and it was in that
Duncan: room.
Duncan: Below we find out that she was in a
Duncan: relationship with Clark.
Duncan: We already knew that.
Duncan: However, she somehow got into the facility,
Duncan: thus once again validating her theory that
Duncan: maybe she was using him to get access.
Duncan: She's an activist, after all.
Duncan: Maybe she was already piecing things
Duncan: together.
Duncan: She needed access to Salal, so she started
Duncan: seeing Clark, who seemed a bit unstable
Duncan: anyway, so she got in there.
Duncan: During her time checking around, she
Duncan: managed to find the access to the lab and
Duncan: when she went down there, she found all
Duncan: these papers that ultimately proved that
Duncan: the scientists were actively and this is
Duncan: from his thing, because they're asking him
Duncan: about what the station does and he's like
Duncan: we found the cure.
Duncan: We found the thing, the enzyme, the
Duncan: organism, whatever we want to call it Like
Duncan: it cures everything.
Duncan: We found it, but we couldn't extract it in
Duncan: good enough quantities in order for us to
Duncan: do this.
Duncan: But what we did find out is actually the
Duncan: mine.
Duncan: It's pumping all this pollutant in the
Duncan: water.
Duncan: It's actually raising the core temperature,
Duncan: which is making it easier for it to do so.
Duncan: We kind of just turned a blind eye at that,
Duncan: fabricated some shit In order to do it.
Duncan: She found this evidence that basically the
Duncan: mine is the thing which we already knew,
Duncan: which is behind all the stillbaths, all the
Duncan: problems and all the rest, and they were
Duncan: covering up Her finding this.
Duncan: She then starts breaking the ice core
Duncan: samples which the main guy, the head guy,
Duncan: the guy who died in the worst pain in the
Duncan: hospital room he found her doing that and
Duncan: he just flipped and he did the old Sean
Duncan: Connery from, was it?
Duncan: It's not Gorillaz in the mist?
Duncan: Is it Gorillaz in the what's the movie
Duncan: where Sean Connery finds the cure for
Duncan: cancer?
Bo: Oh, Medicine man with.
Duncan: Lorraine Brocco.
Duncan: Found the cure for the plague on the 20th
Duncan: century, I've lost it.
Duncan: Yeah, like, so, like he.
Duncan: Basically, he sees this and he grabs the
Duncan: first thing he can find, star-shaped chisel,
Duncan: starts stabbing her.
Duncan: She screams out.
Duncan: Clark hears this.
Duncan: Clark wakes up, runs through, runs down,
Duncan: sees her, tries to pull him off.
Duncan: He smacks her.
Duncan: Then apparently all the scientists come
Duncan: down and it's a real kind of well, let's
Duncan: just hold her down, let this guy finish it.
Duncan: And this is what we're seeing.
Duncan: So once again we're seeing the validation
Duncan: of that part of the story when he says that
Duncan: you know, the all attack to the held him
Duncan: down and I had to watch it.
Duncan: That's what happened.
Duncan: Well, he doesn't tell them, but what we get
Duncan: to see, boy, she's not actually fucking
Duncan: dead.
Bo: Right, well, because Clark is like clean
Bo: air up, like, oh, this should never have
Bo: happened.
Duncan: Yeah.
Bo: She kind of wakes up and starts clawing at
Bo: him, yeah For help, and he uses that same
Bo: shirt or whatever he has, yeah To smother
Bo: her.
Duncan: Yeah, it does the old.
Bo: Yeah, yeah, speaking of Nicholson, he gives
Bo: her the old cuckoo's nest.
Duncan: Oh, 100%, yeah, Like he basically strangles
Duncan: her to death.
Duncan: So she died of asphyxiation and he's the
Duncan: guy that does it, but he doesn't tell them
Duncan: that and actually, right to the point that
Duncan: he dies, he's still claiming that he loved
Duncan: her and he didn't kill her.
Duncan: So once again, that's a detail that we now
Duncan: know that the detectives don't know.
Duncan: But I mean, I think the fellow that he's
Duncan: responsible, even by proxy, by virtue of
Duncan: not, he's an accessory, even if the worst
Duncan: case, like the best case scenario, is an
Duncan: accessory, worst case is a murderer and
Duncan: Navarro asks him about the tongue.
Duncan: Yeah, so he says that.
Duncan: He says like.
Duncan: He like they're like why did you cut out
Duncan: our tongue?
Bo: And he's like oh, we never did that Right
Bo: Right, Right, Like we did a lot of fucked
Bo: up stuff, but we did.
Bo: We did not take her tongue.
Duncan: But the situation, the insinuation, is well.
Bo: He says they sent a cop to move the body.
Bo: Maybe he did it as a warning to others.
Bo: So the insinuation is hank did it.
Bo: But like that doesn't really hold water,
Bo: but neither does that.
Duncan: That's what I kind of love about this
Duncan: episode.
Bo: Yeah.
Duncan: Right there's.
Duncan: There's been a lot of confusion about the
Duncan: tongue Right and I was trying to find the
Duncan: best way to articulate this as something as
Duncan: to the symbolism behind the tongue Right,
Duncan: and the best I could get is a quote from
Duncan: and I took a screen grab of this because I
Duncan: was very proud of myself is a quote from
Duncan: famous Game of Thrones author, george RR
Duncan: Martin.
Duncan: He says that when you tear out a man's
Duncan: tongue, you're not proving him a liar, but
Duncan: only telling the world that you fear what
Duncan: he might say.
Duncan: So the tongue in this season like I once
Duncan: again did a bit deep diving and Isabel Pez
Duncan: is based at the said the tongue symbolizes
Duncan: Annie Kay's voice.
Bo: Yeah, that's how I took it.
Bo: I hadn't read that, I'm just smart.
Duncan: No, that's what it means and as a result,
Duncan: it holds no more symbolism in this than
Duncan: that.
Duncan: Yeah, cool effect.
Duncan: There's a kind of cool ghostly detail to
Duncan: put here, but she doesn't feel the need to
Duncan: answer that question at all, and you know
Duncan: what?
Duncan: I'm fine with that.
Bo: Yeah, I mean, if it is, you know,
Bo: presumably the spirit of Annie Kay it is it
Bo: is a way for her to speak, to say, like you
Bo: are, you are on my case now.
Duncan: Yeah.
Bo: Like you know when, when you are
Bo: investigating the death of these men.
Bo: But you can.
Duncan: You can tie all this.
Duncan: Like you said before, no one the whole
Duncan: season is the unreliable narrator Like this
Duncan: could very well, when we find out who the
Duncan: killers are, they could have easily, like
Duncan: the tongue could have been cut out and put
Duncan: beside the body as a you know snitches get
Duncan: stitches, sort of thing, and they could
Duncan: have found the body, taken that and kept it
Duncan: as a.
Duncan: One day when we find, we will place, even
Duncan: though they will get to, even though the
Duncan: murderers claim that they don't know
Duncan: anything about the tongue, that doesn't
Duncan: necessarily mean they don't know anything
Duncan: about the tongue.
Bo: You're right, yeah, I mean you're right.
Bo: Like again, we can't be sure of this, yeah,
Bo: but like it can be explained.
Duncan: It can be explained.
Duncan: It just can't be explained by virtue of
Duncan: someone in the episode seeing.
Duncan: They did or didn't.
Duncan: Yes, but yeah, you could easily squirrel
Duncan: that way.
Bo: So so I like this moment very much as well,
Bo: where Navarro says say again that you love
Bo: Danny Kay and he's like I loved her.
Bo: And as soon as he does, navarro pulls her
Bo: gun and Danvers just turns around and is
Bo: leaving.
Duncan: Yeah.
Bo: Navarro is like aren't you going to try to
Bo: stop me?
Bo: And she's like nope.
Duncan: No, you do what you got to do.
Duncan: I'm going to try to stop me this time.
Duncan: I think is what she says and she's like
Duncan: nope.
Bo: And so we do get that.
Bo: We get some resolution on this of what
Bo: happened in the Wheeler house, because
Bo: Danvers leaves and we get the flashback
Bo: again of the dude sitting in the chair
Bo: whistling, twist and shout, and Navarro
Bo: comes back without having shot so, Clark,
Bo: worth pointing out and Danvers says you
Bo: know, I was about to do it when you shot
Bo: him, Wheeler, I mean.
Bo: And we get this moment that happens in the
Bo: Wheeler house where, after you know, he's
Bo: grinning and whistling and Navarro not
Bo: Navarro but Danvers is kind of very slowly
Bo: lifting her gun.
Duncan: Yeah.
Bo: And before she can do it, navarro, just
Bo: like, pulls her gun and fires.
Duncan: Yeah, reflex.
Duncan: It's like that is very, very, very quick.
Bo: And yeah, so we kind of wrap that up as far
Bo: as we also get the detail, although it's
Bo: not really explained.
Duncan: We get the detail of a baby crying yeah,
Duncan: yeah, yeah.
Duncan: And once again I've read a few things where
Duncan: this upset a few people because it's not
Duncan: actually passed out and what I like.
Duncan: Once again, what I took away from this is
Duncan: them fabricating.
Duncan: The evidence is kind of twofold.
Duncan: One it's you know it's them covering the
Duncan: tracks and putting a guy who clearly wasn't
Duncan: fucking a nice dude, kind of putting a bow
Duncan: on that story.
Duncan: But the other thing I kind of took away
Duncan: from it was is it easier for that kid to
Duncan: grow up thinking that their mother was
Duncan: murdered or their mother committed suicide?
Bo: Right, and their father like hey, you're.
Bo: If the, if the story is your mother was
Bo: abused and murdered and then your father
Bo: killed himself because he could not live
Bo: with it or whatever, yeah, Then that's
Bo: probably a better story than hey, she
Bo: committed suicide and then oops.
Duncan: Yeah.
Bo: We got that a little wrong.
Bo: We read the the room.
Duncan: So, yeah, I like that's how I took that.
Duncan: Once again the Internet, the Internet, the
Duncan: Internet.
Bo: So so when we come back to Danvers, she's
Bo: peeling an orange and a spiral just exactly
Bo: the same way that Navarro's mom used to
Bo: peel them.
Bo: And the orange falls and we get a moment
Bo: where we see like frost on the ground where
Bo: the tongue was.
Duncan: Yeah.
Bo: And in a very funny moment, danvers is like
Bo: this this looks like a supernatural clue,
Bo: dr Elector.
Bo: and then Navarro comes in and she rises up
Bo: really quickly and bangs her head on the
Bo: like the underside of the table and gives a
Bo: good fuck, which I really like, and but yes,
Bo: she leaves a spiral behind on the plate,
Bo: just just like you know Navarro's mom and
Bo: also the spiral that we keep seeing, she
Bo: also grabs a bottle of absolute on her way
Bo: out, which is, you know, good, Well, well,
Bo: well, well, well, well, well, Well, well,
Bo: well, well, well.
Bo: And they go to question Clark some more,
Bo: because the one thing we don't know is OK,
Bo: we know Annie Kay was killed there, but we
Bo: still don't know what happened to the men.
Duncan: Yeah, what she like to me is all I've been
Duncan: screaming at my TV for about the past 10
Duncan: minutes.
Bo: So that fucking ask him a bit more than the
Bo: so, and so we do, and Clark says, like he'd
Bo: been seeing Annie Kay and she and he knew
Bo: that she was going to come for him.
Bo: Yeah, and so when whatever happens, happens.
Duncan: Yeah, you know, when the base, when he felt
Duncan: that presence and the power, went out, he
Duncan: licked it yes.
Bo: To the shaft with the hatch.
Duncan: Yeah, and got on the other side of the
Duncan: hatch, so in the tunnel underneath and held
Duncan: on for dear life as he could hear the
Duncan: banging on top and these like the howling
Duncan: sounds and all the rest, all this commotion,
Duncan: and he claims that he is down there for
Duncan: days, which would track.
Duncan: I also love the fact that Danvers like
Duncan: suddenly puts it together Like this dude
Duncan: was here when we were here, like when we
Duncan: were, that he was all he was.
Duncan: He's been here the whole fucking time
Duncan: during this investigation.
Duncan: We didn't know about this thing.
Duncan: But also he came out for food when the
Duncan: delivery driver came through.
Duncan: So he doesn't actually know what happened
Duncan: to his colleagues.
Bo: He thinks the Vans for Ghost of Anarchy
Bo: came and claimed them Right and tried to
Bo: open the hatch, like he was holding the
Bo: hatch closed and and had gone to look for
Bo: Otis Heist to figure out how to survive.
Bo: Annie and Danvers is like.
Bo: Well, that doesn't make any sense, dr
Bo: Lector, because you know he had quit long
Bo: before that and the event that he survived
Bo: was long before Annie was even born.
Bo: And that's when and this, I think, is a
Bo: little ham-fisted this may be what you were
Bo: talking about when, when, he's like yeah,
Bo: but Tom is a flat circle man and we're just
Bo: stuck in it.
Duncan: Yeah, and like I, don't know how much of
Duncan: that, though, like this is.
Duncan: This is like I think.
Duncan: Go and listen to an interview with Issa
Duncan: Lopez.
Duncan: She's a very, very, very playful person,
Duncan: right.
Duncan: She's a big personality, and part of me
Duncan: does feel like she watched that for season.
Duncan: She fucking loved that for season.
Duncan: She maybe spent I don't know five minutes
Duncan: checking YouTube videos and she just saw
Duncan: how much of a cultural phenomenon that is.
Duncan: It was like that.
Duncan: I'm going to fuck with it.
Duncan: So I would not surprise me if that's a
Duncan: little.
Bo: Yeah.
Bo: Yeah, I mean kind of fine right, Like it's
Bo: not my favourite line.
Duncan: Yeah, it didn't upset me because they
Duncan: didn't handle it in the same way as it's
Duncan: handled in season one, like had they really
Duncan: went and like remember, like season one,
Duncan: like the time as a flat circle is all
Duncan: leading up to the fact that they end up
Duncan: hunting the wrong person, they end up
Duncan: killing the guy who is a murderer and is
Duncan: the meth cooker or whatever.
Duncan: You know that whole thing about the monster
Duncan: appearing and all the rest.
Duncan: That's where that comes from.
Duncan: That time as a flat circle is the bodies
Duncan: are appearing again because we didn't do
Duncan: our job right and evil will come up like
Duncan: that.
Duncan: And the case of this one, it's a throwaway
Duncan: line by someone who's mentally broken, who
Duncan: is like a well read and I believe that
Duncan: Clark read Nietzsche more than I believe
Duncan: that fucking.
Duncan: You know some of these backwards
Duncan: hillbillies have read fucking books on
Duncan: Carcosa.
Duncan: You know, I mean it's like it didn't bother
Duncan: me, I just kind of felt like it was, it was
Duncan: the obvious line to take from season one.
Duncan: You know, I mean I don't know if he said
Duncan: like I can smell it in the psychosphere,
Duncan: that would have more of an impact.
Duncan: I mean whoa, but you know it's clumsy, but
Duncan: it's not fucking because of that lane in
Duncan: the years.
Duncan: That the best thing I've ever seen.
Bo: Yeah, I mean one.
Bo: One false note in this episode is not going
Bo: to throw me off.
Bo: No, of course not, but you sure enough.
Bo: Danvers leaves on that note and and Clark
Bo: tells Navarro like go ahead and kill me or
Bo: let me do it.
Bo: Yeah, danvers meanwhile goes to lie down in
Bo: one of the you know crew quarters or
Bo: whatever and finds a crucifix in her hair.
Bo: So supernatural shit afoot.
Duncan: Yeah, for those not keeping count, the
Duncan: crucifix is the symbol of Navarro's mother,
Duncan: which has appeared several times in this
Duncan: season thus far in weird situations.
Duncan: But this to me, shows that it's kind of the
Duncan: supernatural element is now crossing over
Duncan: Like.
Duncan: So this is now, this is like we all at the
Duncan: moment.
Duncan: So far, most of the supernatural stuff, if
Duncan: not all of it, has happened to Navarro, and
Duncan: that's including the stuff that affects
Duncan: Danvers.
Duncan: So hold them communicating and all the rest.
Duncan: This is the first time, like we are so
Duncan: close to whatever event that's actually
Duncan: affecting Danvers.
Duncan: So Danvers is finding something that she
Duncan: can't, you know, can't square away, because
Duncan: how could she?
Bo: Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Bo: Well, and we'll come back to this the whole
Bo: question of the supernatural in this.
Bo: But, there is a pretty good shot of Pete
Bo: taking the bodies out to visit Rose as the
Bo: street lights are going out, which is very
Bo: cool.
Duncan: It's just a great shot.
Duncan: Yeah, Rose, in this episode as well.
Duncan: I'm just like man.
Bo: she, like Rose, keeps it real, and that's
Bo: what I like about her.
Duncan: It's going to be one of those nights, isn't
Duncan: it?
Duncan: Yeah?
Bo: Oh, we'll get, we're almost there.
Bo: So Danvers, meanwhile, wakes up from like
Bo: this dream vision where she sees her, her
Bo: boy Holden, and then here's some screen,
Bo: mommy, and then she wakes up and the first
Bo: thing we realize is like oh, she can see
Bo: her breath here and the power is out in the
Bo: station and the temperatures falling fast.
Duncan: Yes.
Bo: And you know if, if, as soon as the fires
Bo: go out, we're not going to survive.
Bo: Maybe we shouldn't, but Danvers goes to
Bo: find a bar.
Duncan: I do see her breath, though, so she can't
Duncan: be the thing that's right.
Bo: Navarro on the other hand.
Bo: But she goes to find a borrow and finds her
Bo: outside, where Clark is now frozen and dead.
Duncan: Yeah, he's what we like to call pulling a
Duncan: thorns.
Bo: Yeah, it is.
Bo: And then you know some swing music plays
Bo: and we see him in a picture.
Duncan: He's always in the gold room in 1921, but I
Duncan: don't know if you knew that.
Bo: Yes, he's always been the caretaker in
Bo: Salal.
Duncan: Well, the thing is like she obviously she
Duncan: thinks Navarro forced him out to freeze to
Duncan: death.
Duncan: And this is where everything gets a little
Duncan: bit, a little bit esoteric, a little bit, a
Duncan: little bit spooky a little bit from the
Duncan: other side.
Bo: Well, yeah, I like that.
Bo: The way she puts it is that first and
Bo: brother fucker out.
Bo: There is only witness.
Bo: We have Dr Lector and Navarro is like I
Bo: didn't do that to him.
Bo: Yeah, like I didn't make him go out there.
Bo: The that's how I found him and, by the way,
Bo: I'm going to go find a backup generator
Bo: because it's getting fucking cold.
Duncan: Yeah.
Bo: And so she goes to work on the generator,
Bo: which doesn't start.
Bo: But we do get a good glimpse of Annie Kay
Bo: All goously behind her.
Bo: And then, upstairs, danvers is getting some
Bo: ghosts of her own when this busted hub cap
Bo: rolls by the doorway.
Bo: She's looking, looking out.
Duncan: Yeah.
Bo: And then we come back down to Navarro, who
Bo: is now seeing the ghost of Clark that's
Bo: doing the whole like shutter thing and says
Bo: she's awake, which suggests that, oh, he is
Bo: the kind of ghost that is just repeating
Bo: what's happened in the past.
Bo: So you know, of the three kinds of ghosts,
Bo: we have the one that just repeats, yeah,
Bo: which is Clark here.
Bo: We have the one that is trying to give a
Bo: message even if you don't want to hear it,
Bo: which is holding, and then we've got the
Bo: ghost that you just and you're trying to
Bo: take you with you right, which seems to be
Bo: Julie.
Bo: Yes, but we'll.
Bo: We'll get to that in a second, but yes, so
Bo: all right.
Bo: So Pete then shows up at Rose's place, and
Bo: this is where he he's like hey, I need you
Bo: to take me where Julie is.
Bo: I've got somebody who's going the same
Bo: place.
Bo: And that's the point where she says it's
Bo: going to be one of those nights.
Duncan: One of those put two bodies on ace nates.
Bo: No, no, yeah.
Bo: Rose has a line that I'm like what the fuck
Bo: have you been up to, rose?
Bo: Like, yeah, it's, she knows a little bit,
Bo: but we'll get to this anyway.
Bo: So Navarro and Danvers are now huddled
Bo: around a fire, and it because there's no
Bo: power in the place and they're just trying
Bo: to stay alive until the storm lets up and
Bo: they can get out of this place.
Bo: And Navarro says you know, there's just
Bo: something out there that's calling me, and
Bo: I just want to tell you that you know what,
Bo: when I see hold in, yeah well, she says
Bo: there's something out there that's calling
Bo: me.
Duncan: And then she goes to talk about her sister
Duncan: and, like Jody Foster, lays in hard that
Duncan: your sister was weak, she couldn't handle
Duncan: it.
Duncan: You're strong, you can handle it.
Duncan: You don't walk out on the ice.
Duncan: This is about to 180 pretty quick in this
Duncan: episode.
Duncan: Yeah, she will, she will, she will turn on
Duncan: that statement Pretty fast because she does
Duncan: say she's like that, you know, and she said
Duncan: it looks like you across the eyes, but
Duncan: something like that.
Duncan: He doesn't look like you much, but there's
Duncan: something about his eyes, yeah, and she's
Duncan: like what the fuck you talk?
Bo: about Dr Lector and she's like well, hold
Bo: on, Hold on.
Duncan: He told me a message and she Danvers, goes
Duncan: fucking raw here.
Duncan: Dude, she gets like not mama bear.
Bo: She gets like fucking bile and she's like,
Bo: yeah, shut up, you, shut your mouth, you
Bo: keep his name out of your mouth.
Bo: And she says and I wrote this down because
Bo: it was such a good quote, it's what.
Bo: This is the delivery that I love.
Bo: This may be my favorite thing Jody Foster
Bo: has ever said.
Bo: The line is shut up about him or I'll shoot
Bo: your sick fucking mouth right off your face.
Bo: Fuck, she is angry.
Bo: And then she says I am not merciful, I have
Bo: no merciful and I have no mercy left.
Bo: You understand?
Bo: And then storms off when she looks at at
Bo: Navarro and says I am not merciful.
Bo: Yeah, it's like fuck, she is not lying to
Bo: you.
Bo: Yeah, she is telling she is telling you the.
Bo: God's truth right now and you need to
Bo: accept that.
Bo: You need to back the fuck off, mm.
Bo: Hmm.
Bo: Meanwhile, leah is trying to get hold of
Bo: Danvers.
Bo: Quick cut away where she's like hey,
Bo: whatever's going on, don't die out there,
Bo: okay, yeah.
Bo: And so we kind of follow Danvers from there,
Bo: who goes to this room again and she buries
Bo: herself under blankets and she's like
Bo: trying to stay warm.
Bo: Yeah, like as part of our part of our
Bo: storming off.
Duncan: She basically says to Navarro like if you
Duncan: want to walk out and they, she fucking go
Duncan: with that.
Duncan: Like, yeah, she bit the things are.
Duncan: She goes in, she puts things in, she puts
Duncan: things in, she puts things in, she puts
Duncan: things in, she puts things in and instantly
Duncan: is like that and she might do it.
Duncan: I'd like yeah, yeah, I'd like that's not
Duncan: maybe that I was angry, but that's maybe
Duncan: not the thing that someone who is
Duncan: contemplating suicide may want to hear.
Duncan: So she gets back up, she heads down and the
Duncan: fire's still on, but ain't no, Navarro, bo
Duncan: Yep.
Bo: So she goes outside to hunt for Navarro,
Bo: who is, sure enough, walking out on the ice,
Bo: but from Navarro's point of view, she's in
Bo: the desert, yeah, and we get like the ear
Bo: bleeding again.
Bo: Which is just.
Bo: She is in the presence of this.
Bo: Whatever it is that's out there on the ice
Bo: and the thing gives her her name, which is
Bo: like Senna Ichkak something like that.
Bo: Spare them while I hunt.
Bo: So go for it.
Bo: And Danvers sees Holden under the ice
Bo: beneath her feet, yeah, and so she starts
Bo: freaking out because, like the kid is
Bo: banging from under the eyes and she's like
Bo: Holden, and then starts banging on the ice
Bo: and, sure enough, shoots down through the
Bo: ice.
Duncan: Ice is going to break and it does actually,
Duncan: and she goes into the ice and fucking
Duncan: cinematography and this scene is fucking
Duncan: beautiful.
Duncan: It's like absolutely mind-blowingly good.
Duncan: But yeah, she goes under and, for all
Duncan: intents and purposes, dies and once again,
Duncan: according to Isolopes, that character dies
Duncan: in the ice but is brought back by Navarro,
Duncan: who doesn't walk out any further on the ice.
Duncan: She gets a fucking our native name and then
Duncan: she goes back and she helps Danvers and she
Duncan: gets her in.
Duncan: And I will tell you this, jodie Foster's
Duncan: acting is so fucking good that the raspy
Duncan: tone she's getting as she's being brought
Duncan: back to life, I genuinely thought someone
Duncan: would kill Jodie Foster and brought her
Duncan: back to life, like that's how like it
Duncan: sounds like she's like I don't even know
Duncan: how you do, I used to do death metal vocals
Duncan: in a band and the rasp that she gets in her
Duncan: voice I couldn't do right.
Duncan: It's just going to.
Duncan: It's all the breathings, like how someone
Duncan: breathes when they can't get enough air
Duncan: into their lungs.
Duncan: And Navarro's trying to bring her like back,
Duncan: like Despo, to try to bring her back Alem.
Duncan: She asks, and this kind of stipper of half
Duncan: I have dead.
Duncan: She asked her what Holden said to her and
Duncan: Navarro says Holden says like I see you,
Duncan: and it's like fucking acting is so good,
Duncan: it's like the weight of everything like
Duncan: comes right off the top of Danvers and she
Duncan: cries in a way which feels maybe the most
Duncan: realistic crying I've seen since, fucking
Duncan: like Florence Pugh and Midsomer or fucking
Duncan: Tony Collette and like Fucking her registry.
Duncan: It's just this kind of hollowed out Growly
Duncan: howl.
Duncan: It's just, it's just so fucking emotional
Duncan: and Navarro just holds her and lets her cry.
Bo: I mean, it's a really Wonderful moment
Bo: between these characters.
Duncan: Yes, and I think it's the bit where I think
Duncan: Because what you're gonna get after this is
Duncan: an acceptance, where I think, danvers, all
Duncan: that, all that front that she's had about
Duncan: like no, did you spit it, gay tell you, and
Duncan: all that that kind of goes In this moment,
Duncan: and I think she respects that.
Duncan: Maybe there are things out there.
Duncan: Maybe death isn't the final, the final part
Duncan: of the story.
Bo: So well, I mean, she's just seen Holden,
Bo: she's just seen her son, but sure enough,
Bo: the storm is passing.
Bo: Pete's still digging out on the ice this is
Bo: fun.
Duncan: This is like Rose, really.
Duncan: He's like he finished, you dig it.
Duncan: He's like right there, that should be
Duncan: enough.
Duncan: And I'm like roses, like what the fucking
Duncan: the knife he's looking at?
Duncan: She's like you may want to turn your head
Duncan: just now and he's like, no, I want to see.
Duncan: And she's like you want to see is that
Duncan: fucking puncture your dead?
Duncan: So long here, so he doesn't fucking float.
Duncan: And you see these, like Pete's face is like
Duncan: yeah, maybe I don't want it.
Duncan: Like he's like turns round yeah.
Duncan: And Rose, like full-on, has buried bodies
Duncan: before in the past.
Bo: Right has has had to have done something
Bo: because she knows how to do this quick and
Bo: efficiently, and the fact that she knew how
Bo: to do it at all, or that I never even
Bo: thought yeah, she's, she's.
Duncan: Like she knows that if they put that,
Duncan: there's another aspect to consider here
Duncan: like she knows, like the police know that,
Duncan: to be honest, fucking Pete should have
Duncan: known the ice is.
Duncan: The ice in the water is so cold, it's going
Duncan: to preserve the body, right, and when the
Duncan: ice thaws, that body is going to come up,
Duncan: and you don't want that, like you don't
Duncan: want that to happen.
Duncan: So naturally, you remove, you puncture the
Duncan: lungs and it removes all the air from the
Duncan: body and it makes your body float, sorry,
Duncan: sink.
Duncan: So she, I love that she does that, though,
Duncan: but then roses like I'm not putting them in
Duncan: nice, you need to do that because that's
Duncan: you need to finish what you started on this.
Duncan: That a rose will help you get the body
Duncan: ready, rosie, and help you put the body in
Duncan: the ice.
Bo: I think that has something to do with Like
Bo: Navarro telling Danvers you know like you
Bo: get to carry Annie now you know it's that
Bo: kind of thing like you're now responsible
Bo: for.
Duncan: I think, yeah, I think there's a finality
Duncan: to that that you have to do.
Duncan: It's like that.
Duncan: It's like in them, like mongo.
Duncan: The premise of late mongo, if you're
Duncan: looking at from a non-ghostly point of view,
Duncan: is the reason the mother so wholly believes
Duncan: that her kid might be communicating from
Duncan: beyond the dead is because she never saw
Duncan: the body.
Duncan: She never went to see the body, or her
Duncan: husband did so as a part of her.
Duncan: That because she never saw it.
Duncan: It was never realtor.
Duncan: So this idea of Pete needs to.
Duncan: Pete needs to put his dad into the ice,
Duncan: which, by the way, they juxtapote like when
Duncan: he's digging the ice and you get the
Duncan: juxtaposition of the shot of, like Hank
Duncan: Drilling nice to save his son from that
Duncan: memory is Fucking, yes, kiss, you know your
Duncan: dad dug through the ice to save your life.
Duncan: You're digging the ice to bury your fucking
Duncan: dad.
Duncan: It's just so good man.
Duncan: But yeah, pete, put some in there.
Duncan: I put you like.
Duncan: Peace, just like.
Duncan: Oh well, that's the worst of that.
Bo: Yeah, where's this like?
Bo: Oh, Let me let me make, let me just check
Bo: you right now.
Bo: Wait, she sits down.
Bo: She says, yep, you're probably thinking the
Bo: worst part's done, it's not.
Bo: Yeah, what comes after forever?
Bo: That's the worst part.
Duncan: So there's a couple of ways to look at this.
Duncan: Right, the the easiest, most superficial
Duncan: way of looking at this is that he used to
Duncan: live with the fact that he killed his dad,
Duncan: right, and has like, not kill these dad,
Duncan: but hid hidden these dad and this case will
Duncan: never be solved, like the hangs bodies
Duncan: never gonna be found, I'll never be solved.
Duncan: The other way to look at it is when people
Duncan: dying in is to come back as ghosts, and
Duncan: that could be a very literal meaning of
Duncan: Hanks probably gonna come back as a ghost
Duncan: now and if he's gonna visit anyone, most
Duncan: likely gonna visit you.
Duncan: So it's just something you're gonna have to
Duncan: kind of get used to.
Bo: You've done the work to earn your, your
Bo: ghostly visit from Hank, the ghost of
Bo: murder past.
Duncan: Yeah, lazy song of doom and gloom and God
Duncan: for boarding and paint your rooms blue.
Bo: But?
Bo: But then they look up at the sky and the
Bo: aurora borealis is is shining above them.
Bo: I love this, like the storms over and it
Bo: comes up right in the screen first of
Bo: January, january 1st, 15th day of night,
Bo: and, and, and then we go back to Salal
Bo: where Navarro and Danvers are looking out
Bo: the window and they see the storm has
Bo: passed and like, hey, we can go now.
Bo: Yeah, and there's a great moment where they
Bo: Danvers is like, hey, happy, happy new year.
Bo: Doctor of Lecter.
Bo: Yeah, and of our, they've got the bus on
Bo: whiskey there, yeah, and Danvers like in as
Bo: close as we get to like a genuinely
Bo: emotional moment.
Bo: But between these characters.
Bo: Danvers says if you ever do go for that,
Bo: walk doctor like her, try to come back.
Bo: Yeah.
Bo: And Navarro is like, yeah, I'm just I gotta
Bo: do something, cuz I've the whole time I
Bo: felt like Navarro Hanging on I'm sorry,
Bo: I've been.
Bo: I felt like Clark holding on to that hatch,
Bo: yeah, while something above me is trying to
Bo: open it Immediately.
Bo: Danvers is like what the fuck you just say?
Bo: And she's like, yeah, that I feel like like
Bo: Clark hanging on to the latch and she's
Bo: like shut up, we gotta go do thing.
Bo: And then she does like make.
Bo: She basically makes some Like homemade
Bo: luminol.
Duncan: Yeah, homemade liminal and chemicals that
Duncan: like.
Duncan: I love Jody Foster and she's like she
Duncan: doesn't carefully spray on.
Duncan: She pours this motherfucker all over, right,
Duncan: and she's like get a UV light, right, yeah,
Duncan: she's not fucking around.
Bo: And then, sure enough, as you know you, you
Bo: brought up the last episode.
Bo: Three, right, one of the handprints is
Bo: missing fingers.
Bo: And that's where we get Foster saying we
Bo: were asking the wrong question, doctor
Bo: Lector, not who killed Annie Kaye, but who
Bo: knows who killed her?
Bo: Yeah, and and then, duncan, we go, we drive
Bo: to the end of the episode.
Bo: We literally jump in a car and drive to the
Bo: end of the episode, which is, which is the,
Bo: a woman named Beatrice, the cleaner that we
Bo: talked to, the one who said they don't pay
Bo: attention.
Duncan: Like this all.
Duncan: It makes so much that the introduction to
Duncan: this character Was she beating the shit out
Duncan: of this guy because he ladies hand, ladies
Duncan: hands on the woman with three fingers.
Duncan: So she, she fucking laid him out, and and
Duncan: then about.
Bo: She is just, she is a lady justice, she is
Bo: being the show, she's the dark night ball
Bo: Like well, and and she's also the one who
Bo: said when, when they're asking about the
Bo: selloz station, and she's like nobody ever
Bo: talked to us, because nobody talks to the
Bo: cleaners.
Duncan: Yeah, she's also that.
Duncan: She's also the character when we're like
Duncan: does the symbol mean anything to you?
Duncan: She's like Blair, does this mean?
Duncan: She's been all the way through this series.
Duncan: She's been that they've spoken to more than
Duncan: once, will be down to see them more than
Duncan: once.
Duncan: He's packed, has appeared more than once.
Duncan: The evidence was there on the clothes, out
Duncan: in the ice, of someone with three fingers.
Duncan: But we very much, like the detectives, were
Duncan: never asking the right question, bow, and
Duncan: we disregarded plain fucking evidence in
Duncan: front of her eyes.
Duncan: So, yeah, so they arrive at our house and a
Duncan: lot.
Duncan: This, this scene is fucking amazing because
Duncan: it starts off yeah, we just beat us and the
Duncan: women with three fingers right, and they're
Duncan: like can we come in and talk to you?
Bo: like, yeah, well, to get it, I mean at
Bo: first is Jody Foster and then there's a
Bo: roll out and yeah, go on, now we will pick
Bo: her, and, but it's, it's Navarro who
Bo: introduces.
Duncan: Well, she, like I, asked before about what
Duncan: her name was and she didn't know and she
Duncan: says my name is Angeline, like Sinichcock.
Bo: Navarro, yeah, and the woman's like us, and
Bo: it's cocked, that was my Aka's name.
Bo: And Navarro says, well, do you know what it
Bo: means?
Bo: And Beatrice tells her well, it means the
Bo: return of the Sun after the darkness.
Bo: And then she kind of more readily, invites
Bo: them in.
Bo: It's like okay, now, now that we've
Bo: established that, let's, let's have a seat,
Bo: and well, so now that we've established
Bo: that, let's tell you how everything went
Bo: down.
Duncan: Yeah right, and she.
Bo: She says, yeah, well, you know, here's the
Bo: thing.
Bo: I can tell a story.
Bo: Yeah, but like now, whether this is how it
Bo: happened, yeah, who's to say is one of the
Bo: clue and right.
Duncan: It could have happened this way, but maybe
Duncan: it happened like this.
Bo: And she says, you know, like hey, because
Bo: of the way that native people are treated,
Bo: it's the same story over and over again.
Bo: And she says so we decided we were gonna,
Bo: we were gonna tell her own story and this
Bo: is our story goes, which is after spilling
Bo: some mop water at the Solol station and
Bo: seeing it go down this hatch, she goes down
Bo: and discovers the weapon that killed Annie
Bo: Kay.
Bo: They also find these documents that were
Bo: the documents that Annie Kay was looking
Bo: for.
Bo: That proves that Solol was not just
Bo: Covering up pollution.
Bo: They were encouraging the mine, yeah, to
Bo: pollute more so that they could soften the
Bo: permafrost and get their samples.
Duncan: There's also proves that scientists don't
Duncan: learn from the mistakes.
Duncan: I'd be I don't know, I would have changed
Duncan: tools, I would have locked away that
Duncan: material, though, and, I don't know, maybe
Duncan: tiny duck my notes, I don't know done some
Duncan: things just so, just in cases never happens
Duncan: again we have to murder another woman.
Duncan: Maybe we I don't know maybe we put some
Duncan: steps in like I don't know, like a padlock
Duncan: on the latch and or something, but yeah, so
Duncan: they find it.
Bo: but I love this because there's a network
Bo: of cleaners, and well in Danvers asked her
Bo: like well, why didn't you report all this?
Bo: And she says well, because nothing would
Bo: have changed.
Bo: Like we this?
Bo: This is the story.
Bo: We know is that we do this thing and
Bo: nothing changes.
Bo: So we told them, we told ourselves another
Bo: story, yeah, and this is we get.
Duncan: Yeah, we get like we got a cleaner actually
Duncan: in the police station.
Duncan: The police station cleaner.
Duncan: She's looking through the crime scene
Duncan: things.
Duncan: She's matching the wounds to the like to
Duncan: make sure they're right here and they're
Duncan: working it through.
Duncan: So, yeah, essentially the they set up
Duncan: everything.
Duncan: But while they're telling this story why
Duncan: she's telling this story More women start
Duncan: coming in, one at a time.
Bo: Until there's what like a dozen people in
Bo: this room.
Bo: Yeah, besides the cops.
Duncan: Yeah, like because you're thinking it's a
Duncan: how could they overpower these seven guys?
Duncan: Well, it turns out.
Duncan: Well, if there's a dozen of you and you
Duncan: know where everything is in a facility, you
Duncan: can just walk in and switch the fucking
Duncan: power off.
Bo: Turn off the power, show up with some guns
Bo: and they basically just heard them into the
Bo: back of a truck, yeah, and.
Duncan: Meanwhile, like they're trying, the, the
Duncan: trying, they see the main scientist trying
Duncan: to get in the hatch.
Duncan: So they know someone's in the hatch, which
Duncan: is how the handprints get the other
Duncan: basically trying to.
Duncan: You know, jimmy, the hatch up but they
Duncan: couldn't do it.
Duncan: So that explains the noise there.
Duncan: But they basically heard them into a
Duncan: fucking container, in a vehicle and drive
Duncan: them out into the middle of the snow.
Bo: And so they say well, so in this story, yes,
Bo: you killed them.
Bo: And she's like no, no, no, we didn't kill
Bo: them, they killed themselves.
Bo: When they killed her daughter in her home,
Bo: yeah, they woke her up.
Bo: What we did is we forced them into strip
Bo: and then march them toward her, yeah, and
Bo: like, put the spirals on their heads and
Bo: shit like that.
Duncan: So this is the.
Duncan: The the they they're talking about is the
Duncan: entity that Darwin drew at the beginning
Duncan: Sing.
Duncan: It's not Sengar, whatever it is, but
Duncan: basically the Entity that doesn't have any
Duncan: fingers bleeds from them, that is goddess
Duncan: of the sea and fishing, all the rest.
Duncan: And they'll like that.
Duncan: Like we marched them out there, their
Duncan: clothes were there.
Duncan: Yeah, like they wanted it.
Duncan: Any time they could have come back and put
Duncan: their clothes on, or she could claim them,
Duncan: and turns out she claimed them.
Bo: Yeah, and we write the way she puts it,
Bo: because again, another great fucking line,
Bo: because Danvers, I think, is the one who
Bo: answers like so they didn't come back, why
Bo: don't?
Bo: Or why don't you think they came back?
Bo: Then and she says well, I guess she ate
Bo: their fucking dreams from the inside out
Bo: and spit their frozen bones.
Bo: But that's just a story.
Bo: It's like oh man, that is one of the most
Bo: metal things I've ever heard.
Bo: Somebody they're fucking dreams eaten from
Bo: the inside out and spit out their frozen
Bo: bones like and and and.
Bo: So, after saying this, like there's a real,
Bo: like pregnant pause between them of like
Bo: alright, what's the next move?
Duncan: Yeah, there's a real pregnant pause of
Duncan: there's 12 women who have just told us a
Duncan: story about how they Can, what basically
Duncan: sent seven murderers to their death, and
Duncan: there's two of us and we're a little bit of
Duncan: number to you.
Duncan: What I love about this Danvers is so good
Duncan: man and like she's like she.
Duncan: She has the Ripley response to this.
Duncan: You know, like we'll just look it from
Duncan: orbit just to be sure.
Duncan: Like she's like that, while we just want to
Duncan: come here and tell you that the case is
Duncan: closed.
Duncan: It was an Arctic slide landslide and that's
Duncan: what killed the scientists and we just
Duncan: thought, because they were your employers
Duncan: and employed, you cleaned up there.
Duncan: That you just might want to know about that.
Duncan: Yeah, it's good that the level of genius
Duncan: fuckery here that Danvers pulls off is is
Duncan: 5d chess.
Duncan: Right, because basically what she is doing
Duncan: is she is using the mine, forced the police
Duncan: to close this case with a bullshit
Duncan: reasoning.
Duncan: Right, to fuck Danvers and that
Duncan: investigation over and, by the very same
Duncan: token, she's going to burn down the fucking
Duncan: mine.
Duncan: Right, when this information comes out,
Duncan: which will get more real as to how they're
Duncan: gonna do that, but when she's sitting on
Duncan: the, we know stuff that this is being done,
Duncan: or all the rest, and you know what?
Duncan: I Can just close this case as well, and
Duncan: I'll just use the same bullshit, because
Duncan: you've closed it for me so nice and easy.
Duncan: And what happened?
Bo: just this has been served in this story and
Bo: they look so Danvers Gives up the like.
Bo: Well, we just thought you'd be interested.
Bo: Dr Lecter's and.
Duncan: Like she gets ready, so she basically goes
Duncan: out.
Duncan: But, boy, if you're me, and Navarro in this
Duncan: case, like you're like that, so the tongue.
Bo: First.
Bo: First, navarro says they, because they ask
Bo: her like what do you think about this?
Bo: And she says you know, stories are stories,
Bo: that everybody's got them, that's fine.
Bo: And but yeah, so Beatrice gives her like
Bo: this, really like friendly Pat, like hey,
Bo: you know, you're kind of one of us sort of
Bo: thing, yeah, and but yes, that's where
Bo: Navarro asked about the tongue and she's
Bo: like I don't have any idea.
Duncan: Yeah, did you put the tongue there so we'd
Duncan: like the cases or whatever, and she's like
Duncan: that?
Duncan: No, I think about.
Duncan: There's nothing about a tongue in our story.
Bo: Yeah and which, again, you know, this is
Bo: the realm of the unreliable narrator, does
Bo: she, does she not?
Bo: Who knows?
Bo: Yeah, but then we get Kind of our coda on
Bo: this whole story, which takes place on
Bo: March 12th, the first long day of the year.
Bo: It's the first sunshine we've seen since
Bo: the beginning of the first episode, which
Bo: is yeah, and we get a very true detective
Bo: trope.
Duncan: That has not been all the way.
Duncan: In this one we get the interview of the
Duncan: police officer who attended the thing,
Duncan: which I kind of love.
Duncan: This I kind of love being in this Because
Duncan: also if you watch true detective like that
Duncan: season that everyone loves as well that
Duncan: show opens with the detective being
Duncan: interviewed, so I kind of love this.
Duncan: One closes with a detective being
Duncan: interviewed in sunshine and it's a is
Duncan: Danvers and she's being.
Duncan: She's been interrogated by two guys that
Duncan: just want to know what happened a couple of
Duncan: months ago.
Bo: Yeah, like internal investigations or
Bo: whatever.
Duncan: Well, it's primarily they're trying to work
Duncan: out what happened with Otis Heiss and Hank
Duncan: Right and well, and she says well.
Bo: you know, based on all observations, it
Bo: seems like it was a deal gone bad, dr
Bo: Elector, where Hank must have gotten into a
Bo: scrape and then he killed Otis and in the
Bo: attempt to hide that body he disappeared.
Duncan: because Hank is fucking useless Hank has
Duncan: been caught on camera following Danvers
Duncan: from the lighthouse fucking moron.
Bo: She says you know, well, you know, we'll
Bo: find the bodies in this in the spring.
Bo: We always do, yeah, unless we.
Bo: And and then this is where Pete comes in
Bo: bringing her coffee, yeah, and she's like
Bo: well, as you know, this is his son.
Bo: He was out looking for his father and we
Bo: all feel, you know, pretty touched about
Bo: that, dr Elector.
Bo: And so then they then they ask her well,
Bo: don't you think it's kind of strange that
Bo: Clark died Exactly like all the others,
Bo: kind of on your watch and she's like it is
Bo: odd?
Duncan: Yes, it is very strange, but you know some
Duncan: questions, just don't have answers.
Bo: dr Elector, yeah, and Then they're like all
Bo: right, all right, fine, but what about
Bo: Navarro?
Bo: Yeah, and she's like, well, you know, some
Bo: people come to Alaska to escape something
Bo: and While she's telling them, you know the,
Bo: you know getting the, the VO, why?
Duncan: don't you tell them that lane we get while
Duncan: she's telling them her story?
Bo: Yes, the real story is she goes to
Bo: Navarro's place, finds only this stuffed
Bo: bear.
Duncan: Yeah.
Bo: We cut over to Kovic, who finds the his
Bo: toothbrush brought back to him.
Bo: Yeah, and Danvers is like.
Bo: You know, some people are looking for
Bo: something and you know, I believe that
Bo: Eventually Navarro found what she was
Bo: looking for.
Bo: And it's Navarro, like we get a cut to her,
Bo: just staring off into the wilds of Alaska.
Bo: Yeah and just starting off.
Bo: But back at her house there is a phone that
Bo: has a video confession from Clark saying
Bo: here is the shit that we pulled along with
Bo: Silver Sky Mines.
Bo: Yeah and we get a quick shot of like a
Bo: native dude who's just from the very
Bo: beginning.
Duncan: Yes, it was hunting the Carabou or whatever.
Duncan: It was right in the very opening scene.
Duncan: But this time he's walking past Just like
Duncan: an abandoned main.
Duncan: Yeah, the government closed this fucker
Duncan: down quick.
Bo: And and they're like so you've seen the?
Bo: They're asking Danvers, these investigators,
Bo: so you've seen the Clark video?
Bo: And she's like, well, sure, who hasn't seen
Bo: the Clark video?
Bo: Doctor, lector?
Bo: But no, who leaked it?
Bo: I don't know, somebody did, but who knows?
Bo: Yeah, and they're like, well, what are you
Bo: gonna do next?
Bo: And she says, look, this is in this.
Bo: This, this town is.
Bo: It was here before we got here.
Bo: It was here before this place was even
Bo: called Alaska.
Bo: It's gonna be here after us.
Bo: So I'm gonna show up and we'll do my job.
Duncan: What else?
Bo: is there doctor Lector?
Duncan: And then we just ask the ask about could
Duncan: she explain how people claim that they
Duncan: still see Navarro from time to time, like
Duncan: kind of the insinuation being that she
Duncan: might live out on the ice?
Duncan: But that's not how I take this, because at
Duncan: the very end of this one we got a shot of
Duncan: her and Leah and who they've kind of grown
Duncan: together.
Duncan: Now they're eating sandwiches and laughing
Duncan: in the car and then we go to Danvers home
Duncan: at the end.
Bo: Well now first there's Pete, who is
Bo: sleeping with his kid, but there's an
Bo: expression on his face that says he is
Bo: fucked for life.
Duncan: Yeah, he's like.
Duncan: He's like.
Duncan: He now clocks and clocks out.
Duncan: You know what I mean.
Duncan: He ain't doing anything above what he needs
Duncan: to.
Duncan: He is no longer asking the right questions.
Duncan: He is doing the bare minimum for his job
Duncan: and holding on tightly to his family,
Duncan: holding on clinging to his son.
Duncan: And then we jump to Danvers at home, out on
Duncan: our balcony, and as she's sitting on our
Duncan: balcony, navarro appears as an apparition
Duncan: standing at the side, smiling at her.
Duncan: The thing you to believe that maybe she
Duncan: committed suicide or maybe she didn't.
Bo: The last lines of the whole season are when
Bo: she says, when they ask her, like, do you
Bo: think that people are seeing Navarro out
Bo: there?
Bo: And she says I believe that eventually,
Bo: navarro is not out on that ice, but this is
Bo: in us.
Bo: Nobody ever really leaves Dr Lector, and
Bo: that's where we get this moment of them on
Bo: the deck.
Bo: And so I'm of two minds about this.
Bo: Here's what I truly believe is that, yes,
Bo: this is an apparition that she sees,
Bo: because and but not in an unfriendly way,
Bo: like this is not.
Bo: This is that comfort that Navarro kind of
Bo: talks about, like there's something bigger
Bo: out there and you can take some comfort for
Bo: that, because you know Holden is watching.
Bo: Now, theoretically, navarro is kind of
Bo: watching and looking out for Danvers, yep,
Bo: and she did what she was asked.
Bo: Like.
Duncan: Danvers said to her if you go out in the
Duncan: ice, come back.
Duncan: And I think that come back is not literally
Duncan: physically come back, and it's more
Duncan: spiritually don't leave.
Bo: Right.
Bo: And so the other, the other, read that I've.
Bo: I haven't read up on this, but it's just
Bo: one of those things of like oh okay, I
Bo: could see where this could be.
Bo: On interpretation.
Duncan: They say.
Duncan: They say on the show that people go out and
Duncan: live on the ice.
Duncan: We've already met three characters that
Duncan: lived in like compounds out there, so it is
Duncan: also totally believable that she lives a
Duncan: life off the fucking grid.
Bo: And we also know that.
Bo: This is where my read of it gets a little
Bo: strange.
Bo: We also know that Navarro is bisexual.
Duncan: Yes.
Bo: And so there is a read for me where, oh,
Bo: this is just them ultimately ending up
Bo: together as a couple.
Duncan: Yeah.
Bo: Because there's no all right.
Bo: So, duncan, here's the thing I fucking love
Bo: about this episode is that could be true.
Bo: It could be a spirit.
Bo: We don't fully understand exactly what
Bo: happened at the car accident with Jodie
Bo: Foster and the kid.
Bo: We just know that it's.
Bo: It's haunted her Yep.
Bo: Even though we got answers to the Wheeler
Bo: thing, there's still.
Bo: There are still questions about what.
Bo: What that investigate or not investigation,
Bo: but like what?
Bo: What kind of psychic damage that still has
Bo: for Navarro or Danvers?
Duncan: We never found out what the woman whose
Duncan: head was blown off in the war scene said to
Duncan: Navarro Navarro.
Duncan: What does she wish for?
Duncan: We don't get.
Duncan: And you know what, bro?
Bo: I don't think everything needs to be like
Bo: 100%, 100% because you know, like it's what
Bo: Danvers says, like not everything has a
Bo: clean answer, and I like the fact that
Bo: there's there's sort of this messiness of,
Bo: yeah, apparently there is something
Bo: supernatural out on the eyes.
Bo: Yeah, like that is the reason, like there's
Bo: no other explanation, even hinted at in the
Bo: show, other than like, hey, there was
Bo: pollutants and stuff like that, but that's
Bo: like there is more direct evidence for the
Bo: supernatural than there is of that.
Duncan: At least this is how I know that, like true,
Duncan: like true detective fans, you know the
Duncan: hardcore ones just don't get horror right
Duncan: at all, because if you've seen Tigers are
Duncan: not afraid, there is a ton of like this.
Duncan: Is that actually a very Tigers is not
Duncan: afraid?
Duncan: Ending, it's that level of ambiguity of
Duncan: like yes spirituality and all the rest is
Duncan: wrapped up, then some things are just
Duncan: bigger than us.
Bo: Yeah, yeah, yeah and yeah, I just I really
Bo: I really adored the ending of this.
Bo: I thought it.
Bo: I thought it was kind of heartfelt in a way
Bo: that I almost didn't expect it to be as
Bo: like poignant as it was, even though
Bo: there's this her petty.
Duncan: That's what she does, that's like, that's
Duncan: what I'm saying, like her previous work to
Duncan: this is Tigers are not afraid, which it was
Duncan: a movie that I was in cinema with grown men
Duncan: who were fucking crying.
Duncan: Yeah, that's how powerful she does it in
Duncan: the mute.
Duncan: The choice of score, the way it's set up,
Duncan: jody Foster's delivery of those lines at
Duncan: the very end, it's just, it's just there.
Duncan: And I think I come at the end of this and
Duncan: you didn't like this.
Duncan: I just don't think you like TV, if I'm
Duncan: honest.
Duncan: Yeah, I just don't get the complete of
Duncan: anyone.
Duncan: Yes, this is awful, which is what I've read.
Duncan: Like this is awful TV, this is an awful
Duncan: season.
Duncan: Like that.
Duncan: I just don't like.
Duncan: I don't think you ever came into this with
Duncan: an open mind, like at all.
Duncan: You think you came in wanting the thing
Duncan: that you saw a decade ago yeah, I mean that
Duncan: first season it's a decade ago Like that's,
Duncan: that's what you've, that's what you wanted,
Duncan: and I just don't.
Duncan: To me, this one, weirdly, is the most
Duncan: heartfelt of all of them.
Duncan: Maybe take the crown of season three.
Duncan: Season three ended with a very emotional
Duncan: end, with him out with his family and
Duncan: friends and everyone's all there together
Duncan: and they're having a barbecue on the porch
Duncan: and he sees everyone, like his daughters,
Duncan: come back to him and all the rest.
Duncan: I mean, I don't.
Duncan: I'm looking at this and I'm like that.
Duncan: This one has more ambiguity than that.
Duncan: It has more heart.
Duncan: It's a fucking great ending To me, like as
Duncan: Reads go, I think Navarro died, but I, I, I
Duncan: I think in the last scene she's wearing the
Duncan: same clothes that she was wearing when she
Duncan: walked into the ice.
Duncan: That was my take on it, but I love the idea
Duncan: that she's there with her at the end,
Duncan: however, that is in person, as a partner or
Duncan: as a as a spirit.
Duncan: I fucking love the ending.
Duncan: I think it.
Duncan: I think it lands so strong.
Duncan: This is why those ones that you know it's
Duncan: it's.
Duncan: It's a gymnast doing all those flips and
Duncan: twirls that don't mean shit.
Duncan: If they don't land with two feet stationary
Duncan: in the ground at the end they're going to
Duncan: get mocked down, and this one might be
Duncan: messy.
Duncan: It may have missed a couple of grabs, but
Duncan: this season landed two feet fucking square
Duncan: on the mat at the end, so loved it.
Bo: Yeah, I agree.
Bo: Yeah, Terrific season, as always, a great
Bo: time.
Bo: Um well, you know.
Bo: As for what comes next, we'll figure it out.
Bo: We got some peak panther.
Bo: We got, we got uh, there's a whole season
Bo: of slasher.
Duncan: We haven't had to do slasher first, because
Duncan: the thought of going off and watching I
Duncan: don't know some inspector Cluso finding a
Duncan: bit of joy in my life and then having to
Duncan: sit down and do slasher is just like.
Duncan: It's a pain that I don't want.
Duncan: So we may have to.
Duncan: We may have to just rip the bandaid off,
Duncan: get right through fucking slasher and then
Duncan: get like some joy at the end of it.
Duncan: I don't know, I don't know.
Bo: We'll, we'll, we'll, figure it out though.
Duncan: So, rather than later and we've got to be
Duncan: back though and hopefully the listeners out
Duncan: there have enjoyed our take and we are in a
Duncan: position now that we can very comfortably
Duncan: say that DBCC will be back and in our
Duncan: horizon future we have a new season of the
Duncan: terror that's been commissioned that we
Duncan: will cover, and a new season of true
Duncan: detective, which, by the way, we will also
Duncan: cover.
Bo: That, yes, exactly right.
Bo: So, uh, I gotta tell you, uh, just tell me,
Bo: no, no, no, no.
Bo: I was just going to say, like uh, through,
Bo: through sheer attrition, Uh, it turns out
Bo: that, uh, the third episode, uh, is still
Bo: the highest rated of this season so far.
Bo: Um, but I I predict that the finale is
Bo: going to be a banger.
Duncan: Um, yeah, I predict to riot.
Duncan: I well look, let's see how the votes turn
Duncan: out, you know, what I'm saying Uh look, I
Duncan: look, I've got water.
Bo: I'm storing water now.
Bo: That's where I am.
Bo: That's why I got the second dog uh, just
Bo: for protection, Although, based on
Bo: everything I've seen so far, not not much
Bo: protection.
Bo: No, very, very.
Bo: I'm about to have to give him a bath.
Bo: That's, that's about to be the thing that
Bo: happens.
Bo: Uh, so, uh, yes, Duncan, where can people
Bo: find more out of you between now and when
Bo: next we talk here on DBCC?
Duncan: Uh, you can find me on podcast under the
Duncan: stairs Tputscast.com, wherever you listen
Duncan: to the podcast under the stairs on
Duncan: YouTube.
Duncan: Uh, the next big thing from me will be a
Duncan: lot of talk and a lot of coverage in the
Duncan: next week and a half of Glasgow fright fest,
Duncan: where I will be taking in 11 horror movies
Duncan: and for some reason I did not notice this.
Duncan: Uh, the festival is opening on the Friday
Duncan: with the brand new film from the French duo
Duncan: behind inside and Levite uh, who are coming
Duncan: out with a movie called I think it's called
Duncan: the soul eater Uh, which I was like okay if
Duncan: you say so, it's about a nine to five job
Duncan: in an office.
Duncan: Amen, brother, amen, um.
Duncan: So yeah, I'll be.
Duncan: I'll be doing a little bit of a chat on
Duncan: that one, which I'm very much looking
Duncan: forward to, because you never really know
Duncan: what you're going to get from fright fest.
Duncan: Some of it's good, some of it's bad, some
Duncan: of it is uh is, a bit iffy.
Duncan: Let me give you a little rundown on the
Duncan: synopsis for the movie, though.
Duncan: See if it tickles your fan.
Duncan: So this is the.
Duncan: This is the UK premier, the soul eater.
Duncan: Uh, two detectives with entirely different
Duncan: work methods are sent to a sleepy French
Duncan: mountain town, of whatever French name that
Duncan: is.
Duncan: This could be a true detective.
Bo: I was just thinking, this sounds very true.
Duncan: detective One is investigating the series
Duncan: of gruesome deaths, the other is searching
Duncan: for some missing local children.
Duncan: Soon they realize that their cases are
Duncan: connected by an old folklore legend of a
Duncan: malevolent creature.
Duncan: The story of the soul eater is terrifying
Duncan: Incarnation of the soul eater from
Duncan: co-directors Julianne Moray and Alexandra
Duncan: Bastilleau who, as part of the Vanguard of
Duncan: French extreme similar, brought you inside
Duncan: Levite among the living in the deep house.
Duncan: Now they unleash their most devilish and
Duncan: sinister creation.
Duncan: Yet to shock, horror and surprise Tragedy,
Duncan: torture, child endangerment, sexual
Duncan: violence and consistent threat.
Duncan: Oh, so I.
Duncan: So inside, right?
Bo: All of my favorites.
Duncan: So yeah, so I'll feed back on that.
Duncan: So there you go.
Bo: All right, what about you, bo?
Bo: What you got coming up soon?
Bo: We are about to launch into some Asian
Bo: horror on dark parade, a fairly obscure
Bo: Kyoshi Kurosawa film called Sweet Home.
Duncan: I've never seen.
Duncan: I will be super curious about that one
Duncan: because I love Kurosawa's work.
Bo: So the reason apparently it's getting a
Bo: remaster and one of its claims to fame is
Bo: that apparently the director of the video
Bo: game Resident Evil said that it was the
Bo: inspiration for that game.
Bo: Oh, wow, so I'm curious to see it on a
Bo: number of levels Thanks to that.
Bo: So, yeah, so that's coming up, and then,
Bo: you know, other dumb shit will just keeps
Bo: going, more dumb stuff.
Bo: Oh, I do hard of horror.
Bo: We're going to do near dark.
Bo: That's recording tomorrow.
Duncan: Oh nice.
Bo: And talking, you know, because it's an
Bo: excuse to come up with a theme, right, and
Bo: so we're going to be talking about going on
Bo: vacation with a loved one or potential
Bo: loved one and how that's usually a terrible
Bo: idea.
Bo: So, yeah, so that's coming up and yeah, so
Bo: you know, check that on on dark parade.
Bo: In the meantime, duncan, the only thing
Bo: left to do for this season of true
Bo: detective is to say to my good friend
Bo: Duncan say good night, duncan.
Duncan: To my good friend Duncan say good night,
Duncan: duncan.
Duncan: Nice.