Duncan and Bo Come True Detective: Night Country – Part One
Jodie Foster: I'm gonna call and rescue.
Jodie Foster: Just get the choppers Ping this site as an
Jodie Foster: LKP and then 15 miles POA, whoa, whoa, whoa
Jodie Foster: Word'll spread.
Jodie Foster: Your families will be upset and if these
Jodie Foster: dorks turn out to be just out on some geek
Jodie Foster: expedition, then you wanna hold off for a
Jodie Foster: bit.
Jodie Foster: No, hank, I don't.
Jodie Foster: We're late to the party already.
Jodie Foster: Ham and the sandwich may seem fresh, but
Jodie Foster: mayo's like syrup.
Jodie Foster: Mayo doesn't go running until a couple days
Jodie Foster: out of the fridge.
Jodie Foster: But your process cold cuts will survive the
Jodie Foster: apocalypse.
Jodie Foster: The things you learn when your kid leaves
Jodie Foster: at lunch in the backseat of the car.
Jodie Foster: You were never much of a sandwich-making
Jodie Foster: kind of dad.
Jodie Foster: What was he peeping?
Jodie Foster: Drop it, duncan, and both come correct.
Bo: We're off to the races.
Duncan: Two veterans of podcast Swinging in one
Duncan: more time to record on systems which have
Duncan: changed and are now apparently more
Duncan: complicated than they were when we were
Duncan: recording last.
Bo: Yeah, well, you know what are you gonna do.
Bo: So I am one of your host, beau, who is
Bo: afraid of technology.
Bo: With me also afraid of technology is the
Bo: inimitable Duncan McLeish.
Bo: How are you, sir?
Duncan: Who said that?
Bo: Technology.
Bo: Jesus God, satan Something in here, all of
Bo: them.
Bo: If only it were Satan.
Duncan: I would say that there's only some sort of
Duncan: fousty impact that could ever, ever bring
Duncan: back a show that has taken a year off.
Duncan: I mean, I'm left to say there's like a
Duncan: rocky montage training sequence of us like
Duncan: getting back in DBCC shape, but that just
Duncan: doesn't exist.
Bo: Right.
Bo: Like what shape is that flabby around the
Bo: middle?
Duncan: Flabby with opinions, Beau Right, right,
Duncan: right.
Bo: Like DBCC, shape is pear, you know, yeah,
Bo: yeah, but I mean, I appreciate, don't get
Bo: me wrong.
Duncan: Oh yes.
Bo: I certainly look.
Bo: One of the things that's been super nice is
Bo: is people who were like hey, you know when
Bo: the fuck is DBCC gonna be back, and it was
Bo: like this is all my fault, like I cannot
Bo: blame anyone else because I decided to go
Bo: off and like change careers yeah, fault is
Bo: not, not, not fair Like what we I like to
Bo: think.
Duncan: What we do as a podcast is we find things
Duncan: that will be fun to talk about and then we
Duncan: set up, say, some personal time to come
Duncan: down and talk about those things.
Duncan: I would say we were pretty much, even with
Duncan: our breaks in between certain TV shows.
Duncan: We have been pretty consistent for a decade.
Duncan: So, like DBCC, formed in 2014, if I'm not
Duncan: mistaken, I think we did.
Bo: Oh yeah, I'll have to go back and look, but
Bo: that sounds right.
Duncan: So we've been doing this for about 10 years.
Duncan: So there is a certain point when even
Duncan: established touring rock acts take a little
Duncan: bit of time off and then come back and hit
Duncan: the classics, and if we're ever going to
Duncan: come back to do anything, the return of
Duncan: True Detective kind of feels like our I
Duncan: don't know our black album.
Duncan: So yeah, our black album, let's just, let's
Duncan: just bring the band back.
Bo: I've I mean, that's where things start to
Bo: go off the rails.
Duncan: So they got their haircut.
Duncan: I mean, what the fuck is going on?
Bo: No, I was low technically, it was when,
Bo: like after Injustice for All, and it was
Bo: like this is one of the most rockin'ous
Bo: bands that has ever been, and then the next
Bo: time out you're getting a little and
Bo: nothing else matters.
Bo: You're like what?
Bo: What is this?
Duncan: James what we're doing here.
Duncan: He's like, I don't know, Like creating the
Duncan: highest selling metal album of all time.
Duncan: I think we are, Maybe so, but look, oh yeah,
Duncan: it's a shift.
Duncan: It's not, as it is not as big a shift as
Duncan: the load album that comes after that where
Duncan: there is literally an end to a song where
Duncan: it's like that, it ain't my ooh bitch.
Duncan: Like that is literally how he finishes off
Duncan: it ain't my ooh bitch, and you're like,
Duncan: yeah, metallica kind of sucks, yeah, I love
Duncan: it.
Bo: The book to take away is that at first, not
Bo: at first.
Bo: At first they were awesome but then they
Bo: started sucking.
Bo: They got progressively.
Duncan: They got progressively.
Duncan: My favorite thing was they released that 72
Duncan: seasons album last year and people were
Duncan: like they're back and they're really not.
Duncan: That is a long.
Duncan: The way I described it when it came out was
Duncan: if a band was trying to get signed today
Duncan: and that's what they handed into a record
Duncan: label, they would not be signed.
Duncan: So let's not pretend that it's a great
Duncan: Metallica album.
Duncan: It's really not.
Duncan: It's not a great debut album.
Duncan: So let's just like put it to the side and
Duncan: let's just be like, just go on tour, like I
Duncan: say, like DBCC, like there's a certain
Duncan: point where you're really listening in for
Duncan: the camaraderie and the hot takes.
Duncan: Then you are about as like coming up with
Duncan: some brand new format and changing the
Duncan: paradigm with podcasts.
Bo: I don't know what we're here to do.
Bo: Yeah, we stumble into that.
Duncan: Yeah, I've caught a light idea, factorable
Duncan: yeah.
Bo: Well, we have talked many times before
Bo: about the cultural cache, where we say a
Bo: thing and then it just comes to be.
Duncan: Yeah, yeah, I think so.
Duncan: I think in a lot of respects we were early
Duncan: on the Ilsa Lopez train as well, for sure,
Duncan: for sure.
Duncan: Thank you for a while.
Duncan: And I think I think I may have said on
Duncan: season three, true detective, that when
Duncan: we're talking about where this could go,
Duncan: what could happen, like I think me and you
Duncan: had a conversation where we're like, oh,
Duncan: you know the fund directors that could take
Duncan: a swing at it we never mentioned Ilsa Lopez,
Duncan: but we certainly mentioned other directors
Duncan: that were like you could take established
Duncan: directors here, like proper big named, like
Duncan: horror, or throw directors and just give
Duncan: them a season of true detective to run with.
Duncan: And apparently that's not what happened
Duncan: here but did happen here.
Duncan: Ilsa Lopez wrote a pitch for a TV series,
Duncan: like a mini series, called Night Detective
Duncan: and she brought the HBO and HBO basically
Duncan: said this is great, we love it.
Duncan: How would you feel if we changed it and,
Duncan: for marketing purposes, made it true
Duncan: detective?
Duncan: And she was like I can work with that.
Duncan: And then she went away, changed some stuff
Duncan: around, brought some synergy between the
Duncan: brands and then essentially off to the
Duncan: races from there.
Duncan: So, yeah, and a weird way, it feels like
Duncan: HBO who clearly listened to everything we
Duncan: do, took this on board and ran with it.
Duncan: So, although Night Detective does sound
Duncan: like she was kind of pitching for true
Duncan: detective, like is she taking the HBO Right?
Bo: Yeah, you take it to HBO.
Bo: And as dumb as some of the moves that Max
Bo: has made as a brand lately.
Bo: I'm sure there was somebody with enough
Bo: pretzels rubbing together that it was like
Bo: wait a second, We've got a show that's
Bo: already got Detective writing the name.
Duncan: Well, yeah, nick Pizzolato for those that
Duncan: don't know, he's heavily involved with
Duncan: seasons one through three, basically was
Duncan: the writer of all three seasons, although I
Duncan: think he co-wrote on season three signed a
Duncan: deal with I think it was Fox to develop
Duncan: like he knew something, and Matthew
Duncan: McConaughey was involved with that project
Duncan: and then ultimately left that project,
Duncan: which has kind of left him and limbo over
Duncan: there.
Duncan: And HBO owns the rights to the name True
Duncan: Detective, which is why they've moved on
Duncan: without him.
Duncan: So it's not like any sort of case of them
Duncan: deliberately ostracising or pushing them
Duncan: out.
Duncan: Pizzolato used all the cashier that he got
Duncan: from the work he'd done on True Detective
Duncan: to pitch a much better deal over with Fox
Duncan: with something else, and obviously there's
Duncan: been acquisitions with Disney and all the
Duncan: rest and sent.
Duncan: So I believe whatever he's working on now
Duncan: is stalled and we now have Elsa Lopez who
Duncan: has predominantly written the majority of
Duncan: this.
Duncan: There's some kind of co-writing credits as
Duncan: the season goes on, but she's definitely at
Duncan: the heart of the story here and she's
Duncan: directed every single episode, which is the
Duncan: format from season one where we had what
Duncan: was it?
Duncan: Carrie Fukunaka?
Duncan: I wrote, sorry, directed all the episodes.
Duncan: So we have a singular vision here, like a
Duncan: director giving you a singular vision all
Duncan: the way through, which we've mentioned
Duncan: before maybe more than once, is kind of how
Duncan: we like our True Detective.
Duncan: I kind of like that singular vision all the
Duncan: way through because in season two, for
Duncan: example, some of the it was evident or it's
Duncan: a different director directing this episode,
Duncan: because the feel just like things would
Duncan: become too action-y and too kinetic or they
Duncan: would run that kind of snail's pace.
Duncan: And this one one showrunner, one writer,
Duncan: essentially, and only six episodes.
Duncan: So this is a shorter True Detective.
Duncan: We will be through this in six.
Duncan: So I'm insanely curious, from all the
Duncan: questions that I have just from episode one,
Duncan: how the hell we're going to get through
Duncan: this with five episodes after.
Bo: Yeah, I'm excited to do this because, as we
Bo: record this, the second episode airs
Bo: tonight, so it's kind of fitting to like
Bo: all right, let's pick over this a little
Bo: bit, let's talk about it, and then tonight
Bo: will be some answers with probably more
Bo: questions.
Duncan: We'll see how far off the mark we are Like.
Duncan: I know that all I'm going to say is I don't
Duncan: know if mole people can exist in Antarctica.
Duncan: Mole people what does Alaska have?
Bo: mole people- oh, certainly Under the
Bo: permafrost.
Bo: Duncan, let's not be naive.
Duncan: The permafrost to just mole people with
Duncan: perms.
Bo: It's a mole, people, aphros, everyone knows
Bo: that, but the dreaded tundra mole.
Duncan: Or the tundra mole.
Duncan: Huh, Don't mess.
Bo: Yeah, the Australian drop bear.
Duncan: So, yeah, like, we're back True Detective,
Duncan: we've got six episodes out of these, Bo.
Duncan: It was like that Listen, I've got some time
Duncan: coming up, let's do this.
Duncan: And you've made me a very happy person
Duncan: because I have a lot of friends that watch
Duncan: a lot of TV.
Duncan: I have no friends that are as passionate
Duncan: about True Detective as I am.
Duncan: I made a snarky post online where I based
Duncan: it and said listen, the reviews for the
Duncan: season.
Duncan: For those people that have seen the entire
Duncan: season.
Duncan: You know these entities out there your
Duncan: empire magazine, et cetera are saying this
Duncan: is the best season since season one.
Duncan: However, like, don't let anyone fool you
Duncan: into believing that there is a bad season
Duncan: of True Detective.
Duncan: Like all three, those first three seasons
Duncan: are different stories.
Duncan: It's, you know, it's different styles.
Duncan: It's very, very difficult to compare them.
Duncan: Yes, as a standalone, like that first
Duncan: season is absolutely incredible.
Duncan: But what I've enjoyed is sitting back
Duncan: seeing the walking back of commentators and
Duncan: reviewers on season two, where people are
Duncan: coming back.
Duncan: I shall say we get this more now than we
Duncan: got when it came out.
Duncan: And season three, I think, is the one that
Duncan: maybe has.
Duncan: It's the one that has the most heart out of
Duncan: the three of them.
Bo: I really like season three.
Bo: I think it's quite good.
Duncan: I thought it was excellent as well.
Duncan: So I mean, I'm down to clown on this, but
Duncan: that's because we've been down to clown on
Duncan: all of them and we genuinely think all
Duncan: three are very much worth your time.
Duncan: And what I'm hoping is at the end of this
Duncan: one we are still sitting here going you
Duncan: know what.
Duncan: At times it's a bit cliche, at times it's a
Duncan: bit tongue in cheek, at times it swings for
Duncan: the fences in a way which doesn't always
Duncan: feel satisfying, but it's out there.
Duncan: It's out there doing something and I would
Duncan: much rather have TV like this than kind of
Duncan: stale by the numbers, very safe by
Duncan: committee television out there.
Duncan: Given also Lopez a lot of money to make
Duncan: something on HBO is not a bad move to me,
Duncan: even if she's having her time just now with
Duncan: the online Rotten Tomatoes and IMDB crowd
Duncan: she's not handling particularly well, but I
Duncan: also don't think that should be something
Duncan: she should worry about.
Bo: Yeah, kind of fuck them.
Bo: Yeah, that's how I.
Duncan: Literally we were talking off air.
Duncan: I saw Elsa Lopez tour with Tigers on
Duncan: Off-Rage, played at Glasgow Fright Fest.
Duncan: I spoke about it for about a year before it
Duncan: finally made its way on the shutter where I
Duncan: was just like, if there's one movie that
Duncan: you see this year, and she basically came
Duncan: out and, in the Q&A, had that kind of
Duncan: fucking match it, which I loved about her.
Duncan: I thought, like this is a woman who is just
Duncan: swinging for the fences and, regardless
Duncan: what we'll see, it still is a
Duncan: male-dominated industry and genre that
Duncan: she's working in and it's good to have a
Duncan: bit of a chip on your shoulder with that,
Duncan: because I think it makes her hustle and
Duncan: really dig her heels.
Duncan: In.
Duncan: The controversy that's come out about this
Duncan: is that she felt that there was and having
Duncan: looked at some of the IMDB reviews for this
Duncan: episode, I think she's maybe onto something
Duncan: here Some overtly negative comments about
Duncan: this first episode.
Duncan: I've seen a couple of one or two-star
Duncan: reviews which just doesn't make sense.
Duncan: Like, even if you didn't like the story,
Duncan: there's no way you can mark down the acting,
Duncan: the cinematography, the score.
Duncan: But yeah, like she's basically saying that
Duncan: there are people out there that are trying
Duncan: to sabotage this.
Duncan: She then deleted that tweet and then came
Duncan: back and she said I made the generalization
Duncan: Didn't mean that Didn't mean to say that
Duncan: everyone that loves season one is trying to
Duncan: mark down season four, but it does kind of
Duncan: feel like there's some people gunning for
Duncan: this before it even gets out the door.
Duncan: Some people say it's like one of the worst
Duncan: things.
Duncan: I've seen All that stuff.
Duncan: Well, if I'm her, I wouldn't be paying
Duncan: attention to any of that.
Duncan: I would be saying look at what the critics
Duncan: are saying and we'll see what comes back in
Duncan: terms of the viewership.
Duncan: That's ultimately how it's going to be
Duncan: judged.
Duncan: Longer term is is it doing good numbers for
Duncan: HBO Max?
Duncan: And you know well I pick it.
Duncan: I'd be surprised if this doesn't pick up
Duncan: some awards come award season, specifically
Duncan: for Jodie Foster, who we'll get into, who's
Duncan: kind of just like fucking effortlessly
Duncan: amazing.
Duncan: So, yeah, I think she's too focused on it.
Duncan: I think she's sit back and let us take the
Duncan: six episodes and yeah, she's not going to
Duncan: suffer even if this isn't a success.
Duncan: How many people get like a full six
Duncan: episodes on HBO?
Bo: Well, yeah and yeah, I mean, this does
Bo: nothing but raise her profile, and even if
Bo: she's fighting back against people online,
Bo: then you know kind of whatever, fuck them.
Bo: But yeah, I mean it still makes her more
Bo: credit.
Bo: Like you can't watch this and not feel like,
Bo: oh, this is directed.
Bo: Well, if nothing else, you know what I mean.
Bo: Like yeah, even, yeah, like you said, even
Bo: if you're not not keyed into the writing, I
Bo: mean, although there, we'll get into this,
Bo: but there is enough lynching and bullshit
Bo: in this that I'm like all right, I like I'm
Bo: down for this.
Bo: There's one scene where I was like where's
Bo: the gun light?
Duncan: Well, like when we talk about so we were
Duncan: speaking about this off here as well I've
Duncan: kind of went.
Duncan: I had I was doing a lot of travel for work,
Duncan: so I've kind of went into the weeds here.
Duncan: The Reddit weeds on on season one Sorry,
Duncan: episode one of season four and there is a
Duncan: lot of theories.
Duncan: There are so many theories flying around.
Duncan: But I kind of feel like she's playing a
Duncan: very shrewd game with the audience here,
Duncan: specifically with how much linkage there is
Duncan: and I kind of superficial capacity to
Duncan: season one.
Duncan: And let me just give you one of them right
Duncan: in the back yes, yes.
Duncan: And it is the start.
Duncan: So there's a quote right at the beginning.
Bo: I have this in my notes too, because I got
Bo: bad for it.
Bo: Go, yes, please.
Duncan: Right.
Duncan: So the quote from this one is from a
Duncan: character or a person called Hildred
Duncan: Castine, who one never said this.
Duncan: Line Two is a fictional character and three
Duncan: appears in a short story called the
Duncan: Repairer of Reputations, which is actually
Duncan: under the collection of the King in Yellow,
Duncan: which is directly referenced in season one
Duncan: when we talk about Carcosa.
Duncan: So like straight away, like the opening
Duncan: scene, I kind of feel like she's like here
Duncan: you go, right, this is what you want.
Duncan: You want that season one, you want that
Duncan: season one.
Duncan: And watch me swerve away, like straight
Duncan: away Although we're going to have some
Duncan: linking tissue in here, like that just
Duncan: feels really playful to me because she's a
Duncan: tribute and a quote to a fictional
Duncan: character who never made this quote she
Duncan: apparently she's the one that wrote the
Duncan: quote, so this is her.
Bo: And Duncan the character that the quote is
Bo: attributed to is best known as an
Bo: unreliable narrator.
Bo: A great example of that of like you can't
Bo: trust anything that this guy tells you,
Bo: which is true detective, You're right.
Duncan: Like that's the theme, Like the people talk
Duncan: about.
Duncan: What's about the cult?
Duncan: It's about, you know, it's about murder,
Duncan: it's about history.
Duncan: It's not really.
Duncan: It's actually about how people are
Duncan: notoriously unreliable witnesses to their
Duncan: own things.
Duncan: If you asked me to recall something, if you
Duncan: asked me to recall something at Ham last
Duncan: week, it's not how it happened, or even if
Duncan: it.
Duncan: Even if it is, it's my perspective on how
Duncan: it happened, which is still probably not
Duncan: how it happened.
Bo: And we'll get into, like the Fiona Shaw
Bo: stuff as well, Like that's one of those
Bo: things where I'm like.
Bo: I see what you're doing here, true
Bo: detective.
Bo: I see through you, but we'll get into this.
Bo: Hey, first let's let's do our usual thing.
Bo: Let's talk about a movie one good, one bad.
Bo: We won't take forever to do this, because I
Bo: know we.
Bo: We went long on an intro, but it's our
Bo: first show back.
Jodie Foster: So first one back, fucking calm down, back
Jodie Foster: off.
Jodie Foster: Yeah, I say.
Bo: Back off.
Duncan: I'm like, I'm like, I'm finally from
Duncan: Firestarter Back off.
Duncan: Yeah, this, this, this segment here, is
Duncan: sponsored, but it ain't my ooh bitch.
Bo: So I just every time you say that, I
Bo: deflate a little bit like it.
Bo: It kills my soul a little every time I hear
Bo: it Like oh yeah, give me, give me fire.
Duncan: Give me that which I desire.
Duncan: Yeah, Ooh.
Bo: Um.
Bo: He says yeah.
Duncan: Oh yeah.
Duncan: So I'll give you my yeah and I'll give you
Duncan: my ooh bitch A bad one.
Bo: God wait, let's not make that a bit, please.
Bo: So it's a it's a my good movie.
Duncan: It's probably one that's it's still getting
Duncan: a ton of traction here, but for not the
Duncan: reasons I will give it credibility and
Duncan: thumbs up.
Duncan: Um, I caught salt burn this week.
Duncan: Yeah, a lot of people talking about it, a
Duncan: lot of people really really loving that, a
Duncan: lot of people, apparently, who have never
Duncan: seen the talented Mr Ripley, and that's
Duncan: fine, because that's literally all I was
Duncan: thinking all the way through.
Duncan: This is like oh, I see where this is going,
Duncan: I see where this was going.
Duncan: So a couple of those swift doctrines that,
Duncan: you know, shocked audiences Never really
Duncan: necessarily shocked me, but I loved it for
Duncan: how ballsy and ostentatious it was.
Duncan: It really is a kind of very brash, loud,
Duncan: bold movie.
Duncan: There's one particular scene that obviously
Duncan: has had the internet like a gas that I
Duncan: can't believe that they went there.
Duncan: And I'm either like so desensitized to
Duncan: things through watching horror movies and,
Duncan: I'll be honest, porn, um, that maybe it
Duncan: didn't shock me as much as the rest of the
Duncan: world.
Duncan: Or there's people just I don't know,
Duncan: jumping in on the kind of, oh, I can't
Duncan: believe they went there bandwagon and it's
Duncan: got great performances.
Duncan: It's a great thriller movie, flies through
Duncan: at pace.
Duncan: Um, I don't necessarily think.
Duncan: Like I said before, I think if you've seen
Duncan: something like the talented Mr Ripley, it
Duncan: is.
Duncan: It's very, very, very close, Um, but it's
Duncan: kind of fun.
Duncan: It's darkly comic and, yeah, I certainly
Duncan: enjoyed it.
Duncan: I thought it was a really, really, really,
Duncan: really well put together, really well acted
Duncan: film, um.
Duncan: So, yeah, I like that.
Duncan: That's my good this week.
Duncan: What about yourself?
Duncan: What's your good bow?
Bo: Uh, just a quick shot.
Bo: I was looking up salt burners who were
Bo: talking about it, written and directed by
Bo: Emerald Fennel, who of course did pretty
Bo: young, uh, pretty young woman, is that?
Bo: Right, yeah.
Duncan: Pretty young woman.
Duncan: Yes, you have that title right Right.
Duncan: Yes.
Bo: Okay, promising young woman.
Bo: Not promising young woman, pretty young
Bo: woman is the prequel to pretty woman.
Duncan: That's right.
Duncan: Which, by the way, did you know there was?
Duncan: I didn't know this until recently.
Duncan: This is like.
Duncan: Don't ask me how I ended up in the deep
Duncan: dive on this one.
Duncan: That, like originally when, when Pretty
Duncan: Woman was pitched as a movie and the
Duncan: premise started going forward with it, with
Duncan: Julia Roberts and Richard Geir involved
Duncan: with it, it was actually called 3000.
Duncan: Did you know this story?
Bo: Uh, this sounds familiar, but keep going.
Duncan: Right.
Duncan: So it was called 3000, because that's how
Duncan: much money he's going to give her.
Bo: Right right.
Duncan: Right and it's nowhere near as kind of warm
Duncan: and fuzzy as it is, and actually at the end
Duncan: of the movie he kicks her out the limo,
Duncan: basically tells her to fuck off, and then
Duncan: the director left the project and then it
Duncan: was bought by, essentially, disney and they
Duncan: brought new people in and then that all
Duncan: changed and all of a sudden Julia Roberts
Duncan: becomes like a Disney princess at the end
Duncan: of that movie, which I completely 180.
Duncan: So, um, yeah, I don't know if I would have
Duncan: wanted to see the darker version of it now
Duncan: or if I'm kind of happy with where they
Duncan: ended up, but I'm just now things turn.
Duncan: But, yes, then it's like, like I say, if
Duncan: you're not seeing salt burn, I would
Duncan: recommend.
Duncan: I think they have a great time with it.
Duncan: I don't think like myself, you're going to
Duncan: come out of this going well, you know what.
Duncan: This is how you make a goddamn.
Duncan: You're going to come out of it being like I
Duncan: like what they've done.
Duncan: It feels like a modernizing about this.
Duncan: The talent in Mr Ripley is the one that I
Duncan: go back to because the stories are very
Duncan: similar.
Duncan: Um, but yeah, it's good.
Duncan: It's good.
Duncan: You should check out.
Duncan: It should win awards.
Duncan: It is one of the awards.
Duncan: That's a good thing.
Bo: Speaking of winning awards, my good for
Bo: this year week is the Holdovers, which is a
Bo: great fucking movie Just being released
Bo: over here, so we're hoping to see it next
Bo: week, purely because someone said Paul Gia
Bo: Mattis in it and I'm like that sold.
Bo: It's yeah, so I'll spoil the movie for you,
Bo: so you don't have to worry about seeing it.
Bo: Thank you.
Duncan: So it saves me a journey, yeah no worries,
Duncan: uh, no, it's.
Bo: Look, it's Paul Gia Mattis being fantastic.
Bo: It is Alexander Payne, uh, in prime form
Bo: here.
Bo: Uh, he's one of those directors.
Bo: I talked about this somewhere else.
Bo: Um, that, even his failures, like
Bo: downsizing, I think, is a real mess of a
Bo: movie but it's a really interesting mess of
Bo: a movie.
Bo: Yeah, and likewise, I think that you know
Bo: his take on.
Bo: Hey, I'm going to do a 70s style.
Bo: You know, kind of comfortable drama.
Bo: You know something in the vein of a like
Bo: Serpico.
Bo: Like, I mean, it's not as dramatic as
Bo: Serpico.
Bo: Yeah, it's so low stakes.
Bo: That's the thing I really love about it is
Bo: it's a movie where nobody's saving the
Bo: world or has to stop a thing from blowing
Bo: up or anything, and at the end of the movie
Bo: everybody's only slightly better than they
Bo: started.
Bo: You know, like, but realistic then, is that
Bo: what you're saying?
Bo: Yeah, but you know, but in a really
Bo: wonderful way, like.
Bo: There's a moment when I was watching the
Bo: movie this is the only spoiler I will, I
Bo: will give there's a moment when I was
Bo: watching the movie where I was like God
Bo: damn, the only thing this movie is missing
Bo: is a cat Steven song.
Bo: Sure enough.
Bo: Next needle drop is a cat Steven song, and
Bo: I was like, of course, this is the movie
Bo: that does this.
Bo: It was in my brain.
Bo: No, is he living there?
Bo: Yeah, it's, but that's what it is.
Bo: It is like it's like watching Harold and
Bo: Maude or something like that, where it's
Bo: just like the, the look of the movie, the
Bo: fact that it's shot in winter around
Bo: Christmas and it has this very, very
Bo: Christmassy kind of vibe to it and the
Bo: performances are amazing and Gia Moddi is
Bo: wonderful and funny and human and all of
Bo: those things Like there's a reason he's
Bo: winning awards for the role, yeah, and he's
Bo: very funny at times.
Bo: It's just a terrific movie.
Bo: Like.
Bo: Everything about the movie is really good
Bo: and it's one of those movies that I like.
Bo: When you come away from it you're not going
Bo: to be like that's the best movie I've ever
Bo: seen in my goddamn life.
Bo: But the more you think about them or you're
Bo: like, yeah, I'd like to watch that again,
Bo: it just gives you a good feeling when
Bo: you're watching.
Bo: It feels like you're watching an old, good
Bo: movie for the first time.
Bo: You know it's a really there's a nostalgia
Bo: play as far as that era of films, I think.
Bo: But it works because it's good enough to
Bo: like remind you of the 70s era of like
Bo: character dramas when it was like oh yeah,
Bo: kramer versus Kramer.
Bo: I mean that's more 80s, but still like
Bo: that's a great fucking movie and that's
Bo: just about two people getting divorced.
Bo: You know that like the backdrop to a
Bo: character these days was the whole movie
Bo: that you know like we'll get into it, but
Bo: like Night Country has some of that too,
Bo: where it's like, oh yeah, here's all this
Bo: stuff about divorces and who knows who and
Bo: stuff like that.
Bo: Like that would be the whole goddamn movie
Bo: if it were the holdovers.
Bo: Like that's anyway terrific.
Bo: Anyway, give me a bad movie.
Bo: Now I'm I'm busy with the highs of Paul
Bo: Giamatti.
Duncan: So I finally finished it.
Duncan: I had started it before and I switched off
Duncan: and I'm in the process of kind of
Duncan: formalizing and releasing my top 20 of last
Duncan: year.
Duncan: So I'm kind of at the stage where I'm
Duncan: watching things, that I know I start a very
Duncan: rarely switch a movie off.
Duncan: But this was when I switched off and I was
Duncan: like I'm just going to confirm even though
Duncan: I know the Internet is, I'm going to
Duncan: confirm that I actually didn't like it.
Duncan: There was nothing really redeemable about
Duncan: it.
Duncan: So I finished that new Exorcist movie and
Duncan: I'd got I'd got about 40 minutes into it
Duncan: and switched off.
Duncan: I couldn't, I could not go back to last
Duncan: year at all.
Duncan: In fact I wouldn't go back to last year.
Duncan: So I have this time, went through it and I
Duncan: like even less than I did then.
Duncan: That's just I don't know how.
Duncan: Well, I think there's two things, two
Duncan: things for comment.
Duncan: I think the first thing for me is I think
Duncan: we should just give up doing anything as a
Duncan: sequel to Exorcist.
Duncan: I just think it's a full end Like part
Duncan: three isn't really like part three isn't
Duncan: what even William Peter Blatty wanted to do.
Duncan: It's essentially what the studio forced
Duncan: them to do and actually all the stuff that
Duncan: really works in that movie is the stuff
Duncan: that Blatty actually wanted to do and not
Duncan: the ending which they tag into that movie.
Duncan: You know, the, the Blatty cut of that movie,
Duncan: is basically just a police investigation.
Duncan: It's not the, it's not the Exorcist stuff
Duncan: or all the other things that go with it.
Duncan: I think it's because he understood that he
Duncan: kind of done that Like he's like well, I've
Duncan: done that, this is the best version, it's
Duncan: never going to be no need to do that again
Duncan: and everyone else is trying to do that
Duncan: again.
Duncan: And it's like a surprising miscalculation
Duncan: by Blumhouse.
Duncan: What he's surprising miscalculation.
Duncan: Even the Halloween stuff which did
Duncan: generally I'm not very good, but the the
Duncan: fact he spent was at 400 million acquiring
Duncan: the rights to that today and say we're
Duncan: going to do a trilogy, which why?
Bo: They got hit with that Halloween shit.
Bo: Yeah, and first of all, the Exorcist is not
Bo: Halloween.
Bo: No, it's much more complicated, kind of
Bo: kind of when you're like hey, not only are
Bo: we going to do a sequel, we have the sheer
Bo: fucking balls, the fucking balls to be like
Bo: yeah, we're going to do three of these.
Duncan: And David Gordon greens just going to do
Duncan: the same thing.
Duncan: They did Halloween.
Duncan: You know what Everyone's along for the ride.
Bo: Right and you're like what the fuck?
Bo: And he's gone now, like he walked off this
Bo: or not walked off, but he, he left the
Bo: sequel.
Bo: So I don't know if he's left or, and I
Bo: haven't seen.
Bo: This I can't like.
Duncan: I was like I heard this shit.
Duncan: It is all affably bad, like like see, you
Duncan: know, like I, maybe we talk about movies
Duncan: that have exorcisms in them.
Duncan: The one that was that always comes to mind
Duncan: is I can't.
Duncan: The one that was set in New York with the
Duncan: dude was with Eric Banner.
Bo: Yeah, is that delivers from evil?
Duncan: Deliver from evil.
Duncan: That's what I think is what's in my head
Duncan: and I remember me and you talking about
Duncan: that moving go that like as soon as we get
Duncan: to the extra stuff, we're just like what
Duncan: the fuck are we doing here?
Duncan: It's like low rent, horrible knockoff
Duncan: exorcist stuff.
Duncan: This, this movie, when it comes to the
Duncan: exercise and stuff, makes that movie look
Duncan: like the exorcist is just awful, Like
Duncan: absolutely just across the board.
Duncan: I'll thought I'll execute it badly.
Duncan: Time ends in a way.
Duncan: This is the other thing.
Duncan: It ends in a way Because I was curious once
Duncan: again because there's a trilogy.
Duncan: So I'll see why I want to see the end of
Duncan: the movie.
Duncan: I'll see how they're going to set this up,
Duncan: because I never want to see another one of
Duncan: these.
Duncan: We'll see how it sets up for another two.
Duncan: And it doesn't.
Duncan: Actually it wraps everything up in a kind
Duncan: of neat bow that I was kind of confused as
Duncan: to.
Duncan: Why would even if that was the script that
Duncan: was put forward why would even be planning
Duncan: to more out there unless we just spent 400
Duncan: million acquiring the rights?
Duncan: We need three movies to make that back.
Duncan: Yeah, I like to see.
Duncan: If I was David Gordon Green, I would want
Duncan: to walk away from that.
Duncan: But I also kind of think that David Gordon
Duncan: Green is really really really good at that
Duncan: TV stuff.
Duncan: I don't think he's really all that good at
Duncan: the horror stuff.
Duncan: Now I think that there has been sizable
Duncan: diminished returns, even revisiting that
Duncan: Halloween movie from 2018.
Duncan: I've went back a few to.
Duncan: I actually like it less going back when I'm
Duncan: like, hmm, that choice there.
Duncan: I don't think that thing holds together.
Duncan: Actually, I think that's not very smart and
Duncan: whereas the first time I watched it I came
Duncan: out going that, yeah, this is how you do a
Duncan: sequel to that first movie and modernize it.
Duncan: So yeah, it's terrible.
Duncan: It's really really really, really, really
Duncan: bad.
Duncan: There was, there were whole sections where
Duncan: I was kind of kind of dumbfounded watching
Duncan: it because I couldn't understand how the
Duncan: studio like that, the studio let this come
Duncan: out.
Duncan: There's parts where I'm like you're a
Duncan: horror studio and there has to be some
Duncan: level of quality control there Although
Duncan: I've seen might swim this year and that
Duncan: might prove to be the quality controls.
Bo: I listened to your review of it, which was,
Bo: I felt, very even handed.
Bo: You were not.
Duncan: I didn't want to completely bash it, but at
Duncan: the same time, the longer I've been away
Duncan: from that movie, the more I'm just like
Duncan: that.
Duncan: This movie falls apart really, really,
Duncan: really quick when you realize that the
Duncan: premise is there's a haunted pool, sure
Duncan: yeah.
Bo: Not the best, not the best.
Duncan: The bit that got me is we've been talking
Duncan: about it I said the cinema and we're like
Duncan: that.
Duncan: There's a plot device in this which
Duncan: mentions that the previous family that
Duncan: owned the house lived in it for several
Duncan: years and never used the pool.
Duncan: How that would come up in disclosure for
Duncan: buying a property, I don't know, but they
Duncan: never used the pool and the pool is like
Duncan: pretty much the back garden and me, as
Duncan: we're talking about, saying what that you
Duncan: would just fill the pool, wouldn't you, and
Duncan: just build something over it.
Duncan: And he was like, yeah, yeah, that's what I
Duncan: would do.
Duncan: And I'd be like, yeah, that would be the
Duncan: movie over, wouldn't it?
Duncan: Kinda.
Bo: And or you use the pool you would have.
Bo: You never would have, just not ever use it,
Bo: because after two years you've been like
Bo: you know what?
Bo: I've never, never been in this pool ever.
Bo: I'm going to do it Look.
Bo: I had, yeah, I had, you know, I had some
Bo: pretty good Sateva and a couple of drinks,
Bo: I'm going to just cannonball.
Duncan: Yeah, I just I could not.
Duncan: I think it's not fair because Blumhouse put
Duncan: out Megan last year, a movie that I really
Duncan: enjoyed.
Duncan: So there obviously is a wide tent.
Duncan: But you would think you can forgive a movie
Duncan: like Night Swim, which cost not a lot of
Duncan: money, to make mistakes like that.
Duncan: But this is a movie which cost a lot of
Duncan: money.
Duncan: There's a lot behind this one and I just
Duncan: kind of feel that someone should have sat
Duncan: down there and went.
Duncan: This is the direction we're taking.
Duncan: I don't know, you see, what I mean.
Duncan: All I'm going to say is it's not just one
Duncan: possessed child, it's two.
Bo: They're odd stunkin'.
Duncan: It's not just priests that come to do the
Duncan: exercise.
Duncan: At the end they get holy men from all
Duncan: religion Like it's like fucking Captain
Duncan: Planet, right.
Bo: Yeah, that's what I've heard.
Duncan: I was like that's like a guy going Buddha
Duncan: like.
Bo: I bring Buddha power, but do you mean him
Bo: with his sense of one?
Duncan: Yeah, main blowing with that.
Bo: So, yeah, as soon as I heard that, I was
Bo: like I, that misses the entire point of the
Bo: exercise, like I'm not Catholic, but the
Bo: trappings of Catholicism are really
Bo: important to that story.
Duncan: Plus, like the exorcism is.
Duncan: There's a reason.
Duncan: There is a reason that William Peter
Duncan: Blatley himself no, sorry, william Friedkin
Duncan: himself said look at it as a horror movie.
Duncan: It's a family drama.
Duncan: Because, guess what?
Duncan: It's a family drama.
Duncan: It really is.
Duncan: When you look at it as a family drama, it
Duncan: just happens to be the scariest family
Duncan: drama ever made, whereas this is.
Duncan: This is someone attempting to make a horror
Duncan: movie and just kind of showing all the
Duncan: trappings of how not to make a horror movie
Duncan: on a big budget.
Duncan: So yeah, that was my, but I'm curious and
Duncan: you're back, because you always bring, you
Duncan: always bring the goods here, some fucking
Duncan: low rent fricking found footage like asylum.
Bo: I have.
Bo: I genuinely have not had time to watch the.
Bo: The amount of shit.
Bo: I normally like my honestly.
Bo: My viewing has been surprisingly quality,
Bo: like the last few movies I've seen are.
Bo: Like you know, I watched once again and I
Bo: watched air and Barbie and like like I
Bo: watched across the spider verse, like I
Bo: watched a lot of really good movies, so let
Bo: me talk about it.
Bo: This isn't entirely bad.
Bo: Okay, look who doesn't like to shit on
Bo: anything I like it, you like it, everybody
Bo: likes it.
Bo: This is not a I'm shitting on this thing.
Bo: I'm saying I'm mildly disappointed in this
Bo: thing, but I still might be an even bigger
Bo: slate than saying I hate it.
Duncan: It's not that I hate it, I'm just mildly
Duncan: disappointed in it.
Bo: So it is right.
Bo: I wish it was better, but so I'm talking,
Bo: of course, about a reach or season two.
Duncan: I've not watched any of this yet.
Bo: Okay, look, so let's let's let's talk
Bo: briefly about reach or season one, but only
Bo: only briefly.
Bo: And reach or season one is a great example
Bo: of a television action series and there are
Bo: some great moments in it.
Bo: Did you finally get around to watching
Bo: House of Usher?
Duncan: I have not watched House of Usher yet Okay.
Bo: Well, the, the actress who plays the young
Bo: Madeline Usher, the young Mary McDonald,
Bo: essentially, who plays of her in Flanagan's
Bo: House of Usher, is like the romantic
Bo: interest in reach or season one and it's
Bo: got some good characters and it's all about
Bo: this dude who's just a fucking behemoth.
Bo: I've seen that.
Bo: I've seen the Tom Cruise movies right,
Bo: which I know.
Duncan: At the time the issue was Tom Cruise is not
Duncan: Jack Reacher from the novels but at the
Duncan: same time, werner Herzog is the villain in
Duncan: the first Jack, like the first Jack Reacher
Duncan: movie, and that will always like you have
Duncan: me if he's a villain in a movie, if he's in
Duncan: a movie, but he's like a Siberian missing
Duncan: fingers no, I fucking bond villain.
Duncan: I'm like, yes, this is the biggest thing
Duncan: I've ever seen.
Duncan: But yeah, they're not.
Duncan: They're not.
Duncan: They're Tom Cruise movies and I've heard
Duncan: that the yeah, your Scientology is she
Duncan: imagine them on set.
Duncan: That's the thing that I couldn't get my
Duncan: head around.
Duncan: There's like that Werner Herzog is not
Duncan: backwards, that coming forwards with his
Duncan: opinions and he's on set with Tom Cruise
Duncan: like Mr Scientology If Scientology was a
Duncan: person, is now Tom Cruise.
Duncan: And I'm just assuming they were kept.
Duncan: Well, they're not.
Duncan: They don't share many scenes, so I imagine
Duncan: they were kept apart a lot.
Duncan: But what I'd always heard was from fans of
Duncan: the novels was actually none of them and
Duncan: it's.
Duncan: You know, these are Tom Cruise like action
Duncan: movies.
Duncan: They're not Jack Reacher adaptations and
Duncan: what I'd heard about season one was
Duncan: actually they're more in line with the
Duncan: novels than the movies were, so put them to
Duncan: the side.
Duncan: That's why he's like 63 and belt like the
Duncan: side of a fucking brecce house.
Bo: Yeah, and that's one of the things that's
Bo: really fun about any and he's a good
Bo: character.
Bo: He's like very, no nonsense, it's very.
Bo: This is right, this is wrong.
Bo: I'm always going to do the right thing.
Bo: His whole gig is that he like was in the
Bo: military for a long time and left and now
Bo: just wanders the fucking earth like Quan
Bo: Chiang Kain, getting into adventures, like
Bo: he doesn't have an address, he doesn't keep
Bo: close, like when he's done with his clothes
Bo: he goes into a store and buys new clothes
Bo: and throws the rest away and like that's it.
Bo: That's just he's only possession as a
Bo: toothbrush.
Bo: That is it, you know.
Bo: But and then he goes and gets into
Bo: adventures and it's fun.
Bo: So, getting to season two, season one,
Bo: setting like this little rural town where
Bo: Jack Reacher is this fish out of water it
Bo: was just showing up to watch a blue sky
Bo: that he'd heard about one time because he's
Bo: got a bus pass where he goes all over the
Bo: country and never you know, never stays in
Bo: one place for too long, etc.
Bo: Etc.
Bo: And it was fun, it was a good time, and so
Bo: season two has gotten into like well,
Bo: here's some, some people from his past,
Bo: like people that he was in an investigative
Bo: unit with in the military, and they're
Bo: embroiled in some shit.
Bo: So it's become much more of an ensemble
Bo: story, which is fine, but there that means
Bo: there's less of Jack Reacher saying some
Bo: cold shit to a dude and shooting him in the
Bo: face, and that's what I'm there, yeah.
Duncan: It's a danger of bringing in, like
Duncan: expanding things out as you do lose, and
Duncan: I'm so.
Duncan: I've said it many times yeah, my biggest
Duncan: gripe with the Child's Play movies were not
Duncan: that they got dumb or they were always kind
Duncan: of fucking dumb.
Duncan: It's just now, all of a sudden, I have
Duncan: Jennifer Tilley as a doll and then we have
Duncan: the fucking David Bowie son as a doll, and
Duncan: I get to say it when I'm like I like why is
Duncan: Chuck Eiland on screen for a little bit
Duncan: doing a one line, and then we're following
Duncan: other people like getting it and mischief
Duncan: and killing people.
Duncan: The reason you're going to check out a
Duncan: Child's Play movie is to see Chuck Eiland
Duncan: and like, if you have a TV show which is
Duncan: predicated on, well, there's a reason like
Duncan: season four of all this told we didn't have
Duncan: like a corgi like solving crimes on the
Duncan: side.
Duncan: You know, like you don't have that.
Duncan: You don't need it either.
Bo: So yeah, it's, it's fine.
Bo: There's still plenty of fun stuff, and
Bo: Robert Patrick is in it.
Bo: And there were a couple of line deliveries.
Bo: Yeah, where I'm like, oh, that's like when
Bo: he did the movie.
Bo: He sounds a whole lot like that.
Bo: So anyway, did you ever check out?
Duncan: You probably did, because you watch a lot
Duncan: more Well.
Duncan: You just in general are more skilled than I
Duncan: am.
Duncan: Did you watch poker face?
Bo: Yeah, oh yeah, it was great.
Duncan: Yeah, I watched that, because no one had
Duncan: told me like I watched it on the plane to
Duncan: Japan and no one told me it's basically
Duncan: Colombo.
Duncan: And as soon as, as soon as that penny
Duncan: dropped about the second episode for me, I
Duncan: hardcore binge that entire thing from
Duncan: fucking Dubai to Osaka, like I like, like I
Duncan: watched every single episode, yeah, and
Duncan: it's like where's my season two, which I
Duncan: don't know if we're getting, but we need a
Duncan: season two, fucking amazing.
Bo: Yeah, look at this is very true, detective
Bo: doing the pivot.
Bo: But yeah, I mean like take as long as you
Bo: need to just come back and it be as good as
Bo: season one and that's fine.
Bo: All you need is some mysteries and Natasha
Bo: Leon she her, her.
Duncan: Peter Falk is fucking amazing, like it's so
Duncan: good man.
Bo: You know, there's one other thing that I've
Bo: been just I kind of love.
Duncan: I kind of love.
Duncan: What I love about them is there's always
Duncan: the elaborate setup at the beginning and
Duncan: then you find that she's been there for a
Duncan: week or something and she's like but I love
Duncan: the bit where, like she's, you know, she's
Duncan: just about ready to go, and then someone
Duncan: lies and she's like, fuck, like, just like
Duncan: you can see, I just got off.
Duncan: You know, I was almost out the door and
Duncan: fuck.
Bo: And like the shitty dog she had was
Bo: terrific and like, yeah, there's just like
Bo: it's a wonderful shit.
Bo: So, all right, let's take a quick break
Bo: here, yes, and then when we come back,
Bo: let's get into it.
Bo: Duncan, let's talk some true detective and
Bo: welcome back as we get into season four,
Bo: episode one of true detective.
Bo: This is, of course, written and directed by
Bo: Issa Lopez as part of her good work on this
Bo: show.
Bo: Was there a show title?
Bo: Did I miss it?
Duncan: This is night country.
Duncan: The right.
Bo: True detective night country.
Duncan: I don't know what the name of this episode
Duncan: is.
Bo: if you're asking, so hold on, let's see.
Duncan: You'll find out.
Duncan: This is what people expect from us both
Duncan: prepared.
Bo: It's hard hitting, but like you already
Bo: stole my bit about the oh, there's so much
Bo: more Like there's so much more, so don't
Bo: worry, we are having no shortage of stuff
Bo: here.
Duncan: Well, within the first five minutes here we
Duncan: have connections to Edgar Allen Poe, jules
Duncan: Verne, like fucking, like the shit goes
Duncan: weird.
Duncan: Quick ball.
Bo: Yeah, so it just says part one.
Bo: Well, that was all I.
Bo: That was a worthwhile search, anyway.
Bo: So it opens with a quote that goes for we
Bo: do not know what beasts the night dreams
Bo: when its hours grow too long for even God
Bo: to be awake.
Bo: And this, as you pointed out, is attributed
Bo: to this character from, you know, a book
Bo: about the yellow king.
Bo: So we're into some shit, duncan.
Bo: What ends?
Duncan: Maybe it's like maybe one of the most of
Duncan: their true detective, true detective things
Duncan: the show has ever done Straight luggage,
Duncan: just the opening bit, you're like that.
Duncan: Oh right, here we go, here we go.
Bo: Well, and it's worth noting, like two and
Bo: three much less so, but season one flirted
Bo: with the supernatural, oh God, yeah, in a
Bo: big bad way, and this is just like oh yeah,
Bo: let's start from that place.
Bo: Well all the yellow king shit is she said
Bo: that she wanted an interview.
Duncan: She said that she wanted to do an inverse
Duncan: version of season one when she went back to
Duncan: the rewrite.
Duncan: So we have two female detectives looking
Duncan: into this.
Duncan: It's not in the sweaty, warm southern
Duncan: climates of America.
Duncan: If anything, it's on the exact opposite
Duncan: ends.
Duncan: We're in Alaska, completely inhospitable
Duncan: environment.
Duncan: So yeah, like like she's inverting a lot of
Duncan: this.
Duncan: But the one thing she said she wanted to do
Duncan: and this was a direct quote from her is she
Duncan: wanted to lean into the horror and
Duncan: supernatural elements which, like I think
Duncan: she like made no qualms about very, very,
Duncan: very quickly in this one.
Bo: But it's very cheeky references, to be sure.
Bo: 100%.
Duncan: And so, like we are, like we're straight
Duncan: away linking straight back to season one
Duncan: with a quote, but, like you mentioned, the
Duncan: quote is well, the quote is not attributed
Duncan: to a person who never made that quote, but
Duncan: also, at the same time, the person that
Duncan: made that quote is a notoriously unreliable
Duncan: narrator.
Duncan: So, like you take that as you will, moving
Duncan: into this season, which has a beginning
Duncan: which had my head spinning, like the
Duncan: opening scene to this is like absolutely
Duncan: fucking nuts.
Bo: Yeah, so it starts off Alaska.
Bo: Yes, we're told, 150 miles north of the
Bo: Arctic Circle.
Bo: It begins on December 17th, which is the
Bo: last, the last sunset of the year, yep, and
Bo: immediately you're like oh, they're about
Bo: to get 30 days of.
Bo: First, josh Hartnett, what's his name?
Bo: Ray Winstone.
Duncan: Is that?
Duncan: Who's in that?
Bo: We went through the main vampire on Danny
Bo: Houston.
Bo: Danny Houston, that's like look, ray
Bo: Winstone, danny Houston could be brothers,
Bo: if not.
Duncan: Yeah, all those English mob movies.
Duncan: I would like to actually see a cut of the
Duncan: departed, where Ray Winstone is actually
Duncan: played by Danny Houston as the underboss to
Duncan: get like no God 100%.
Duncan: Remember that whole scene where she's like
Duncan: that oh, please, god, he's like no God.
Duncan: And then right, creepy as fuck.
Bo: Yeah, so anyway, we watch as this native
Bo: hunter is taking aim on all these like
Bo: caribou or something, yep, and then the sun
Bo: goes down and all the animals freak out and
Bo: stampede towards him.
Bo: You know, they get spooked and it's.
Bo: It's like this really creepy scene of like,
Bo: oh, the sun has said, yeah, they all run
Bo: off the edge of a cliff to their death.
Duncan: Yeah, like, which is just like.
Duncan: Do the like?
Duncan: Part of me wanted to go and check.
Duncan: Is this normal behavior for a caribou?
Duncan: Do they become lemmings?
Duncan: I don't know what we're doing here, but
Duncan: they all, they all, they all jump off to
Duncan: their death and he seems spooked by it, and
Duncan: they all get spooked at the same time.
Duncan: Something weird happening here, and it's
Duncan: not actually indicated as to whether or not
Duncan: this event happens at the same time as the
Duncan: event happens in the station.
Duncan: So it's like a triggering point in the
Duncan: station that we're going to get to in a
Duncan: second where something happens and then we
Duncan: don't see what happens afterwards.
Duncan: If that actually happens at the same time.
Duncan: Is this?
Bo: I don't know the thing that's frustrating
Bo: about this is Because the show starts with
Bo: like hey, here's a made-up quote from an
Bo: unreliable yeah, how much of our eyes can
Bo: we trust?
Bo: Yeah, and watching this show because,
Bo: depending on who's telling the story, that
Bo: perspective could be very different.
Bo: So that's a very season.
Duncan: Three thing we had a character who was
Duncan: suffering essentially on set was
Duncan: Alzheimer's, I think is for what he had.
Duncan: So as a result, what we were seeing Was not
Duncan: like he was flashing out and his memory was
Duncan: Notoriously bad in certain sections, who he
Duncan: just couldn't remember, or his recollection
Duncan: of that kind of memento connection where he
Duncan: was actually recording himself Things are
Duncan: right and noticed himself to try and make
Duncan: sure he didn't see certain things or say
Duncan: other things.
Duncan: So we are given that as a kind of opening
Duncan: gambit to this before we turn to Ascension.
Duncan: Why are there any research stations in
Duncan: Alaska?
Duncan: Bow, after the movie, the thing it's like,
Duncan: the last thing you would want to have is
Duncan: you know where am I being sent?
Duncan: No, I've seen the thing.
Bo: Oh the thing.
Bo: Vibes in this are so heavy it's like what
Bo: be of the thing.
Duncan: Collection of video tapes at the station is
Duncan: if that's what they're like.
Duncan: If you're on a boat, you want to watch
Duncan: Titanic.
Duncan: You know, I mean, why is that in this?
Duncan: You know what we'll do, guys.
Duncan: We'll just sit around in our isolated
Duncan: station and watch the thing together.
Duncan: I'm sure that'll bring us together as a
Duncan: close-knit group.
Bo: And we're gonna do a tracking, shot down a
Bo: hallway and see everybody doing their shit
Bo: and like it's it's a Lopez, just like you
Bo: want a little the thing.
Bo: Here is a shot from the thing.
Duncan: Yeah, she that her three biggest influences
Duncan: from a horror perspective on the making of
Duncan: this season are John Carpenter's thing,
Duncan: stanley Kubrick's the shining and Ridley
Duncan: Scott's alien, or our three biggest
Duncan: influences.
Duncan: And I'm like that, like from this just just
Duncan: the premise, just the little the shot was
Duncan: like oh, okay, so tracking, shot right in,
Duncan: very Kubrick in, it's all out there.
Duncan: It's all very weird and what you see.
Duncan: You get to introduce all the characters,
Duncan: but but what details on this one.
Duncan: So the name of the station is the Yep Salal
Duncan: right, so Salal apparently once again,
Duncan: according to the Reddit users, a direct
Duncan: reference.
Duncan: This is like a fucking full-on direct
Duncan: reference to Edgar Allan Poe.
Duncan: So apparently has and I've not read a lot
Duncan: of Poe, but his only long-form novel is
Duncan: called Arthur Gordon Pym of Nantucket,
Duncan: mm-hmm, okay, right.
Duncan: And at the end of that book he ends up and
Duncan: out on these Antarctic islands, a group of
Duncan: islands which are called Salal and which
Duncan: are apparently inhabited by cannibals, so
Duncan: indigenous cannibals, salal right, which
Duncan: was apparently then taken and Then adapted
Duncan: into a further novel which Jules Verne then
Duncan: put out and a full story about this right.
Duncan: So Salal, so it comes directly from there.
Duncan: So this is a full-on Edgar Allan Poe,
Duncan: fucking full-on Kind of weird love
Duncan: Lovecraftian reference, right from like
Duncan: she's hitting you with a one-two punch,
Duncan: she's giving you the king and yellow and
Duncan: then she's giving you the fucking Poe name
Duncan: right out there.
Duncan: So yes, straight away.
Duncan: So you've got to think deliberately named.
Bo: Yeah, so I was unfamiliar about this all
Bo: stuff.
Bo: I mean, it seemed like it meant something
Bo: because it's such a weird Word well,
Bo: there's apparently the.
Duncan: So the Jules Verne novel is called an
Duncan: Antarctic mystery and it partially takes
Duncan: place on the island named to sell, or Salal,
Duncan: or to now, where indigenous people attack
Duncan: white colonists and the to sell.
Duncan: People are seemingly killed off by disease
Duncan: before an earthquake destroys the island.
Bo: Okay, all right.
Bo: So at this research station Duncan, like
Bo: like we talked about, people are like nuke
Bo: in their food Watching Ferris Bueller's day
Bo: off, specifically the twist and shout scene.
Duncan: Yeah, which just made me want to watch
Duncan: Ferris Bueller's day off.
Duncan: Like I've not seen that movie in about a
Duncan: decade and I saw that series.
Duncan: Like that, is it time to watch Ferris
Duncan: Bueller?
Bo: Probably it's never a bad time Like the.
Bo: The scene where they go to the museum is
Bo: Secretly the best scene of the movie.
Bo: Yeah, but anyway.
Bo: So you know.
Bo: There's a dude Doing laundry and then we
Bo: cut to a guy like making a sandwich and
Bo: practicing his Spanish or something.
Duncan: I think he's doing a tech talk or he's
Duncan: doing like a Like an influencer video is
Duncan: what right he's filming himself, making
Duncan: this, which I imagine is ultimately going
Duncan: to come into play Somewhere down the line,
Duncan: where we see If it was, if it was broadcast
Duncan: and it wasn't just purely filmed.
Duncan: I imagine we're gonna see footage of the
Duncan: broadcast and what happens in the media
Duncan: after effect, because there's no cameras
Duncan: around which, because the person that we're
Duncan: about to talk about is right behind them in
Duncan: the shots, you would imagine his phone
Duncan: camera would cover it.
Bo: Right, and and this guy behind him just
Bo: gets the shivery, shakes, yeah, shivery,
Bo: and then stops, and then he turns around
Bo: and says she's awake and Then the lights go
Bo: out.
Bo: Yeah, and so then we cut Duncan to December
Bo: 20th, three days later.
Bo: Yeah, and it's a guy coming to make
Bo: Delivery, like food deliveries up to this
Bo: research station, and nobody's home.
Duncan: No, literally no one is home.
Duncan: This is very Mary Celeste, like when they
Duncan: go on here like the food still out, you
Duncan: know, the treadmills still as posse setting,
Duncan: like there's all indications that people
Duncan: were there just a couple of seconds ago.
Bo: Dude, let me tell you how much I've loved a
Bo: story like that, like Mary Celeste the
Bo: Roanoke story all of that stuff Any time.
Bo: It's like we don't know where they went.
Bo: Yeah, there were a bunch of people and then
Bo: something happened and yeah, like the, the
Bo: bowl of soup was still on the table.
Bo: Yeah spoon in it and I.
Duncan: The mystery.
Duncan: That's like me, that's like it engages you
Duncan: straight away, as I want to know what
Duncan: happened here 100%.
Bo: So I'm on board for that reason, if no
Bo: other.
Bo: And but this guy makes the mistake of
Bo: saying, hey, funions, and it's like.
Bo: Well, like, don't come with your trash
Bo: snacks.
Bo: If you're looking for help here, you know,
Bo: give me something.
Bo: I got some cheddar and caramel popcorn,
Bo: like the big bad kind.
Bo: It's really good.
Bo: And there's a lot more Caramel popcorn Then
Bo: in the usual mix, because sometimes it's
Bo: like four cheddar to one caramel.
Bo: That's just not enough.
Duncan: I just opened it.
Duncan: Don't like this idea.
Duncan: This guy's showing up and like half the
Duncan: food delivery is gone because you know he
Duncan: was never sleep well driving.
Bo: I had a drive over now.
Bo: I'm not a great now driver and I'm a
Bo: nervous eater.
Bo: Okay, getting into the cans of the Denty
Bo: more stew was rough, but I got a electric
Bo: can opener here, plugs right into the dash
Bo: and the cigarette lighter.
Duncan: Why wouldn't?
Duncan: You have that if you were a long-haul
Duncan: driver.
Bo: All I gotta do is put the can on top of the
Bo: cigarette lighter for a minute, heats it up,
Bo: just like mom used to make.
Duncan: He's doing this entire monologue while he's
Duncan: walking along trying to find people.
Duncan: Not only is that never seen, he's a nervous
Duncan: talker, and nervous monologuer.
Bo: That's why I could use some help and also a
Bo: toilet, because this dirty more be of
Bo: sewers really doing a number on me.
Bo: It's really moving right through me.
Bo: I think it's all the sodium.
Duncan: He gets to the main kind of rec area and
Duncan: he's just standing there and then all of a
Duncan: sudden he's kind of like, oh, bar fingers,
Duncan: drops his keys or something, and then ends
Duncan: up looking under the table and there's a
Duncan: fucking human tongue right.
Bo: Yeah, that's the point where he's like a
Bo: better call somebody.
Bo: Hey, please, this is Darrell.
Bo: Listen, it started off when I started
Bo: eating the popcorn on the way up here.
Duncan: Please show up.
Duncan: He's at the tongue because he's a nervous
Duncan: eater.
Bo: Oh yeah, they haven't done something well,
Bo: this is definitely a maid woman, cuz she
Bo: looked.
Bo: No, no, no, no, it was just Darrell.
Duncan: I realized, didn't like the taste of it.
Duncan: He's a nervous eater, yeah, so, yeah, so,
Duncan: like there's no one in the, we've jumped
Duncan: forward three days.
Duncan: Well, obviously they parse out that they've
Duncan: clearly been gone for three days or
Duncan: something's happened in the immediate
Duncan: that's led to them fucking disappear.
Duncan: But, yeah, everyone's gone and all there is
Duncan: is what appears to be a human tongue and
Duncan: and that's a.
Duncan: That's our setup and, but that's true,
Duncan: detective.
Duncan: Still, that's not really.
Duncan: That's a mystery, but we always have to
Duncan: have the thing that happened in the past as
Duncan: some sort of weird connective catalyst to
Duncan: get as to where we are.
Duncan: And we're gonna be introduced to
Duncan: essentially our two police detectives, yeah,
Duncan: who at one point were kind of close but are
Duncan: now estranged and guess what?
Duncan: It was a case, a case they worked on
Duncan: together, bo, that's split them apart and
Duncan: one of them is Clarice Starling, who had a
Duncan: real rough time after a Marry and Hannibal
Duncan: Lecter and em you know in the books and
Duncan: then, or in the novel, watching Hannibal
Duncan: chop his hand off she's.
Duncan: I need to get a new job.
Duncan: I'm gonna Alaska, somewhere that Hannibal
Duncan: will never go, because he only likes warm
Duncan: countries.
Bo: Can we talk about how good this credit
Bo: sequence is, real quick.
Duncan: Well, it's Billy Eilish, isn't it so?
Duncan: yeah, it's a song called Barry, a friend
Duncan: yeah which is fucking great, and it's just
Duncan: like I don't have a listen to that.
Duncan: I've got a nine-year-old or so.
Duncan: There's the occasional Eilish song that
Duncan: plays.
Duncan: Now it's not.
Duncan: I think she's very talented to watch, you
Duncan: don't.
Duncan: But the whole credit sequence is just
Duncan: Dripping in fucking Twin Peaks mystery and
Duncan: I kind of like the peepsie and stuff.
Duncan: Like the peepsie and stuff that peaked my
Duncan: interest, come sticking fast with this but
Duncan: says it's really, really cool, can a like,
Duncan: like, can I?
Duncan: Almost heartbeat sort of tempo that works
Duncan: through and lots of imagery of stuff that's
Duncan: actually ticked off in this episode.
Duncan: But other things there's like a like,
Duncan: there's a rocking chair Just moving with
Duncan: like a, like a polar bear toy missing an
Duncan: eye and there's loads of weird shit.
Duncan: But I forget how great the credit sequences
Duncan: to true detective are.
Duncan: You know me, you forget like it's like
Duncan: there's so many shows that now just do that
Duncan: Off of your eyes, just that's written into
Duncan: shows now and true detective might be in
Duncan: the first show.
Duncan: I can think of that fully.
Duncan: Just did it as a kind of concept and intro.
Duncan: I remember the jinx did it as well, the TV
Duncan: show, the drink, the jinx, the documentary
Duncan: on Robert Durst, and it had something, but
Duncan: I don't know which one came first.
Duncan: So I'm gonna see true detective likely came
Duncan: first and yeah, every show has it.
Duncan: But instantly I was like what they're gonna
Duncan: do?
Duncan: And then it was like yes, it's, it's so
Duncan: good.
Bo: And when I was watching this, this episode,
Bo: the second time, I accidentally hit season
Bo: one, episode one, and got a little bit of
Bo: that opening sequence.
Bo: I was like, oh yeah, this is a Banger
Bo: anyway.
Bo: But yeah, I had to point out this barrier,
Bo: friends, all I think is fucking great.
Bo: It's real stripped down and that goes, goes
Bo: along with the whole theme of the show and
Bo: the feel of the show and everything.
Bo: Oh, it's so good.
Bo: So, yeah, right.
Bo: So then we go to a fish packing plant.
Bo: Mm-hmm and our introduce first to Navarro,
Bo: yes, who is the non-clarie starling true
Bo: detective of this.
Duncan: Total badass.
Duncan: Every life professional boxer.
Duncan: So is she really?
Bo: I know that she's fucking stacked.
Duncan: I would not want to get away the wrong side
Duncan: of this woman she could fuck me up.
Bo: I mean in a way, like most people, could
Bo: let's say, it doesn't matter, male, female
Bo: doesn't matter, but her in particular there,
Bo: that scene where she is fucking that guy.
Bo: Yeah and you get, you know, not the full
Bo: Monty, but just seeing how she is built,
Bo: yes, and it was like holy fuck.
Duncan: Yeah, so she is that professional boxer
Duncan: turned actress played by Callie Reese.
Duncan: And yes, she is.
Bo: Thank God she's fucking that Jason Momoa
Bo: looking motherfucker because she needs
Bo: somebody that is.
Bo: Equally like a britch at house, you'll kill
Bo: a mortal man.
Duncan: But just with the thighs like she has.
Bo: she'll see now to top you, and On accident,
Bo: not on purpose, like Zena on a top, did it
Bo: because it gave her that sexual thrill yeah,
Bo: not no, Navarro yeah.
Bo: Neesey's, you're dead, like right.
Bo: She's just like.
Bo: Look, I'm sorry, you were frail like a
Bo: delicate bird, you know I mean well, she.
Duncan: She shows up, you see, and as this
Duncan: Fishpacking plan, there is a guy with a
Duncan: messed up face lying on the ground,
Duncan: unconscious, undeads, door, and and there
Duncan: is a woman comforting another woman, kind
Duncan: of put a cold compress On her eye and we're
Duncan: being brought.
Duncan: And what's interesting about this is the
Duncan: guy that's bringing the detective in is
Duncan: kind of trying to pivot towards the
Duncan: unconscious guy on the floor and not the
Duncan: women looked after, because that's the
Duncan: culture and she's instantly across to the
Duncan: woman to find out what actually happened
Duncan: and did she?
Duncan: I love it.
Duncan: She just kicks a guy on the ground to make
Duncan: sure he's alright.
Duncan: There's no checking the pulses or he's like
Duncan: yeah, he's out, he's still alive.
Duncan: So she walks over and starts quizzing.
Duncan: This is kind of me like did you, did you
Duncan: fuck up this man?
Bo: This mess over here?
Bo: Did you make this mess over here?
Duncan: And we get.
Duncan: We get, like, essentially we get a bit of
Duncan: background on this one.
Duncan: This guy is a complete shithead of a
Duncan: character.
Duncan: Abusive boyfriend has been tormenting the
Duncan: other, loving fuck and beating the shit of
Duncan: his partner.
Duncan: She has left him and he, for whatever
Duncan: reason because we're working the same plant
Duncan: and would you imagine, it's probably the
Duncan: big industry here Like everyone works at
Duncan: the fishing plant or the mine that we're
Duncan: gonna talk about later on and Basically
Duncan: asks, like what happens?
Duncan: Like yeah, came in here and attacked her,
Duncan: so I picked up my metal bucket and I fucked
Duncan: him up with it.
Bo: The way she puts is like asshole hit her,
Bo: so I hit the ass I for an eye and Well done.
Duncan: This guy comes to and as he's coming to,
Duncan: like she slaps a cuff on him after taking
Duncan: him down again, like he tries to try some
Duncan: bullshit on her, and she like, very, very
Duncan: quickly once again if you were thinking
Duncan: maybe she just lifts, I'm not, as she'll
Duncan: fuck you up she restrains him on the ground,
Duncan: slaps a cuff on him and takes him away,
Duncan: much to the the supervisors dis me.
Duncan: He's kind of feels like this should be the
Duncan: other way around, which kind of speaks to
Duncan: the culture once again.
Duncan: But what entries to her?
Duncan: She apparently is Put to the class, her job
Duncan: as so she's not an actual detective and
Duncan: she's a trooper, a trooper right.
Duncan: So, like America has weird In my country
Duncan: it's the police right and you have
Duncan: different grades within the police.
Bo: A trooper is someone that sits Generally
Bo: like road patrol that kind of right and
Bo: yeah.
Bo: So yeah, and from where clearly where she
Bo: was, she has been bounced down.
Bo: Yes, we will find out a lot more of that
Bo: soon, so yeah, so yeah, cuz Navarro gets a
Bo: call, looks real sullen, and we'll find out
Bo: what that's about in a second, but first to
Bo: Clarice, you've been hold like literally
Bo: our chat for the people out there, our chat
Bo: back and forwards, has been borderline
Bo: ridiculous, like any.
Duncan: Like this is is almost as if the show has
Duncan: given it gave us.
Duncan: It's like you want, let's see if we can get
Duncan: Duncan and go back together.
Duncan: We'll give them some true detective that I
Duncan: get them back.
Duncan: I'm like, yeah, we see what you're doing,
Duncan: hbo.
Duncan: And they were like, right, I'll be setting
Duncan: the snow and it'll be a murder mystery.
Duncan: I'm like, oh, it's reference all your
Duncan: favorite horror movies.
Duncan: That's kind of cool.
Duncan: That's like I'm gonna give you Jodie Foster
Duncan: more.
Duncan: Like, oh, yeah.
Bo: The Tigers are not afraid.
Bo: Ladies, do it all, all right.
Duncan: God damn it.
Duncan: So, yeah, we apologize in advance if we, we
Duncan: Absolutely.
Duncan: But you're your love of silence of the
Duncan: lambs by making so many, it's.
Bo: Like it's been a running concern on this
Bo: show ever since there has been a show that
Bo: was more More broadly obsessed with that
Bo: movie?
Duncan: Yes, yeah.
Bo: And to those people who would argue like,
Bo: why would you want to watch something that
Bo: is full of such horrible Imagery all the
Bo: time, I would respond Tovens, the nipples
Bo: doesn't.
Duncan: The thing about, like the thing I love
Duncan: about that Jodie Foster is she's obviously
Duncan: she's getting on an age right and actually
Duncan: she fits this role.
Duncan: Fucking pit.
Duncan: She is cold, she is brutal, she's matter of
Duncan: fact, she's kind of fucking amazing.
Duncan: Like right from the off I'm just like that.
Duncan: As soon as she walks in, I'm like I love
Duncan: this character and Like we're gonna, I
Duncan: imagine, over the next five episodes,
Duncan: unpack a whole hell of all stuff in her
Duncan: past.
Duncan: But as it stands just now she is in charge
Duncan: of the police department there.
Duncan: She's been called and she's the lead
Duncan: detective.
Duncan: She's been called in and to the Antarctic
Duncan: station to do some investigation on An
Duncan: empty what is an empty?
Duncan: Research station.
Duncan: As when she walks in and she's met with
Duncan: that clip from Ferris Bealers on loop and
Duncan: literally the first thing, she's like that
Duncan: who the fuck is it?
Duncan: And we need to switch this off like she's
Duncan: like.
Duncan: She's like turn the fucking music off.
Bo: Yeah it, yeah, I like.
Bo: All the stuff you say about her character
Bo: is right, I like.
Bo: I think it's also worth pointing out the
Bo: the town that they're in.
Bo: It's a place called.
Bo: Ennis, yes, and it's it like is a small
Bo: Alaskan town.
Bo: Yeah, and I mean it's civilization, for
Bo: sure it's not, you know.
Duncan: Civilization.
Duncan: You know I mean so yeah you imagine there
Duncan: are not.
Duncan: It's not like fucking, it's not blue collar
Duncan: cream, you know.
Bo: It's Poor Stacy showing up getting drunk
Bo: and running like yes, yes, the crime.
Bo: Yeah, and, and then we'll get to Stacy in a
Bo: minute, but the star of the episode, as far
Bo: as Stacy's.
Duncan: We get no of Jill.
Duncan: Is Ken that amazing?
Bo: Yeah, it's well.
Bo: Yeah, we'll get to it, but it's so being
Bo: called to this station and not really
Bo: knowing what's going on other than hey,
Bo: nobody's here, and we found a tongue and
Bo: already, like, the antenna is up.
Bo: But yes, she like cruises into this garage.
Bo: Join very quickly by John Hawks.
Duncan: Like I'm like this already, like the show
Duncan: is giving us is like that, it's like that
Duncan: just listen, we've got you here's like here,
Duncan: here, just some great actors that are just
Duncan: here to play in this world.
Duncan: And John Hawks is.
Duncan: I love him, I love him and everything, and
Duncan: he's playing you very John Hawks character,
Duncan: which also makes me kind of happy.
Bo: Yeah, but he's kind of a doofus a little
Bo: bit in this, which is an interesting shift
Bo: of gears for him.
Duncan: I don't know if I've got some theories.
Duncan: I don't know if he's Kind of playing a
Duncan: doofus and he's actually maybe more shrewd
Duncan: Than he actually is in relation to the case
Duncan: box.
Duncan: Why does he have my?
Duncan: Maybe he's on the payroll.
Duncan: We'll get to that a little bit more.
Bo: I think he might be a bit crooked, so oh
Bo: okay, I see what you're saying, all right,
Bo: yeah, I mean, I think I think he may have
Bo: been holding on to something.
Bo: For because they do point out that he was
Bo: sheriff at the time.
Bo: Yeah and that was before he ever got.
Bo: Yeah, Jenny Foster is quick to say like the
Bo: anti murder was before she got there.
Duncan: Yes, I think there's maybe a reason why,
Duncan: also why there's a scene later on when I
Duncan: was like, alright, maybe you're not a you
Duncan: know, maybe you're just playing this role
Duncan: to an extent in front of people, we'll get
Duncan: to it, we'll get to it.
Duncan: I might not bear out to be anything, but I
Duncan: get a feeling that something may come out
Duncan: with that character and other vested
Duncan: interests, with big business in the area.
Bo: Okay.
Bo: Gotcha yeah yeah, cause we?
Bo: Yeah, we'll talk about the mind as that
Bo: comes up.
Bo: But yeah, so she rolls in.
Bo: It's the first time anybody's really been
Bo: inside the research station because, it's a
Bo: research station, like you know.
Bo: They, they kind of are hands off with this
Bo: group and the whole time she's like oh, dr
Bo: Lector, I can't find my clue.
Duncan: And he was coming and she didn't realize it
Duncan: was coming straight away.
Duncan: And the fight that everyone is called Dr
Duncan: Lector.
Bo: Well, naturally, and by the way, who the
Bo: fuck is playing?
Bo: Twist and shout over and over again, like
Bo: that, cause I'm going to, I'm going to have
Bo: to rip a cocoon straight out of their
Bo: throat.
Duncan: Amy Crase.
Duncan: Is the Ferris Bueller still playing?
Duncan: Yeah, so they go in and they're all like
Duncan: they're.
Duncan: It's clear that she's a lot better than
Duncan: what.
Duncan: I've been interested to find out where she
Duncan: came from, because she's just infinitely a
Duncan: better police officer than anyone else in
Duncan: the room.
Bo: Right, yeah, I like the fact that, as she's
Bo: searching for this remote to turn off twist
Bo: and shout which is playing on a loop, um,
Bo: the cop, the other cop is like look, it
Bo: doesn't open, it doesn't open, it doesn't
Bo: open, and finally she gets the one that
Bo: does yeah, and he's like, oh, all right, so
Bo: they've always tried one and being like
Bo: that this doesn't open or maybe not even
Bo: try like, maybe not even giving it that
Bo: much.
Duncan: Another detail that I like about her and
Duncan: we're about to get to is that she's happy
Duncan: to let people not make a fool of themselves,
Duncan: but happy for to let people, like give
Duncan: their opinion on something before she then
Duncan: tells them why they're wrong.
Duncan: Yeah, it's then like instantly shooting
Duncan: down and she's like what do you think
Duncan: happened here?
Duncan: How do you, how did you come to that?
Duncan: And then she's like here's why you're wrong.
Duncan: Because and then she leaves it.
Duncan: Matter of fact.
Duncan: So she hears this guy say this to her and
Duncan: she's like that doesn't sound right.
Duncan: And then she guys continue, and then she
Duncan: finds it and then all of a sudden, the sins
Duncan: off and she very quickly tells you that she
Duncan: does not like the artist to perform this
Duncan: song.
Duncan: She's not a fan at all and I wonder if
Duncan: we're going to get more.
Duncan: I did feel like a very, very, very, very
Duncan: extreme reaction.
Bo: Yeah Well, there's so much, like you said,
Bo: that's alluded to in her background, that
Bo: we just can't possibly have a frame of
Bo: reference for just yet, but I do.
Bo: This is also the scene where you get a very
Bo: clear shot of the copy of the thing on the
Bo: shelf.
Bo: And I'm like I see what you're doing, but
Bo: I'm like a motherfucker, she, I, what.
Bo: One of the moments I really like here is
Bo: when she's like so who pays for all this?
Bo: And one of the guys is like I don't know
Bo: grants or something, and she goes are you
Bo: asking me, dr Lector?
Bo: And he's like no, I guess I'll look it up.
Bo: Yeah, I think that'd be a good idea.
Bo: How about you do your I don't know, goddamn
Bo: job.
Duncan: You play that game.
Duncan: I gave a quick poll call.
Duncan: Do we have to share secrets for you to go
Duncan: and access this computer right now?
Duncan: That's about yourself.
Duncan: So yeah, let me go away.
Duncan: They start pulling up details about the
Duncan: station itself.
Duncan: So the cell research station appears to be
Duncan: All men, yes, all men.
Duncan: All men, different ethnicities, different
Duncan: age ranges, mostly in a kind of molecular
Duncan: biology and geology, and there's no clear
Duncan: remit of what they're doing, but it's kind
Duncan: of it's hypothesized that it's something in
Duncan: relation to global warming and studies in
Duncan: the area is very, very, very big and the
Duncan: way they phrase it is the origin of life.
Duncan: Yes.
Bo: It's what they're cause Danvers.
Bo: Jenny Foster is like oh, that old thing,
Bo: it's a yeah and yeah.
Duncan: So like they're pulling up all the files of
Duncan: all the different people so we get a view
Duncan: of who they all are.
Duncan: So it's relatively well man station.
Duncan: She's working a way around, so she notes
Duncan: that the treadmill, for example, that the
Duncan: Asian doctor was running on, it's still a
Duncan: kind of pause setting.
Duncan: So it's asking if he wants to resume this.
Duncan: So he stopped at some point.
Duncan: So and then she's looking around at like
Duncan: there's a beer, there's a bowl of popcorn,
Duncan: like in the TV room, and she comes to the
Duncan: sandwich and this is where her and John
Duncan: Hawks have the first of our.
Duncan: Let me bitch slap you with just I don't
Duncan: know, like investigation details here and
Duncan: there's a lot of backhanded comments.
Duncan: So it's alluded to that maybe they've been
Duncan: in a relationship at some point.
Bo: Yeah, All right.
Bo: Before we get to that, just to point out
Bo: that in her journey she also finds a
Bo: whiteboard where someone has written we are
Bo: all dead.
Duncan: Yes, someone has.
Duncan: Maybe don't come looking for us, we're all
Duncan: dead.
Bo: Yeah, so, but yeah too, I think the way
Bo: that I'm reading it is the deputy is their
Bo: kid because she talks about him going to
Bo: her debt, like it's one of those things
Bo: where they don't talk to each other real
Bo: well.
Bo: Yes, but there's a lot of your mother and
Bo: your father when they're talking to him.
Duncan: Yeah, but she's also got a kid no no, no,
Duncan: no From another relationship.
Duncan: It's not her kid, but it's from another
Duncan: relationship where she has essentially once
Duncan: again it's alluded to that he died and
Duncan: she's just now essentially still looking
Duncan: after that kid.
Duncan: So she's assumed kind of the mother role in
Duncan: this thing.
Duncan: That kid is kind of kind of native origin
Duncan: as well.
Duncan: So yeah, it's just like the family dynamic
Duncan: here is just make the whole police dynamic,
Duncan: family dynamic straight way.
Duncan: Everything's just messed up, nothing's
Duncan: clean here.
Duncan: Like this is a small, like you said before,
Duncan: this is a small town.
Duncan: Everyone kind of knows everyone intimately.
Duncan: So like we look at easily that yeah, I
Duncan: think they've been missing for the same
Duncan: which year?
Duncan: Not very long sandwiches, you know, there's
Duncan: no, no time, the ham still not moldy, or
Duncan: you know this kind of still soft, and she's
Duncan: like huh.
Duncan: So she's like what I want is a flyover air
Duncan: search thing and 15 miles, I think is what
Duncan: she says.
Duncan: Is the radius is what he's looking for.
Duncan: He's like whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa,
Duncan: whoa.
Duncan: Sheriff, like what we're doing here, like
Duncan: this is overkill, you're going to panic
Duncan: people and all the rest, and she basically
Duncan: she leaves out factually why from this one
Duncan: sandwich she knows they've been gone for
Duncan: more than I don't know a couple of hours
Duncan: and they'll come back, and from a jolly in
Duncan: the snow.
Bo: Well, it's coupled with a real bitch slap
Bo: for being a shitty dad, because it's huh.
Bo: I see what you're saying there about the
Bo: ham.
Bo: Everybody knows, dr Lecter, that this kind
Bo: of ham is processed meat.
Bo: It could last with the apocalypse.
Bo: But more importantly, dr Lecter, look at
Bo: the mayonnaise, the mayonnaise.
Duncan: She says the mayonnaise has now got like a
Duncan: custard consistency, which happens after
Duncan: it's been outside for more than 48 hours.
Duncan: So she reckons it's probably 72 hours,
Duncan: which would make sense with the three days
Duncan: later thing that came up at the beginning
Duncan: of this scene.
Bo: By the way, did you not see the crawl at
Bo: the beginning of the scene?
Bo: Clearly it happened three days after.
Duncan: And then she basically says you know, I get
Duncan: all this from having to make sandwiches
Duncan: from my kids and I know that you probably
Duncan: never really had to make me any sandwiches
Duncan: for your kids.
Duncan: And I'm just like such a dick move because
Duncan: the guy she's going around with here, who's
Duncan: been doing the computer investigation on
Duncan: all the rest, is John Hawk's son, right?
Bo: Yeah, I let you see their kid.
Duncan: Yeah, kind of alluded to that.
Duncan: This is her, you know, this is their
Duncan: offspring and the basal is standing over a
Duncan: sandwich and she's basically calling him
Duncan: kind of shitty parents.
Bo: You were never much of a making sandwiches
Bo: for the kids kind of dad.
Bo: Where are you Dr?
Duncan: Lecter so so like we're instantly set up
Duncan: here, something really weird is going on.
Duncan: It looks like, from the point when that
Duncan: sandwich was made like, nothing has kind of
Duncan: changed.
Duncan: There's no visible signs of any.
Duncan: That's the other thing.
Duncan: There's no visible signs of blood or
Duncan: anything around here out with the scroll
Duncan: along there.
Duncan: And that's right, the human tongue.
Bo: Right, and we talked about this a little
Bo: bit ago already.
Bo: But this is the point where you know
Bo: they're like hey, are you sure that this
Bo: tongue comes from a native tongue?
Bo: It comes from a native American woman of
Bo: this area, because you could tell by the
Bo: scores on the tongue.
Bo: It's another moment.
Duncan: The young cop thinks it's someone biting
Duncan: the tongue and she says no, this is that
Duncan: like the repeated like of threading like
Duncan: fish rope or whatever it is, through your
Duncan: tongue you inherently get a groove.
Duncan: It's common in a lot of women that work in
Duncan: the industry, in the area, and we're like
Duncan: that.
Duncan: Huh, that seems like a real specific detail
Duncan: that you would know, jodie Foster.
Duncan: I wonder if there's ever been I don't know
Duncan: a crime that's happened in this area where
Duncan: someone's tongue was missing.
Duncan: I don't know, maybe, maybe.
Bo: All right.
Bo: So between this and that, you know of kind
Bo: of getting some answers about that, there's
Bo: a very quick scene with Fiona Shaw.
Bo: Welcome to the show, Fiona Shaw.
Duncan: Yeah, we love you being everything, please.
Bo: Yes, is skinning an animal out on the
Bo: tundra?
Bo: Yep.
Duncan: This is Tuesday.
Duncan: This is Tuesday's activity.
Bo: It's just.
Bo: Some of the details I really like in this
Bo: show are where you see like people who have
Bo: a bunch of canned food and shit just
Bo: stacked in the back for when hey, when it
Bo: gets snowy and nobody can get here.
Bo: We want to make sure we've got plenty of
Bo: supplies.
Bo: Yeah.
Bo: And this is a woman who just lives out on
Bo: the edge of nothing and is making her
Bo: living out there and she is skinning this
Bo: animal and then she sees somebody named
Bo: Travis standing barefooted in, you know,
Bo: pretty casual clothes for it being
Bo: nighttime in Alaska.
Duncan: Right.
Duncan: So do you know the Travis TV?
Bo: I mean clearly this is.
Bo: I mean it's a ghost to her Yep, but do you?
Duncan: know how Travis connects to True Detective.
Duncan: How does Travis connect to True Detective?
Duncan: Right, this is where, like pfft the fucking
Duncan: this might prove to be nothing, but this is
Duncan: literally what the internet is like,
Duncan: screaming themselves over at the moment.
Duncan: And episode number four of season one of
Duncan: True Detective Rustin Cole says that his
Duncan: dad lived in Alaska and his name was Travis.
Bo: Oh, so it could be Matthew McConaughey.
Bo: What people are saying?
Duncan: is.
Duncan: He does have a striking resemblance, with
Duncan: the straggly hair, to what Rustin Cole
Duncan: would eventually look like.
Duncan: And at the end of season one of True
Duncan: Detective, when they're talking about their
Duncan: events in Karkosa and how you know like
Duncan: Rustin Cole almost dies, he says that.
Duncan: You know like when they're talking about
Duncan: the lights beating over the dock, he talks
Duncan: about like almost leaving his body and
Duncan: seeing his dad.
Duncan: So there's now this kind of internet
Duncan: assumption that this Travis character is
Duncan: Travis Cole, which it might not be, but the
Duncan: fact that he is kind of supernaturally
Duncan: appearing and in a later scene doing
Duncan: something very similar to the swishy swishy
Duncan: of the sky that was in season one, that
Duncan: maybe this is one in the same.
Duncan: There's another nod which once again, I
Duncan: just can't think of all the names in the
Duncan: world and all the places in the world.
Duncan: It kind of feels like if you're also Lopez,
Duncan: you're like, oh, that'd be fun.
Duncan: Yeah, that's a fun to get in there.
Duncan: And in season three we obviously had the
Duncan: connecting tissue there where they talked
Duncan: about the child abuse case covered by
Duncan: Rustin Cole and fucking Woody Harvison's
Duncan: character from that.
Duncan: So there was a link there as well.
Duncan: So this once again exists in the same
Duncan: universe as season one.
Bo: I yeah, I mean, that's very specific.
Bo: That feels like something that can be
Bo: totally legit.
Duncan: Well, it's the name of all the names in the
Duncan: world Travis and Alaska, and it's a low
Duncan: play.
Duncan: Lopez clearly understands that part of the
Duncan: fun of this show is discussing the show,
Duncan: and I think it's all this I believe it's
Duncan: called the general term for this is the
Duncan: psychosphere, as well as called online off,
Duncan: where people like like watch a TV show and
Duncan: then instantly try and unpack mysteries,
Duncan: some of them clearly in there, some of them
Duncan: kind of alluded to fun play and some stuff
Duncan: that people are just like trying to get
Duncan: that conspiracy theory and to the end to be.
Duncan: They mean nothing, but let's try and give
Duncan: it meaning.
Duncan: And but this one does feel like a kind of
Duncan: oh right, because we get another one very
Duncan: fucking fast, like super, super fast here
Duncan: with the connection to the dead body of any
Duncan: K, which I don't know if you picked up on,
Duncan: but I'm happy to talk about that as well.
Duncan: So, yeah, so Travis appears, I kind of
Duncan: ghostly weird, almost from the fucking red
Duncan: room character.
Bo: When he's doing the dance.
Bo: I was totally reminded of firewalk with me.
Duncan: I was waiting for is to turn around and see
Duncan: let's rock.
Duncan: I mean I was like, yeah, what are we doing
Duncan: here?
Duncan: Like all that love, everything about it.
Bo: Yeah, yeah, it's terrific, and anyway.
Bo: So then we go back with Danvers, back to
Bo: the sheriff's office where Navarro is
Bo: waiting for to be like hey, I hear there's
Bo: a severed tongue.
Bo: Yeah, remember the Annie K case.
Bo: What's going on?
Duncan: Yeah, and and roster shuts her down.
Duncan: Real Well, this is a putting you in your
Duncan: place, two steps away from saying fuck off
Duncan: you know what I mean.
Bo: Right, I don't know how you heard about
Bo: this.
Bo: Maybe you're just following your spirit
Bo: animal or whatever, and that led you here.
Bo: You know some of that mystical bullshit
Bo: that I don't believe in your spirit animal,
Bo: a lamb, by any chance.
Bo: So Because if it was, it wouldn't be
Bo: screaming, right now.
Bo: It'd just be really wrong.
Duncan: What yeah and?
Bo: And Navarro is just like yeah, my, you know,
Bo: spirit animal eats old white men like our
Bo: old white ladies, like you for lunch, yeah,
Bo: and to light.
Bo: I don't really like that much in that scene.
Bo: And she's like yeah, well, whatever, I'm
Bo: rubber in your glue and perhaps you can
Bo: investigate what happens.
Duncan: My spirit animal eats pieces of shit like
Duncan: you for for that Spent on the pieces of
Duncan: shit.
Duncan: I mean I was no one man Pow.
Bo: Yeah.
Bo: And then she gets a call from this mother
Bo: at her kid's school and she's like I don't
Bo: have the bandwidth for all of this bullshit
Bo: right now.
Bo: It is coming fast and or furious, yeah, and
Bo: sure enough she has to take all off to go
Bo: to the next scene.
Bo: Physically has to take off and you're kind
Bo: of thinking, oh, there's a kid got in
Bo: trouble at school.
Duncan: No, no, no.
Duncan: This is a parent, this is another parent
Duncan: where the kids go to the same school and,
Duncan: um, it is dude in her face, like the kind
Duncan: of righteous angry that parents are when
Duncan: they're.
Bo: Just like I've got.
Bo: I'm about to unload on you and Joe and, to
Bo: her credit, like Jody Foster knows her kid
Bo: fucked up and is not like arguing against
Bo: it too much.
Bo: She's just like, I know.
Bo: I know.
Bo: Yeah, uh-huh, I know.
Bo: Yes, I'm a piece of shit.
Bo: Yes, my daughter is a piece of shit.
Bo: We're a piece of shit family.
Bo: Yes, we live in a toilet bowl because we're
Bo: all pieces of shit.
Bo: Yes, I know you fucked my way, If you
Bo: fucked my way, if you fucked my way, if you
Bo: fucked my way, if you fucked my way, if you
Bo: fucked my way Um then she gets back at,
Bo: like a Jody Foster gets back at the SUV
Bo: after getting this ass or aiming from this
Bo: mom, and she's just like well, I hope
Bo: you're fucking happy, dr Licker.
Bo: That sucked.
Bo: Were you watching that?
Bo: That fucking sucked.
Duncan: So it's a little bit too that on the phone,
Duncan: basically, her Now kind of surrogate
Duncan: adopted daughter and her classmate, who she
Duncan: believes is only 15, are engaging in sexual
Duncan: activity in which they filmed themselves
Duncan: doing it Right and right.
Duncan: Yes, and the mum's found it on the phone,
Duncan: so as it hasn't made its way out, but the
Duncan: mum of the other kid has found it on her
Duncan: phone and is rightly fucking furious about
Duncan: this, so yeah, and Jody Foster is giving
Duncan: her the business about like, are you
Duncan: fucking stupid?
Bo: Do you not know that that can get out
Bo: online?
Bo: Are you just an asshole?
Bo: And she's like I didn't think about all the
Bo: criminal angles on this.
Bo: I fucking should.
Bo: I'm a cop, I'm a.
Bo: You are the daughter of a cop.
Bo: And also quit rubbing Vaj.
Bo: Just look at the car going and put it in,
Bo: recording it with a 15 year old.
Duncan: I'm the mother fucking police up in this
Duncan: bitch.
Bo: Yes, king Kong ain't got shit on me and, as
Bo: as they're having this argument, there is a
Bo: surprise car accident right in front of
Bo: them.
Duncan: Player willing to just to like both
Duncan: favorite character.
Bo: It kind of is Stacy Chalmers drunk again?
Bo: Stacy Chalmers.
Bo: It was a guy from the window Like trust me,
Bo: that is fucking Stacy again.
Bo: That is the best part.
Bo: Is the guy going?
Bo: Is that God damn Stacy Chalmers down there?
Bo: And of course, Stacy as soon as this car
Bo: wreck happens.
Bo: The Jody Foster's like wait here, I got to
Bo: go see what's going on.
Bo: And gets out of her car and starts to
Bo: approach Stacy Chalmers, already getting
Bo: out of the car like drunk as shit, hey, my
Bo: baby's leaving me.
Bo: I know I'm not supposed to be out here and
Bo: Jody Foster's meeting.
Bo: Like are you fucking kidding me?
Bo: Yeah, you are not supposed to be even
Bo: driving.
Bo: You don't even have a license right now.
Duncan: Yeah, like she.
Duncan: Like full on.
Duncan: Cop slams are right in the front of the car,
Duncan: handcuffs on, and the rest are for rightly
Duncan: reckless driving under the influence,
Duncan: driving driving with a license.
Duncan: I imagine the list goes on and on and on.
Duncan: But this is once you get small town Alaska.
Duncan: Yes, you see what happens.
Duncan: She's probably going to sleep it off and
Duncan: then be released.
Bo: It is right next door to an odished the
Bo: drunk situation.
Bo: Like here's the keys, go put yourself in
Bo: the lock up.
Bo: But like there's a moment where Jody Foster
Bo: realizes like she's being rough with this
Bo: woman because she's just had a shitty day
Bo: and it's kind of coming out on this lady
Bo: and her daughter's watching and she's like
Bo: God damn it, I'm just like nothing is going
Bo: right.
Bo: And she gets back in the car and the
Bo: daughter is like you know, I just just so
Bo: you know she was 16.
Bo: She's not 15.
Bo: She's 16 until he falls here.
Bo: She's like Jesus, fucking Christ, get the
Bo: wheel, take the wheel.
Bo: I mean it has just like this day cannot get
Bo: worse.
Bo: Yeah, and so then we go back to Navarro,
Bo: who is waiting outside for a dude who's
Bo: involved with the Annie K case.
Duncan: Yeah, and this is the big mind that the
Duncan: town of Ennis makes its money from.
Duncan: Yeah, and this dude comes out.
Duncan: This is the brother of Annie K.
Bo: Okay, that's what I was going to ask.
Bo: I was unclear exactly what his relationship
Bo: was.
Bo: Yeah, this is the brother.
Duncan: He's mentioned later on as well, and
Duncan: Navarro plays it off as if she has to make
Duncan: contact with him because she's not.
Duncan: But you get the impression that she
Duncan: periodically checks up on the brother to
Duncan: make sure he's all right.
Duncan: They seem to they have a relationship
Duncan: comfortable enough where he's like I do
Duncan: want to go for a drink and she's like I'll
Duncan: come back to mine.
Duncan: Then she's like I suppose so.
Duncan: And then we go back to this guy's house
Duncan: where he offers her a beer and she says no,
Duncan: no, she's not taking the beer.
Duncan: And then he offers her some of the he's
Duncan: like secret stash or something and she's
Duncan: like no, we're not doing that either.
Duncan: Cop and she asked specific questions of him.
Duncan: So the detailed question here is did his
Duncan: sister ever mention anything about the
Duncan: research station?
Duncan: And we got a bit of background here from
Duncan: the brother as to what Annie was actually
Duncan: doing.
Duncan: She was a local activist who appeared to
Duncan: have a very, very, very, very strong
Duncan: feeling about the mine as practices and its
Duncan: effect on the environment and as a result I
Duncan: made her really unpopular because her
Duncan: brother basically said listen, I tried to
Duncan: tell her she wouldn't listen to me.
Duncan: If the mine closes down, the town dies why
Duncan: there is no town anymore.
Duncan: If this mine closes down, she says that in
Duncan: the last year they weren't speaking to each
Duncan: other.
Duncan: And actually, one step even further, he'd
Duncan: be kind of happy if she, you know, just
Duncan: wanted to let this case go now.
Duncan: Enough times passed.
Duncan: He's kind of I think he's resigned himself
Duncan: to the fact that he's never going to get
Duncan: resolution from it.
Duncan: Enough times passed, and what I can only
Duncan: the thing about this is and I think it's
Duncan: another thing that true detective does
Duncan: really really well is the idea of like
Duncan: detectives carrying cases with them, like
Duncan: this unresolved business.
Duncan: And all the way through this episode she is,
Duncan: you get that obsessive nature that she's
Duncan: had to like kind of resolve this case and
Duncan: everyone that she's speaking to is kind of
Duncan: like let's move on.
Duncan: And you find that the Jodie Foster handles
Duncan: that completely smarter, in different way,
Duncan: where the emotional side doesn't get locked
Duncan: in.
Duncan: But you know she's like even talking to the
Duncan: brother and the brother's like you know you
Duncan: don't have to keep doing this.
Duncan: You know, let this go If you don't have
Duncan: like.
Duncan: If there's no, I don't have to continue to
Duncan: investigate that.
Duncan: I've kind of made peace with the situation
Duncan: and we can kind of move on and Navarro kind
Duncan: of is she's respectful of the situation,
Duncan: buying going to happen?
Bo: Yeah, another thing that I would just add
Bo: to the list of hey, here's some interesting
Bo: information we're giving in this scene Is
Bo: not just you know, here's Annie's
Bo: background.
Bo: There's a point where it's when he's
Bo: offering the beer and Navarro just asked
Bo: for water instead and he's like actually
Bo: the water shit.
Bo: It has been for three days, which I'm like
Bo: oh timeline, okay.
Duncan: So something is going on.
Duncan: Something weird is going on here.
Bo: Something happened, and there's also a
Bo: point we haven't talked about this yet in
Bo: this scene where he asks her at a certain
Bo: point if she believes in God.
Bo: Yeah, right so yeah, yeah, it's good scene,
Bo: yeah, and she's like, well, yes.
Bo: And then there's this flashback to when she
Bo: was on a tour of duty in.
Duncan: Afghanistan or something like that.
Bo: Yeah, I rack Afghanistan, something like
Bo: that and she sees a woman who's like
Bo: literally half her head is blown off.
Bo: It's a real like Gus from breaking bad kind
Bo: of situation and leans down and whisper
Bo: something to her and we don't get what she
Bo: says, but clearly something that affected
Bo: her, affected Navarro, and when we cut back
Bo: to her, the guy's like I wish I could do
Bo: that at.
Bo: You know, I believe we're alone.
Bo: And she's like oh, I didn't say we're not
Bo: all alone, it's just that God's alone too.
Duncan: Yeah, and that's what links back to the
Duncan: opening quote.
Duncan: Yeah, and then the idea of, like, even God
Duncan: sleeps.
Duncan: So right and we get another phone call
Duncan: saying well, it happened again Like there's
Duncan: a lot like I would hate to be a police
Duncan: officer in this place.
Duncan: There is no downtime Like even when you're
Duncan: getting downtime, even when you're getting
Duncan: some downtime where you're your beloved,
Duncan: which is young man we're about to go to in
Duncan: a couple of scenes is like he is, but he's
Duncan: about two seconds away from being knuckled
Duncan: deep and he has to answer a phone call out
Duncan: of ours for something that is not actually
Duncan: case related is like extracurricular cold
Duncan: case yet yeah, so this is Navarro's sister
Duncan: that we're about to meet.
Bo: Who is?
Duncan: so we get a couple of of establishing shots
Duncan: of the town here too and you see a lot of
Duncan: like there's broken signs and bingo parlors
Duncan: and stuff like that and to sort of suggest
Duncan: that there's kind of a seediness with a
Duncan: small town tends to be around any community
Duncan: where mining is like, if you, if you're
Duncan: like, if you're working in the mining
Duncan: business and I don't want to generalize in
Duncan: total, but anything around mining or oil or
Duncan: really these heavy industry times, is
Duncan: generally sex trading, gambling or the or
Duncan: the two things that like, take root very,
Duncan: very quickly, because when people are, I
Duncan: don't know isolated, working their fingers
Duncan: to death manually, when they finish, they
Duncan: want to get high, get drunk and fuck.
Bo: So yeah, and so we were getting some of
Bo: these vibes.
Bo: And then Navarro shows up at a door and
Bo: there's another trooper there that's like,
Bo: hey, I want to give you a call because you
Bo: know she's locked herself from the inside
Bo: and said somebody was in there with her,
Bo: but it just sounds like she's a little
Bo: having an episode again.
Bo: This is something that's happened before.
Bo: And Navarro does get inside and we
Bo: understand like, oh, this is her sister who
Bo: has some mental health problems and had
Bo: moved there like move to Ennis, alaska, one
Bo: presumed so that Navarro can kind of keep
Bo: an eye on her.
Duncan: It's also alluded to in here that their
Duncan: mother like had mental health issues, like
Duncan: bad mental health issues, and because the
Duncan: sisters quite to point out that she's not
Duncan: like their mum, and Navarro basically says
Duncan: you know, if you were, though, we can get
Duncan: you help, and she was like no hospitals.
Duncan: No, no, no, absolutely not.
Duncan: That's not why I came here.
Duncan: Maybe I made a mistake moving here and so,
Duncan: like, navarro's not only got all this
Duncan: weight on her shoulders, but she's looking
Duncan: after a sister who appears to be exhibiting
Duncan: similar where it's bipolar or whatever it
Duncan: is, appears to be suffering something very,
Duncan: very similar to what her mum suffered.
Bo: Yeah, like schizophrenia is something like
Bo: that.
Bo: Yeah, we get as we move away from this
Bo: scene.
Bo: We're getting some more shots of the town,
Bo: as Navarro is kind of driving through and
Bo: there's some whispers going on.
Duncan: Whispers all the way through this, by the
Duncan: way.
Bo: Yeah, it's.
Bo: It's real creepy and weird.
Bo: And then we get to back to the sheriff's
Bo: office, where Stacy Chalmers is voicing her
Bo: distress.
Duncan: Yeah, she's basically.
Duncan: She's actual one here.
Bo: It is just way, I really love it.
Bo: Just somebody that's just like.
Duncan: I mean she is just letting the the place,
Duncan: but she's doing it because in the past this
Duncan: is apparently how she's got out, like she's
Duncan: done this more than once, because the tip,
Duncan: like you have, you have Jody Foster and
Duncan: Jody Foster's possible son are in a room
Duncan: together, kind of going over, and this is
Duncan: cut off here.
Duncan: But they specifically talk about how the
Duncan: station's being funded, yeah, yeah, yeah,
Duncan: so where the money comes from.
Duncan: And he's saying that he's like you know,
Duncan: and I'm assuming we will eventually get
Duncan: back to this because we get that some of it
Duncan: comes from a particular part of industry,
Duncan: but there's also this in the background.
Duncan: And she's like right, we'll just keep
Duncan: talking through this.
Duncan: Then, all of a sudden, she hears the door
Duncan: open to the cell and she's like oh no, fuck.
Duncan: So they go straight out and John Hawks is
Duncan: letting her out.
Duncan: You know, you just go.
Duncan: You know I'm gonna sleep this one off.
Duncan: And she's like she's still fucking drunk,
Duncan: like she's not even slept off the booze and
Duncan: we get this great light off.
Duncan: I like I'll take her home.
Duncan: He's like yeah, I know she blows you some
Duncan: time, which, right in front of your
Duncan: possible son, right in front of his father,
Duncan: like just in front of her as well.
Bo: She's like well, and they call out like
Bo: he's got some mail order bride from Vlad of
Bo: Fostock that is coming to live with him.
Duncan: It's like, listen, she's coming over for
Duncan: Christmas and we're going to get married.
Duncan: And she's like, oh, Christmas bed and how
Duncan: festive.
Bo: Yeah, she's pretty like.
Bo: It couldn't be any less judgmental Her
Bo: delivery of these lines.
Bo: She's just like you, piece of shit.
Duncan: She's like.
Duncan: Jody Foster is such a fucking good actress
Duncan: Like I love her in roles like this.
Duncan: She's just great yeah.
Bo: Yeah, Well, she's got a real edge to her
Bo: and and it really suits her.
Bo: So we follow what she says.
Duncan: They put her back in and she basically says
Duncan: listen, by the way, I want the Annie Kay
Duncan: case files.
Duncan: And he's like, why would I have the Annie
Duncan: Kay case files?
Duncan: And she's like maybe you took them home
Duncan: after the flood.
Duncan: And he's like, did I?
Duncan: And you say, yeah, you've got them.
Duncan: He's like, okay, I'll maybe take a look.
Duncan: And she's like, when's that going to happen?
Duncan: He's like I'll get a rim tip.
Duncan: You know what I mean.
Duncan: So it's like this is where I was already
Duncan: starting to think.
Duncan: You seem to be really shifty about that,
Duncan: like no, not in any hurry to do anything
Duncan: about this, which could just be, like you
Duncan: said before, general buffoonery and
Duncan: obstructiveness because they were used to
Duncan: being a relationship.
Duncan: So he's trying to be awkward and she wasn't
Duncan: exactly nice to him beforehand.
Duncan: But the other part of me is like you know,
Duncan: like if this is a cold case and this
Duncan: happened in your time, you would kind of be
Duncan: like or ask more questions, which he
Duncan: doesn't do at all.
Duncan: He couldn't give less of a fuck about this
Duncan: conversation at all, which kind of makes me
Duncan: think could he maybe just being paid to
Duncan: look the other way?
Duncan: Who knows, we will find out.
Bo: Yeah, I like that theory though I'm on
Bo: board with this of him being secretly like
Bo: having covered something up in the past.
Bo: Yeah, and there's a real I'm already
Bo: getting kind of ghost story vibes where
Bo: it's going to be like oh, a bunch of people
Bo: did some shit and then this is being
Bo: visited upon.
Bo: Yeah.
Bo: So anyway, so the deputy, our son, like
Bo: Jodie Foster and John Hawks kid, goes to
Bo: his home where he's got a kid of his own
Bo: called Darwin.
Bo: Darwin, yeah, and he is married to a native
Bo: woman as well, yep, and, and they seem to
Bo: have a pretty good relationship up to the
Bo: point they're about to start dry humping in
Bo: front of their kid.
Duncan: But the thing is like the kid has drawn a
Duncan: picture of.
Duncan: Essentially, once again, the Internet gives
Duncan: and it takes away, but the internet has
Duncan: given here an Inuit deity who is a woman
Duncan: missing fingers.
Duncan: All our fingers are chopped off.
Duncan: So, according to what I read online, this
Duncan: is a kind of fabled story about a like a
Duncan: kind of princess, whose father punishes her
Duncan: by essentially trying to drown her and as
Duncan: she clings to the boat that he is kind of
Duncan: peddling away from her, he takes an axe and
Duncan: removes her fingers and each of these
Duncan: fingers drop into the water and become
Duncan: their own entity.
Duncan: And this is, this is what she's doing.
Duncan: So there's a kind of there's a kind of hint
Duncan: to.
Duncan: The internet is speculating that because
Duncan: this is a kid drawing something kind of
Duncan: sinister looking and because two detective
Duncan: has in season one, season three and this
Duncan: season had a kid's drawing indicating
Duncan: something supernatural or case related,
Duncan: that this could be, this could be linked
Duncan: somehow.
Duncan: But he's basically like why is my fucking
Duncan: four year old drawing a blue woman minus
Duncan: fingers, dripping blood?
Duncan: And she's like oh yeah, she was at the
Duncan: grandmother's, like the grandmother looked
Duncan: after at the laundry, and he's like that
Duncan: and doing this and she's like, well, you
Duncan: know she's helping out because you were
Duncan: working late and you know she's there to
Duncan: help.
Duncan: And yeah, like, what's wrong with giving
Duncan: the kids some stories about his heritage?
Duncan: And he's like, well, if the kid has
Duncan: nightmares later on, it's okay if we, you
Duncan: know, you talked to him on the phone and
Duncan: explained why you shouldn't be terrified by
Duncan: this fingerless woman, right?
Bo: And she's like yeah, you handle this yeah.
Duncan: She's like you're such a white boy, and
Duncan: then they get.
Duncan: They get down to like some heavy pain.
Bo: Yeah, and like I'm look, this show has long
Bo: been a proponent of this very thing.
Bo: Yeah, you should be fucking.
Bo: And then the phone starts ringing and he's
Bo: like I got to get the phone because I'm
Bo: like the police here, and she's like uh-huh,
Bo: but let's keep.
Bo: Let's keep dry humping in front of our
Bo: child.
Duncan: Well, it's the fact that the name on it is
Duncan: that a Danvers that comes up on the thing
Duncan: and she's like just what does Danvers want?
Duncan: You don't have to worry about this and it
Duncan: keeps ringing Right.
Bo: And basically she's like it's not the
Bo: police, it's just your mom and she needs to
Bo: stop calling because you're finger-banging
Bo: me right now.
Duncan: I'm about three seconds away here.
Duncan: Let's just focus, yeah.
Bo: And and he shoves her off and I'm like you
Bo: fool, what are you doing?
Bo: And then, sure enough, uh, it's Johnny
Bo: Foster saying like look, uh, you need to
Bo: get something from your dad's house.
Duncan: Dr Licker, I hate it when you call me that
Duncan: you need to get the keybox and say, oh, I
Duncan: don't have to, and she's like, yeah, I need
Duncan: to know.
Duncan: So then we.
Bo: He says no and she's like oh, I must be
Bo: hearing something on the line, there must
Bo: be some kind of interference or something,
Bo: because I thought I heard you say no and
Bo: clearly you would never say no to your
Bo: mother.
Bo: Yeah, you piece of shit, I raised you.
Bo: Um so like so he goes to the Hawks yeah.
Duncan: He goes to like John Hawk is painting the
Duncan: room.
Duncan: The blue is blue color.
Duncan: I've ever seen a a noxious blue color.
Duncan: But he's got the roller out and he's kind
Duncan: of.
Duncan: He's kind of he's just finished painting a
Duncan: bit and he's kind of standing back and he's
Duncan: remarking over the amazing blue room that
Duncan: he's made.
Duncan: And, um, at this point the door goes.
Duncan: He answers the door to his son who comes in
Duncan: and the foot.
Duncan: He's like, oh, what are you doing here?
Duncan: And he's like that I was speaking to Darwin
Duncan: about getting a picture of me when I was
Duncan: his age, so I can show you.
Duncan: And he's like, oh, cool.
Duncan: And then he walked in and he's like that,
Duncan: huh, blue room here.
Duncan: And he's like that.
Duncan: And the first thing he says is that, is it
Duncan: too much?
Duncan: Is it too blue?
Duncan: And he's like I mean he's like so and so,
Duncan: likes blue, whatever.
Duncan: This Vlad of Vlad, stop, woman.
Duncan: Um.
Duncan: And he's like it's not too bad.
Duncan: And then there's a bit of silence and he's
Duncan: like that it's too blue, isn't it?
Duncan: It's too blue.
Duncan: I kind of hope that like and like a couple
Duncan: of episodes, time or so, differentiated
Duncan: blue going on the wall, um yeah.
Bo: a running gag where it's a different color
Bo: every time?
Bo: Yeah.
Duncan: He's like that, do you want a beer?
Duncan: And he's like no, no, no, I'll just go and
Duncan: get my.
Duncan: He's well, I'm going to get a beer.
Duncan: So they go away.
Duncan: He goes into this room where there is a
Duncan: shitload of case files, just like all of
Duncan: the place, which apparently John Hawks
Duncan: saved during some flood, um, and he's
Duncan: stolen there.
Duncan: And of course he instantly finds the Annie
Duncan: Kay file it can't take away in front of his
Duncan: dad's, who opens the window and basically
Duncan: drops the file outside.
Duncan: And as he's just closing the window, his
Duncan: dad comes in and says show me what you took.
Duncan: And it reaches in his back pocket and
Duncan: brings out a photo of I think it's him with
Duncan: his mom.
Bo: Yeah, and he's like yeah, I didn't know, I
Bo: had that picture.
Duncan: Yeah, I didn't know I had that anymore.
Duncan: And then he basically he'd like the the
Duncan: room atmosphere is completely changed.
Duncan: He's like that Watch the slippery shit out
Duncan: there.
Duncan: Um, and then we cut to.
Duncan: I think the next scene is him taking the
Duncan: case files.
Duncan: Or do we jump back to?
Bo: no, there's a quick insert, a Fiona Shaw.
Duncan: Oh, travis is like that Follow me, but he
Duncan: doesn't speak.
Duncan: She's like I will follow you and he's like,
Duncan: yes, and they're just walking out in the
Duncan: middle of fucking nowhere.
Bo: Yeah, yeah, in the middle of nothing, he's
Bo: not.
Duncan: And he's wearing long johns.
Duncan: He's wearing like, like it's not like jeans,
Duncan: right, that is a pair of long johns like
Duncan: thermal, thermal like tight.
Bo: Yeah, it's the clothes you wear under other
Bo: clothes to keep yourself more warm.
Bo: Yeah.
Bo: And then we're walking out into that, and
Bo: yeah, and then we go to the sun showing up
Bo: at Jody Foster's place with all the Annie
Bo: Kay stuff and we we get the information
Bo: about that crime, which the gist of it is
Bo: she's found was it near the mind that she's?
Duncan: found near the main in a container.
Duncan: Yeah, she is.
Duncan: She's brutally stabbed 32 times 32 times
Duncan: she's missing her tongue.
Bo: Yeah, star shaped entry wounds.
Duncan: Yes.
Bo: And there's no murder weapon found.
Duncan: No murder weapon.
Duncan: Our tongue is missing and originally she's
Duncan: like she's kind of tries to pass off.
Duncan: And then the kids like, well, maybe I just
Duncan: take the file back to my dad.
Duncan: And she's like you can't fucking bluff her
Duncan: shit.
Duncan: And she's like, right, I'll give you some
Duncan: more information and we get more
Duncan: information on, specifically, navarro's
Duncan: connection to this.
Duncan: So Navarro was the investigating officer
Duncan: and she, she's the one that was brought
Duncan: into first view of the body and she would
Duncan: not let this go.
Duncan: And she started like questioning a lot
Duncan: higher and more uncomfortable people and in
Duncan: this one, specifically the owners of the
Duncan: mine.
Duncan: She apparently rub people up the wrong way.
Duncan: Jody Foster was then at some point brought
Duncan: in and Navarro was taken off the case and
Duncan: busted down to Trip her essentially, and
Duncan: we'll get more detail about that later on.
Duncan: But this is kind of the thing.
Duncan: And of course the kids like and you think
Duncan: this is related and she's like I'm just, I
Duncan: just want to take a look over the phone
Duncan: Once again, Jody Foster playing it very
Duncan: close to the chest.
Duncan: So I'm just just want to take a look over
Duncan: the files, you know, read upon them or
Duncan: whatnot.
Duncan: So we get to feeling that like, like Foster
Duncan: thinks there's something going on here,
Duncan: like Dan, versus all over this.
Duncan: She's like right, this is too bizarre to be
Duncan: a coincidence.
Duncan: I'm going to take a little look back over
Duncan: this case, but it turns out she actually
Duncan: was very well read in before.
Duncan: So what's my case of?
Duncan: You're off the case and then the box goes
Duncan: away.
Duncan: She had looked into it at the time.
Bo: Yeah, and there's a great moment where you
Bo: know her son is pressing her about the case
Bo: and she says this is never going to be
Bo: solved.
Bo: You know, if you want to know who killed
Bo: Annie, the town of Innis killed Annie.
Bo: Yeah.
Bo: And nobody will ever answer for this.
Bo: Yeah, so she.
Bo: She's a bit of a fatalist in that way, but
Bo: we also see that, like she's still working,
Bo: she's doing her job.
Duncan: She's doing the true detective thing, which
Duncan: is well.
Duncan: That case is never really closed until it's
Duncan: closed.
Duncan: Yeah, you might not be diverting all your
Duncan: attention to it, but it's in the back of
Duncan: your head.
Duncan: We also get there's a shot here of initial
Duncan: when she's talking about this and we'll get
Duncan: more when she does the true detective
Duncan: putting out the pictures and that great
Duncan: scene where she puts them out in a spiral.
Duncan: But we do get a shot of her back and Annie
Duncan: K has a tattoo.
Duncan: Did you see this tattoo?
Duncan: Uh-uh, it's a spiral tattoo from season one.
Bo: Oh well, of course, the black line.
Duncan: You see the bottom of it.
Duncan: So she had that on her back Once again,
Duncan: probably going to go fucking nowhere, but
Duncan: I'm like, oh, I'm pointing at the screen.
Duncan: Oh, like, okay, leonardo DiCaprio and once
Duncan: a part of Hollywood.
Bo: I'm like, oh, I'm there.
Bo: It's the emotional equivalent of like when
Bo: you go see a band and they replace the name
Bo: of a city with your town.
Bo: Oh, that's what.
Bo: I am.
Bo: So yeah.
Duncan: So she knows where they are.
Duncan: So she's got a tattoo.
Duncan: We're going to see more about this as it
Duncan: kind of passes out.
Duncan: But yeah, we're going to leave this, yeah.
Bo: And then we go with Navar We've talked
Bo: about this already where she goes to this
Bo: dude's house named Kavik, yeah, and just
Bo: fucks him silly, yeah.
Duncan: She lets off steam here, she like, and we
Duncan: find that the Kavik is.
Duncan: He's a bar owner, I think, and he's also he
Duncan: makes his own home brew that he tries to
Duncan: give her.
Duncan: He's like remember, I'm a cop, so you
Duncan: shouldn't be even talking about this.
Bo: Seems like a decent guy, though, and also
Bo: seems like she is working out some shit.
Duncan: Yeah, and he's just like yeah, I think he's
Duncan: like it's indicated that maybe he wants
Duncan: something a little bit more.
Bo: Yeah, yeah.
Bo: Well, because he, you know, once they're
Bo: done fucking which like just watch that
Bo: scene, if nothing else.
Bo: But there is that moment where he's like,
Bo: hey, next time you call, I'm not picking up
Bo: the phone.
Duncan: Yeah, and she's kind of like, yeah, but you
Duncan: get a feeling that maybe he said this
Duncan: before and she's like, yeah, right, and she
Duncan: steals his toothbrush, his SpongeBob
Duncan: SquarePants toothbrush that he likes.
Bo: And because he was offended that he, she,
Bo: was using it.
Bo: Yeah, because he was like, hey, you don't,
Bo: you don't use other people's toothbrushes,
Bo: that's gross.
Bo: And then she just outright steals it.
Bo: He's like, hey, I'm making him bed and it's,
Bo: you know, a degree outside, I'm the mother
Bo: of the police.
Duncan: So yeah, so she leaves with that.
Duncan: She's worked out some stuff, but her night
Duncan: isn't even over, because everything's
Duncan: fucking weird we cut to.
Duncan: Is this where we cut to?
Duncan: Jodie Foster in bed sleeping, no no, no, no,
Duncan: no.
Bo: We get to no two things.
Bo: There's her daughter showing up, you know,
Bo: her adopted daughter, whatever.
Bo: Who is like, hey, are you?
Bo: You know?
Bo: Are you okay about today, cause there was
Bo: the drunk driver?
Bo: It's something about my mother, and Jodie
Bo: Foster is again like I don't have been with
Bo: for this.
Bo: Just go the fuck to bed, I don't have time
Bo: to think about your dead mother.
Duncan: Yeah, so there's well.
Duncan: No, I think the indication is well, she
Duncan: says that you don't have to be my mother.
Duncan: I think the insinuation is that the dad,
Duncan: the person that she was in the relationship,
Duncan: died of drunk driving.
Duncan: I think that's why isn't she's like you
Duncan: know, you don't have to be my mom.
Duncan: I think that's that's what I picked from it.
Bo: So I think that one of the parents is dead
Bo: because of a drunk driver.
Duncan: And we are going to.
Duncan: We are going to unpack that some of that,
Duncan: because that was like very quickly
Duncan: dismissed.
Duncan: I'm going to go and take a shower now.
Duncan: So we're going to, we're going to get into
Duncan: their relationship how that family dynamic
Duncan: works, but also the reason that maybe we
Duncan: weren't like you hypothesized earlier on.
Duncan: She's having the fucking worst day.
Duncan: She's just seen our daughter fucking clam
Duncan: banging another woman or another girl and
Duncan: she's just had my fit.
Bo: Yeah, we didn't talk about this.
Bo: My favorite moment of all of this, which
Bo: she's like.
Bo: I had to watch it.
Duncan: Yeah, like she's literally seen this right.
Duncan: And then she sees someone like an accident,
Duncan: drink, driving and that violent reaction.
Duncan: You thought was tall that before, but it's
Duncan: indicated that actually that might be
Duncan: because she lost a partner.
Duncan: So I'm a partner, I don't mean cop partner,
Duncan: I mean as an although it could have been a
Duncan: cop, we don't know and our payment of this
Duncan: kid so yeah, so that was a lot.
Duncan: We're going to find that, hopefully some
Duncan: stuff there as well.
Bo: So there's some break from there and once
Bo: the other scene then, before we come, so
Bo: the other one is Navarro, with that case of
Bo: Bud heavy she's carried out and I bought a
Bo: bottle of Baileys and she's just like this
Bo: is a fucking, this is, this is what's
Bo: required.
Duncan: I have a little bit of screwed this out my
Duncan: system and now I'm getting my drink on.
Bo: And yeah, and she passes by bucket guy from
Bo: the basically talking about how he's going
Bo: to get her back.
Bo: Yeah.
Bo: And so also he's out, by the way.
Duncan: Yeah, yeah.
Duncan: And so, once again as an indication to this
Duncan: town, he beat the shit out of his girl and
Duncan: now he's walking the streets.
Duncan: This Shelly woman fucking was drink driving,
Duncan: crashed her car, could have killed someone
Duncan: and she's likely going to get out.
Duncan: It's like this.
Duncan: Does anyone actually get prosecuted here,
Duncan: or do they just sleep off in the tank?
Bo: Yeah, she also dumped some of the Baileys
Bo: in the dude's casting Just to give it one
Bo: last.
Bo: Fuck you.
Bo: And then this is the moment, finally, that
Bo: you alluded to yeah.
Duncan: So we get two linking things up here
Duncan: straight away that they link back to the
Duncan: opening scene in the Antarctic station.
Duncan: The first one is Jodie Foster's in her bed
Duncan: and as she's sleeping she has this kid's
Duncan: hand come through, like over very fucking G
Duncan: on the grudge.
Duncan: This hand comes over the top of her and is
Duncan: speaking to her and she calls the kid.
Duncan: It's like a boy's name that she mentions
Duncan: and I can't remember what it is.
Duncan: It's like holding or something harrowed or
Duncan: something like that, and the voice says
Duncan: she's awake and she wakes up.
Duncan: There's no one there.
Duncan: Meanwhile, navarro has a similar situation
Duncan: where she's in our car and she's driving
Duncan: along and we're getting all these whispers
Duncan: constantly and then she hears the you know
Duncan: she's awake and as she's stopping the car,
Duncan: a fucking polar bear with one eye, like one
Duncan: eyed fucking polar bear, walks across and
Duncan: stares right at her.
Duncan: Yeah.
Duncan: So we get that scene like once again deer
Duncan: hearing, the same thing that the scientists
Duncan: heard, and then we jump into our first
Duncan: proper kind of true detective scene.
Duncan: And this is right.
Duncan: You know what?
Duncan: We're gonna break out?
Duncan: The coffee, we're gonna break out the case.
Duncan: I can't sleep.
Duncan: Let me go back through the photos.
Duncan: Jody Foster literally takes all the case
Duncan: file photos out and then starts
Duncan: interspersing them with the people from the
Duncan: station that are missing to see if she can
Duncan: find anything at all.
Duncan: And as she's holding a picture of Annie
Duncan: Kaye who's wearing a pink kind of duffel
Duncan: coat thing, she's like, hmm, that rings a
Duncan: bell.
Duncan: And she scans back through and she finds
Duncan: that one of the researchers is wearing a
Duncan: coat.
Duncan: And as she examines the same coat, the same
Duncan: pink coat, as she examines Annie Kaye's one,
Duncan: closer, on the left arm sleeve there is a
Duncan: tear.
Duncan: And when she looks at the photo again,
Duncan: someone's put a essentially a patch and
Duncan: it's a smiley face.
Duncan: The yellow smiley face patch is over the
Duncan: same arm and she's instantly like you know
Duncan: what?
Duncan: That's too much of a quinky dink.
Duncan: I'm gonna go back out to the station here.
Duncan: So she heads up to the station, she walks
Duncan: in, she hears some noises.
Duncan: She's a bit of a jittery I'd be jittery as
Duncan: well in a fucking empty station and she
Duncan: calls out the person there, I've got a gun,
Duncan: she's got a gun and and instantly go bring
Duncan: them back.
Duncan: This is what the people do.
Bo: I was like I can't believe that we didn't
Bo: already get to a.
Bo: He's got a gun, you got a gun.
Duncan: And then Navarro comes round and then we
Duncan: get a bit more of their interaction.
Duncan: So Pierce has some sort of hand over here
Duncan: at some point.
Duncan: So like Navarro was still investigating the
Duncan: case when Foster's character Danvers was
Duncan: brought in, Well, she had been.
Bo: yes, Navarro had been following the case
Bo: because she found the body, as we learned
Bo: in this scene, and it just like she's never
Bo: been able to let it go.
Bo: Jody Foster comes on after John Hawke steps
Bo: down and she's like, hey, you ought to look
Bo: into this case.
Bo: Yeah and Jody, because they have a good
Bo: working relationship, and Jody Foster is
Bo: like Nana.
Bo: That's not a good case.
Bo: I think what we learn, though, or what
Bo: we're learning about Jody Foster, is that
Bo: she it's not because she didn't look into
Bo: the case, it's because she didn't see any
Bo: clear evidence.
Duncan: Yeah, she couldn't see any way to move
Duncan: forward with it and because Navarro
Duncan: wouldn't drop it.
Duncan: Ultimately she is the one that asked
Duncan: Navarro to transfer to the trippers, which
Duncan: is mentioned here.
Duncan: So she's behind that.
Duncan: And of course, danvers is like you know,
Duncan: like I didn't do it because like I'm malice
Duncan: or anything like that.
Duncan: I just did it because you weren't going to
Duncan: survive this, you wouldn't let it go.
Duncan: And they then have this kind of talk about
Duncan: what's why you're here.
Duncan: And she's like that, well, I'm just you
Duncan: know, looking curious and all the rest.
Duncan: And she's like well, I'm just looking to
Duncan: see if any of our positions here like a
Duncan: shoe or like a necklace.
Duncan: And Danvers is like I caught.
Duncan: And she's like I caught.
Duncan: And she's like you did look into this.
Duncan: And she's like, yeah, of course I did.
Bo: And she's like I'm a great fucking cop.
Bo: I mean, get your head around that the
Bo: better.
Duncan: Yeah, and Navarro says something about you
Duncan: know, we always carry these cases with us
Duncan: and Danvers is like, well, no, we don't.
Duncan: And I really liked that moment.
Duncan: Yeah, not everyone, even though she clearly
Duncan: has.
Duncan: There's like there are some people that can
Duncan: be more pragmatic with the job and less
Duncan: personal with the job.
Duncan: You also find out that, like, one of the
Duncan: big reasons that Navarro could never let
Duncan: this go was one that happened to an
Duncan: indigenous woman and she felt that it was
Duncan: swept under the carpet.
Duncan: She basically says, if this has been a
Duncan: white woman, you know you guys would have
Duncan: never fucking stopped.
Duncan: And that's when Jodie Foster's like listen,
Duncan: I wasn't even in charge of the case here.
Duncan: I wasn't even here when it happened.
Duncan: It was you that failed the case, not me.
Duncan: Like you were in charge of it.
Duncan: You like you didn't solve it, it's not my
Duncan: fault.
Duncan: But we also find out that the extent of the
Duncan: details wasn't just when Foster explains
Duncan: that it was the stab in the mutilation.
Duncan: It's the detail you get from the bar here
Duncan: about like once she was dead, they kicked
Duncan: her ribs and they continued to beat up and,
Duncan: you know, butcher the body, physically,
Duncan: abuse her body and just that.
Duncan: That shits beyond.
Duncan: There's like it's so fucking evil that
Duncan: she's never been able to let it go.
Duncan: It's never left her, and they can't find
Duncan: the jacket though, like at all.
Duncan: And we get more kind of pithy remarks about
Duncan: her spirit animal and her spirit, kelly,
Duncan: what's your, what's your spirits telling
Duncan: you Meanwhile?
Bo: I'm crazy responses.
Bo: My spirit animal says you've got a real
Bo: shitty fuck which I love, which is very
Bo: funny which redeems the spirit animal, like,
Bo: yeah, the shit like you for breakfast.
Duncan: But meanwhile we jump to Fiona Shaw's
Duncan: character and she's getting the full red
Duncan: room treatment, right, she's getting the
Duncan: fucking like Travis is doing like
Duncan: interpretive dance and you know kind of
Duncan: spooky shit.
Duncan: And then it all culminates with him
Duncan: pointing to an area on nice and we see her
Duncan: kind of look over but we don't see what
Duncan: they all see.
Duncan: And then we get the phone call at the
Duncan: research station where the kids like listen,
Duncan: fiona Shaw's character, rose Agnew, she's
Duncan: seen something on the ice.
Duncan: And then we essentially cut to them
Duncan: arriving on the scene and this is like some
Duncan: real fucking client.
Duncan: And once again but to mention references
Duncan: also, lopez said as inspirations for this
Duncan: directly she influenced the Mary Celeste
Duncan: but also the Dilly Toph pass, and we get a
Duncan: real Dilly Toph pass kind of meets the
Duncan: thing seen here, because at first they're
Duncan: walking past towards what they're going to
Duncan: find and then, and you know, varo says to
Duncan: Rose how did you find this?
Duncan: And she's like oh well, travis showed me.
Duncan: And she's like Travis is dead.
Duncan: And she's like I know what you say.
Duncan: Yeah, no shit.
Duncan: Obviously Like, did you see what was we're
Duncan: going to come out here.
Duncan: He could never dance like that in real life.
Duncan: Only as a spirit could you find the power
Duncan: of rhythm.
Bo: Only did he have the Julie Cruz inspired
Bo: rhythm, the ethereal dancing.
Duncan: I heard of it Harley's like since he died
Duncan: he's been binge watching Twin Peaks.
Bo: Right, because he wasn't touching his nose.
Bo: I'm not really near the mark, that kind of
Bo: shit.
Bo: Like it is, it's like holy shit, duncan.
Duncan: Yeah, but like so, like she fully knows
Duncan: this.
Duncan: We cut across and we see what they see,
Duncan: which is three human men frozen in terror
Duncan: in the ice.
Duncan: And it's not just that they're on top of
Duncan: the ice and frozen, they are buried in the
Duncan: ice Like so they didn't.
Duncan: This isn't just like three days worth it,
Duncan: like somehow they've ended up embedded in
Duncan: the ice and died screaming yes, they're in
Duncan: terror.
Duncan: Well, the actual flow on terror I couldn't
Duncan: make out from the three that were there and
Duncan: we'll probably find out in the next episode
Duncan: who the three people are in relation to the
Duncan: team.
Duncan: But it does set up a bounty of questions as
Duncan: to where we're going.
Duncan: But we kicked the credits there and like I
Duncan: am rock hard.
Duncan: I'm just like this is this is my shit,
Duncan: right here.
Duncan: This is this is what 2024 is all about.
Duncan: Yeah, this is like a killer opening Tons of
Duncan: threads, tons of ideas like lots of
Duncan: different avenues we could go down.
Duncan: This could be there's something in the
Duncan: water because of the mines, like as is
Duncan: indicated in the dimension, the kind of the
Duncan: Jills Verne story.
Duncan: I think there's something in that story
Duncan: about magnets, so like the magnetism of
Duncan: that part of the world drove everyone mad.
Duncan: So there could be a bit of that.
Duncan: There could just be a bona fide serial
Duncan: killer here at work and that message is
Duncan: kind of like a con on the board.
Duncan: You know and you know he's like one of his
Duncan: trophies.
Duncan: He's leaving his trophy to see his act of a
Duncan: game.
Duncan: It could be a bit of that.
Duncan: It could be a.
Duncan: You mentioned before a case of these
Duncan: research guys.
Duncan: Come across this girl, take advantage of
Duncan: her, end up killing her and then putting
Duncan: her out of the mines as a way to distract
Duncan: attention.
Duncan: Right to throw, yeah, and something happens
Duncan: that basically triggers them all like a
Duncan: mass psychosis and their and their research
Duncan: station.
Duncan: Loads of options here and is the is is the
Duncan: she's awake we're referring to?
Bo: are we talking about Annie?
Bo: I don't know Where's.
Duncan: Annie.
Duncan: Where's Annie?
Duncan: I don't know.
Duncan: You know what I mean.
Duncan: There's a reason she's called Annie, right
Duncan: yeah?
Duncan: And are you, ok.
Duncan: Ok, annie Kay.
Duncan: So I'm just delighted Michael Jackson was
Duncan: behind the whole fucking thing.
Duncan: No, I think, I don't know, I don't like,
Duncan: because there's also, like I said before,
Duncan: the idea of this kind of in you at goddess
Duncan: being a woman as well.
Duncan: I don't like, I don't like, I don't know.
Duncan: It's weird to was mentioned various times,
Duncan: but also is very, very, very strange that
Duncan: there seems to be a lot of connections to
Duncan: something that happened three days ago.
Duncan: It drove the animals crazy, it's turned the
Duncan: water bad and all these people at this
Duncan: station are missing and a six year old case
Duncan: is all of a sudden open again.
Bo: It's true, it's active man, it's good stuff.
Bo: I really enjoyed it.
Bo: Like I said, I hadn't been keeping up with
Bo: the internet response to it, so I, if you
Bo: had told me, yes, season one, diehards are
Bo: like well, it's as good as season one.
Bo: It's like well, fucking.
Bo: Of course no one had ever seen anything
Bo: like this.
Duncan: And it's hard to recreate that.
Duncan: If you could ever recreate that.
Bo: Right, like do something wildly different
Bo: every time you make a TV show.
Bo: Yeah.
Bo: Good Lord, you did it once.
Bo: Congratulations.
Bo: You're not going to do it four times in a
Bo: row, yeah.
Bo: So that aside, that kind of nonsense aside,
Bo: I really like the mystery.
Bo: I like the fact that we don't yet know.
Bo: Yes, it definitely is leaning into kind of
Bo: supernatural stuff, but, given given the
Bo: framing of unreliable narration, yeah is
Bo: the supernatural stuff.
Bo: We see more evidence of people's psychology
Bo: than it is actual supernatural shit.
Bo: Yeah.
Bo: Or are we going to lean into supernatural
Bo: shit?
Bo: Are we going to finally have the true
Bo: detective season where it's like guess what
Bo: ghosts are real?
Duncan: Yeah, I mean, I mean I could, I could very
Duncan: well.
Duncan: We've been hinting at and almost every
Duncan: season, like almost every minus season, to
Duncan: the kind of supernatural element is kind of
Duncan: has been there, it's been, it's been
Duncan: underpinning something of whether or not
Duncan: it's like there's more belief than anything
Duncan: else, is belief in something which is
Duncan: inherently scary because it's Pagan or it's
Duncan: you know, it's it's perceived as being evil.
Duncan: That the idea that we are we're dealing
Duncan: with like characters who in some way feel
Duncan: like they come from, like a belief system
Duncan: of some description.
Duncan: And that idea of belief means science,
Duncan: because what they will remember, these are
Duncan: fucking six, seven scientists that are
Duncan: missing and they're doing like science on
Duncan: the ground on what might be an area which
Duncan: is deeply spiritual and they themselves
Duncan: could.
Duncan: And then there's a whole idea of just like
Duncan: the most simple thing cabin fever like one
Duncan: person goes mad, like one person who's done
Duncan: a horrible thing, like goes mad at the
Duncan: trigger of something, ends up killing
Duncan: everyone.
Duncan: I don't think the weird thing is I think
Duncan: we're going to, I think we're going to see
Duncan: the phone footage, I think that's going to
Duncan: come out at some point, but the idea of
Duncan: them all being there's no blood in the room,
Duncan: no evidence of a struggle.
Duncan: They weren't there, and three of them are
Duncan: being found miles away buried in ice.
Duncan: It's just too tempting man.
Duncan: It's just too tempting.
Bo: Yeah, it's really good.
Bo: The only thing that I want from episode two
Bo: is I wanted to begin with Diane.
Bo: Who'd have thought my time in the Federal
Bo: Bureau of Invection investigation would
Bo: take me north of the Arctic Circle?
Bo: I've booked a room in a local hotel.
Bo: Across the hall from me is a psychotic
Bo: woman who, Trooper sister, keeps showing up
Bo: in on hours, but they seem like good enough
Bo: people.
Duncan: Oh man, let me get shot in this and falls
Duncan: over and then, like a man, delivers a warm
Duncan: glass of milk and just keeps asking them if
Duncan: they're OK.
Duncan: Yeah, that'll be over the moon.
Duncan: Yeah, there's plenty to mine from here.
Duncan: I'm super curious to see where they go.
Duncan: I think, because it's only six episodes, I
Duncan: don't think we're going to be left with a
Duncan: ton of mystery all the way through this.
Duncan: I get feeling that, narratively speaking,
Duncan: we're going to make a lot around the next
Duncan: episode.
Bo: I mean in theory.
Bo: The end of the next episode is the end of
Bo: Act One.
Duncan: Yes, and also, if anything has been shown
Duncan: thus far to the tech, the mid episode is
Duncan: always the one where you get like the
Duncan: showstopper episode.
Duncan: You know.
Duncan: It's the one where, like, we got the kind
Duncan: of the scene where they rescue the, the
Duncan: witness, from inside the kind of drug town.
Duncan: And season two it was a big shoot out.
Duncan: I can't remember what it did in season
Duncan: three, but like always that midpoint thing,
Duncan: midpoint season, is episode three in this,
Duncan: so we're not far off it.
Duncan: So, yeah, I think I'm expecting big things.
Duncan: I really really am.
Duncan: I love where this is going.
Duncan: Like yourself, if they want to lean in much
Duncan: more horror and supernatural, why not?
Duncan: They're all their own things.
Duncan: Every season should have a different feel
Duncan: and a different vibe because it's different
Duncan: people in this different story.
Duncan: So, yeah, looking forward to it.
Bo: Yeah, it's really having a ball with it.
Bo: So far, all right.
Bo: So early theories we've certainly you've
Bo: espoused the one about John Hawk.
Bo: I think he's on the tick.
Bo: Yeah, I like that I said in my business
Bo: about hey, I think there's going to be a
Bo: ghost story S kind of vibe to this, where
Bo: Annie will have been killed by the
Bo: researchers and not.
Bo: I think the mind is going to be a MacGuffin.
Duncan: I think you're probably right.
Duncan: I think the main has probably paid off John
Duncan: Hawks to not continue investigating purely
Duncan: because of the optics, rather than it was
Duncan: the miners that did it, which kind of feels
Duncan: a bit a bit too on the nose and a bit easy.
Duncan: So yeah.
Bo: Yeah, and you know, one thing that we know
Bo: about True Detective also is that every
Bo: season is kind of about how money and power
Bo: will get you out of shit, always, always.
Bo: And so the mind, I think, is a good way to
Bo: say that, while still not being the anyway,
Bo: it's so early like that.
Bo: Like you said, I'm so excited by the sheer
Bo: variety of directions this could go.
Duncan: Yeah, let's put it this way.
Duncan: I don't think there's a very good chance
Duncan: that we could get to the end of this, and
Duncan: none of what we've said is right.
Bo: And I'd be like cool with that.
Bo: Oh yeah, I would love it if they're like
Bo: hey, left turn, we've solved the Solol
Bo: thing.
Bo: And actually that just leads us to another
Bo: question about this other group.
Bo: You know the people funding Solol.
Duncan: There is a mention specifically of whoever
Duncan: owns the.
Duncan: Mine was being investigated by Navarro and
Duncan: that was the big no.
Duncan: No, yeah, because she mentioned the Danvers
Duncan: mentions it to her son.
Duncan: She's like I even.
Duncan: She even went as far as to investigate its
Duncan: own son.
Duncan: Oh shit, or that.
Duncan: So that's a character that very well may
Duncan: appear in an upcoming episode, and we
Duncan: always get those.
Duncan: We always get the person behind the
Duncan: business, behind the company.
Duncan: The person's at the top is always as a
Duncan: character that comes in, generally as the
Duncan: villain, but not necessarily always.
Duncan: But yeah, I think we're, I think we're
Duncan: we're in for a good one.
Duncan: But all I know is I'm glad to be back doing
Duncan: DBCC and I'm glad to be doing true
Duncan: detective.
Bo: So yeah, yeah, it's very exciting, All
Bo: right, well, we'll be back next week.
Bo: Between now and then, duncan, where can
Bo: people find more out of your business?
Duncan: Yes, please check out my podcast podcast
Duncan: under the stairs, currently working through
Duncan: my top 20 horror movies of 2023 by 10.
Duncan: This episode drops, I will have concluded
Duncan: the back half and we'll be moving on to the
Duncan: essentially 10 through through one which
Duncan: will be dropping in between this episode
Duncan: and the next episode dropping.
Duncan: So, yeah, I go and check that
Duncan: teapotscastcom or at teapotscast on YouTube
Duncan: where I'm now putting all my stuff.
Bo: So great and as always, you can find this
Bo: and more not only at Duck and Bo comes
Bo: quick, but with the Dark Parade which has
Bo: all the other shenanigans, I get up to most
Bo: recently an episode with Kate Pollock in
Bo: which we discuss the movie Black Swan and
Bo: also a woman who claims to be in a
Bo: relationship with an ethereal alien
Bo: creature.
Bo: Who's to prove she isn't?
Bo: You know it's hard to prove a negative, so
Bo: it's hard to.
Bo: But you know, like that whole segment
Bo: started about people who dated ghosts and
Bo: has just turned into people who just date
Bo: weird shit, and but I love it.
Bo: It's one of my favorite things that I get
Bo: to do on the regular.
Bo: So but that's it.
Bo: Between now and then, Please check out all
Bo: the stuff Duncan mentioned.
Bo: Please drop by Dark Parade, and we will be
Bo: back in a week with more true detective and
Bo: more answers and a hell of a lot more
Bo: questions.
Bo: So until then, the only thing left for me
Bo: to do is to say to my good friend Duncan
Bo: say good night, Duncan.
Duncan: I'm just going to make that as long as I
Duncan: thought you deliberately done that and I
Duncan: was like I will have to stop recording.